Hey guys, here is a special I hope you'll all like. Since I take character Birthday's seriously and because there a good excuse to write specials, here's the one for everyone's favorite Wise Girl: Annabeth Chase. But I'll leave you guys to read the fic to find out what happened, find out.
The Percy Jackson series and characters belong to Rick Riordan.
This fic is rated K+
Best Chase Scenario
By: Executor25
Happy Birthday to
Annabeth 'Wise Girl' Chase
Daughter of Athena
Significant other of Percy Jackson
Saturday Morning, Jackson-Chase Apartment
Annabeth woke up to a feeling she had grown accustomed to over the years. When her eyes fluttered open, she found her boyfriend –Percy Jackson— comfortably snuggled and breathing into her Blonde hair whilst she was in a cuddling position, using his broad chest as her personal pillow.
She had expected this day to go regularly, considering it was a Saturday, so she quietly and as little movement as possible, slid out of Percy's grasp on her and slowly made her way to their bathroom.
After showering and doing her morning routine, she exited the bedroom door and entered the kitchen. After a sandwich and a cup of coffee, she wrote a note that practically said she'd be out until Lunch, and even though she had told him the previous day, she made sure that he didn't forget and panic.
So with that, she walked out of their shared apartment and rode the elevator down to the ground floor to finish the tasks she needed to finish for the day's morning…
30 Minutes Later, Jackson-Chase Apartment
When Percy awoke, he practically leaped out of his bed. He knew what day it was for once and for a good reason as well. He, most of his closest friends and a few from friends Camp Half-Blood had been planning this for some time.
He took a bath, did his hair for once, and began rapidly contacting the group that Annabeth had left.
Soon enough, the rest of the original 7, Calypso, Reyna, Thalia, Will, Nico, Grover & Juniper had all arrived within minutes of each other.
"Morning guys!" Exclaimed Percy from the Kitchen as a fresh aroma wafted over the visitors.
"Hey Perce, what are you making over there?" Beckoned Grover as he walked into the where he was cooking.
"Hey G-Man, an arsenal of Pancakes, Bacon and Eggs, care to help?"
"Sure thing and are the Pancakes Blue?"
"Of course they are"
So the now Percy and Grover continued off the Breakfast buffet, with few other types of food thrown in to account for everyone. When it was almost finished, Percy dispatches Grover to have everyone come to the dining table or find space in the living room.
After then beckoning Leo and Jason to help bring the dishes to the tables, they lay out the platters and the group begins to eat. Small talk is exchanged between everyone and everyone seemed happy considering how Percy had gone around and thrown text messages that said "WAKE UP, ANNABETH'S LEFT THE HOUSE".
He does all the dishes in record time because of being a descendant of Poseidon and called everyone for a meeting in the living room.
"Alright guys, I know we talked about this already but just to be sure, we're going to go over it one more time, sound good?"
"Yeah" Was the collective answer from his audience.
"Alright, Will, Nico and Reyna are on food duty—"
"Actually the food is in my apartment, we bought everything yesterday" Reyna replied with Will and Nico nodding their heads in confirmation.
"That's great then, you guys can stay and rest, now continuing, Leo, Calypso, and Thalia are going to be getting decorations—"
"Yes, Boss!" Shouted Leo from behind Calypso's back as she had resorted to sitting on his lap.
"—Hazel and Piper are getting the cake, Jason and Frank are on lookout and Grover and Juniper are going with me, sound good?"
"Sure thing" Was the response from everyone else.
"Alright, guys scram now, and don't forget your gifts!" He said, making a 'shooing' motion with his hands when
Everyone headed off to the door –excluding Grover and Juniper— giving him various signs of acknowledgment.
"So why'd you want us with you?" Grover decided to ask when everyone had filed out the door.
"Well I was hoping you guys could help me find her a gift—" Percy said as he sheepishly ran his hands threw his hair.
"Of course we'll help you, Percy!" Grover beamed at him, Juniper supplying him an encouraging smile.
"Thanks, guys, gift shopping it is"
District Mall, Saturday Morning(Cake Team)
Leo, Calypso, Thalia, Hazel, and Piper had all decided on to the local mall since it would save time and resources for what they had to do. They agreed to meet at one of the restaurants when they had finished everything and split up.
"So Piper, what do have in mind, being the daughter of the goddess of love and all?" Hazel asked as she and Piper strolled down an aisle of bakeries.
"I have a few ideas in mind…" Piper trailed off, the look in her eyes suggesting her mind was cranking out more than a few ideas.
"Uh-huh, care to explain some" Hazel suggested as they turned into one of the stores that specialized in cakes.
"Well, you know how they've endured so much together right?"
Hazel responded with a polite humming sound as they went through various sugar-filled desserts in their display cases.
"Well, I was thinking about something that represented that" She explained as they stopped at what was apparently a blue-coated Vanilla and Strawberry cake.
"I like that one but what about the others, you said you had several" Hazel inquired, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"Well, I was also thinking about one that showed their relationship—"
"Well, this one clearly is good for that!" Hazel exclaimed, pointing at the cake in front of them.
"Your right, let's take off this one and continue" And they did exactly that, both mentally noting it and moving own. Piper gave another set of ideas which included an homage to CHB and a representation of their friend circle(The latter one wasn't chosen since they couldn't find anything that fit the description).
They decided on the most CHB-looking cake they could find(Though the other one that symbolized their relationship was asked to be reserved for a different occasion)and combined their money –even though Piper insisted on her paying the complete price—,then bought the cake and its candles.
They messaged the decoration team with a non-monster-attracting phone of Celestial bronze, courtesy of the Hephaestus cabin(Notably Leo), and made their way to the rendezvous area…
District Mall, Saturday Morning(Decoration Team)
As opposed to Piper and Hazel's quick success, Leo, Calypso, and Thalia weren't experiencing the former pair's luck. Even if you considered other parties and the fact they didn't have to buy as much as those, they couldn't find all the items on the list Percy had provided them with.
First, they didn't have all the letters for 'Happy Birthday Annabeth!' notably, B's, E, and H's.
Secondly, they had so far failed in finding streamers that were the length of that Percy had requested. Their finds had either been too long or too short which warranted them to keep searching.
"So, we else do we have to find Leo?" Inquired Thalia, as she peered over Leo's shoulder to see the list that he had in his hands to see what else they had in the checklist.
"Okay hold on, first it's Commodore Valdez and secondly, a few more letters and streamers then we should be good to go" He grinned at his two female compatriots and continued leading the way, going over another map of the mall.
Thalia lightly chuckled and Calypso deadpanned, as much as she loved spending time with him, sometimes his antics just wanted her to send him back to Ogygia.
"Hey guys, I found another—huh, oh a text from Hazel, apparently they're done with cake…" He said as he then showed them the text he had received.
"C'mon Leo, this would have been faster if we hadn't been sidetracked multiple times" Grumbled Calypso as she began to approach him.
"But in my defense, we didn't even buy anything and—Sunshine what are you doing!" Before he could finish his speech, Calypso was pulling him by the collar to the next store he had pointed out.
"Sunshine, Mamacita, please let me go" He begged her as she continued towing him behind her.
"No and that's final" Was her firm response.
"Thalia, please?" He begged the hunter of Artemis who just snickered at his position which forced Leo to drop the subject. The three of them continued walking the rest way, attracting odd looks and side comments from the bystanders.
"Alright we're here" Announced Calypso as the trio stood outside of the part toystore, part party supplies store that they had singled out on the map.
"Oh thank gods, that means I get to be separated from her" Exclaimed Leo, albeit he didn't see the glint that Calypso had in eyes.
"When did I say I would let you go Leo Valdez" Chided Calypso, a smirk resting on lips as Leo's face visibly paled at what she had just said. She then gestured to Thalia but she was already making her way to the party decoration side of the store.
"Can't you at least pull someone else that his my collar…maybe by the arm?" He asked hopefully to which she decided to agree and linked his right arm with her left.
"Thanks, Mamacita, now how about those decorations, eh?" And the two –side by side— began to go thru the aisles in the store to find the missing assets in their list.
30 Minutes Later
Piper and Hazel were currently in the agreed-upon restaurant where they were supposed to meet back up. It had been more than Forty Minutes since she had last messaged Leo alas to no reply. Since had been that long and to not be rude to the staff, they had each ordered sandwiches with some water to pass the time.
They were engrossed in their conversation and mid-morning snack, they didn't notice the door open and three people walk in.
"So have you ever considered—Huh? Oh hey guys didn't see you there" Smiled Piper as she was tapped on the back by –still arm-linked— Leo. Hazel also took this as the time to stand up and pay the cheque.
After this Piper messaged Percy that they were on the way back, which sent the son of Poseidon into an alarmed state…
District Mall, Saturday Morning
Percy, Grover, and Juniper were currently in the jewelry wing of a mall looking for Percy's gift for Annabeth. This was technically Percy's second gift since had gone and picked one up a couple of days ago.
They were going through the selections when he received the text which in turn, made him suddenly aware of how much time he had left: Two Hours.
He began frantically rambling about not getting something in time until Grover soothed and calmed him down.
After replying to the message and siphoning some more, and then he found something that he thought suited as a gift Annabeth would enjoy.
"Hey, guys I found this, what do you think of it?" He asked as he approached the pair.
"Huh, oh yeah, that's nice, you should be that one" Grover recommended and the three of them headed to the cashier counter.
"Uh, do any of you have a 50? I'm short of that" He asked as they stood at the counter.
"Ah, here you go buddy" Responded Grover who then passed him his 50 dollar bill. They paid for the item and began heading to the parking lot. However before they reached the lot, they heard the shout of Percy!, from behind them.
"I didn't know you guys were here, we could have used your help actually," Said Leo as he along with the four others from the morning run approached the startled group of three.
"We just recently arrived here for a—" Before Grover could finish though, Percy clamped his hands over his mouth, muffling what came after. The Satyr responded with bleating which was Percy's cue to remove his hand, the others –excluding Juniper— had their suspicions but decided not to raise them.
"Anyways…we all best going since we still have to arrange all of this stuff, yes?" Asked Calypso, breaking the Tension and everyone agreed, making their way to the vehicles they had used to get there. On the way back, Percy messaged Nico and Will that they could come back to his apartment to set-up the food(Which he would like to note that several dishes had come from the making of his hands, brought to their apartment as to make sure the daughter of Athena wouldn't turn suspicious as to why they had so much pasta), and tell Reyna she would be needed as well.
When the group arrived back at the apartment, they immediately set to work, especially considering they had an hour and a half remaining. The decoration team hung up the newly acquired streamers, Percy went off back to his second domain –The Kitchen— to make cookies, Nico shadow-travelled Will, Reyna and the other food that they had stored. He recalled Jason and Frank to rest from being advanced warning since Leo had placed cameras at the entrance to the apartment as well as the elevators and thus he was put on lookout duty. Grover helped wherever he could whilst Juniper decided to rest in the small Juniper plant Grover had brought with him.
Eventually, threw their efforts, everything was finished and ready so Percy decided to call a break, they had Twenty Eight Minutes remaining until Annabeth came back so it was a safe move.
He pulled drinks and sandwiches, which he had also been making, and distributed it to his set-up team. Light-hearted banter was exchanged whilst everyone had their share of mid-morning snacks, it was all fine until Leo announced:
"Guys she's about to enter the elevators!"
Momentary silenced befell the room until everyone processed what he had just said, ate, and drank what else they still had and took cover. All lights were off and any sign of activity was non-existent. A few moments of tense silence past which was broken by the only sound that could be heard: footsteps. They steadily got louder until they had deduced that the person had reached the doorway, this was shortly followed by the click of the door lock.
"Hey Seaweed Brain, you here?, I didn't know he went somewhere today…" Murmured Annabeth as everyone stood on alert to initiate the plan that had been made for the moment like this.
Everything –thankfully— happened as planned, she turned on the light which was wired by Leo to drop the Happy Birthday Annabeth banner from the ceiling. Everyone managed to appear to surprise her –made evident by her face and the fact she had gone speechless— and Percy approached her to wrap her in an embrace.
"Happy Birthday Wise Girl," He said into her ear and laid a kiss on her forehead.
"I-uh, you did all of this Seaweed Brain?" She asked, the bewilderment evident in her voice.
"Yup, now come on, much to do" And he led her by the hand into the living room. Everyone had gathered around and RISK had been set out on the coffee table.
"Board game huh, you picked poorly Percy," She said, eyeing the game box on the table.
He scoffed, "I think not, besides how bad could it get?"
Suffice to say, very. They had a Four-way match with Percy and Jason, Leo with Calypso, Hazel with Frank, Annabeth paired with Piper(Annabeth refused to have Percy with her then winked at him and said she had her reasons), whilst everyone else acted spectator.
Now Annabeth practically cleared the entire map within Ten whole minutes. This resulted in surprise and bitterness(Most notably Leo) at the outcome of the match. They played a couple of more games, with Annabeth winning most of them and Leo proclaiming that she was cheating due to her heritage. Deciding that de-escalation was in order as well as the fact it was already noon-time, Percy ordained that was Lunch and gathered everyone around.
After he and Grover(He was practically de-facto second in command now)handed out plates and utensils and everyone served themselves Lunch. The two of them seated themselves next to Annabeth on the couch.
"So, What do you think of your Eighteenth Birthday?" Asked Percy, as the trio set themselves comfortably on the piece of furniture.
"It's great Seaweed Brain thanks, and I guess to everyone else…and you to Grover before you protest" Answered Annabeth, a fond smile on her lips.
"I-Thanks, also don't you guys think this is nice, just the three of us for now…like before," Grover said, a long look in his eyes as he stared into the ceiling. Annabeth and Percy chuckled, memories of their first quests coming back to them.
"Those weren't bad times" She supplied as they began talking of the events that would form them.
Grover suddenly huffed, "Do you know how frustrating it was to see you guys get romantically involved, I mean...Five Whole Years!" He vented, which initially confused the pair and they began to laugh, followed by Grover himself.
Lunch passed with it being a generally good time, it was suddenly interrupted when Annabeth called their attention.
"Hey guys, first of all, thanks for the party, I appreciate which brings me to my second point, I propose a toast, anything you're drinking, to each other and for the effort, you guys put into this…To another year to us!"
"To another year!" They all cheered then drank whatever content they had in their cups.
Following this, Percy called everyone to bring out their gifts for Annabeth to open. She got a multitude of things, a couple of pictures from when she and Percy's relationship started, courtesy of Piper(And the Aphrodite Cabin), a couple of fireproof sweaters from Frank and Hazel, a jack in the box from Leo(Though he gave a tool kit that could fix any home appliance after), a compilation of recipes from Calypso(Which Annabeth said that she wouldtry at least to make several of these) and several others. The most notable of all was of course from Percy, a beautiful Blue and Grey sparkling necklace that he had bought.
"Wow…it's beautiful Percy, could you like—" She requested, blushing slightly.
"I know where you going, c'mere Wise Girl"
She approached then handed him the necklace, turning around so that Percy could connect it behind her neck, he also decided to kiss her hair while he was at it.
After, Percy allowed everyone to hang around until they decided to leave, to which they all agreed to.
Casual banter was exchanged with Percy asking Leo and Calypso how they came back, Will and Nico getting a tad bit uncomfortable which resulted in them shadow traveling into the bathroom and other shenanigans like this.
By the time mid-afternoon rolled around, a few had to leave –notably Reyna, Thalia, Will, and Nico—which left the original Seven plus Three.
Jason recommended having a movie marathon and so they all unanimously agreed to it, with popcorn being prepared. They watched for so long, the next time they checked the time, it was approaching evening.
They all bid their goodbyes, promised to visit again, and left the Jackson-Chase apartment.
"Today was great Percy, thanks" Murmured Annabeth as the two decided to cuddle on the couch.
"Aw, no problem Wise Girl, you are Eighteen now so I felt that would be important" He answered back, grabbing a handful of leftover popcorn and eating it.
"Oh, and by the way, one last gift" He mentioned and began digging around his pockets.
"Really? You don't have too you know, I'm perfectly fine with the necklace—" She stopped talking right there because of what Percy produced in his hands. A pair of cruise ship tickets to Athens.
"Now I know for a fact it would be easier if went by plane but that would probably end up badly"
Annabeth managed a chuckle at this "How did you get this though?" She asked, still bewildered at the two slips in his hands
"Made a reservation online, picked up the tickets at a terminal," He said, the smile on his face indicating he was proud of what he'd done.
"Also," He said this one in more quietly, "I'd heard my dad may aid us to get there" which meant it was assured that Poseidon would help them arrive in Athens.
"When do we leave them?" Annabeth asked, now recovering from her initial surprise.
"July Sixteen, Five days so I think we should begin preparations tomorrow"
"Agreed and…Thank you Percy for, everything today, it was amazing" She said, beaming at him now and enveloping him in a hug.
"No problem Annabeth, I wouldn't mind doing this again for the record"
"Now I don't know how to repay you on your birthday" Which caused the two of them to laugh.
"You know you don't have too, for all I care it could just be you, me, my mom, stepdad, and Estelle, and all would be fine" Which caused a chuckle to escape from her mouth.
"But you know that I wouldn't do that"
"Of course you wouldn't, now come and help me make dinner—"
"No?" He was confused, why wouldn't she want to have dinner.
"I just want time with you, cuddling, putting on a documentary, things like that" She explained, his mind understanding and he was all on board with this.
So they set up the couch with pillows and blankets and turned on a documentary. They would eventually have dinner and then they resumed their activity.
Two Hours Later
"That wasn't bad at all, what do you think Percy"
She soon found out that was fast asleep, drooling. She chuckled as she made herself comfortable on his shoulder. Soon she too was fast asleep, thus not seeing his arms wrap around her.
Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this fic. Annabeth is one of my favorite characters from Rick Riordan's books thus, dedicated fanfic. Also, this was a day late, so sorry about that. Next is Percabeth And Caleo fic so wait for those. I'll leave it at that guys, see you all next time, stay safe! : )
Note: Also the longest written fanfic I've done to date, Huzzah.