The fluorescence of the summer clouds was so bright that even blinds couldn't stop them. The refridgerator whirred a monotonous tone while an occasional chirp broke the stillness of the room. On one corner of the room, beside a bed, an unruly line of fairy lights were hung on the cream tinted walls. Some photographs were pinned on the fridge with tiny yellow star shaped magnets.

With a click the doorknob turned and a girl walked in. Her brown hair shone orange against the setting sun, and her eyes in a shadowy emerald. With a sigh she kept her handbag on the bed and took the packet of groceries she had bought, to the tiny kitchen in the next room.

The next day would be Sunday and she didn't have to worry about going to work at the cafe, so she decided to cook something special for dinner. The day was hot and she tied her hair up in a messy bun.

It had been a few years since she had left her home to live in a rented apartment with her new roommate Ayumi. Sometimes while wondering if Ayumi would return back from her hometown, she would think about her friends from Tomoeda High.

She looked at the picture she had stuck on the fridge. It had with Tomoyo, Melin, Li and Kero from the day she had gone out for shopping when the Dream Card had appeared.

Thinking about the cards her hands automatically went up to her chest where she used to keep the key but it was empty. Since there had been no trouble in Tomoeda since a long time, she didn't need the key and had kept it safely in her jewelry box.

She faced other challenges now - like staying awake to cook her dinner after a long exhausting day at work, bargaining with her flat owner for the damaged rooms, and diplomatically dealing with her co-workers. She was working as a waitress at a cafe nearby and trying her best to lead an independent life.

Sakura sat down sipping noodles and laughing as she watched comedy shows on her phone. While Ayumi was away, she made her bed into a table while she sat on the floor. She couldn't afford a table as of now as her salary from the store was meagre.

As she lay on her bed enveloped in darkness she fiddled with her phone till she felt tired. The countless videos she watched lulled her into a drowsy state but a sudden notification alerted her. She opened the notification to read:

"We need to talk."

It was from Li.

~Author's note~

This is just the beginning!

I promise there will be more magic which will gradually unfold. Stay tuned and drop any ideas you feel like sharing.