The Reaper Chronicles Book I: Awakening

Author's Note: This is the rewrite of Harry Potter and the Reaper's Horde.



'Disembodied Voices'

DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Harry Potter or Any Other Mentioned Character in this Story. I Own only the Idea and Any and All Original Characters.



A storm was brewing.

The horizon was dark with the churning storm, the rumble of thunder could be heard clearly in the stillness of dusk. Streaks of lightning illuminated the highlands for short instances. This was not a passing storm, the stillness that came before it spoke to the contrary.

The Forbidden Forest was quiet. Even the normal chirp of insects and the rustle of the underbrush were absent. While the storm wouldn't penetrate the inner confines of the Forest, the instincts of the creatures made them want to seek shelter and cower in its warmth till the storm passed. The centaur herd had moved further into the forest, and with them so had the unicorns. The Acromantula had cowered onto tree trunks, holding on for dear life. The Forest was still, waiting for the storm to pass.

The shrine stood tall, its haunting appearance brought it no visitors, save one. A makeshift hut stood not far away from the shrine. The man sat drinking in his hut, his gurgling concoction hissing from time to time. Grotesque shadows danced around the enclosure from the roaring fire in a haphazardly built hearth. The man sat bare chest staring at the fire, a couple of talismans the only things marring his body. A sudden noise broke the silence in the clearing. The man looked at the clearing from his resting place, another figure was approaching his hut through the gloom of the Forest. The figure approached the hut slowly, bathed in shadows and gloom of the Forest. The man in the hut looked at the approaching figure, cracking a smile he set about pouring another mug of his hissing concoction for his visitor.

"So, you have come. Is it time, then?", he asked as he set another goblet in front of his visitor.

"It is time, Mirin. Mars continues to ascend and Ophiuchus shines bright.", the visitor replied, his low, gravelly voice carried clearly in the silence.

"Perhaps it is time that the Fratres Nocte gathered once more, Tenebris?" mused the Mirin as his visitor chugged at his goblet. Instead of an answer, the man burped, earning an annoyed glare from Mirin.

"A time of great changes approaches Mirin. With such prominence of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto at this time, perhaps it is time to gather the Fratres Nocte again."

Mirin sighed as he stood up, they had work to do after all.


The Ministry of Magic was quiet. The patrols had passed through the department, leaving it bereft of the living, at least for a few hours. No one saw the Veil as it began to glow, thrumming with power. Cluster by cluster, runes on the ancient artefact lit up, activating their arcane functions after nearly a millennium.

After a millennium, its Master had arrived.

Then, just as suddenly everything began, it ended. The glow of the runes dimmed and the room plunged into darkness again.

The awakening of the Veil sent out a pulse, in search of the Master's tools.


Far away from the Ministry and the Forbidden Forest, in an abandoned and decrepit shack in Little Hangleton, the cellar was aglow with an eerie blue light that kept flickering. Little by little, the light from the dimmed, still flashing. Then, with a sudden jolt, the runes stopped flashing and thrummed with power. The sudden jolt sent out a magical ripple, which set the shack on fire.

The small ripple of magic seemed to have set off alarms in the Auror department of the Ministry. Within the hour, a pair of very confused Aurors were on the scene, trying to figure out what set the shack on fire. While the shack was abandoned, it had been so for years. The question that still lingered was that who would set the shack on fire?

Especially, as it had been warded to prevent fires as well as be invisible to muggles. After no apparent reasons for the fire were found, the case was added to the unsolved section.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement had its hands full anyways, with the appearance of the Dark Lord.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stood at the window overlooking the Hogwarts grounds. A storm was brewing on the horizon, and Harry Potter was at the centre of it. The prophecy had put the boy on centre stage and it was up to him to help Harry succeed.

Sighing, he turned to retire for the night. His wand seemed heavier than usual today, while it still worked for him, it took some more effort to cast simple spells than the usual. Perhaps his age was getting to him, he mused. With a final wave of the wand, Dumbledore turned out the lights to retire for the night. As Dumbledore drifted off to sleep, his wand lit up in the darkness of the room. Ancient runes thrummed with power along the length of the Elder wand for a moment, before dimming into obscurity once again.

Its true master, the worthy successor had at last arrived.


Far away from the Wizarding World, Privet drive was quiet. #4 Privet Drive looked a part of its surroundings, nothing stood out from the other houses of Privet Drive at a glance. But that couldn't have been farther from the truth. Vernon Dursley stomped in his living room, as his wife Petunia looked on. The bulging veins on his temple and the rather puce tint on his face left no doubts that he was angry. His family, the Dursleys, were rule-abiding citizens of Britain, how dare these no-name freaks threaten them! It was all the freak's fault!

Petunia Dursley nee Evans looked on as her husband muttered obscenities against those freaks. While she knew they were powerless to do anything against them, it was infuriating that her freak of a nephew was thrust upon them summer after summer. She did not want anything to do with them, period. She was about to call for the freak to cook dinner when she remembered the thinly veiled threats that the limping freak had issued onto her Vernon. Huffing at the injustice of the situation, she went to cook for Vernon. At least her Duddikins wasn't home from school for a few more days, the farther her precious son stayed from the freak, the more relieved she would be. With Vernon in a huff in the living room, Petunia in the kitchen and Harry upstairs, no one noticed the faint blue light seeping from under the door of the cupboard under the stairs. Here the Cloak was stowed in Harry's trunk, which was locked in for the duration of the summer. Like the Elder Wand and the Veil before it, the runes flared up in the Cloak. A wand resting on the Cloak in the trunk also shot out a flurry of golden sparks as the runes from the Cloak bled on to it and just as soon as it began it ended too.


In the Forbidden Forest, Mirin and Tenebris stood across from each other, a rather large bonfire swayed on the floor. Both men chanted spells in tandem, pausing for short spans to throw the contents of their hands into the fire. With each throw, the fire flared and swayed, green and blue hues appearing and disappearing. Strangely, the smoke didn't fill their small hut, rather the strange white smoke seemed to swirl overhead, before coalescing into two separate bodies and shooting out through the door. Both men sat down after the smoke lost its strange properties, each solemn and lost in his thoughts.

Their time had arrived, the True Heir had been found.


A.N.: That's all for this chapter! Hope you liked it! Read and Review people!