Katsuki likes to go back to his parents' house on Sunday and find his favorite spicy dishes on the table, talking with them about his heroic deeds and complaining about Deku.

But on that day, in his house, in his beautiful and refined design house, there is a strange atmosphere.

There is nobody in the dining room.

It is as if his parents had gone out without warning him.

The blond, already irritated, lets out a sigh between his teeth and places his bag on the sofa.

"Where are you?" he screams, but with no reply.

Feeling the impatience boiling in his stomach, Katsuki decides to go up the stairs.

He has almost reached the end, when his mother's lashing voice cuts through the walls.


Katsuki is in the corridor, but he distinctly sees his father's cell phone flying out of his parents' room.

"Mitsuki, there is no need to do so..."

These calm words are followed by a dry snap, which Katsuki remembers too well on his cheeks as an insolent child.

Except that his father is not an insolent child, he is a forty-three-year-old fashion designer and arrogance cannot be attributed to him.


"What happens?"

The two adults see their only child appear in front of their bedroom, which is dark despite being a spring midday.


"Stop acting like two kids."

"You don't know anything, so stay out of it!"

The sixteen year old blonde notes that his mother is upset, with tears in her eyes.

Unusual vision, he has never seen her cry in his life.

The boy's ruby eyes move on his father's figure, in search of clarifications.

"Dad, can you explain?"

The man stutters, and it is at that point that Mitsuki explodes like a bomb, despite being the only one in the family who has no flammable powers:


At that point, Masaru's brown eyes flash cold and threatening towards his wife.

"Don't you dare to call her that."

Katsuki is not understanding: does his father really have a double life? He, so shy and... uninteresting?

He, who has always been a devoted husband attached to Mitsuki's skirt?

Did his mother drink too much sake during the reunion with friends on Saturday night?

The Hero in training tries to remain calm, but he has a very bad feeling deep down.

He has been mulling over it for some time, but that fierce confrontation seems to confirm his doubts: Masaru has always endured his marriage to a demanding and strong-willed woman like Mitsuki, a fitness instructor in a very popular gym.

Katsuki has always looked for the dividing line between affection and love within them, but has always been blurred and confused. One thing is certain: at the dawn of the forty-four years of age, his father is tired of being Mitsuki's dog.

Of course he didn't expect such unfairness: his mother is a real hag at times, but she sincerely loves her husband.

"A Hero meddles where he shouldn't."

The words of damned Deku buzz in his mind, but they are sacrosanct and he decides to put them into practice.

"Dad... Is it true what mom says?"

His voice comes out calm, set like an adult's, even if his heart beats to 1000 per hour.

The integrity of his family is at stake.

From behind the lenses of his glasses, Masaru scrutinizes his family members and feels trapped. Once again, mother and son make him feel inferior.

Luckily things are about to change...

"It's true, Katsuki. All true."

A bucketful of frozen water down the back. That's the effect of Masaru's words on his son.

"Aren't you ashamed?" he growls against him grimly.

"Oh, should I be ashamed?"

Now Masaru's insignificant and very common eyes shine haughtily.

"You are not in a position to speak to me. I couldn't have had a son worse than you, spoiled and superb since kindergarten. I don't feel a guilty conscience, I tried to teach you the value of humility, but in this house I was not alone and someone with an ego as big as a planet ruined my efforts..."

The matter is taking an unexpected turn.

Neither of the accused takes a step or says a word.

They are both shocked.

"Now I can start a new life with a woman who doesn't feel the need to put me on a leash, for which my opinions are worth and who will give me a daughter who will grow up with a healthy education. Oh, for your information, Mitsuki... It's been almost two years of dating, but math has never been your forte, am I right?"

Katsuki is petrified. The times when his jaw fell in front of Deku's-improvised-Quirk and his alleged attempt to mess with him are long gone.

He is in front of things of a completely different caliber. His father is an asshole, a treacherous son of a bitch.

An executioner who whines like a victim, when nobody had him obliged to betroth Mitsuki.

He doesn't give a damn about anything, he only knows that a lady Nobody will give him a stepsister whom he will never, ever want to know.

Or maybe yes, he will want to meet her and then put her against their father.

It would be a good revenge, in spite of the concept of heroism.

In the meantime, his father has turned to go down the stairs with his suitcase clutched between his fingers and Katsuki thinks how nice it would be if he stumbled and broke the fuckhead he has.

He leaves the house and goes away.

Katsuki says nothing, his house looks like a cemetery.

Mitsuki is slumped against the door jamb of her former bridal chamber, a double bed that will now be freezing on one side.

Katsuki helps her get back on her feet.

"My head is spinning…"

"I'm going to get you some sugar."

The sixteen year old descends the stairs and pours water into a glass, while a horrible sense of discouragement makes its way into him, a burning disappointment that burns worse than the flames of Endeavor.

With a snap of anger, he throws the spoon in the sink and brings the water to his mother.

It is already certain that he will spend the rest of the week mentally fighting against his cheater father, and his prediction doesn't fail.

For the rest... he feels frozen, he can't even get mad anymore.

Not even Deku's progress shakes him anymore.

And not even his asking him if something is wrong makes him erupt like a volcano.

Masaru hit hard.

Much harder than Mitsuki's screams.

The quiet water has been more incisive than the lava flow.