It's been several hours since I met Asia and talked with Rias, the redhead left the club room to take care of something. I decided to stay, I needed some time to think. Not just about the other night, and dream, but about everything. I've only been a devil for a week and… I don't know how to adjust to all of this. Sure, my family and I are good at handling weird and outstanding things. This however…. It's taking everything I have not to break down. I'm not human, but I feel human, I have a power that I don't understand. Other than the people in the Occult Research Club, or the people summon me for contracts, I can't share who I really am anymore.

…. I'm acting like an edge lord. Smacking my face, I push those thoughts away. I have other things to need to think about, like tomorrow. I still have doubts about my plans with Asia. But I am still going to go and keep my promise to her. Even though I have a bad feeling about it …. Hopefully, it doesn't get me killed… Like... Like with Yuuma…


I look up to see Yuuma… !? No.. Wait… It's just Akeno, the older girl is staring at me with concern. "Oh, sorry, Akeno. I didn't hear you come in."

"What are you doing here by yourself?" The older girl asks with a head tilt.

"Just thinking."

Akeno sits on the couch in front of me and folds her hands together. "About your life and situation?"

"Yeah… Huh? How did you know?" I ask the older girl in surprise….. Am I that easy to read?

"Easy. I'm psychic." A small smile appears on her face.

My head snaps up as my eyes widen. "Really?"

A cute giggle escapes her lips. "No. I was just kidding. In reality, it's not that hard to imagine what you're thinking, I went through it as well." As she spoke, Akeno's eyes became distant, as if remembering something from long ago. "It's hard for those of us that have been reincarnated to adjust to this life, especially if they have lived a relatively normal life. Between Kiba, Koneko, and… Rias's other bishop. You and I had lived normal lives before we were reincarnated. You more so than me."

"Wait… Rias has a bishop? Why haven't I met them? What happened in your life to make it less normal?"

"The… Bishop has some issues that must be worked out, it's something I can't really discuss. At the moment. As for my life before this-" Akeno's expression changed as several different emotions played on her face. Pain, anger, sorrow, loss. "-I lived a…" It looked like it physically hurt her to say the words, whatever happened in her life… It must have been traumatizing.

I sit next to the dark-haired girl and place a hand on her shoulder. "I can't imagine what you went through, but I won't make you talk about it if it's too painful." Okay, I've decided something. I am going to look past Akeno's appearance, and see who she really is. She looks like she has suffered enough in the past, and I won't add to that by comparing her to the woman that killed me.

Akeno looks up. "Thanks." Her voice losing some of its usual cheer.

"No problem." Don't talk about it if it's too painful? Could I be even more clichéd? Plus, she's probably been dealing with this for years and most likely heard it all before. I should probably change the subject. "So… Why did you come to the club room?" I ask weakly.

"Oh, I left a paper I was working for history." Akeno stands up and walks to Rias's desk, grabbing a couple of sheets of paper.

I nod and stand up. "Gotcha." An awkward silence hung in the air. "So…" I rub my left arm and chuckle. "… I should probably get going."

"No need to leave-" Akeno starts to say but stops as I hold up a hand.

"I kind of do, I have to go to the store and pick up some snacks for tonight."

Akeno looks at me in confusion. "What's happening tonight?"

"Oh, game night. You remember that accidental summoning?" I ask the girl, who nods that she did remember. "Well, Horii and Susan want to form a permanent contract with me."

"Congratulations." Akeno smiles slightly.

I nod my thanks and continue on. "Part of the contract is I continue to play D&D with them like I did the night of the accidental summoning. Though, since I'm the new guy, I have to bring the snacks."

"Well, have fun tonight." Akeno smiles.

"Thanks, have fun with the paper."

(Several hours later)

See, Akeno for Akeno… How do I do that, from what I have seen, Akeno doesn't let people get close. Even before I became a devil, while Akeno was polite and kind. She kept everyone at a distance, very similar to Koneko and Kiba. What did they all go through that made them like this? How can I help them? Just be there for them? Probably the only thing I can do at this point, because until they are ready to talk, nothing short of a miracle will get them to talk.

"Magnus, it's your turn. What do you do?" Jason asks as he looks up from his DM screen.

Huh? I look up to see the faces of my gaming group, concern marred their expressions. "Sorry, I was lost in thought." I look around the table with an apologetic expression. "My turn, right?" When the DM nodded, I nod and look over the current situation. Our group is currently facing a large number of goblins, and a couple of bugbears. The enemies were grouped together, while our party wasn't close enough for melee range yet. Though, Horii's character will soon since he has a reach weapon. "Right. I'm going to use two sorcery points for Quickened Spell and use it to cast Web as a bonus action, and I'll hold my action. If anyone of the goblins breaks free from the spell, I'll cast firebolt on the webs." I tell the older guy as I cross my arms.

Jason motions to Horii to take his turn. The armored man picks up his dice and begins to shake them. "I shall move up twenty-five feet, and use my halberd and strike at my foes from a distance." Combat went on for another few rounds, but with a combination of Horii's halberd, Susan's sword, my magic, and a few arrows from our rogue and ranger. Once our foes were no more, we began to loot the bodies. We found nothing really of note on their bodies, except the weapons and some arrows.

"After you loot the bodies, what do you do now?" Our DM asks our ragtag group.

"I believe we press on." Horii looks around the table. "Unless we have some other business?" The rest of us shake our heads. "Onward, it is then!"

"Alright, you continue to walk down the path until you reach a village." Jason begins to describe a poor and rustic medieval village that you would find in any basic fantasy setting. " As you enter, I want you to roll, perception checks for me." The group nods as we pick up our dice and roll.






Jason looks around the table as he leans forward in his chair. "Everyone, except for you, Horii, notices that there are no children in the area. Or anyone younger than eighteen. As you go further in, a woman with dark grey hair runs up to you. A frantic look in her eyes. Have you seen my Timmy!? The woman shouts at you."

"Timmy? Who is Timmy?" Aoi, our rogue, asks in confusion.

"My son." Jason mock cries and covers his face. "He and the other children in the village… They disappeared! And… That's where we'll leave it for now." Our DM grins at our groan and puts his hands behind his head. "Good game guys, did you enjoy it?" We gave confirmation and began to pack up our things for the night. "Cool, so same time next works for everyone?"

"That works for us." Susan says as she and Horii were grabbing their things.

I nod and start picking up some of the uneaten snacks. I should give these to Koneko, I think she may like them. "That should work for me if anything changes I'll let you know." Aoi and Touka (The ranger) give similar answers as they help Jason clean up. Our group began to talk about this session and the highlights, well the college students were. I had something else on my mind. Well, a lot of things. I couldn't really keep them all straight.

"You alright?"

I turn around to see Susan staring at me in concern. "Oh, yeah. Just got a lot on my mind."

"Do you want to talk about it?" The older girl asks.

"Not really, but thanks." I appreciate the offer, but some things I need to work out for myself.

"If you do, though, you can always talk to us." Susan bows her head and walks to her boyfriend, both the samurai and knight link arms.

I shake my head at the sight with a wry smile. "I can never play For Honor again."

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." I mutter, pacing back and forth. I didn't really sleep last night. The shadowy figure appeared again, but he kept saying things that didn't make any sense. Things about he'll be awake soon… None of it really made any sense. Aside from that, I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible will happen. Maybe, I'm just paranoid because the last time I was out with a girl, I was murdered… Granted, this isn't a date, but my point still stands.

"Magnus! You came!"

I turn to the speaker with a small smile. "Hey, Asia." The blonde nun ran toward me, wearing the same outfit from the day before, only without her veil. "And of course I came. I made you a promise." Granted, I'm not going to tell her that I thought about not showing up.

"I'm glad." She smiles happily. "I actually remembered how to get here." Asia puffs out her chest proudly.

Chuckling, I put my hands behind my head. "Good job. So, you ready to get going?"

"Oh yes-" Whatever the blonde was about to say, was interrupted by small gurgling noise. "-Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning." With an embarrassed look on her face, Asia stares at the ground.

"Well, how about we get some lunch?" I offer a friendly look.

"Are you sure?" She asks with a worried expression.

"Sure, I'm sure." I start to walk with Asia having to run to catch up with me. "I promised to show you around, and grabbing lunch is a part of that." I drop my arms to my side as I slow down, so Asia wouldn't trip just to keep up with me. "Come on, I know a place that is nearby." Asia and I walked through the park and toward the business district, I kept an eye on the nun. Just to make sure she didn't get lost on our way, as we walked, Asia kept staring at everything around her with childlike wonder. I found it to be very adorable and depressing, given what she told me about her life. It took us a bit longer to get to the restaurant then I thought, but I was okay with that. Asia looked like she was having the time of her life.

Maybe my gut feeling was wrong. Possibly things will be alright. As we walk into the restaurant, the two of us grab a booth seat near a window. On the table is a couple of menus; I look over mine briefly. Already knowing what I'll get. Asia, on the other hand… Well, given the look on her face, I have a feeling she is having problems reading it.

"If you like, I can-" I start to offer, but the nun shakes her head.

"No, no, I'll do it." Frustration mars Asia's features as she tries to read the menu. "I have to learn."

Admirable. "True but-"

"Hello, what can I get you two?" A waitress asks interrupting me.

Asia looks at the woman in confusion and then turns to me. "Umm… Maybe I could use a little help…?"

"I got it." I look up at the waitress. "We'll need a minute." As the waitress leaves, I get and sit next to Asia. Holding up her menu, I put my finger under each word and tell her the meaning. Granted, it's in English for me, Japanese to her, but we're speaking Italian… This understanding of languages thing is confusing and broken as hell; after a few minutes, Asia figured out what she wanted. So when the waitress came back, the blonde was able to order without too much difficulty.

"Thank you again." Asia sighs and bows her head.

"No problem, and listen, you'll get the hang of it. Just give it time." I try to reassure the girl as our food arrives. Thanking the waitress, we start to eat… Well, I do, but I stop as Asia stares at her burger. "Is everything okay? If something is wrong, you can ask them to take it back."

The nun shakes her head. "Oh no, nothing is wrong. It's just… I've seen pictures of burgers, but I've never eaten one before."

"Really? That's just…" Once again, I felt angry at whoever raised her. "Have you eaten a sandwich before?" Asia shakes her head no…. No words… There are no words to describe what I felt at this moment. "Okay, just pick it up in your hands and bite."

With a dubious stare, Asia picks up her burger and starts to eat. "Mm—This is… Delicious!" Eyes widen in surprise; the nun slowly eats the burger. As if she is trying to savor every single bite.

"That's kind of cute." I mumble as I dig into my own meal. "So if you've never had a sandwich or burger before, what have you eaten?"

"Mostly soup, bread, vegetables, different kinds of pasta, meat, fruit. The Sisters preferred simple things." Asia explains after she puts her food down. "Why do you ask?"

"Curiosity mostly." Her upbringing sounds even stranger than before.

Finishing our meal, the two of us walked around the town, taking in th

e sights. I pointed out a few landmarks for Asia, so if she ever got lost, she could find her way around. We passed by an arcade and since Asia had never been in one before (big surprise), so inside we went. The blonde girl asked how to play a few games, and with a quick tutorial, she picked up on it rather quickly. Though the game that really caught her attention was an old Whack A 'Mole game. Weird.

"This is really fun, are you sure you don't want a turn?" She turns to me with a broad smile.

I hold up a hand and shake my head. "I'm good thanks, I'm just having fun watching." The blonde goes back to her game with such glee, that was practically infectious. Eventually, Asia wore herself out playing that game, and we moved on to something else. After an hour or so of playing games, I told Asia that we should probably head out. Just as we were leaving, however, the nun stops in front of a crane machine. Her eyes glued to the colorful toys inside.


"See you something you like?" I ask curiously, peering at the prizes.

Asia pulls away from the game and shakes her head, a noticeable blush on her face. "No, I don't… Umm…"

"If you see something you like, just say so."

"Well… That one." Asia points at the toy she wants, and it makes me chuckle. "What's so funny?" She asks in confusion.

I put some money into the machine, and slowly maneuver the claw over the toy. "Nothing, it's just… I like this one as well." The claw opens and snatches around the toy, lifting up from the others and carrying it over to the ben. "There we go." I bend down and take out the toy and hand it to Asia. "Here you go, you're very own Charizard. Enjoy."

"Thank you!" Asia grabs the toy and squeezes it with a smile.

"No problem." I motion for the girl to follow me as she cuddled her pokémon toy.

I spent the next several hours showing Asia around town, but mostly just the essential places. Like the train station, various other landmarks, and areas of interest. I also spent some time explaining some things that she didn't understand or know about. All and all, it was a good day, and despite the bad feeling I had… Nothing happened, even after I dropped her off close to the church, but not close enough that anyone inside could see me.

Once again, Asia wanted to invite me in for some tea, but I had to turn her down. Though since I didn't have an excuse like last time, so instead I told her that I'll try to come by another day. Asia accepted my inadequate explanation, and we said our goodbyes. After I got back home, I worked on homework and studied until it was time to sleep. "Hopefully, I won't have any weird dreams." I mutter as I lay down.

"Wait a second… Where am I?" I ask in confusion. I was no longer in my room. I found myself by a riverbank, near a vast forest. Everything about this place felt… Off. It was like looking at the world through a hazy lens. As I walk around, looking for anyone or anything sentient, my eyes widen slightly as I walk closer to the river. By the shore is a massive man, he is way taller than I am. Close to seven-feet tall, built like a professional weight lifter. This guy looks like he could rip off the arm of a grizzly bear. Mama always told me not to talk to strangers, especially those that look like they could bend in half. Still, he is the only person here… So, it wouldn't hurt in asking… Right? "Hey, buddy! Can you tell me where I am?" No response from the man. Weird.

I call out a couple of more times, but I was completely ignored. It was like I was invisible. Or maybe the guy is deaf? That is a possibility. Crap, I'm not really fluent in ASL. The wait would my devil powers work in translation for that? I shake my head with a frown—questions for later. I walk in front of the man, hoping to get his attention. My eyes widen as I see the man's face. I know this man. I don't know how, but I know him as well as I know myself. His name is Dimitri Ivanov, a Russian native. Dimitri has short black hair, eyes the color of mud, he is dressed in all black.

Dimitri looks up at the sky with a frown, his dark brown eyes fill with determination. "Are you ready to face him, partner?"

"Always." A familiar voice rumbles from somewhere.

"Good." Dimitri turns around and starts to march toward the forest.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I shout, chasing after the mountain of a man. "Dimitri, can you tell me where I am?" The Russian, however, kept ignoring me and marched further into the forest. A groan escapes my lips as I put my hands behind my head with a grunt of annoyance. I follow Dimitri into the woods and start to look around in confusion. It took me a few seconds, but it suddenly hit me. This is a dream… The question is, though… Why am I dreaming about this? And about a person, I never met before, but somehow know? The impromptu hike came to a sudden stop in a peat bog that was utterly devoid of life.

Except for two people, a man, and woman, both in their twenties, they are of Korean descent, dressed in dark clothing, caked in mud. The man is close to my height with dark black hair and a steely gaze. The woman is shorter than the man and is hiding slightly behind him.

"You brought a friend with you?" Dimitri crosses his arms with a feral smirk. "I am sure the White One has told you about what happens to those close to us." The Korean man doesn't say anything, but he briefly touches the woman's face. Then he slowly marches toward Dimitri with a look of determination. "All business? Very well, if that is what you want." Dimitri strides forward, his arms uncrossing as he does. Around his left hand, my Sacred Gear appears, the gem begins to glow brightly.

"It is good to see you again, White One."

From the Korean man's back appears-a blue glow surrounds him. "You as well, Red One. It is time to settle this." Both men stop fifty feet from one another, they stare one another down for what felt like an eternity. Then in a massive explosion of red and blue light, they charge, both men covered in-. The world around them violently shook from their clash. I watch in horror as the very ground beneath their feet split, and the surrounding trees blew over. As the battle became more intense, the combatants took off into the sky.

"Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!"

"Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!"

As I watch the… Battle? Fight? War? One thought went through my mind. This like Dragon Ball Z… Only a thousand times scarier. Even if this is a dream… I think I want to wake up- "Look out!" I shout instinctively, an errant blast of green energy strikes the woman. A massive explosion forces me off my feet, my ears ringing from the noise, dust, and debris clouds my vision. With a pained groan, I slowly sit up, and as the dust clears, my mouth hangs open in shock. The woman… She… She's gone… No body, no pile of dust… Just gone. Where she once stood is a massive scorch mark.


"Ahaha. I told you that those involved with us-"

"I who shall-"

"That is more like it!" Dimitri shouts excitedly. "Let us see if your Ju- can beat mine! I who shall-"A torrent of power and emotion washes over the area, as the two men clash with even more ferocity. With a roar of anguish that could set the world on fire, the blue light consumes starts to consume the red.

"I will kill you, Red-!"

"Ah!" Panting heavily with wide eyes, I slowly sit up as my Sacred Gear appears. I stare at the red gauntlet in confusion and fear. "What in the hell are you?" With a groan, I fall back into bed. What was that dream about?

It was a pain in the ass get up the following morning, my brain felt like it was trying to force it's way out. It made my classes unbearable, so half-way through the day, I went to the nurse's office. Explaining to the woman that I had a migraine that would kill an elephant, she let me lay down and sleep until it went away. Which I was incredibly grateful for, and when I woke up, my migraine was gone entirely. Of course, the pain was replaced with absolute panic. Asleep in the bed with me is Rias Gremory, the redhead's arms were wrapped around me. Now that isn't what filled me with dread, what made me fear for my life (And question Rias's sanity) is the fact Rias is entirely naked.

"I am either extremely lucky or screwed." I whisper to myself, my face completely red. I did my best not to stare at Rias's exposed breasts, but… It's tough to resist! Damn it all! Okay, I'm not going to stare, I'm not going to stare, I'm not-I'm staring… I would shake my head… But if I did that, it would wake her up. Okay, I'll just try and sleep, and hopefully, she won't wake up-Wait hand what are you doing!? Stop! Do not do anything that will get us killed!

"Good afternoon Magnus."

Gulping, I see Rias, fully awake, and with a playful smirk on her lips. "Uh… Hi… Rias…" I mutter in embarrassment. "Um… Why are you here? And why are you naked?"

"Does it really bother you?" Rias yawns and sits up, stretching her arms up. Rias's chest rose up and fell, the motion was… Very enticing. "I heard you weren't feeling well, so I decided to see if I could help. Do you feel any better?"

"It doesn't bother me." I mutter as I avert my eyes. "Also… Yes, I do, but I have a question… Why were you naked?" Not that I am complaining.

"Aside from you healing you?" She asks, and when I nod, Rias shrugs. "I can't sleep unless I'm completely nude. I also like having a stuffed animal or body pillow."

So wait, I'm a body pillow? "Um… Makes sense." I think.

"Plus, I don't see why you're complaining." Rias smiles playfully. "Given how it looked like you were about to grope me, I would say you enjoyed it."

"Uh… I… Um…" My brain has failed me! "I plead the fifth." I try to look anywhere but her chest, but my eyes kept finding their way back to them.

The crimson-haired girl laughs softly. "Do you like staring at my chest, Magnus? It's rude to stare, you know."

"In my defense… They were staring at me first." I lamely reply.

Rias leans forward and touches my face. "Would you like to do more than stare?" She practically purrs out, her lips inches from mine.

"Ye-Yes." What the hell am I saying!? I need a cold a shower!

"Will you do whatever it takes?"

My reason and my hormones were having an all-out war at this point. "O-Of course…"

"Then… If you get another contract, you can do whatever you like." Rias pulls way, and with practiced ease, she dresses quickly and winks. "I'll see you after school."

I watch the crimson-haired beauty leave the room, my mind still reeling from what just happened. Did she just offer me a chance to grope her? Why the hell did she do that? I groan and grip my head tightly. My life doesn't make any sense what so ever. "I'm going back to sleep until life starts to make sense again."

(Third Person POV, Rias:)

Why did I just do that? Rias thought with wide eyes. "I have never done anything like that before in my life."

'Kind of like you.'

'That boy… Magnus. You like him, don't you?'

Rias looks down with a heavy sigh. "Even if I could express my true feelings… Nothing would change, my life isn't my own."

(First Person POV, Magnus:)

"Where am I-Oh wait… Nurses office." With a groan, I slowly sit up and look around. I am entirely alone. Which I am not sure is a good or bad thing. I rub the back of my head. "What was with Rias?" Does she…. No, why would she? She just wants me to get another contract, it will help in the long term… Though why does she has to be so over the top? Getting off the bed, I start to stretch. "I wonder what time it is…?" I pull my phone out, and my eyes widen in shock. "It's almost five!?" Crap, this isn't good. Running out of the room, I head straight for the club room. I was half-way there when I ran into Kiba.

"I see you're awake finally." The blonde says with a friendly smile. "I can't believe you slept for so long."

I rub the back of my head. "Yeah, me either."

"Come on, we should get to the club room." Kiba motions for me to follow and starts walking. I follow behind him quickly, and after a few minutes, we arrived at the club room. Rias is at her desk, working on something. Akeno is quietly reading a book, as Koneko is chowing down on some snacks. "President, I brought him."

"Yes, thank you, Kiba." Rias stops whatever she was working on and folds her hands together as she turns to address me. "Magnus, are you feeling up to some work?"

I nod my head, refusing to meet her eye. Our encounter in the nurse's office brought up some… Distracting thoughts. "I should be good to go."

"Glad to hear it." My master says, looking away slightly. "Koneko has been double-booked on summoning requests, would you mind helping her out?"

"No problem."

Koneko turns to look at me and bows her head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Koneko, what are friends for?" I wave goodbye to the others, and after grabbing the tracking device, I make my way to the summoners.

"Have a good night, Mil-tan!" I wave to the bodybuilder as I step outside the door. "Sorry, I couldn't teach you any magic, but I promise I'll help when I do learn some magic." Weird night, but not the strangest thing I've experienced. Note to self, learn magic. Shaking my head, pull out my phone, and call Rias. "Hey, boss lady, the job is done. No… But I will get it once I learn some magic; apparently, that's what the contractor wants. Why do they want to learn? Would you believe me when I said, they want to be a magical girl? I'm not joking. Uh-huh. Cool, I'll let them know. Anything-Another job? Sure thing. I'll call you if something comes up." Hanging up, I return to Mil-tan's and let them know the good news. That I'll be learning magic very soon, and so will they. Which… Got me wrapped up in a spine snapping hug.

That is going to leave a mark. Or twenty.

Shakily I say goodbye to Mil-tan once again and start walking toward the next summoner's place. I had been at Mil-tan's home for a few hours, so it's already night by the time I left. As I walked through the empty streets, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Which is stupid. I mean the last time I had a bad feeling; it was about the day I spent with Asia, and I was proven wrong. It's probably just nerves. About thirty minutes or so go by, and I found myself at the summoner's house. It's a beautiful one-story house in the suburbs, with a small garden out front. Opening the gate, I walk to the door and freeze… The front door is open.

That is not good.

I step away quietly and pull out my cell, I try calling Rias but didn't get an answer. So I leave a message for her. I then try calling, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko but no answer on that front. Damn it. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I summon my Sacred Gear and quietly push the front door open, slowly I creep through the house. I made my way through the house to the only place that had a light on. Stopping halfway, I cover my mouth. The smell of burnt carrion and copper filled my nostrils. Swallowing my disgust, I continue until I enter the room with the light. This is… Or instead was the living room, a lot of the furniture is overturned or destroyed. Not that far from is an elderly woman… Her body has been hacked to pieces-

Gagging, I cover my mouth and turn around-"Gah!" I start to vomit… As bad as the elderly woman was… Nothing compared to the next sight… In front of me is an older man, he has been crucified upside down. To make it worse, the elderly man had been bisected vertically; his inner organs littered the floor.

Why… Oh God, why…

"Thus, I shall punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity. Words to live by, my friend." An arrogant voice rings out, the words felt like napalm in my head. Slowly stepping into the room is a silver-haired man, dressed in a black Clerical Collar outfit with a long white coat, with gold buttons, a gold cross hangs around his neck. The guy looks a little older than me, with pale skin and red eyes. The scary thing is, though… He kind of looks like Kiba… What the hell?

Shakily I stand up and wipe my mouth. "Who the hell are you?" I ask as I slowly inch to the side, trying to place the couch between us. Which is the only upright and intact piece of furniture.

"You just walked into the wrong house, my friend." The mad man bows with a feral grin. "Freed Sellzen, at your service! And no need to tell me who you are, you must be the scarred little pussy, whose devil ass this holy priest is going to exorcise!" Freed dances in place to a tune only he could hear.

"Why did you kill these people?" My anger is slowly taking the place of my fear.

"By conversing with your kind is proof they no longer wanted to live." Freed's face suddenly splits into a broad grin. "The old lady I took her out quick, but the old guy… Well, I did that just for fun! Putting down degenerate devils and the lost souls that cry out to them is my job!" The mad priest reaches into his coat and pulls out a pistol in his left hand, and a silver sword handle in his right. "No one is better at than me!" A blade of pure silver springs from the handle.

"Why do you have a lightsaber!?" My anger was momentarily replaced by shock, but I quickly shook it off. I need to focus.

"Close. It's a holy sword of light, and the first thing I'm going to do is cut out your evil heart!" The mad priest aims his gun at me. "Then, with my righteous gun, I will blow a hole in your wicked face!" Freed's red eyes become blood-red points of light with a laugh that would make even the Joker freeze in terror. "How does that sound, devil!?"


Strength and power filled my limbs as I duck down and flip the couch upward. And with a quick spin, I kick the couch directly at Freed. Just as the priest's blade cut through the projectile, I rushed forward and slammed an elbow into his throat. As he gasps for air, I grab the silver-haired man's right arm and toss him into a wall. In the struggle, Freed dropped his sword and gun, picking up the gun I take aim at Freed's fallen form. Come on, Magnus, just shoot him and be done with it! He killed two innocent people!

"To slow devil!" A fiery pain travels through my left shoulder. Dropping to the ground, the gun falls out of my hand. What the hell… I look up to see that Freed… Has a second gun in his left hand. "You know, I was a little worried for a second. If you had taken the shot, I would have been dead. Oh, well!" With a gleeful noise, the mad priest skips over to me and stomps his foot on my chest. "My old teachers told me that I shouldn't let my bloodlust get the better of me. Guess they were right!" Freed then picks up his sword and stabs it through my right thigh.

Gritting my teeth in pain, I did my best not to scream but to no avail. The fiery pain in my thigh and shoulder was too much. "Ahh!"

"Yes, that's right, scream for me!" Freed cackles evilly as he points his gun at my face. "How dare you get a guy like me all worked up and then try to leave! That's no way for you to treat a gentleman like me!" Freed's madness horrified me; he would not rest until he killed me in the most horrifying ways possible. Just as Freed is about to put an end to my life, a scream of terror fills the room. "Asia!? What are you doing here!? Have you finished creating the barrier already?"

Shakily my eyes look up to see the horror-stricken face of Asia Argento. "No… Asia…" I whisper quietly to myself…

"Father Freed…. Why… Why would you do this!?" Asia shouts the question as she looks at all the horror around her.

For the moment, Freed looks away from me. "Oh right, you're a newbie. It's time you learned what the job is about. We dispose of unfortunate souls that have been bewitched by devils, and if we are lucky enough-" The mad priest turns to me with manic glee. "-We get to kill the devil scum as well!"

Asia slowly lowers her gaze, and as her eyes met mine, her eyes well up slightly. "No… It can't be…"

Shit… I look away as quickly as I can, hoping that Freed won't figure out we know one another. Asia, please, for your sake, act like you don't know me!

Freed frowns in confusion as he lowers his gun. "What's going on here?" A downright sinister smirk appears on his face. "Do you two know one another?" He asks in a sing-song voice.

"Magnus… Why are you here?" The nun fidgets nervously.

I avoid Asia's gaze with my teeth grit. Freed already knows, damn it. "I'm a devil."

"No… It can't be true… "

Freed starts to gag. "Isn't this heartwarming? But you know the rules Asia, our kind and his have no business together. Unless it's killing. Or have you forgotten?" With a sneer, the mad priest turns his focus back to me. "Now, how should I kill you? Should I cut you into itty bitty little pieces? Ooohh, I can slowly peel your skin off. I could just shoot you! But where's the fun in that!?"

Asia, without warning, pushes Freed off of me and stands between us. "Please, Father, I beg you for mercy."

"I…" My mouth drops open in shock. We're supposed to be enemies and yet… She is defending me. She truly knew nothing but kindness.

Freed rolls his eyes in irritation. "You've got to be kidding me; this thing isn't even a man anymore. He's a devil!"

"It doesn't matter what he is!" Asia practically shouts. "He is innocent and-"

"This is such bullshit!" Freed shouts slashing his sword of light through her clothes, Asia screams and tries to cover herself, but the mad priest grabs her by the throat, and pins her against the wall, just above me. "Have you lost your fucking mind!? Are there maggots growing in that head of yours?"

"Don't-" I was about to speak, but Freed kicks me away in annoyance. "-Gah!"

"Our bosses said I wasn't supposed to touch you, but I don't give a damn about that now!" Freed puts his sword away and pulls out his pistol, tracing the barrel along Asia's leg. "You want to know what happens to naughty girls like you? I get to do whatever I want! Nothing wrong with that, is it?"

"Please don't-"

Struggling to my feet, I glare at the silver-haired bastard. "Leave her be…"

Freed just rolls his eyes. "Look, boy, if you want to watch this go down, you have to pay. Nothing in life is free, you know."

"I'm not kidding." Crap… I feel like I am going to pass out any minute now. "So, come on." Panting heavily, I try to keep pressure off my bad leg. Left-arm bullet wound, right thigh stab wound… Great, disabled on two sides. "You murdered two innocent people, and now you want to rape her… There is no way you are leaving here alive."

"Big talk from a wannabe-"


Pushing past the pain, I rush Freed and drive my knee into his crotch. "Roshambo!" As the mad priest falls back, I grab him by the collar and punch him in the nose as hard as possible. His eyes well up, and I hit him again. Dropping the madman, I start to back off as fast as I can. "Asia, we need to go-Gah!" The throbbing pain in my arm and thigh grew only worse, forcing me to drop to the ground.

"I will admit you've impressed me." Freed spits onto the floor as he shakily stands up, bending down the madman tosses me to the other side of the room. Licking his lips, he stalks forward. "Let's say we go for the world record of how many pieces I can cut you into!" The priest jumps toward us, just as the blow was to land, a black blur appears in front of me.

"Hey there Magnus, do you need a hand?"

"Kiba!?" My eyes widen in shock at the sight of the blonde, his black sword blocking the attack. "What-How?"

"Talk about a nasty mess."


My eyes are drawn to the voices, Akeno and Koneko have appeared on the other side of the room. Both have stepped through a glowing red magical circle, and they were glaring daggers at Freed. "Thanks for the save, you guys."

Kiba pushes the mad priest back, the anger in his voice very clear. "I see you are one of them. Sorry, but you're done here."

Freed looks around the room and licks his lips hungrily. "Oh, hell, yes. Looks like we got ourselves an old fashion gang bang! So what's the heal, he's the pitcher, and you're the catcher?"

"For a priest, you got quite the foul mouth." Kiba mutters in disgust.

"Oh, get off your high horse! Hunting your kind is my only concern!" Freed spreads his arms wide, his manic grin appearing on his face.

Akeno steps forward, electricity crackling around her body. "This guy is certainly a piece of work."

"And you are a hot piece of devil ass!" The madman hugs himself and sways. "Those eyes are killing me! This is why the Vatican gave me the boot! I love nothing more than killing devils!"

"If you want us, come and get us." A lance of black and red energy shot toward Freed, nearly hitting the madman. Appearing from the circle is Rias, the crimson-haired girl stands in front me with her arms crossed. "But I don't think you can handle it; nobody hurts my servants."

"Look who decided to show-Wait don't ignore me!" Freed shouts as Rias turns around to look at me.

Rias slowly bends down and touches my face, her blue eyes filled with concern and anger. "It's alright now, we're here. I'm sorry that this happened; up until a moment ago, there was a barrier."

"What!?" Freed shouts as he turns his gaze to Asia. "You stupid bitch! You were supposed to create the barrier!" Freed punches the small girl, and with a cry, she falls to the ground.

"You bastard!" I try to stand but fail miserably.

"I never forgive people who try to harm one of mine, nor do I forgive those who hurt innocents. I especially don't tolerate wretches like you. Your evil has no place in this world." A massive black aura surrounds the redhead. "That is why I will purge it."

Whatever bloodlust Freed felt, suddenly disappeared. "Well, shit, big red over there may be a problem. I may need some backup." The priest grabs his collar, muttering something under his breath. The madman grabs Asia's fallen form and throws her over his shoulder.

Koneko picks up a broken lamp and tosses it at Freed, ducking underneath the projectile the silver-haired man sticks his tongue out. Koneko sniffs the air with a look of disgust. "… Fallen Angels."

"Just in the nick of time." Freed grins evilly. "Hope you're hungry! Because spears of light are on the menu!"

Akeno turns her gaze to Rias. "What's the plan?"

"We need to get out of here. Koneko get Magnus, Kiba, and I will cover you." The group begins to move like a well-oiled machine, Akeno summons a magical red circle, Koneko throws me over her shoulder… Which is very uncomfortable. Kiba runs to stand in front of Rias, his sword held at the ready. Crystal-like spears pour from the ceiling, luckily Rias destroyed them as they got close.

"Wait, we can't leave-" I try to say but stop as the world begins to spin until everything went dark.

Well, I am back once more my friends with the next chapter. I just want to thank everyone for their support and hope to see you guys in the future. So onto the reviews.

Rider126: I need to re-write and shorten that volume, but that is on my schedule.

AdrianLee28: Thank you so much.

Kamen Rider W: They did yes, but I don't plan on forgetting things like that.

I will see you guys in the next chapter!