A/N: I'm still accepting requests for anime, cartoon, and video game women. Send them in and I'll try to see if they work. Also accepting monster women like Vampires and such. I will say one thing. No demons. Please send the requests and I'll try to make a list of women in an A/N next chapter, to hear opinions of others. Now I may not post them all for other reasons, such as not knowing the show or other, so please don't yell at me.

Also, I have a list of a few names sent my way. I'll post it at the end.

Now let's get to the next chapter.

Gaz was talking to the Kanker sisters while Mike was in his office, earning a few laughs with them.

"So you three were the neighborhood bullies, huh?" Gaz asked with a smile.

"Pretty much. We did what we wanted most of the time. Terrorized the other kids. Even played hooky a few times in middle school until our mom got a call about our absence." Lee answered.

"Boy was she furious. Got grounded for a month to our room." Marie grumbled before hooking her arms around her sisters. "I love my sisters, but a month in the same room with them was driving me crazy."

"Made us glad we didn't have the same classes that semester." May chuckled before sighing with a frown.

"What's with the frown?" Gaz asked, noticing the glum atmosphere.

"All the crap we pulled caught up to us. We finally pulled back and decided to clean up our act." Lee said before groaning. "And all it took was spending a whole summer in juvie."

"Only reason we got out in time for school was because of good behavior." Marie sighed before shrugging. "Still, it was the wake up call we needed. Probably the only reason we didn't flunk high school."

"That's good." Gaz said.

"So Gaz, Marie here says your that Zim guy's girlfriend. That true?" Lee suddenly asked.

"Yeah. I'm his girlfriend." Gaz nodded.

"She also says that Zim's got another girlfriend." May spoke up.

"Yeah. Her name's Susie, and she's a friend of mine." Gaz explained.

"And you don't mind sharing him with your friend?" Lee asked.

"Actually, the whole reason we're on this trip is to see how many of my friends want to be with him." Gaz answered, earning shocked stares from the sisters. "It's a very open relationship. Heck, I'll let strangers be with him, so long as I approve first."

The sisters just stared at Gaz like she'd grown another head, wondering why she'd allow that and how such a relationship could even work. They didn't get to think much on it when they heard Mike leave his office.

"Alright. I'm gonna give this thing a look see and see if what you said is right. I'll also check for anything else that may be wrong." he grunted as he got the car ready to be inspected.

"Here." Gaz said to the sisters as she handed them a slip of paper with her number. "Give it to him after he's done looking it over so he can call me about the price." she continued as she got a small suitcase out of the trunk, then shut it again.

"Alright." Lee nodded as she looked it over before pocketing it. "And don't worry about your car. We'll take good care of it."

"Hey! Get over here and get working!" Mike shouted at the sisters.

"Despite the job hazards." Marie whispered, earning a chuckle from them all. With that, Gaz left to try and find Zim to join him for his walk while the Kanker Sisters started looking at the car with Mike. After spending about 30 minutes running some tests and looking at the parts, they'd found that Gaz was spot on in her own evaluation about the necessary repairs to her car.

"Alright. I'll be in my office ordering the parts to replace." Mike grunted after wiping his hands.

"Hey Mike. Gaz left her number for you to call with the repair fee amount." Lee said as she handed her boss the number.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Yeah, thanks." Mike nodded while taking the number. "Listen, why don't you three take the rest of the day off? I'm gonna close up the shop and lock it down."

"You are? Sweet!" Marie exclaimed with a grin before stretching, glad to finally have a day off since they got the job.

"Call us when you get the parts, boss." May said before running her hand over the hood of the Lamborghini. "This is one car I won't mind spending hours working on."

"Yeah, sure. Don't worry." he said before pushing them out the door and shutting it behind them. "Enjoy your day off!" he called out to them before walking toward the car.

"What's with him?" May asked.

"Guy probably wants to have alone time with the car." Marie said as she looked through a window before grabbing the two of them and bringing them over. "See? Look at him."

The two looked through the window to see Mike smiling as he looked the car's exterior over.

"He's fawning over it like it's a newborn baby." May chuckled.

"If he starts kissing it, I'm out of here." Lee said with a small laugh before seeing him take out Gaz's number...and ripping it up before throwing it away? "What the...?"

"Isn't that Gaz's number?" May asked in confusion.

"Yeah, it is." Lee answered with a frown. "Something stinks here and it's not the motor oil."

"Do you think we should call Gaz and tell her about this?" May suggested.

"I memorized the number. Marie, give me your phone." Lee ordered.

"Use your own." said Marie.

"I can't. It's at home charging. Now give it!" Lee barked. Marie grumbled as she pulled out her cellphone and gave it to Lee. Lee brought up the screen, only for it to go dead. "Marie! You didn't charge this thing again!"

"Not my fault! Mike pulled the charger we have here out, saying he doesn't want us to waste his electricity!" Marie countered.

"May! Give me yours!" Lee snapped.

"I can't! You broke it when I wouldn't stop looking at cars online on it." May groaned.

"For the love of- You know what? Forget it! Let's just look for her ourselves." Lee decided before pointing at May. "May, search around town to try and find her or Zim."

"Okay." May nodded.

"Marie, check the motels in town. See if they're staying there, and tell them to be on the lookout for Gaz and them. Then come back here and keep an eye on the garage for anything strange."

"Right." said Marie.

"I'll head home and call Gaz from there before joining you guys in looking for her." Lee decided.

With that, they separated and went to look for Gaz, not noticing that Mike was looking at them out of the window.

"Hmm..." he hummed before walking into his office. He then picked up the phone and dialed a number on it. A moment later and the call got through. "Tom, we may have a minor problem."

Gaz was quiet as she walked around Peach Creek, taking in the small town with a smile. After a while, she had grown curious about how Susie was, so she decided to check up on her. She found a nice spot on a small lot in an alley that was mostly out of sight, she took the device Zim had given her to call the ship down. When the cloak disappeared and the window opened, she smiled at the sight before her. Her friend soundly sleeping inside, despite the disgusting mess everywhere.

"If I didn't know how messy it can get screwing Zim, I'd probably puke at all this jizz." she said to herself as she gently patted Susie's cheek. "Susie. Suuusie. Wake up."

"Five more minutes..." Susie slurred as she turned in the seat to get more comfortable.

"Come on, Susie. Wake up." Gaz repeated while gently shaking her shoulder. Susie's eyes fluttered open to see Gaz looking at her from outside the ship.

"Gaz? What happened?" she asked before looking down at herself. "Oh yeah. Zim happened." she giggled.

"Yeah. Again and again and again from the looks of it." Gaz chuckled before looking at her ruined clothing lying on the floor. "Good thing I brought you some spares." she said as she raised the suitcase up to eye level.

"I appreciate that, but wearing them now will only make them dirty with how I am." Susie said as she looked down at her naked and fluid covered body.

"True. We should find a motel with a shower and have you cleaned up." Gaz chuckled.

"Gaz! Gaz, where are you?!"

"Who is that?" Susie asked.

"Sounds like May Kanker. Wait here. I'll take a look." said Gaz as she walked away, leaving the ship window to shut and the cloak to bring up an image of a giant pig. She walked out ot the alley and saw May down the street a little away from her. "Why's she calling for me?" she asked herself before raising her hand and opening her mouth to call out to her-


-before blinking when a cop car pulled over next to May, making her stop and look as two officers approached her.

"May Kanker?" one asked.

"Yes." May said before suddenly getting an idea. "Officer! I need your help! I'm looking for-"

"We need to you come with us." the officer interrupted while bringing out some handcuffs, making both Gaz and May's eyes widen.

"Wha-Wait! I'm being arrested?! For what?!" May asked as they put the cuffs on her.

"For suspicion of being involved in Grand Theft Auto." the officer informed before reading her rights. Gaz watched as they got her in the squad car and drove off, but wasn't really paying attention with her mind running three words over and over again.

'Grand Theft Auto...Grand Theft Auto...Grand Theft Auto.'

Her pupils shrank when the worst possibility finally registered before she ran back into the alley, deactivated the cloak, and opened the ship.

"Move over, Susie!" she yelled, startling the other women as Gaz jumped in the seat, not caring about the mess it would leave on her clothes.

"What's going on?" the white skinned woman asked as Gaz took to the skies, the cloak coming back up.

"Computer! Contact Zim and tell him to get to the auto garage!" she commanded as she continued flying the ship.

"Gaz, what's going on?!" Susie asked in a more forceful tone.

"I'll explain later!" she said as the ship hovered high in the sky. She stopped the ship when the garage came into view, a few cop cars present outside. She flew the ship so that she could see through the open garage door before looking ready to strangle a bitch. "Motherfucking cock sucking pieces of-"


Gaz looked at Susie, who was giving her a harsh glare.

"Will you please stop ignoring me and tell me what's going on already?!" she snapped, her patience with Gaz's strange behavior at an end.

"You want to know what's going on?" Gaz said in a calm voice before tilting her friend's head until she was looking at the garage. "See that garage? That's where we left my car to get repaired? Notice something missing from this picture?"

"...Your car's not there." Susie said after a few seconds.

"That's right. My car's not there." she said before screeching in the direction of the garage. "MY CAR IS GONE! MY FUCKING LAMBORGHINI IS GONE!"

"How could it be gone? It was broken." Susie stated.

"One of the tow trucks is gone. Those bitches must've used it to take my car." Gaz surmised.


"A few minutes ago, I saw one of the employees being arrested for suspicion of being involved in Grand Theft Auto. I was afraid that it was my car, so I hopped in and here we are." Gaz explained while glaring down at the empty garage.

"And you believe that they stole it?" Susie asked.

"I don't know if it was her, her sisters, that Mike creep, or all or none of them. All I know is that my car's gone, and I'm gonna destroy whoever took it!" Gaz growled before noticing Zim and Gir approaching the garage a good few blocks away. "Hang on." Gaz said as she piloted the ship towards him. "Computer! Car cloak!" she commanded before landing the ship next to Zim, the ship now looking like an oversized van.

"Look at that van!" Gir yelled when he saw the van pull up to them.

"Huh?" Zim got out before he and Gir were pulled inside. "Unhand Zim!" the irken shouted as he started thrashing about.

"Zim! Stop it! It's us!" Gaz snapped before slapping him, stunning him enough to see it was Gaz and Susie.

"Gaz? Susie? What's going on?" he asked them after calming down.

"My car got stolen, the police are at the garage, and May Kanker was arrested because they suspect her of doing it." Gaz summed.

"That bitch!...Which one was she again?" Zim asked.

"The blonde with buck teeth. Anyway, I'm taking us to a motel I saw so we can get cleaned up and changed. Then I'm going to the garage and act like I don't know anything under the guise of checking on my car. We'll figure out what to do from there." she explained before having the ship move to look like it was driving, making it head for the nearest motel on the GPS. 20 minutes later had them checked in and Gaz and Susie quickly scrubbing each other in the bathroom, with Zim outside wiping himself down with more cleansing chalk. A quick change of clothes and they were all ready to act.

"I will stay here. I was out most of the time anyway, so I won't be of much help." Susie said.

"That's fine. Zim and I will walk to the garage." said Gaz.

"Walk? Why are we walking?" Zim asked.

"Because the Voot Cruiser's still a disgusting mess inside and we just showered." Gaz explained.

"Good point. GIR! While we're away, you clean the Voot Cruiser." Zim ordered.

"I DON'T WANNA!" Gir yelled before pulling some cleaning supplies out of his head. "Okay!"

"Let's go." Gaz said as she and Zim walked out the door. They stopped when the theme for the Vampire Piggy Hunter games sounded out from somewhere.

"What's that?" Zim asked while Gaz reached between her breasts and pulled out her phone.

"It's more convinient." Gaz answered before picking up the call. "Whoever this is, you've got bad timing."

"Gaz? It's me, Lee!" came Lee's voice.

"Lee?! Where are you?! You've got a lot of explaining to do!" Gaz snapped while the others listened in. "Where's my car?!"

"Isn't it at the garage?" Lee asked.

"No, it's not! And guess what? I saw May being arrested for suspicion of being involved in Grand Theft Auto! Now why do you suppose that is, huh?!" Gaz raged at the phone.

"Fuck, this is bad." Lee quietly cursed before speaking up. "Listen, it wasn't me or my sisters. We've been too busy trying to get in contact with you. We think Mike did it."

"Is that so? And what makes you say that?" Gaz asked while glaring at her phone.

"He's been acting weird since he saw your car. After we got done inspecting it, he told the three of us to take the rest of the day off. He's never given us a day off. Before we left, we saw him hugging your car, which in all honesty is what May would be doing now."

"Lee." Gaz said in a 'get on with it' tone.

"Right. Anyway, I gave him your number to call you about your car, but we saw him rip it up before tossing it." Lee finished.

"And it took you guys this long to finally call me? I'm not buying it." Gaz huffed. "Especially since I saw Marie has a cellphone."

"Yeah, but it died. I left my phone at home and May's was broken." Lee explained.

"Uh huh, sure." Gaz said with a nod.

"I'm serious! We didn't take your-"


"Open up! Peach Creek Police!"

"The police are there?" Susie asked.

"Oh shit!" they heard her whisper. The listened as the sound of footsteps faded for a moment before hearing her speak again. "Yeah?"

"Lee Kanker, we have a warrant for the arrest of you and your sisters under suspicion of Grand Theft Auto." said a man's voice.

"I didn't steal anything, and neither did my sisters!" they heard Lee speak loudly, her voice getting farther away.

"Guess the police have her now." Zim stated.

"That's two of them. The only one we don't know about is Marie." Gaz said as she hung up the phone and put it back between her tits. She growled while rubbing her forehead in frustration. "I want my fucking car back!"

"Why don't we call Minimoose?" Gir suggested.

"Why? He's right..." Zim began as he looked for the flying moose, only to realize that he wasn't there. "Hey, where is he?"

"In the back of the car." Gir said with a smile.

"And how long has he been there?!" Gaz seethed as she loomed over the oblivious little robot.

"Before Master and I left the garage." Gir answered.

"AND YOU'RE ONLY TELLING US THIS NOW WHY?!" Gaz roared after bringing the little robot up to her face.

"You didn't ask~" he sang.

What followed next was a mixture of unholy shrieking and shrill laughter, with a hint of begging to not break something beyond repair thrown in at some point. At some point the noise died down, leaving Gaz huffing and breathing hard with Gir's head in her hands.

"Let's do that again!" the head happily yelled before Gaz chucked it at Zim, who barely managed to catch it before it knocked him over.

"Contact. Minimoose. Now!" she hissed towards Zim.

"On it!" Zim yelped as his Pak produced a sort of microphone. "Minimoose! Come in!"

"Squeak." came a whispered squeak.

"Gir says you're in the back of the Lamborghini. That true?" he asked.


"Good. Stay in the Lamborghini. I'm going to use the ship to track you so we can find it and you." Zim commanded.


"Huh? What do you mean 'Don't come here?'" Zim asked in confusion

"Squeak Squeak! Squeak!"

"The bad guys got Marie and a bunch of guns?" Gir repeated.


"Why do you want us to be quiet for a second?" Gaz asked.

"This car is awesome!" came an unknown voice.

"Huh?" Zim whispered in surprise at the new voice.

"Yeah. I didn't think there was anyone with the kind of cash to have one of these things around these parts." said another voice.

"I get it. He's listening in on the guys who took my car." Gaz said in understanding.

"They're not from around here. Don't know who their name is, but it's a hot women. And I mean hot! I'm talking huge tits! I'm talking long legs! And don't get me started on her ass! I could tear that thing up all night and still not get enough!"

"I'm going to destroy them." Gaz muttered.

"I'm gonna get hit for saying this, but they're not wrong." Zim commented while looking Gaz over, earning a swift punch to the gut. "I knew it." he grunted.

"Easy man." they heard the other guy chuckle. "Let's do our job first. According to Tome, Mike said that there's some slight engine trouble."

"Who cares? We're gonna be taking this thing apart in a few moments when Tom gets done talking with Mike."


"Quiet!" Susie whispered after slapping her hands over Gaz's mouth.

"You hear something?" they heard one of them ask, making them all stare Zim's communicator in horror.

"I did. I think it came from the car." the other said. They heard the sound of the car door being opened, but nothing else until they spoke again. "What's this thing on the floor?"

"Looks like a toy airplane with eyes."

"Hey, maybe it's one of those toys that you squeeze and it talks to you. Go on, squeeze it."

"Alright." they heard him say. They heard a 'squeak' and-

"I wuv you!" came a high pitched voice.

Everyone turned to Gaz with shocked looks on their faces.

"I will doom you all if you breathe one word of this!" she harshly whispered to them.

"HA! What was that?!" one of them laughed.

"It sounded like something you hear from a little girly doll. Let's hear what else it says."

Another 'squeak' and-

"Will you be my fwiend?" Gaz said in the same high pitched voice. She glared at Zim and Susie as they did their best to stifle their laughter.

"This ts fun! Let me squeeze it!"

"Alright, alright!"


"You'we vewy special!" Gaz said while mouthing to a grinning Zim 'You owe me big time for this!'

"Bill. Jim. What are you two doing?" came a third voice, making them all stop and stare.

"Oh, hey Ted! Uh, just, uh, having a little fun is all." said the first voice, now named Jim.

"I can see that. Is that from the Lamborghini?"

"Sure is. I'm thinking of giving it to my niece." said Jim.

"We'll do that later. Right now, we got a job to do." said Ted.

"Finally! Let's get this Lamborghini in pieces!" Bill said in a gleeful tone.

"Change of plans."

"Wait, what?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Tom says Mike screwed up big time with this Lamborghini."

"I'll say he did." Gaz muttered under her breath, committing their voices to her memory to destroy them later.

"What do you mean?"

"The chick who owns it? He forget to tell us that her name is Gaz Membrane."

"Membrane? She related to Professor Membrane?"

"She's his daughter. If they find out what we did? Well, there's a few rumors about what he'll do to criminals under the name of science."

"How would anyone find out? The only ones who know about us are Mike and that Marie Kanker we nabbed when she caught us loading the car into the truck."

"They have the third sister?" Susie asked.

"What about the other two? Mike said that they all were suspicious of him when he told them all to leave early." Bill asked.

"Taken care of. The police got a call about the car and arrested the other two. However, they caught Lee at her home and don't know if she called anyone before they nabbed her." Ted explained. "He

"They called us." Gir said before being shushed by the others.

"So what are we doing?"

"Tom's orders. We have to move the operation. Leave no trace or evidence. And that means all the cars and parts we have here are evidence." Ted informed.

"Does that mean we have to destroy the Lamborghini too?" Jim whined.

"Especially the Lamborghini. And that toy too. Better safe than sorry."

"Fuck! Well, at least I took some pictures of us in it earlier." said Bill.

"What about Marie and Mike?" Jim asked.

"Didn't you hear what I said? No trace. No evidence. Now come on. We gotta torch everything."

The group was shocked at all that they heard.

The innocence of the sisters. The real culprits behind the theft. The plan to torch the place, along with-


"They're going to kill her!" Susie gasped.

"Not if we get her out of there first." Zim said before turning to the communitcator and whispering. "Minimoose. When you're alone, find Marie and help her escape. We're coming right now."

"Squeak." Minimoose answered quietly as he waited for the car thieves to leave. They had thrown him back into the car to be burned with everything else, leaving him unattended. He peeked out the window to look around and see what he could see while waiting for Zim and the others to arrive. From what he could see, he guessed that he was in a large warehouse full of different cars, which, aside from the Lamborghini, were anything special. He watched as all the men inside walked about, packing up vital tools and parts they would need to do business elsewhere before spotting Marie and Mike, both bound to chairs and gagged.

"Come on, come on. Hurry up!" one of the men ordered as he waved a few others in, each carrying a gas can in each hand. "We'll handle getting the tools. You guys douse this place."

Minimoose watched as the men that carried the gas in began to spread gas all over the floor and even flinging it on the walls. He then directed his attention at Mike and Marie when he heard Mike yelling after his gag came undone.

"This is all your fault, you blue haired bitch! If you hadn't of brought that stupid Lamborghini to my garage, I wouldn't be here about to die-"

"Shut up!" barked one of the thieves before sucker punching him in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. He then turned to Marie. "You want the same? Since you're gonna die, you might not want to be awake for it." All Marie could do was stare at the car thief in quiet fear, hoping beyond hope that someone would find her before they cooked her alive.

"Hey! Quit talking and hurry up! We gotta move!" another thief yelled as he finished dumping his can of gas. The other thief finished by emptying his can before joining the others as they fled for the door, leaving one left with a matchbox.

"Do us a favor." he said before taking out a match and lighting it. "Make like weiners and roast!" he laughed before chucking the match onto a puddle of gas and closing the door, leaving the flames to spread everywhere.

Marie was frantic as she struggled to get free from the chair she was tied to, her yells muffled by the gag as the building was quickly filling with smoke.

"SOMEONE! HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! MOMMA!" she screamed through her gag, tears cascading from her visible eye. She began to choke on the smoke from the fires as they continued to spread, though luckily none of them were near her yet.


Without warning, she and Mike slowly began to rise up into the air, a strange purple aura surrounding them.

'What's going on?!' she thought as she franctically looked around, wondering how she was suddenly flying. She thought she saw something glowing above her, but the smoke was clouding her vision. She watched as the ground got farther away as she and Mike levitated towards the windows on the roof. 'Am I...dead? Is that an angel?' she thought as she looked to the glowing ball floating above her. She could feel the breeze from outside coming in from the window before the the glowing started to fade around both the orb and herself. 'No! Nononono! We're almost out!' she mentally screamed. Just a little more and she would be on the roof.

A little more...

A little-

Without warning, the aura faded from the orb...and herself.

Time seemed to slow down as she watched the window get further away, as if she had been lifted to Heaven only to be dropped into Hell. Her mind went blank with fear as her world got fuzzy. The last thing she saw before everything went black was a blur of green diving towards her.

A/N: Second part down. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, along with the next chapter when it's out.

Now, here's a list of a few names of women that people want to see in the harem.

Leela: 1

Amy Wong: 1

Lum from Kaiba: 1

Lily Enstomache: 1

Boa Sandersonia: 1

Mandy from GaoBaM: 1

Lydia Deetz: 1

Spinel: 1

Erotica Jones: 1

Martian Queen Tyr'ahnee: 1

Lord Dominator: 1

Vicky from FOP: 1

Mandie from FOP: 1

Commander Dish from Duck Dodgers: 1

Enid: 1

Wilhamena: 1

Fink from OK KO: 1

Mavis Dracula: 1

Adult Grimwood Girls: 1

Jinx: 1

Blackfire: 1

Tallest Miyuki: 1

Tak: 1

Tenn: 1

Haiku from Loud House: 1

Lucy Loud from Loud House: 1

Kirika Misono: 1

Jenny Wakeman: 1

Misty from MLAATR: 1

Chifusa Manyuu: 1

Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory: 1

Lee Lee from Dexter's Laboratory: 1

Mee Mee from Dexter's Laboratory: 1

If you didn't see a name of someone, send it again and I'll see if I can fit them in. The numbers next to the names are the times I've been asked about them. If you like them, say that you want them and I'll increase the number.

Now I know that some of these names are making you scratch your heads and ask 'How are they going to appear?' Don't worry. I've got a plan for it.

Special thanks to LoamyCoffee for helping me with this chapter.

Don't forget to review to tell me what you think.