A/N: I was bored so I quickly wrote this.

Word count: 525

Shota got a phone call from his student.

"Mister Aizawa?"

"Problem Child?"

Shota noticed how Izuku's voice broke.

"Can you come pick me up?"

"Why didn't you call your mom?"

"I-I'm in jail."

Shota felt his lifespan shorten a bit. 'My students will be the end of me.' he thought.


Izuku had finally found a super ultra rare All Might collection's action figure. Inspiring to be a hero, naturally he was against shoplifting and stealing. But he was broke.

"Well, I know All Might. Plus, no one doesn't want this more than I do." Izuku thought, foolishly tricking himself into believing it to defend his actions.

He tried to casually exit the store but failed to notice there was a security tag attached to the toy.


He gasped.

"Hey kid! Come Back!" the cashier said.

As his fight or flight instinct kicked in, his legs moved on his own.

'Well, there goes my record.'

A random hero that was patrol saw the events take place and ended up tackling him and waited for a police officer to come arrest him.

The officer was gonna let him go on warning but he found how expensive the toy was and ended up arresting him.

"Sorry kid, but you have to be taught a lesson."

On the ride down to the police station, he started to cry, gaining a few sympathy points from the officer driving.


"So...that's how I ended up in jail." Izuku finished.

Shota's eye twitched.


The greenette knew things were serious when his sensei referred to him by his first name.

"I'm not picking you up."

"Wait, what?"

Izuku was in hysterics, his own teacher abandoned him.

"Please. I'm begging you. I did something stupid. I will never do it again."



Shota groaned.

"Fine. Which station are you at?"

"Are you here for Izuku?" the desk lady said.

"Yeah." Shota said, filling out a clipboard.

"Oh, sorry. We need a parent or a legal guardian to book him out since he's a minor."

"I'm his teacher."

The desk lady took one look at Shota. She thought he was super shady and was possibly homeless.

Shota sighed and showed his hero license.

"Ooh! A hero. Well, since you are licensed for the commission...I guess it's okay."

Izuku was happy to be out of the holding cell. He was traumatized. But after seeing the angry look on Aizawa's face he remembered how warm and comforting the holding cell is.

"No, I'm going back."

"Izuku! Come here!"

Izuku lowered his head in shame as he walked over to his sensei.

As they exited the police station, Shota stopped for a second.

"I'm calling your mom."


Shota smirked.

Izuku finally sees his teacher for what he really is. A sadist.

"Well, if you want off your back, come during my planning period to help grade some papers."

The greenette sighed. "Fine."

"Also, problem child. Stop stealing! It's stuff like this is why people disapprove of heroes."

"It was only one time! I swear!"

