Welcome to my little piece of insanity. Hi. I'm SeleneOpheila. Nice to meet ya! If you want an intro into me head to my profile. This is about my dear friend Breezy. For whom I write this, also as a way to combat my anxiety. I love Big Bang Theory and honestly never liked Leonard so here we go.

Welcome to Season 1! Each 'episode' is a part and each chapter is a segment. So this is Part 1, Chapter 1.

Disclaimer: I don't own BBT at all, I do not write this for a profit of any kind, merely for my own sanity and self-enjoyment.

Thanks: Big thanks to Breezy and a bigger one to my amazing Beta Zorak TwentyThree who helped give me the guts to post this! Love you guys!

Part 1

Chapter 1: Hurts Like Hell

Her phone rang again and Penny ignored it. She just didn't have it in her to pick up the phone, not when the ring tone was Leonard's. Demanding that he pull over halfway to Vegas and taking a cab home had been… dramatic. But Leonard telling her that he had kissed that woman, the one that he worked with… She was done. He hadn't told her, he hadn't given her any kind of heads up, he had lied. She was done. She loved him, she had let him in and given him her all. She had quit acting. For him. Leonard was just like all the other idiotic jocks she had dated for years.

Storming up the stairs of their apartment building, she used her key to open the apartment Leonard shared with Sheldon and stamped to his room to gather her things, growling and muttering under her breath when an earring fell under the bed. Footsteps behind her were not that of her now ex-fiance, but his roommate.

"Penny, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing, Cooper?" She said angrily from under the bed.

"Exposing a rather copious amount of backside."

Penny rolled her eyes and sat up, barely avoiding hitting her head on the bedframe and pulled down the skirt. "Thanks for telling me instead of just looking at my ass."

Sheldon smiled at her. "It may just be my boyish good looks, but I am in fact, not CW's Green Arrow. My Mama raised a gentleman, and gentlemen don't stare at ladies' backsides. "

Penny snorted and put the box on the bed. "Okay, Sheldon. You don't have to lie to me."

"That's not a lie. You know I can't—" She didn't let him finish though, instead Penny waved her hand and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Freak show wackadoo. Blah, blah, blah." She moved past into the bathroom and gathered the few things she was allowed to have there, but Sheldon cornered her when she was leaving the bathroom.

"Why are you taking your things? I thought you and Leonard were getting married in Vegas today?!" He said this and began to wring his hands nervously, looking around."Where is Leonard?! Did he get into an accident? How will he get to work? How will I get to work now?"

She set the small tote down and put her hands on Sheldon's. "Sweetie, calm down." Guiding Sheldon into the living room Penny sighed and allowed him to sit in his spot and she sat beside him

"Honey, Leonard and I broke up. He cheated on me when he was on that boat trip. And I just… I can't spend my life with someone who would betray me."

"Betray you? Why ever would he? Doesn't he know that the mathematical chances of him getting anyone else equal to your level of attractiveness is vastly low, bordering on non-existent?"This made Penny's face heat a little and she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, sweetie. I just want to get my things and get his things out of my apartment, drink a bottle of wine…"

"And find that box at the bottom of your closet?"


"If you didn't want anyone finding it, you would do better at having a better hiding place for it."

"You could not go through my closet?"

His wheezing laugh filled the room and he waved a hand dismissively. "Penny you're a riot sometimes," and his hand fell into his lap, which made Penny tilt her head, her short hair shifting as she did so. "Penny, I have an idea. Leonard never really understands the quirks of my personality the way that you, or Amy ever have. As I find myself short of a romantic partner, as do you… what if we swapped?"

Penny stood and went to the fridge to get herself a bottle of water and stood here looking at him before setting it on the table. "What? I didn't think you swung that way, Cooper." She drank from the water again and then furrowed her brow. "And besides a few drunken hookups when I was in college, and that one kiss with Amy when she got drunk last year… I don't really lean that way either..".

If glares could slap she would have been holding her face but Penny smirked just the same. "While your attempts at sexual foray in your youth and with Amy is mildly amusing to Wolowitz, I am not as intrigued by your genitals. What I meant is, what if we switch roommates. Leonard stays in your old one, and you live with me."

"Oh, no. No. No. No."

He stood and walked over to the table. "But Penny, this makes perfect sense. And you are much more financially stable now that you have given up on acting, which took way too long. Let's be honest. "


"Penny think about it. You are closer to me than Leonard ever was. And then I won't have to stop being your friend. It won't be weird. And you remember the last time…"

"Yeah that was… weird. Plus, revenge for him cheating… But we need to talk about this roommate agreement."

He rolled his eyes and sighed before opening his mouth but his phone rang. "It's Leonard."