Rossi and other F.B.I. agents approached the scene where Alvez had taken out one of the fugitives with the man's own gun.

Alvez walked up to Rossi.

"You know, you didn't have to take the risk. We have sharpshooters." Rossi told him.

"Yeah, well, shooters miss." Alvez countered and began walking away.

"Whoa. Whoa. Wait a second. I know everything is digital now but I still like to do this old school." Rossi told him, pulling out his notepad to record the number of fugitives they'd taken out since Alvez teamed up with the BAU.

"How many we got left?" He asked the supervisory agent.

Rossi looked down at his notepad, "Let's see. 13 serial killers escape from prison in May. With your help, we're down to five."

Alvez nodded and began to walk away.

Rossi got the attention of the special agent, once more. "We think he's back in Tempe. He let a survivor go this morning in an arm-spreader. You were right, he'd strike again and we have somewhat of a head start based on the profile you helped Garcia build. Can't sit around brainstorming anymore? Help us catch him." Rossi then showed Alvez the picture of Daniel Cullen.

"When do we start?" Alvez asked.

Rossi wanted Alvez to join the team but the BAU didn't have an opening but they could still use his help, "We just did."

Prentiss and Hotch went to interview the survivor at the hospital in Tempe.

"Officer, how much do you know about Daniel James Cullen?" Prentiss asked.

"You mean, the Crimson King?" The officer asked as he walked them towards the survivor's room.

Prentiss and Hotch shot each other a look. The F.B.I. had trained them not to use the media names for serial killers, it was a habit lost on law enforcement.

"I know he liked to carve words into his victim's bodies. Three years ago, your Phoenix field office arrested him. That's why we didn't call you last time."

Hotch looked sternly at the officer, his facial expression rarely wavered anyway.

"Has his most recent victim said anything?" Prentiss asked.

"He just woke up." The officer shrugged and nodded at his own words.

Prentiss and Hotch gave another glance, Prentiss the only one of the two showing a level of emotion. Hotch never changed his stern expression. These guys angered him but he was steady and level-headed, ready to catch them.

The officer opened the door and the three of them entered the room where the victim-survivor laid.

The officer stood at the end of the bed, "Brian. These folks are with the F.B.I. do you mind?"

Brian swallowed, lifting his shirt up to reveal the letters carved in his stomach, B.A.U.

"Do you know what it means?" He asked the two agents, pleadingly.

They nodded.

All the profilers were at their desks, working hard and quickly on the Cullen case except Reid.

He had barely gotten off the elevator when he felt Natalie's arms around him, he caught her, picking her up so she wouldn't fall.

"Well, hello!" He exclaimed as he put her down.

Natalie then blushed, grateful their Unit Chief wasn't there at the moment, she was sure he might write them up for that. Morgan gave her a playful warning look as he loved the couple but didn't want them in trouble.

"Hi, Spence! How was your visit? We all missed you!" She burst with joy and then brought her voice down to a low toned whisper, "I missed you."

Reid smiled, blushing a little at her affectionate nature.

The two began walking to their desks, Reid detailed his trip with his mom who's Alzheimer's was progressing but she had, had such a string of good days that he decided to use that to his advantage.

J.J. approached the two, "Hey Spence! Glad you're back." She told him, giving him a quick hug.

He then continued in an excited tone, "She detailed the whole trip to me on the flight back and I didn't have to prompt her!"

"That's great!" Natalie told him.

J.J. nodded in agreement, smiling.

He looked to the two, "Latest research shows that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids help combat dementia which we gorged on in Paris. I mean, honestly, if she hadn't been clinically diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I'd just think she was a little absent-minded."

J.J. smiled, she turned to Natalie suspecting she knew the answer, "Are you going to keep her in the same facility?" She asked, her eyes narrowing a bit at her question. Natalie was glad Reid didn't seem to notice as he had been nervous to share these things with the team but after prompting from herself and Morgan, he came to the conclusion it was best to share with the BAU family.

Rossi approached the three agents, he didn't say anything, just listened to Reid speak so quickly. Rossi thought to himself, if he talks this fast, his mind must work faster.

"Tell me what I missed while I was gone! How has Garcia taken to Alvez? I know when Natalie told me about him, she was giddy over how Garcia would react." He smiled at his official girlfriend.

The other three agents raised their eyebrows, giving slight smiles, now knowing exactly what Natalie had meant.

"She's handling it," Natalie assured him which caused J.J. to giggle, Rossi, eyed her, trying not to let laughter burst through.

Garcia and Alvez entered the elevator together.

Morgan ran up to catch it with the two as well. He smiled to himself, realizing it was only the three of them on the elevator. He stood in the back letting the two stand unreasonably close to one another. He was going to have to hold back his chuckles at the banter of the two. Garcia was so clearly into Alvez and Alvez knew it but took her uncharacteristically sarcastic nature like a champ.

"Hey Tiger." Garcia looked to Morgan then turned to Alvez, "You're still here?" She asked.

"Hey silly girl. Hey Alvez." Morgan replied.

"Morgan," Alvez said with a smile, "Yes. I'm still here. You're down to 5 escapees thanks to fugitive task force help, you know?" He teased.

Garcia rolled her eyes.

"I'm still here because Cullen let a survivor go. Hotch and Prentiss are there now."

"Oh." Garcia replied, feeling a little guilty, knowing they really needed his help with this one.

"It's alright. Let's just get to work." Alvez told her as he stepped off the elevator.

Morgan put his arm around Garcia, "You could just admit it, sweetness."

Garcia made a face at Morgan, she stuck her nose in the air, clutching her cup of tea to herself and began walking with perfect posture to the batcave. Morgan laughed, shaking his head.

Natalie, and J.J. were in the conference room when Alvez and Morgan walked in. Alvez was familiar with the rest of the team aside from Reid. He noted the only unfamiliar face in the room.

"Hey. Luke Alvez."

Reid turned around as he had his nose in the file Garcia had printed for them of Cullens past victims and current victim.

"Oh, Hi. Dr. Spence Reid."

"No handshaking, right? Your reputation precedes you." Alvez told him.

"So does yours, it says in the file that you caught our next fugitive, Daniel Cullen, three years ago. During his sentencing, he said, 'I don't kill because I don't have to.' He sounds like an injustice collector, how'd you finally catch him?" Reid asked him.

Alvez turned to look at the profilers in the room, Reid acted as if they were only two in the room. The rest of the profilers were looking at the file as well, seeing what they could deduce. Alvez just replied, knowing the team understood Reid in a way he didn't yet,

"Cullen was always a suspect. We just couldn't get an I.D. So my partner went deep cover and we caught him in the act. After I heard he broke out in May, I wanted to be the one to put him away again." Alvez told him.

Rossi then entered, his voice booming through the conference, the agents present turned to see him,
"Might be a flag on that play." He then pressed the conference room phone, centered in the middle of the table.

"Go ahead, Hotch. We're all here."

"The details of the Cullen case are the same except for one." Hotch began.

Prentiss continued, "The cuts on the latest victim are shallow and show definite hesitation marks."

J.J. then spoke up, "That doesn't make sense. From his first victim, Cullen inflicted as much pain as possible."

"Yeah, prison wouldn't have made him nicer." Alvez assured them.

"Brian Phillips doesn't match Cullen's previous injustice collector victimology and the message this time is 'BAU' when we had nothing to do with his initial arrest 3 years ago." Prentiss informed them. She paused, letting that sink in, "He could have met someone in prison who told him about us but the more likely scenario is-"

Reid cut her off, "This isn't Daniel Cullen. It's a very sophisticated copycat."

Morgan interjected, "To be this sophisticated, he'd have to have a record."

"But the cuts show hesitation marks." Natalie countered.

Hotch then spoke directly to Alvez, "Agent Alvez, this isn't the case you signed up for but your history with it will still be an asset." Hotch wanted him to help find whoever did this and copied Cullen this well.

"If someones out there copying Cullen, it could still lead us to him." He assured Hotch and the rest of the team.

"I need everyone to look for any other discrepancies between the copycat and Cullen. Prentiss will interview the latest victim and see what he remembers." Hotch instructed the team.

A/N: I'm throwing this case in because Alvez is a cool character and I have to have Peter Lewis terrorizing the team in order to make the prison storyline work.