"Yog! Could you not given me five more minutes!?" Aza cried out in annoyance, all but leaping from Issei's chest to glare at the newcomer.
Issei himself merely winced, trying to shake the eldritch image out of his head as he watched the exchange play out: of great spheres of flesh with shared tendrils moving in and out of them paradoxically
"Of course I could have! I could have given you all the more minutes, Aza," Yog answered animatedly with a large, teasing smile. "But it turns out more fun if I don't."
"You vexing-! Do humans have a word for this? Issei, is cunt-blocking a thing?" Aza asked, looking to Issei for support.
Issei blinked as he rallied his mind to answer that question. "Well, yeah, I guess?" he answered before the implication finally hit him. "Wait, we were about to fuck? Okay!? Who the hell are you and why are you cock-blocking me!?" Issei demanded, sharing and mirroring Aza's own ire now.
"See! This is more fun. For me at least," Yog said with a giggle, balancing her blade between her fingers. "Allow me to get the formalities out of the way. I am Yog-Sothoth: The Guardian of the Gate, The Key to the Gate, and the Gate itself. The All-in-One and One-in-All," she supplied with a knowing smile as Aza interrupted.
"She's the Outer God of Time, to summarize," Aza summarized in resignation.
"And before you ask about my outfit, I just came from fixing some issues in an alternate timeline where your lovely country was one of the good guys in World War II," Yog explained playfully before holding up her blade. "Aaaand I just like turning my powers into a sword, sue me."
"Okay, well, that explains a few things," Issei stated, obviously still confused, but rolling with it as best he could.
"She's very eccentric, even among us," Aza stated flatly.
"Fun is what you mean, O Daemon-Sultana," Yog retorted smugly.
"Okay, Miss Time Lady?" Issei spoke up with an twitching eyebrow. "That still doesn't answer one question: Why Are You Blocking Us?!"
"Instantly back to yelling at a Time Goddess? Oh, this is a good one!" Yog stated happily, ignoring the ire. "And to answer your next question, no, I don't know everything that IS going to happen, just what can. You have...a particularly lively amount of differing paths around you."
"Do any of those paths still lead back to me losing my V-card?" Issei returned with an eye twitch. "Because after today, the only thing I want to do is either "sleep" with my girlfriend or literally just sleep with my girlfriend."
Aza beamed a bit, obviously enjoying either plan before turning serious. "Okay Yog, spit it out. Why are you here?"
"A lady can't congratulate her queen on finding a king?" Yog asked playfully, before smirking at Issei. "I just wanted to take some burden off of Aza here and explain things in what I know to be the best way you'll understand."
"Oh. Thanks then?" Issei gave with a cautious look about him, looking to Aza for clarification.
She gave him a tired smile. "You can trust Yog, Issei," she assured, the time god beaming in pride for a moment. "Mostly."
"You wound me, Aza," Yog said, feigning hurt, before returning to her smile. "Well, in order to both streamline and ease you into the Eldritchification- which, no, is not a word yet- I'm just going to be showing up occasionally to inform you of some choices you'll have to make in the near future."
"Choices?" Issei repeated curiously. "About what?"
"Why, what you're going to turn into of course!" Yog stated, rubbing her gloved hands together in excitement.
"Unless you completely leave it random, which I don't think you should do, you actually have a large amount of control over not only your future form, but your powers as well," Aza informed, leaning against his arm to enjoy the closeness.
"Oh, and there are so many options! But I understand you're tired and overwhelmed, so I won't go too far down the rabbit hole. But, Aza, you know he at least needs to decide what rank of Eldritch he's going to be very soon, or he won't have a choice in the matter," Yog warned with some scolding.
"I wasn't going to put it off that long!" Aza retorted in annoyance.
"Rank?" Issei repeated curiously as he looked between them.
Aza sighed. "Eldritch Gods come in three general types. Elder Gods are the weakest, but most able to connect with mortals, while Outer Gods like Yog and me are the strongest yet most unwieldy at first. Great Old Ones are the middle ground between the two."
"Well, there's a bit more to it than that, but basically yes," Yog admitted with a shrug. "The main concern for you might be that human form comes more easily to Elder Gods while it takes much longer for Great Old Ones and especially Outer Gods to get a tentacle on that. Well, unless they're me, as I spent one day mastering it for a million years," Yog answered in amusement.
Issei stared for a moment. "Is she always like this?" Issei asked idly.
"Yes, yes she is," Aza answered with a sage nod.
"So basically, I have decide how powerful I want to become," Issei summarized with a sigh. "Look, thanks for the update, Yog. But-"
"I know, I know. You don't really care right now when you have an Aza that needs spooning," Yog answered with a smile. "I just wanted to put it in your mind for now. Even if you don't make up your mind right away, Aza will at least be getting you on the ball about deciding what your Eldritch form will be like."
"...Okay, I have to ask now, are tentacles really that big of a thing with the, um, Eldritch?" Issei asked, saying the word for the first time. It was strange to think about, but love leads to weird situations he supposed.
"Oh yes, we all have them. You can hide them if you don't want them to be a main part of your image, buuuut I get the feeling you, Pervert of Azathoth, will one day enjoy getting your slimy appendages all over some voluptuous cultist offering herself up to you," Yog said with a purr, Issei staring with wide eyes even as Aza smiled knowingly. "Have fun with that~!" she called, twirling her blade before slashing at the air to make a swirling vortex of a portal, waving as she stepped through and the portal vanished.
"...Cultist?" Issei repeated slowly, almost not sure how to feel about that yet.
"Well, you are My Beloved," Aza pointed out with a small smile. "Eventually, you'll have people invoking your name and praying to you."
"This is...a lot to take in," Issei said with a deep breath, feeling Aza wrap her arms around him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder
"Then come to bed. Rest. And if you're up for it, I'm still more than willing to help you...relieve some stress," Aza promised in a tempting voice, before slinking away from him.
Issei turned, looking as she laid on his bed, her eyes flashing between wholesome and less-than-wholesome intents, waiting for him to join her.
He was at least dating and possibly already married to a tentacle goddess from between time and space. Were they engaged? What counted for what here? It didn't really matter at the moment, he knew. He should be wary, probably even scared out of his mind, but...
Aza had saved him, and bore her heart out to him, and offered him everything he ever wanted and more if he didn't want to be with her. He was a pervert, not an asshole. Taking that much from someone like her without giving something back just seemed wrong.
And right now, it seemed like a very right idea to laid down, pull her close, and go to sleep.
So that's what he did.
With his only stray thoughts being to curse Yog for cock-blocking him.
But while he drifted off to sleep, someone else could not find peace so easily.
'Fuckfuckfuck!' Ddraig thought in panic. 'It couldn't have been Yidrah, no, it had to be Azathoth, it just had to be! I am so beyond doomed!'
'Do you have to be so noisy?'
Ddraig's spirit went completely still at the tired, annoyed voice as he turned to see...Azathoth. In the Sacred Gear with him. Mercifully, it was her human form, but still. 'S-sorry, your Eldritch Majesty, I didn't k-know you could hear me! Please forgive me!' Ddraig pleaded, hating how pathetic he felt but even more so didn't care as he valued his EXISTENCE!
Aza tilted her head sleepily at Ddraig, looking mildly annoyed. 'Ddraig, I think there's been some misunderstanding. You are not, as you said, doomed.'
Ddraig paused, slowly ceasing his groveling as he rose up to stare at Aza with utmost caution. 'I'm not? So my soul isn't going to be devoured when he ascends? Or my mind flayed when you and him get around to fucking? Or-'
'NO,' Aza cut off pointedly. 'Ddraig, while I honestly had no idea you even existed until tonight, I am actually HAPPY you are here.'
'...Seriously?' Ddraig asked, skeptical but hopeful.
'Seriously. I am...more than a little overprotective of Issei. So having you around is one more safety net, and one that's in built," Aza assured, yawning for a moment. "Beside, I don't know why you're worried about your sanity."
'Hmm? What do you mean?' Ddraig asked in confused.
Aza deadpanned. 'Ddraig. You're a dragon. And unless a new source of them have appeared, all dragons are technically a subcategory of Eldritch,' Aza informed flatly. 'Meaning, you're immune to any sanity issues, even from me.'
'Oh. OHHHHH! Well, I feel...relieved, if not embarrassed,' Ddraig said awkwardly. 'So, I guard your consort, or whatever title he gets, and then what? Because I'm going to assume the boy will outgrow my own power eventually.'
'Most likely. Even if he doesn't, I don't think you both will want to stick together forever. So I'll just make you a new body when we get to that point,' Aza stated causally.
Ddraig paused at that. 'I'm sorry, what?'
'Eh? I said I'll make you a new body. Or get someone to make one for you, either or,' Aza repeated with a shrug. 'Why, is that a problem?'
'N-no! Th-that's great, and gracious, and wonderful!' Ddraig assured quickly. 'I-I just...never thought I'd be getting one again,' he finished somberly.
Aza paused, eyes focusing on him intently. 'You're powerful, but you don't have Eternality. So you wouldn't reform even if this vessel was destroyed.'
Ddraig nodded slowly as the shock began to fade away. 'This...this is real? I get a body, just like my own? This isn't some bull where I get out and I'm gender-flipped into some kind of draconic sexpet for your consort?'
'What? Why would I do that? It's easier just to give him one we already have,' Aza said with a head-shake. 'Yes, Ddraig, this is real. You help me take care of my Kungur, I help you.'
Ddraig stared before smirking, folding his wings in front to imitate a bowing gesture. 'It would be my pleasure, Queen of the Eldritch.'
'Good. Now, what were you saying about Shubby's goats earlier?'
Koneko groaned as she awoke. Her head throbbed, her lips and mouth felt dry and rough, and her magic felt like it was burning just from keeping her ears, tail, and wings hidden away. In essence, her entire being was in agony, as if she had been ripped apart and stitched back together.
'Was anything missing?'
It was an odd question to ask herself, but she focused on the pain to check. Pain was good, if only because it meant that whatever was hurting was still there. Her fingers were all there, and she was fairly sure her toes were accounted for. And as she begrudgingly moved her limbs, she determined that her arms and legs were whole if sore. She couldn't feel any intense pain or wetness she would assume came with any part of her torso being destroyed. Her head was a given.
It was there, right?
Yes, it had to be, she could feel her cat ears wanting to poke out. But her hands drifted up, feeling the skull just to make sure it was ALL there. Mercifully, it was.
She would have sighed in relief if it didn't feel like shredding glass through her lungs.
"Koneko! You're awake!"
Her head pounded in protest, looking over at the blond, bipedal creature.
Kiba. His name was Kiba.
"The president was worried, we found you passed out in front of the club house," Kiba stated as he knelt down next to her in concern. "Do you need anything?"
Koneko wasn't sure what she really needed, but knew that Kiba wouldn't be able to give it back. Or fix it. Whatever it was, it was gone or broken. Or both. Still, there was something else. "Wa-water," she rasped out.
Kiba nodded and turned to leave to collect the requested liquid.
Koneko felt herself becoming more acclimated and aware. She was in the club house, on one of the couches. She was home, she was safe. Her eyes drank in the familiar setting that she felt she was appreciating for the first time: the soft lights of the candles, the rich color of the wooden walls, the tentacle reaching over the top of the couch tow-
Koneko instantly shot up, a splintering death grip on the couch as she searched wildly for the tentacle and its source. But she found nothing, which did little to ease the blood pounding through her veins. Her eyes slowly, reluctantly calmed down as she looked downward to see if- if what she saw had been real, if it touched her.
She swallowed numbly as she found just one piece of evidence on her person. Not a drip of slime or a rip in her clothing, but a piece of notebook paper sticking out of the corset of her uniform. With shaking hands, she reached forth to pull it out.
The folded parchment weighed far too heavy in her hand for its lack of content. Still, with dreadful curiosity, she unfolded the paper and began to read.
How Did They Know That Name?! The question echoed in her mind with growing fear in her heart. Was her sister somehow involved in this? If so, that was worrisome. If not, that raised more questions.
I hope you're feeling better. I fixed you up the best I could for now. The existential horror and hallucinations will fade away by the end of the month.
Tell your master to watch who she lets her pets wander around.
Madam Yi
PS: Nagns suna U'ftft naka xuia unsu a las ru' kungur."
Koneko almost vomited. She could suddenly feel the phantom sensations of tendrils over her face and neck, immaculate finger nails drifting across her mind with otherworldly grace, the tips melding broken mind back together.
Her face paler than her hair, she placed the note on the table before burying her face into her hands. Who and what had wandered into their end of the supernatural without Rias or her brother knowing?
Her dread was interrupted by Rias's voice, enveloping her in a hug. Koneko returned it, more than she ever had before. Instinctively, she knew Rias could do little to protect her from whatever Aza was. Emotionally, she didn't care. Rias and her presence meant safety, kindness, understanding, love, Home. She needed that right now.
And while she wasn't into girls, she had to admit that Rias's soft bosom helped with soothing her nerves. The softness, the warmth, the heartbeat that kept her steady in knowing that Rias was right here.
Her eyes refocused as she realized Kiba was standing next to them, politely silent while holding a water bottle.
Wordlessly, Koneko pulled back from the embrace as she reached out to the swordsman. Kiba obliged, putting the bottle into her hand, which the neko-devil took no time in quickly drowning down her throat. She swore she could feel her body becoming hydrated again, like her skin was less tight against her body now.
There was a patient silence as she did this, swallowing before staring listlessly at the floor. "Thank you."
They knew it wasn't just for the water.
"Koneko, what happened? We couldn't find any injuries on you, but you looked like you went through hell," Rias asked in concern.
Koneko didn't answer at first, trying to recall herself. What was real? What was her broken recollection? "The fallen angel came back, with friends. Three of them. They wanted to kill the perv."
"Kill him?" Kiba repeated in confusion.
"I suppose eliminating his sacred gear is a plan, but...it seemed like they would try to recruit him or at least extract it first," Rias said in confusion. Sacred gears were rare. Having them as an enemy was bad, yes, but Issei was just a regular human with no awareness of the supernatural- as far as she and Sona knew at least. Still, while strange, the action of the fallen angels wasn't unbelievable.
"They're gone now," Koneko continued with great bluntness.
"You mean they're dead? Or they ran away?" Rias asked in confusion.
"No, I mean they're g-gone," Koneko repeated, stuttering as she recalled the tendrils from realms unknown, power beyond power seeping from the depths they emerged fo- She shook her head, pulling herself back together before she fell apart completely. "She was mad. Aza, the perv's date. She was mad, and she made sure they were gone. I don't know where they are now or what happened to them. Just that they are gone. Vanished into the Abyss."
The air felt just a bit colder as Koneko repeated those words.
Rias stared long and hard at her brave, strong rook and knew that whatever she had witnessed was terrible. "Koneko, what happened to you? What did she do to you?' Rias asked with a scowl.
Koneko almost smiled. Rias took "treating the peerage like family" thing serious. It was obvious to any that knew her that the Ruin Princess was internally furious at the idea that some outsider had shown up and harmed her precious servant like this.
"She didn't do anything to me, Rias," Koneko answered honestly. Because if she didn't, Rias might do something they'd all regret. "She was just...so powerful. When she unleashed it, my mind just- I can't explain it, I was like my entire mind was overwhelmed and couldn't handle it."
Rias's brow was furrowed while Kiba looked thoughtful, and worried as well.
"I think she healed me. Or someone she knew did. Because I don't think I got back here on my own," Koneko informed softly.
Rias somehow looked more confused and worried than before, but discarded it. "I'm so sorry, Koneko. I never should have sent you alone without knowing at least what we were dealing this," Rias apologized sincerely.
Koneko shook her head. As much as some deep, insane portion of her still-fresh mental wounds would love to lash out and blame Rias, she wasn't about to do that. "We were keeping an eye on the fallen angel and what she was after. We had no way of knowing someone far worse was after the perv."
Rias's apologetic eyes did not change even as she nodded to acknowledge Koneko's point. "Can you remember anything else?"
Koneko nodded as she felt her throat go dry and squeeze tight before the syllables were even on her tongue. She took another drink of water before saying the only thing she was sure had to be completely real.
Because it echoed in every corner of her mind.
"She said her name is Azathoth."
Rias's expression was a treasure trove of shifting expression. The first was a lack of comprehension as she searched her memories for the meaning of the name. Then came the shock as recognition came in. Then came the paling as the dread set in.
Then came the fear.
The noble devil stood quickly, and regretted it instantly as she drew more worry in her direction. She looked conflicted for a moment, and Koneko realized she was torn between soothing Koneko more and rushing off to find a way to deal with this. "I-I have to contact my brother. He needs to know, if he doesn't already," she stated, forcing her voice to remain calm.
They both watched her leave before Kiba looked to Koneko with a lack of comprehension. "Who is Azathoth?" he asked with a furrowed brow.
Koneko felt her soul wither, as if saying the name had drawn the attention of the entity in question. "I have no idea," she admitted.
It wasn't a lie. She had no idea who this Azathoth was. Just that she was powerful. Perhaps even more than the Super-Devil Rias was off to contact.
"Hey, Koneko? Is this yours?" Kiba asked, picking the note off the table to examine it.
Koneko contained her reaction very well as she stared at the BLANK piece of paper. She could feel something in her scream, cry out, and curl into a corner to hide. Outward, she just shrugged her shoulders.
She only prayed the letter wasn't lying, about this only lasting a month. She wasn't sure she could live like this otherwise.
End of Chapter
Well, there's chapter 3, and we got to meet Yog properly, while someone helped poor Koneko put her mind back together
Before any of you start complaining about the difference between Elder Gods, Great Old Ones ,and Outer Gods- this is the difference between them in Love Azathoth, that is how I chose to differentiate them.
Hope you all enjoyed this.
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