It was worse than Franklin had feared. Everything seemed to be ablaze, from the port facilities to the ships in the harbor, and the attackers didn't seem to be anywhere close to being done as they continue to approach in wave after wave and release their weapons to the intended victims below. The ships were all returning fire as best they could, joined now by several PT boats that were too small to warrant having their own Wisdom cubes and thus were manned by Human Sailors and Marines. There were bodies too, lining both the docks and the water with both Eagle Union and Royal Navy Men. Franklin thought he could also see the bodies of several warships in the tide, and it was all he could do to not let the ice he felt rising in his stomach freeze him in place. There would be time to mourn the dead later, right now he had to focus on those that still lived.

Sakura fighters continued to strafe with machine guns along the docks, one attack run very nearly catching Franklin as the bullets riddled the ground right in front of his path, where he would have been within a couple heartbeats. He fell backwards, scrambling on hands and knees to take cover behind a handful of fuel cans that he prayed were empty. Franklin took the brief moment he had to catch his breath and get his bearings in the harbor. From his best guess, he was in the south side of Pearl, having passed the Naval Hospital on his run in and seeing only a few ships ahead. If they had kept the Headquarters building where it had been before the evacuation, then he'd need to cut east and then North to reach it. Based on what he was seeing, it was absolute madness in the harbor, likely with no one at all in charge to direct the defense. Since Franklin himself lacked AA guns on his body, the best thing he could do was head for the HQ and try to establish some sense of order among the survivors. Assuming the HQ was even still standing at this point

Franklin took in a few more deep breaths, readying himself for another hard sprint. Then he saw one of the Siren fighters coming back around from an attack on the opposite side of Ford's Island. He paused, worrying that it might be coming for him somehow, before realizing it was aiming for the battleship docked just a couple hundred yards to his north. He was forced to watch helplessly as the aircraft began its attack run, and the mighty ships AA guns all turned towards this new oncoming threat. His silent prayers seemed to be answered as one of the aircraft's wings was torn off by bofors fire before it had a chance to launch a missile, spinning downward in what would clearly be a crash landing. But the cheer he was ready to give out died in his throat as he realized where that crash was going to happen. The warship seemed to realize this too, as she continued firing at it as it came down, but it was no use. It smashed right into the portside of the battleship, ripping a massive hole into its hull as the blast wave knocked a lone figure off the battleship's front deck.

Before his mind even registered what was happening, Franklin was once again at a dead sprint, heading for where he had seen the Ship Girl be launched into the water. Acting entirely on instincts, he kicked off his shoes mid-run, managing to trip himself up in the process and hit his cheek hard against the ground. Wincing in pain, he forced himself back up to his run and searched for where the Warship had landed. There, floating amongst some debris was a tall woman with dark hair. She was facedown, not moving as her body moved in the current. Refusing to accept what he knew was most likely, Franklin dove into the warm water and started swimming hard for the woman. The waves around him were rough and choppy, seeming to do everything they could to keep him away from her. He pressed on, willing his burning lungs to keep going despite the pain.

Managing to fight against the current long enough to reach the Warship, Franklin wrapped one arm around her and hauled her back upright to keep her from drowning. He could feel her torso moving ever so slightly with breathing, and he felt a wash of relief come over him as he realized she was still alive. The relief vanished as a large wave from a nearby explosion overcame them both, his vision and hearing gone as he struggled to get them both above the water once more. He kicked his legs hard while he struggled to not let the woman be torn away by the rough currents being caused by the battle. Vision blurred by the water in his eyes, he tried to look around for where the nearest part of the shore was and found that he was much further out then he'd estimated. This was bad, Franklin would have to battle the waves the entire way there while hauling the unconscious battleship along with him. But leaving her here was completely out of the question. Franklin reached out with his free hand and started paddling as best he could while kicking his legs as hard as they would let him. It didn't seem to do him any good, if anything the dock seemed to get even further away with every effort he made.

Another wave crashed over his head. Then another, and then another. Every time he forced himself to break the surface once more, making extra sure that he hadn't let go of the battleship and that she still had access to oxygen. His energy was starting to fade fast, and dark feelings of hopelessness began to set in as he saw blackness start to creep in on his edges of his blurred view.

"Over there! In the water!" He heard a voice call out through his muffled senses. "Sailors in the water! Bring her around!

Franklin tried to find the source of the sound, but the water in his eyes still prevented him from seeing anything but a blur of colors.

"Help! Over here!" He cried out, risking giving a wave with his free hand in the air and hoping they could still see them.

"We've got you, just hold on!" The voice was closer now, and Franklin could clearly hear steam turbines closing in. "Grab onto this!"

He couldn't see what exactly he was supposed to be grabbing onto, but he felt a splash just to his side as something had obviously been thrown to him. Making sure his grip on the woman was still secure, he reached out for the object, immediately recognizing it as a standard life preserver ring from its shape. He wrapped his arm through it tightly, then braced himself.

"Haul me up!" He shouted. His rescuers immediately responding by giving a hard yank on the line, clearly being done by several men as he was dragged through the waves by brute strength. A few seconds later his shoulder hit hard against what was probably the hull of a ship. Franklin gave hiss of pain and almost lose his grip as he and the battleship were hauled upwards.

A few moments of dangling later, he felt a mass of hands grabbing at both him and the woman as they were pulled onto the deck, voices from every direction asking him if he was alright or where he was injured.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Franklin said, coughing and swatting away the offers for aid with one arm while clearing his eyes with the other. He was on the deck of what seemed to be a cruiser, a deck he recognized vaguely from somewhere in the back of his mind. All around him were Eagle Union Sailors who were armed to the teeth, with no sign of the vessel's controller.

"God damn, this guy's an Admiral!" Someone called out.

"Get the Battleship to the infirmary, right now!" He ordered, struggling to get back on his feet. "She's wounded."

"But sir, her hull…" One sailor protested, looking out at what was probably the wreckage of the battleship.

"Did I fucking stutter sailor?!" Franklin spat, putting a mix of authority and venom into his voice. "She's still breathing, which means she's not dead yet! Get her to the ship's infirmary NOW."

The men seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then scrambled to do as they were told. Two of them started to pick her up, and Franklin held out his hand for one of the sailor's weapons. The first man obliged, handing over his BAR before carrying the Battleship away. He checked the ammunition, then started towards the center of the deck while letting off a few rounds at hostile craft that came into range. In the center of the maelstrom of battle stood a lone woman, her hands moving in coordination with the ship's guns, and Franklin belatedly realized why deck had seemed so familiar to him.

"Detroit, am I glad to see you." He greeted her. The Cruiser looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Captain Franklin?"

"It's Admiral now." Franklin answered, looking around at the others. A nearby Petty Officer stood closest to Detroit, reloading his Tommy Gun while scanning the sky for incoming targets. He looked to be a few years older than the Ensign he had met yesterday, with a sculpted face and blonde hair that was probably grown out a bit beyond regulations. The man was clearly scared, but he seemed to be the steadiest of the gathered sailors. "We'll catch up later, what's the situation here?"

"You can pretty much see for yourself." Detroit said, bringing the cruiser into an evasion pattern. "We came this direction to provide cover for Pennsylvania, and that's when we saw you bobbing in the harbor."

"Is that who I hauled out of the water?"

"That's her." Detroit pointed in the direction of the battleship Franklin had seen the woman get launched off. It was sitting low in the harbor, with the water almost reaching her main deck, but it wasn't slipping any deeper.

"Doesn't look like Pennsylvania's going to sink." The Petty Officer observed. "I think that used to be an old-world dry dock; water must be shallower there."

"Lucky her." Franklin said, firing a burst from his BAR at another low flying plane. "This whole situation's been FUBARed, who's in command right now?"

"Prince of Wales apparently." Detroit answered. "At least she's the one giving what little directions there's been."

"A warship is in command?!" He demanded, the ice in his stomach returning with a vengeance. Warships were excellent at handling their own tactical business, but most of them had no leadership experience in coordinating others while having to fight themselves, certainly not to the extent of a battle like this. "Where's the base commander? Is he dead already?!"

"There is no base commander here yet." The Petty officer said. "Just a Maintenance Commander, and he doesn't have battle authority over the warships."

"Oh great." Franklin snarled in frustration. They were probably going to select a base commander during the upcoming conference, yet another brilliant decision made by Azur Lane High Command. "Then I guess that makes me the highest-ranking Officer here, and we need to get organized."

"Command bridge is right where you left it." Detroit gave a small smile. "I'll await orders."

"You, Petty Officer." Franklin pointed at the man who had been standing with him. "Are you maintenance too?"

"Y-yes sir!" he said, straightening slightly. "Petty Officer First Class Billy Johnson, I-"

"Doesn't matter," Franklin cut him off. "I need a Yeoman, and you're it. Get to the bridge, I'll be right up."

"Yes sir!" Johnson nearly dropped his gun in his race to do as he was told. Franklin glanced back at Detroit, belatedly realizing having this many humans on board would certainly be affecting her mind.

"Are you hanging in there?"

"I'll be fine." She answered, not bothering to look back at him as she let off another salvo of her three-inch guns. There was something else in her tone just then, a new harshness. "Don't worry about me, I can hold it together."

He gave a simple nod, then started after Petty Officer Johnson. Although it had been several years since he had last been aboard, Franklin was able to navigate his way to bridge using little more than muscle memory. He got there about the same time as his new Yeoman, the other having to take more time to find the right corridor. Stepping up behind him, Franklin practically shoved the other man into the bridge and turned him in the direction of a control bank.

"Get on the secondary radio and gather a list of all active ships we still have." He ordered. "Don't worry about those that are sunk or otherwise combat ineffective, just those that can still fight."

" do I do that sir?"

"Just listen, carefully." Franklin said, stepping forward to the main radio and hitting the transmission button. "Attention all Azur Lane forces on this frequency, this is Vice Admiral Paul Franklin aboard the Cruiser Detroit. I'm assuming command of the current engagement within Pearl Harbor and all Warships involved. All ships larger than a Light Cruiser that are still combat capable are to cast off from their docking as soon as possible and head for the East Loch north of Ford Island. Light Cruisers and Destroyers are to likewise leave their docking and proceed to cover the big ships, with a focus on Battleship Row. All combat capable ships respond."

A long string of acknowledgements answered his call, and Johnson scrambled to write them all down with a pen and paper that had been left on the bridge.

"Admiral, Maryland was docked on the Northwest side of the island." Detroit's voice came over the radio, as she glanced up at him from the deck below. "My sister Raleigh is there to provide cover, but I don't think she'll be able to do it by herself."

"Then get us there Detroit." He answered. "Keep an eye out when we reach the south side of the island, we'll be easy targets there and will need to get through fast."

"Aye aye."

"What about the damaged ships sir?" Johnson asked.

"If they can't move, there's not much we can do for them. Our focus is on those that can still float." Franklin said. "Send an order to the PT boats to protect the ships that are stuck in place as best they can, once the battleships get to safety, we'll be able to spare some proper escorts."

"Understood." Johnson nodded, jogging back to the secondary radio while Franklin turned back to his own.

"Maryland, what's your status?" He asked into the airwaves.

"Still alive and kicking Admiral." The response came, the voice sounding a bit excited. "I took some minor damage, but me and Raleigh are giving back just as good."

"Standby, we're on our way with Detroit to assist."

"Alright! Can't promise we won't have smashed all the planes before you get here!"

Franklin put the microphone back and grabbed for his own piece of paper, making a rough sketch of Pearl Harbor as best he could from his memories. He didn't yet have a solid idea on all the locations of ships in the harbor and had to make do with just a basic outline of a map. He was seriously lacking in information not only of his own forces, but the enemy coalition that somehow had Siren forces and the Sakura Empire working in tandem.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle

The words of Sun Tzu rang in his mind, and Franklin bit his lower lip to make the pain force him into focus. After all, this could just be the first wave of an even larger assault by surface warships. Whatever failings there had been at either the tactical or command level, there was nothing he could do about them now. The cards had been dealt, and he would just have to play the hand he had the best he could.

"Enemy Zero's coming in on the starboard side!" Detroit reported, and Franklin whipped around to see in the indicated direction. Four Sakura fighters were heading their way over Ford's Island and were met by a hail of Anti-Aircraft fire from the Cruiser. Two were successfully shot down while starting their attack run, but the surviving pair successfully dropped their payloads in the water. He saw a flash of something leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake before it passed out of his view.

"Torpedoes!" Franklin shouted. "Take evasive maneuvers!"

The sudden turn nearly took the floor out from underneath him and Johnson, and Franklin had to hold on to the panel in front of him to stay on his feet. He couldn't see the torpedoes from where he stood and could only hold his breath while he waited the few tense seconds to see if they would need to abandon the Cruiser too.

"...Torpedoes evaded!" Detroit announced, and both Franklin and Johnson exhaled at the same time. "I'm seeing less planes in the sky now, maybe the attack's finally starting to peter out."

"Let's hope we're that lucky." Franklin answered, still holding on to the panel in front of him to keep his balance while the cruiser straightened itself out once more. "Keep your wits about you and we all just might live through the day."

"Admiral Franklin, this is Prince of Wales." Another report came over the radio. "I've cleared my dock and am about to make a move towards the East Loch, requesting an escort."

"I hear you Wales. Are there any destroyers nearby who can take the job?"

"This is HMS Javelin!" An enthusiastic voice answered. "I'll move to give assistance!"

"Destroyer Laffey, moving to escort." A tired tone added.

"Godspeed to you all." Franklin said. "All other ships render what support you can if they pass by you."

They had finished rounding the southern tip of Ford's island by now, and Franklin could see the Battleship Maryland engaged in her own battle alongside a light cruiser he assumed to be Raleigh nearby providing support.

"The cavalry has arrived sis!" Detroit announced.

"Your aid will be much appreciated." Another voice that must have been Raleigh's answered. "My ammunition stores were starting to run low."

"Was starting to think you wouldn't make it Admiral!" Maryland chimed in. "I've got the boilers running hot and I'm about to get underway. Mind giving a lady a hand?"

"Not at all." Franklin said, the pieces all coming together in his head. "Raleigh and Detroit form up in escort positions around Maryland. We'll guide her out of-"

"Maryland, you've got incoming!" Another voice cut him off. "Mass of Sakura bombers heading your way from your seven o'clock!"

"What?! Oh hell I can't come about to engage them!"

"Get us over there Detroit!" Franklin ordered, now able to see the eight Sakura planes making a beeline for the Battleship. He knew neither her nor Raleigh had enough AA guns to deal with that many on their own.

"I'm trying!" The warship answered. "I'm not going to be in range!"

The two ships ahead of them did the best they could, firing all that they had against the oncoming threat, but they only managed to destroy three of them before they were overhead of the battleship and Detroit's guns belatedly began to fire in support. All five dropped their payloads and pulled away before this new threat could cause them any real danger.

"Hit the deck! Damage contro-" Maryland's transmission was cut short as the bombs struck home, one punching right through the deck armor on her forward bow before detonating. The blast came from deep within the hull, rippling outward and shearing the ship in two.

"Maryland!" Raleigh cried out.

"Maryland, report!" Franklin demanded. There was no answer, the two pieces of the battleship already starting to sink at a rapid rate.

"They hit her magazine…" Johnson said from behind him, his voice barely a whisper.

"Detroit take us in! Find where Maryland is!"

The cruiser's only response was in movement, and Franklin could see her staring rigidly forward on deck, hands clenched into trembling fists.

"Johnson, send out a message to alert the fleet." Franklin ordered, fighting to keep a lump from forming in his throat. "Then get on deck and help look in the waters."

"Aye aye…"

"Raleigh, are you damaged?"

"L-light damage to the superstructure." She answered, voice trembling. "But Maryland, she-"

"We're coming in on a search pattern from the south, coordinate with Detroit and make a pass parallel to us and come back through to the north."

He knew it would have taken a miracle to find the Battleship in one piece when her hull was at this state, and it seemed like the world had no more miracles it was willing to give Azur Lane on this day. Both ships made their pass with no luck, and they all knew that if her body hadn't been vaporized in the explosion, it was currently at the bottom of the harbor. Though none were willing to say so out loud.

"I'm coming around to do another pass." Detroit said, her first words since they had seen the explosion.

"Negative on another pass Detroit." Franklin responded, forcing more resolve then he really felt into his words. "Set a course by northeast, pass around Ford's island again. Raleigh, fall in with us."

"Admiral we can't-" Raleigh protested.

"That's an order Raleigh. We can't do anything else here, other ships will need our help."

"If I'd only been a little faster…" Detroit whispered.

"Stow that kind of talk! I need you both to concentrate on the battle right now. Sakura and the Siren's clearly aren't done with us yet."

The cruisers silently fell into line as instructed, their silent anger burning so hot it could almost be felt on the deck. Anger at Franklin for ordering them away, anger at themselves for what they likely saw as their failure, and anger at their enemies for taking away a friend and ally. He'd seen it before, hell he'd felt it before, and he knew there was nothing he could do now to waylay those feelings. Not in any meaningful way. The Wisdom cubes had turned cold, unfeeling ships of steel into the greatest weapons the world had ever known. But it had also made them living, feeling humans. With all the pain that came with it.

"This is Prince of Wales; we've successfully made it clear of Battleship Row." A report came in. "Thank you for the assistance, Destroyers."

"Should we go back to Escort another ship?" Javelin asked.

"Negative Javelin, continue protecting Wales." Franklin said. He could see the small group now, the mighty battleship entering the Lock while being followed by the two smaller ships. "Laffey, link up with Detroit and Raleigh, we'll make a permanent escort group for the battle wagons."

"Laffey copies." The sleepy voice answered. "What should we do about the other planes?"

"Other planes?" He blinked. "What other planes?"

"There! Coming from over the harbor entrance!" Javelin yelled. Franklin squinted to see, it was difficult to make out, but there was indeed another mass of oncoming aircraft coming for them.

"It must be another attack wave." Wales hissed. "Will this ordeal never cease?!"

"All ships, prepare for another mass attack." Franklin ordered, his mind racing to deal with the new threat. "Laffey, belay previous order, stay with Prince of Wales and keep her safe. Detroit and Raleigh, full speed to Battleship row. We'll provide all the support we can."

"Hold on a second." Detroit said. "They're not moving to attack."

"They're not?" He asked, puzzled as he looked back out to the oncoming group. They were still heading into the harbor, but not spreading out to attack the warships. "What the hell are they doing?"

The fighters then suddenly split into different groups and began to attack, not she ships, but the Sakuran and Siren planes.

"What the hell?!"

A mass of dogfights started over the harbor, and Franklin finally got a good look at one of the newcomers. The planes were painted blue, with stars emblazoned on their wings and sides. They were old American Wildcats.

"They're ours!" He announced. "Interceptors!"

"Where did they come from?"

"Attention all Azur Lane Forces operating in Pearl Harbor." A new voice came over the radio. "This is the Eagle Union Aircraft Carrier Enterprise. May I be of assistance?"


Akagi laughed to herself in a self-satisfied way, looking up at Toshiko with a smile that held a sadistic edge.

"Another Battleship sunk." She declared. "That makes two that we know of for sure, and all of the rest of their heavy ships have suffered damage to one extent or another. Some surely won't survive."

"Excellent." He nodded, deciding that she had earned a little bit of praise. "You've done very well Akagi, I'm impressed."

"Anything for you Admiral." She dipped her head. "And for the Empire of course."

"What of their defenses?"

"Their anti-air weaponry is increasing, but I think we can deal with a few more of them if we push for another attack and do additional damage to the base."

Toshiko considered. Technically, they had already accomplished all their goals they had come out here for. Additional damage to the Azur Lane fleet and the Pearl Harbor base wasn't a requirement, but it would make the forthcoming war easier. On the other hand, if their defenses were becoming stronger, he didn't want to waste planes on what could prove to be a fruitless attack.

"Contact the rest of the strike force." He decided. "Have them give a number of undamaged planes. If they are still sufficient and our little Black Box is still stable, we'll send in another wave."

"It will be done Admiral."

He turned his back to the warship and allowed himself a small smile. It had all gone better than he had dared hoped, everything he had been working towards had been justified in less than an hour's time. No one else in the Empire would question either his capabilities or his intuition now, even the Emperor would have to lend an ear whenever Toshiko spoke, quite an achievement over his rivals. Overall, it had been a fantastically successful day.

And it wasn't over yet, he could see planes coming from the south towards both Akagi and Kaga. Good, they had come back sooner than expected, their turn around time would be helpful in launching another attack if he so desired.

"Akagi, have all the planes about to land be rearmed as soon as possible." He instructed. "I want no unnecessary delays for future action."

"Planes?" Akagi asked, her smile faltering slightly. "What do you mean Admiral?"

"I mean the planes that are about to land here and on Kaga." Toshiko said, putting some chiding into this tone. "Don't be so focused on the battle that you neglect the situation around you."

"Begging the Admiral's pardon, but no planes from Kaga or I are coming in for landing at this time."

Toshiko frowned, focusing on the dots in the sky. Could they be from one of the other carrier groups that had just gotten lost? No… that didn't happen with Modern warships, not when the carriers themselves controlled their planes. If they weren't from either Akagi or Kaga, that left but one option.

"Enemy Air Strike incoming!" He shouted so loud it made Akagi jump. "Intercept them, NOW."

Even as he gave the order, he knew it would matter little. He had devoted so many of his planes to the attack on Pearl Harbor that there had been little left for a Combat Air Patrol around his Carriers, a mistake he was now about to regret. As the Zeros and Wildcats clashed, a large group of dive bombers were already passing the meager defenses.

"Evasive maneuvers, fire all AA guns!" His words were obeyed the moment he spoke them, as the impressive firepower of Akagi and Kaga began to rip the sky open with their defenses. Many of the enemy planes were cut down by either the Zeros or the AA fire, but a small number managed to push their way through to Kaga.

The three craft dropped their bombs right on the flight deck, sending fireballs into the air and shrapnel that tore open the naval runway. As the enemy craft pulled away and started a mass retreat with the Wildcats, Toshiko heard Kaga giving a report without him needing to demand such a thing.

"Enemy bombs breached into the hangar deck; I'm trying to get the fire's under control and away from the fuel!"

"Admiral, enemy interceptors have appeared above Pearl Harbor." Akagi said, her voice laced with concern for her sister ship, but smart enough not to make any such comments in front of her Admiral in the middle of a battle. "There must be a Carrier out there, an Eagle Union Carrier."

Toshiko was quiet for a moment, his teeth grinding together so hard it hurt his jaw. He had been so close to perfection, so maddeningly close to what would have been a work of true art in naval warfare. He would not allow this slight to stand, Toshiko would not allow his record to be blemished like this.

"Akagi...Order all aircraft to return to their carriers right now." Toshiko growled, turning to face his warship so the flames of the burning Kaga behind him cast shadows over his face, "And find that Carrier."


"They're running for it!" One of the sailors hollered as they watched the Sakuran fighters start to depart the harbor with the Wildcats in hot pursuit.

"Yeah that'll show them!"

"Not so tough now!"

Wild yelling and whooping came from all over Detroit's hull, and even Johnson couldn't help but feel some swell of pride as he watched the enemy's flight from the harbor. It didn't have the chance to grow.

"What the hell is with the cheering?!" A booming voice demanded. All fell silent in an instant, as Admiral Franklin started stepping in front of them all. He pointed out into the Harbor. "Take a good long look out there and tell me if you see ANYTHING worth cheering about."

The atmosphere quickly fell completely somber, as they looked out beyond the waters. The wreckage of Maryland, the bodies bobbing up and down in the Loch, the fires that still burned on both ship and shore alike. Pillars of black smoke rose into the sky, giving a chilling color to the entire scene and mixed with the scent of gunpowder and blood. Johnson glanced over where Detroit was standing, staring at the deck with a defeated look on her face. No one said anything in response to the admiral, all good cheer dying away as quickly as it had come.

"We just lost a lot of damn good men and warships. The enemy is still out there while we have to stem the bleeding here in the harbor, any of that sound like a victory to you?!" The question was met with silence, the reality of what they had all just lived through settling hard in their minds. "...Screw your heads back on straight and get ready to go back on shore. We have a long day ahead of us."