I do not own the rights to Naruto or Flash.

As I wrote in Naruto-Arrow, Naruto-Flash will be a separate piece. It will also contain a lot of sexual content, if you do not like it - do not read. With ever I warn English is not my native language. So I immediately apologize for the grammar. Chapters will match the series.

Naruto in the harem will have: Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost), Linda Park, Patty Spivot.

Possibly: Iris West, Jesse Quick.

I will also consider your suggestions.

Also special thanks to timbarney110 for help with spelling.

And so we begin.

Chapter 1 - Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot.

Naruto Allen's day began as usual, that is, being late to the crime scene. But his adoptive father, Joe West, covered for him in front of Captain Sing, while he was taking all the necessary evidence, before going back to his laboratory in the police.

He was looking through the files of the Mardon brothers when he heard that someone had entered the laboratory. Looking up, he saw his adopted sister Iris West. She was wearing tight jeans, shoes, a blouse that accentuated her juicy breasts; a pair of buttons were unbuttoned showing her neckline. Iris was a very beautiful African American. They grew up together as brother and a yellow lightning, 10 years after my mother and brother killed sister, and his father was imprisoned.

At 18, they decided to take each other's virginity, and ever since then they have often had sex. Just become sex partners. But they didn't enter into a relationship.

"Well, I'm ready to see how your accelerator accelerates these atoms." said Iris, who entered and hugged Naruto by the neck, he hugged her by the waist, and their lips joined in a passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined and fought for supremacy. Naruto's hands fell on her tight ass and squeezed her ethusiasticly. While Iris groaned into Naruto's mouth, lossing their little battle.

"Today there was a skirmish at the bank, and Joe wants me to double check some of the evidence." Naruto answered. He broke the kiss and went to look at the test results - "This means unfortunately that I don't know if we will be able to go and see the accelerator power up."

"I thought it was your dream other than me? A very Nerdy and boring dream." She asked, as she took french fries from his plate.

"Hey, this is my potato!" Naruto exclaimed and took the plate. But Iris knew how to make him share. She took one straw of french fries and put it between her boobs, Naruto could not resist and bent down to her chest and kissed them before grabbing the potatoes and eating him. They often did this to each other.

"I'm all nerves because of the dissertation, and eat only hot dogs, today I ate two. But I wouldn't mind another one." Iris came closer to Naruto and squeezed his cock through his jeans, and ran a hand over it, it was hard floor. She would have had no trouble stimulating him to a full erection, up to 11 inches.

"You look amazing, you don't have to worry about your waist,"Naruto explained. Before he started to explain the principle of operation of the accelerator of particles and Iris pretended, that he understands, he says, but it was not so.

" It's time for you to find a girl, Naruto," the sister said to the brother, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Naruto was about to answer her when a new voice distracted them.

"Leave it Iris, while he is working," said the incoming Joe.

"Hi, Dad." - the daughter greeted the father with a smile, and heard a signal from the computer, - the analysis is complete.

Naruto began to tell Joe what he had learned, and handed over a list of places where the Mardon brothers could hide. Joe was pleased with the work of his adoptive son. And after being asked, if they could go, Joe finally released them to go to S.T.A.R. Labs.

They walked to the S.T.A.R. Labs and talked. There was no specific topic of conversation; they just liked each other's company. From the side they looked like a couple in love.

They walked to the podium; where Harrison Wells was due to speak soon. A few minutes later, he appeared and made a speech. When he spoke, Naruto was somewhat wary now when Harrison Wells said, "The future would come sooner than they think."

From the day his brother and mother died, Naruto began to get involved in science to prove that what he saw was true. And Dr. Wells was one of his idols.

Everything was fine until a person grabbed an Iris bag and started to run away with it.

"Hey my laptop! My dissertation is on it!" Iris shouted, Naruto immediately ran after the thief. While the thief fled and pushed everyone in a row, Naruto tried not to hurt anyone. Because of this, the offender had a few seconds in the head start. Naruto ran into some alley, he walked to the wall of the building when someone unexpectedly hit him from around the corner. Rising, he saw that very thief, the look of the thief was frightened, and apparently, he did not expect that someone would chase him.

"Hey kid, give the bag back and you can leave, my friend wouldn't press charges." Naruto said, and the thief handed him a bag, but then the thief hit him in the stomach. The thief ran away before a new officer, that Barry only slightly recognized, stopped him on the other side of the wall.

A little later, Naruto was sitting in the police office and Iris came up to him.

"Who is this guy? And what is he so proud of? " Iris asked about the police officer who had detained the thief.

"He moved here from Keystone City. And started working here a couple of weeks ago, that's Eddie Thawne." Naruto answered.

"And so that's the new detective cutie," said Iris, and Naruto looked at her questioningly, "My dad call him says that he counts all captured criminals, but he's kinda cute.'

Joe and his companion drove up to one of Naruto's list of farms that used the antibiotic Naruto identified.

"This is the last warehouse from Naruto's list." - said Joe.

"I know that he is smart, but you yourself said that sometimes he chases after ghosts." - answered his partner.

"Still worth checking out."

At that time, Naruto went to his laboratory in the police station, where the roof was leaking, because a window was opened and the computer turned on, on which the news was shown. Taking one of the evidence, he went to the map of the city, picked it up alone; there was all the evidence that he had been collecting since the day his mother died. He once again looked at an article in a newspaper that stated that the doctor had killed his wife. Outside the window, a thunderstruck, lightning flashed, water continued to drip from the open window in the ceiling.

At this time, Joe and a partner found the Mardon brothers' car when they were suddenly fired upon. This was shot by one of the Mardon brothers. When he ran to the runway, he shot at the cops and hit Joe's partner. Joe started shooting at him, but missed. The criminal managed to get on the plane and take off. Joe ran to his partner, who was bleeding from his neck. Joe tried to stop her, but to no avail, after a few seconds his partner died.

Naruto heard news reports that the area next to the S.T.A.R. labs was unsafe, and they were trying to evacuate everyone when the computer suddenly turned off and Naruto noticed a bright flash in the place where the star labs were located. The shock wave emanating from the explosion cut off the electricity in the laboratory, and destroyed the plane in which the Mardon brothers flew. Naruto decided to close the window in the ceiling and pulled the chain when he noticed that the liquids in various flasks began to rise up against gravity, Like the night his brother and mom were murdered, he looked out the window at the ceiling and suddenly lightning struck Naruto. He was thrown a few meters into the shelves, he fell and a small lightning ran across his face.

When he was taken to intensive care, the doctor did not understand how he could survive after a lightning strike. Iris tried to get to him, but the doctors did not let her. Even though she howled, "that she was family."

Nine months later.

Naruto began to come to his senses and the first thing he saw was a beautiful red-haired girl, then she showed the silhouette of another man, it was a guy with black hair, a Latin American. Lady Gaga's song "Pokerface" was played. You might want to click different song, naruto is a different person, slang as it's from 2012, like It's time, Imgine Dragons, or Home,Philip Phillips.

"What are you doing?" - the girl asked.

"He likes this song." - the guy answered.

"How do you know that?"

"From his Facebook page."

After they moved away from him, he lay for a few seconds and rose abruptly, took a deep breath. He did not understand where he was.

"Oh my God!"

"Where am I?"

"He woke up."

Naruto was trying to understand what was happening when the red-haired girl came up to him and began to shine a flashlight in his eyes, from the brightness he tried to close his eyes and turn away from her. Somehow getting out of bed, although his legs did not obey, a guy with a girl helped him while he tried to understand where he was. The guy Stated he was at the Star Labs facility. The girl, meanwhile, tried to check his condition, even despite the fact that he had just woken up.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"I am Cisco Ramon. And this is Caitlin. Dr. Snow," the guy answered.

"Please urinate in this jar." insisted the girl, introduced as Caitlin, with a very serious face.

"But not right now." - said Cisco and took the jar.

"What's happening? What's the matter?" asked Naruto.

"Dude, you got struck by lightning," happily answered Cisco.

Naruto did not understand what was happening, but turned around, looked at himself capured by a camera that entered the image on the screen and was surprised that he had become even more muscular than before.

"Your muscles should have atrophied, but they are in constant cellular regeneration." - said Caitlin, watching Naruto while pressing on a certain part of his body, Naruto liked it.

"So, now you better sit down. You were in a coma." Cisco told him shocking news.

"How long?" Naruto asked, knowing his luck, he would probably not like the answer.

"9 months." explained a new voice, Naruto turned to see who it was and saw a man in glasses and a wheelchair, "Welcome back, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss. "

Few minutes later

"I can't believe I'm here, I always wanted to meet you in person, Dr. Wells." Naruto said, walking along the corridor along with one of his idols.

"Interesting, you have come a long way for this. S.T.A.R. Labs have not been working since the explosion, and FEMA declaring us a class 4 hazardous location," answered Dr. Wells.

They walked past the cage door, which was bent and hung a sign "Grodd".

"The blast injured 17 people, including myself." - they came to the edge where the remnants of particle accelerators lay.

"What happened?" asked Naruto.

"9 months ago, particle accelerators were launched according to plan, the dream of my whole life worked only 45 minutes, but then an inexplicable energy happened, it became too much, the generator exploded, the energy burst into the sky and it was carried by a shock wave throughout the city."

"And also gave birth to lightning, which struck me." Naruto realized.

"True, I myself was treated when I found out about you. Every time your heart stopped, the electricity in the hospital turned off, but the doctors were wrong, your heart was beating so fast that you could not understand that it was beating. "I talked with the doctors, although they don't like me in the city, but Joe West and his daughter agreed to transfer you to star labs."

"Iris was here?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, she came." confirmed Dr. Wells.

"She likes to talk alot," said Caitlin.

"That she does," Naruto muttered to himself.

"She is also very beautiful." said Cisco, not knowing that Naruto liked her.

Some part of Naruto wanted to go to Iris and say that he woke up, but he understood that it was impossible to spend 9 months in a coma without consequences. Therefore, he did the only thing that he could at that moment.

"Well, when do we start checking?" Naruto said. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "What I, also am a scientist and understand that this cannot pass without a trace."

They started with the usual required tests. Blood tests, general tests that showed some abnormalities. Everything was within normal limits, until one day Naruto decided to take a short run and suddenly he ran very fast and hit the wall.

Now they were at the training ground where the equipment for measuring speed was installed, although Caitlin still did not particularly believe that this was possible after he told the team about the accident.

"How is the suit?" asked Cisco.

"Squeezes a little." Naruto said, stepping out of the trailer in a suit that partially resembled that of Mayto Guy, he also had a helmet with sensors and a camera and glasses. "Cisco, don't be surprised if you wake up one day in pink clothes and your hair shaved off."

"You will run so fast that no one will even see you." Cisco did not pay attention to what Naruto said, but he still felt uneasy. "Don't worry, Caitlin will monitor your Vitalsigns."

"What are you going to do?"

"I design the toys, man. Check it out." Cisco took out a small black circle from his pocket with a yellow Cartoon lightningbolt on it. "This is a two-way transmitter with enhanced protection. Designed to suppress combat noise. tthis little guy will save you from potentially a sonic boom. Which would be awsome and be very helpful. " Cisco grabbed his helmet from Naruto to attach the transmitter to it.

Caitlin approached Naruto, who was looking at the tablet. She was reading data from the sensors in Naruto's costume. He noticed that she was not smiling. He remembered himself after his mother and brother died. Naruto realized that she, too, had lost someone during the explosion of the accelerator.

"What was his name?"


"The one you lost?"

"How do you?"

"Believe me, I know what it means to lose loved ones. Many years ago, I lost my brother and mother. "

"Ronnie Raymond, he was my fiancé."

"Believe me, turning yourself into a statue/Robot is not a good option, if you do, it hurts yourself more trust me on this. If you need to talk with someone, I am always at your service. "

"Thank." Caitlin said, finishing checking Naruto's sensors.

"Naruto, although I would like to see your full potential, but I recommend being very careful." warned Professor Wells.

Naruto stretched out to get ready. Cisco stood behind him with a speedometer in his hands, Dr. Wells and Caitlin were near computers. Naruto turned again, looked at them, took a few deep breaths, and lightning ran through his eyes. It started so fast that Cisco was knocked down by the shock wave, Wells and Caitlin nearly fell. Cisco was overjoyed when he saw this and the red stripe ran forward, Caitlin looked at all this and could not believe her eyes. Naruto continued to run very quickly and he was glad about it.

"Speed is over 300 miles per hour." said Cisco, looking through binoculars.

"How is this possible?" Caitlin asked, believing her in what was happening.

Dr. Wells looked at the data on their computers and the way the new speedster was running, but no one noticed his minute grin.

Naruto continued to run, feeling freedom. And everything was fine until he remembered that very night when the yellow lightning deprived him of everything he loved. He remembered that in the yellow and red lightning, he saw a man, this man was responsible for everything. This distracted him, and he did not notice in front of the water barrel, because of this he crashed directly into them. Right after he rolled over, Naruto felt a sharp pain in his right hand.

Some time ago in a bank.

For the bank, it was a normal working day, until a man in a shabby jacket and cap that covered his face came in so that no camera could detect him. He went to a small table, took a piece of paper, wrote something on it and went to the first cashier who was free.

"Good day. How can I help you?" asked the African American cashier.

"This is a robbery," she read on a piece of paper handed to her by an unknown person. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"You tell me." the guy answered, he raised his face, took a few steps back, spread his arms to the side and fog began to appear, which quickly began to fill the hall of the bank, as part of the roof of the bank broke and glass began to fall on visitors.

Now the police center is City.

Captain Singh went into the crowded police station and asked who these people were. Joe said that these were witnesses to a robbery, and that about $ 200,000 was stolen from a bank.

"The glass shattered as if a hurricane had begun, everyone ran for cover." - said the witness, who was sitting next to the new partner Joe.

"Then help us make a portrait of the criminal." said Eddie Tone when an artist approached them.

"This is the third freak storm that materialized when a robbery happened this month." Joe and Eddie went to another part of the police station.

"What's wrong with the camera inside the bank?" asked Joe.

"They shorted out," Eddie answered him.

"We have a bunch of witnesses here." said Joe pointing to the people who were sitting and waiting in line, "They have Cell phones right."

Watching videos from phones and listening to a witness at the same time, Joe saw on the record that there really was a small tornado in the building, as well as a man with bags calmly leaving the bank and going to the car. He focused on the car and received a partial number.

"The suspect is riding a black mustang, number 6KC3, tell the patrols."

S.T.A.R. labs

"It looks like you had a radius fracture." Caitlin said, showing Naruto a snapshot x-ray of his hand.

"Had?" he asked in surprise.

"It healed in 3 hours." Caitlin replied, showing a new x-ray of his hand.

"Is that even possible?"

"We do not know what happen. Rest for now." said Caitlin.

"You need to learn how to slow down," said Cisco, showing a broken helmet.

"What happened to you?" Dr. Wells asked, rolling up to Naruto. "You moved quite well, but something distracted you."

"I remembered something." Naruto explained. "When I was 11 my mother and brother were killed. It was late, the noise woke me. I went downstairs and saw something similar to ball lightning, there was a man inside the lightning, he killed mom and Barry, and my father was blamed for this. And the police and doctors all said that I could not see it. But what if that person is just like me? "

"I can definitely say that you are one of a kind." Wells said.

After some time, they heard on the news of a stolen car and that the offender had vanished into thin air, turning into fog.

"And so now, will you tell me what happened that night?" Naruto asked, looking at Professor Wells with a serious look.

"The accelerator was launched, we felt like heroes, and then everything went wrong. The spatial barrier could not stand and released into the world unknown energy, antimatter, dark matter, the X element. "

"They are only hypothetical."

"Well, what you say about yourself. We calculated the distribution paths of this element in central city, but we could not say with certainty what affected whom or what. We tried to find others besides you metahumans. "


"That's what we call them." Cisco explained.

"And so we have a metahuman who can control the weather, and he robs banks. And before you say something to Cisco it's not cool. This man got his abilities just like me from a cloud of dark energy, and therefore he must be caught before he harms anyone else. " Naruto said seriously.

"Naruto, this is the task of the police, and as if no one knows that you came out of a coma." Dr. Wells tried to stop him.

"You are responsible for this for him!" Naruto shouted.

"Now you are important, not me. I lost everything, my company, my reputation, my freedom, and then you broke your arm and after 3 hours, it healed as if nothing had happened. Inside your body, there may be a key to solving many diseases. We can't take risks just because you decided you wanted to play a superhero. You are not a hero; you are just a guy who was struck by lightning." Harrison voiced.

Naruto left star labs and ran very fast. A yellow lightning followed with rare glimpses of white, which flickered for one or two seconds. When he was running, he recalled how his father was arrested until he stopped near the Starling City sign. He turned and ran into the city to his friend.

On the roof.

Naruto stood on the rooftop with his friend Oliver Queen, who was in his Arrow Suit.

"This is my story. I spent my whole life searching for the impossible and than myself became the impossible."

"I don't think you did run 600 miles, just to say hello Naruto." Oliver asked, turning to him.

"I do not know what to do. What if Wells is right and I'm just the guy who got struck by lightning. " Naruto said.

"I don't think this lightning just hit you. I think she chose you. You can be better than me. Because you can inspire people like I never could. Watch your city like a guardian angel, saving people. In a flash," Oliver said how Naruto looked thoughtful before Oliver put on is mask. "Take your own advice, wear a mask. "

Naruto grinned before Oliver fired a clamshell arrow and jumped off the roof.

"Cool." Naruto said.

Oliver lowered his legs to the side of the building and looked toward the motorway to see Naruto approaching the cars with the red spot.

"Cool." he said with a grin.

S.T.A.R. labs.

Naruto stood next to Caitlin, Cisco and two boxes of unsolved cases, which he borrowed very quickly from the police archive.

"Unsolved cases over the past nine months, which included unusual deaths, disappearances, their number has grown. Your Metahumans have been busy. I understand that you did not want this to happen, and we all lost something, but I need your help to catch them all. I won't manage without you. " Naruto said.

Caitlin looked at Cisco, who only smiled back.

"Since we are tackling this, I have something for you." said Cisco.

He took Caitlin and Naruto to his laboratory, where he showed him a red suit.

"I worked with something here. He created a replacement for the old firefighter equipment and thought that if star labs did something useful, then maybe people would forgive Dr. Wells. " said Cisco, showing them a suit

"And how will this help me?"

"The material is heavy-duty polymer, protected from high temperatures and friction, and can withstand movement at high speed. Thanks to the airodynamic design, you will not limit your control. It also, has sensors that are built into it so that they can track your health indicators more efficiently. And stay in contact with you from here."

"Thanks. How do we find Mardon? "

"I got the Star Labs satellite to record any meteorological anomalies in the city. A signal just developed, in less than 2 seconds the atmospheric pressure dropped by 20 mbar, it happened on a farm to the west." said Caitlin.

At this time, a black car arrived at the farm, from which Joe and Eddie got out. They came here because the identikit of a criminal who had stolen a car and turned into steam was identified as one of the Mardon brothers, who are considered dead. Also, the photorobot was shown on the news earlier.

"It's hard to believe that he is alive, but the last time they hid here. Okay, let's go," said Joe, and he and Eddie went into the building. They slowly entered the building with their weapons at the ready, and soon noticed Clyde Mardon sitting on a chair.

"Mardon, get out of the chair and raise your hands." said Joe.

"Caught all the same." Answered a hoarse voice. Joe was about to put away his gun and arrest him. "That night, when star labs exploded and our plane crashed, I woke up alive on the ground, and when I saw what I was capable of, I understood that I am God."

The police officers approached Clyde and wanted to handcuff him, when his fingers began to twitch slightly; he raised his hands and sharply lowered them, throwing the police air several meters. From the blow, Eddie lost consciousness, but Joe did not.

"You think your weapons can stop me?"

"And why would God need to rob banks?"

"And you're right, I'm thinking to small." Mardon said, when the wind begins to increase in the room, he spread his arms and began to form a tornado around him, which constantly increased in size until it torn off the roof. Joe and Eddie ran out of the building when it began to crumble. Joe put Eddie near the car and sat there himself. A small part of the roof flew into them, but it was hit by a red spot. Joe saw that it was a man in a red suit.

"Naruto, it's getting closer." said Cisco through a communicator built into the suit. "Speed is over 200 miles per hour. If you don't stop him, then he will turn into an F5 tornado. "

"He's moving toward the city." Naruto said, looking at the tornado, which was slowly moving toward the city. "I have an idea how to stop him."

"What? What is the idea? " asked Cisco.

"What speed is needed to run around him and stop?"

"Over 700 miles per hour."

"Your body may not be able to withstand such a speed, and you will die!" Caitlin said seriously, worried about Naruto.

"I have to try."

Naruto returned looked at Joe. Joe still could not come to his senses and believe what was happening. First, one person who can control the weather, now the second person who can run very fast. Naruto gather his thoughts knowing that if he cannot do this, many people will suffer. He darted off and began to run around Mardon creating a reverse whirlwind. Mardon guessed what he wanted to do and therefore pushed him out with a stream of air. Naruto flew a few meters and fell.

"Well, I was worse." he said, getting up and rushed into battle again.

"Naruto, you were right, that's my responsibility. Many people have suffered because of me." said Dr. Wells, drove right up to the microphone. "I look at you and see another possible sacrifice of my pride. Yes, I created this madness. But you can stop him, you can definitely do it. Run Naruto Run. "

Oddly enough, these words inspired Naruto, and with even greater speed, he began to run around the tornado. Mardon realized what was happening and tried to knock him out again with an airwave, but he couldn't do it. Naruto ran faster and faster, creating a negative vortex, until a small explosion rang out and the vortex dissipated.

"Naruto?" Caitlin asked the communicator could not hear a word. Naruto took off his mask so that he could breathe normally, when he turned around he saw that Mardon had pointed a gun at him.

"Hey, I didn't you think there were others like me?" said the criminal.

"I'm not like you. You are a murderer and a criminal."

Mardon cocked the trigger and was about to shoot at Naruto. Several shots rang out, turning around, Naruto saw his adoptive father Joe West, who was running towards him, and they looked at each other in surprise. At that moment, Naruto did not pay attention to the fact that someone called him through the communicator.

"Everything is over. I'm fine." Naruto said as he knelt down and Joe went up to him and hugged him.

Before the police arrived, Naruto briefly told Joe, explaining that in the evening he would announce that he had come out a few days ago, he had come out of a coma and was undergoing rehabilitation. This was necessary so as not to arouse suspicion. He also promised Joe that he would not tell Iris about his strength. Although he did not want to. After which he left.

In the morning, Naruto visited his father in Iron Heights.

When everyone left STAR labs, Harrison Wells rode up to the wall in the corridor, put her hand on it and a small section of the wall parted, opening a passage into a secret room into which the light was lit. It was empty, except for a large pedestal in the center. Wells got up from his chair, took off his glasses and went to the pedestal, putting his hand on the pedestal, lit up with a bright light and a projection appeared on the newspaper headline, which read: "The flash disappeared during the crisis newspaper." The date of the newspaper was April 25, 2024. Wells just smiled, and thought history was on track.

Within 5 days from the publication of Naruto Flash, you can choose what will be next. Here is the list:

Harry Potter - The Mummy

Harry Potter - Once Upon a Time

Harry Potter - Carrie 2013

Harry Potter - Riverdale

Harry Potter - Multi-Crossover (these will be stories from one chapter, with girls from different films and TV shows)

Naruto - Blade

Naruto - Teen Wolf

Naruto – Total Recall 2012

Naruto - Game of Thrones

Naruto - Percy Jackson

Naruto – Hundred (100)

Naruto - Supergirl

Naruto - The Fast and the Furious

Naruto - Multi-Crossover (these will be stories from one chapter, with girls from different films and TV shows)

Depending on the votes, the writing procedure will be established.

For all questions and suggestions, write to the PM.