HELLO MY WONDERFUL READERS! It is I, Jeremy 'Scout' with another story. This is actually my first ever story that isn't a crossover, so yeah. The idea just came to me randomly one day, and I somehow got it stuck in my head and the inspiration to write. It's an odd idea, but a new one I believe. With new schools and OCs, as well as some other OCs and schools a few of y'all might recognize from other stories. Now then, that's enough outta me for now, without further ado, let the story begin!

Homeroom was about to start when Momo had made an announcement on the intercom to the whole school asking for them all to go to the gym. The last time they'd asked for this was when they announced the return of tankery to the school's elective list.

Everyone was talking as more students filtered into the gym and sat down on the floor with their friends. Once it looked everyone had come in, Momo asked for them be quiet. With the gym almost dead silent, Anzu came up to speak.

"Alright everyone, we've got a new elective so sit tight and watch the orientation film." Anzu told them as she and the rest of the student council walked away as the screen started playing film.

The whole gym was surprised at what started playing on the screen, even the student council who hadn't watched it yet. All they knew about it was that it was from a new federation that had formed recently in the Americas.

On the screen were black and white clips from several wars, specifically the Mexican Revolution. Men walking in formation, men riding horses, and men riding in and on train cars. All of these men were armed with a variety of weapons, and very few of them had an actual uniform and all looked rather unkempt and rough.

"Revolution Royale. The new infantry-based sport that allows for everyone to enjoy fighting for pay and love of adventure under the flag of any school."

Said a voice while the clips kept rolling, showing a quick scene of men skirmishing before it cut off to people riding and running through a city's streets.

"Signing up means that not only will you fight for a different school for pay, you also get to understand the thrill of an infantryman's life. Vastly different from that of a tanker's, you'll find that it will give you a new perspective on the battlefield."

With that, the film stopped and the screen went blank. The student council then walked into the center of the stage and Momo started talking.

"Several years ago, it was decided there would be a new combat-based sport for schools to participate in, this time however, it would be unisex. Originally it was going to be restricted to the area, but the Ministry of Culture reached out and was granted permission for every high school to partake. We're being allowed to send 1,000 volunteers to support a school. The time period that is being focused on this year is the Mexican Revolution. You can sign up for this elective without it interfering with your current one, we expect to see most of you participating."

Once Momo had made her announcement, the student council began walking off stage and the student's all began to file out as well. There was a lot of chatter about what they'd just been told, the general consensus being that it would be worth a shot to try. The student body was more open to the idea of doing sports like this ever since they managed to win the championship in Tankery.

Soon after, a large portion of Oarai's student population had signed up for the sport, and the first practice was to be held the next day, though the main leaders were being decided that day after school.

In the Student Council room, the commanders of each Tankery team had gathered, with all of Angler team present. They were discussing how they would break it down, as they'd received the maximum number of volunteers rather quickly.

As it stood, Oarai had hit the maximum of 1,000 applicants, with there being roughly 600 girls and 400 men. The men that had joined had received a copy of the film in their mail and were given the incentive of a scholarship to a university of their choosing.

They had already decided to split all of them into seven companies, six of which would-be full-strength companies numbering 150 strong, with the last company numbering 100 as they were designated a reserve company and would mainly be used as a rear guard.

As for the leaders, it was a unanimous decision for Miho to lead them among those present, though she had originally objected to it, stating that, "Infantry is different from tanks." But eventually conceded as the fact that she had the most experience leading was important, even if this was out of her element.

After being chosen, she quickly decided that Azusa would be her second in command for the exercise, to which the girl agreed to after being slightly embarrassed at being chosen. From there they decided how to organize the companies and who would lead them.

Caesar suggested that they should make their regiment mixed, with each company specializing in different roles, an idea which Yukari backed up. In the end they'd managed to organize the companies by letters and would come up with names at a later date.

Once the company jobs were decided upon and each one had been assigned a leader and roles, they had asked where they would get the supplies for this. After hearing this, Anzu smirked and spoke up.

"Apparently the ruffians have access to the school's old armory. Years ago, a similar event was planned but lost funding as Tankery quickly took the spotlight off it, though our school had already invested in buying weapons and they were all delivered by the time it was called off. Momo here already asked Shark team to start bringing them up and they should be all done by practice tomorrow."

"Yeah, it's not the fanciest stuff but it'll get the job done." Ogin confirmed.

They all nodded and thanked her for cooperating with them, and shortly after the meeting between them was adjourned and they would next meet during the practice which was to take place on the Tankery training grounds.

Meanwhile, across the world in Mexico the leaders of each school were waking up for the day, and were already preparing their schools for the upcoming event. They'd been allowed 10,000 volunteers to fight, and the students of each school were more than ready to fight one another.

Despite being relatively new schools, having only been founded recently, there was already a rivalry between each of the schools due to there being differences in each one.

In total, there was twelve schools, each one representing different sides of the Mexican Revolution. They'd all just been given a bigger budget meant to be used to hire one of the Japanese schools as their auxiliary force to assist them in the war.

Each leader went over the various options they had as they ate breakfast and took their time deciding on which one they should choose. As schools were chosen, they received the updates and were given their destination, they'd all restock at ports in Japan before making the journey to their contractor.

With each school being chosen and making the preparations for the event, students at all of the schools, Mexican and Japanese alike, were already excited for it and with each passing day, that excitement only grew in each one of them until it became a fire to fight.

And that's another one down, let me know what you guys thought. To me personally, this has a lotta room for improvement, but I wanna hear what y'all think. If you want to get some previews at this fanfic and several others, and also seek some assistance if you're a writer as well, then come join our Discord server. We're just a group of writers and readers who help each other out with stories and just chill. The code to join is BSdFMH3. Well then, I sincerely hope you guys enjoyed, and until next time, this is Jeremy 'Scout' signing off.