"It seems your son does have a quirk . Instead of blood cells, he seems to have micro machines commonly referred to as Nanites." A bald older man one would assume is a doctor based off his outfit with a bushy mustache was pointing at a picture of a young boy's blood stream. The boy in question was a small five year old, a little on the short side with green messy hair, eyes to match and a smile that could rival the Mona Lisa's. The boy's eyes started to sparkle as he listened to the doctor.

"Does that mean I can be a hero?!" He asked the doctor, rocking slightly back and forth in his seat. The mother of the boy, a short slim woman with hair and eyes to match her son's shot, the doctor a glare as if saying, 'Be realistic but careful.'

He coughed into his hand, "Well, you could with lots of training, hard work, and the right diet. It seems like they allow you to send signals to machines, as well as increasing the rate at which you heal. Based on what we had observed, you heal about three times faster than a non-healing quirked human. Although we are not sure of the upper limits of your quirk, as it seemed like the Nanites were trying to assemble something of themselves. So make sure to document anything you learn about it!" The doctor left the older Midoriya with a small stack of paperwork, and gave them a nod. "You're free to go whenever. You need to submit those forms to any medical institute or government building once they are done."

The whole time he was there, the boy listened intently. It wasn't the fact that he got something super cool, or interesting. In fact he had lost track of about half of what the doctor had said. All he could think of was that he could finally be a hero. His eyes shined and his smile glowed, the whole way home. Once the two of them had gotten inside he exploded. "I can do it mom! I can be a hero! I can help people just like All Might!" The boy continued to cheer on about how he could be just like his favorite, and the number one, hero. His mother just smiled and laughed, eventually picking him up by under the arms and looking him in the face.

"Yes but you heard the doctor, you gotta train really hard! You gotta be the best you that you can be, okay Izuku?" She brought him up to her shoulder and held him in a hug.

"I will! I'll be the best Izuku first, then the best hero!" He said shooting his arms up then hugging his mother. He slowly passed out in her arms.

"Izuku sweetie, I think you'll be the best." She slowly put her son down to bed, rucked him in and kissed him on the forehead.

The next day after school, Izuku was chasing after his best friend, Katsuki Bakugo. A blonde with puffy and spiked hair, red eyes, and an amazing quirk. His power was in the palms of his hands, literally. He could ignite the nitroglycerin like sweat on his hands to create explosions. "Kacchan Kacchan! Wait up! I got my quirk! We can be heroes together now! According to the doctor, all I have to do is work really hard!" Izuku caught up with his friend, sweating and out of breath.

"Is that true! What's your quirk Izuku?" Katsuki had turned around after he had heard that his best friend had gotten his power. "What can you do?"

Izuku's face froze for a second when he heard the second question. "Well I, I don't really do anything."

Bakugo froze at hearing this. "Well then you can't be a hero! You need to have cool and big moves to be a hero. It's that simple!"

"But I heal really fast! A-a-and I can even talk with machines! Like my doorbell doesn't respond well when you punch it!" Izuku's face lit up talking about his own quirk, while little Katsuki's face just turned into a scowl. "I was told that they can build stuff too I think!" It was in that final sentence, that Katsuki's sour face turned around and lit up.

"Well why didn't you say so? Let's try to build something!" The boys had explored their neighborhood and the nearby parks enough to where they knew there was a trash heap on a beach nearby. Although after hours of messing with the machines on the coast, the best they could do was talk to some of the broken down appliances and even a broken truck. Pretty soon Izuku talked to a washing machine and his face went red with embarrassment. To say he talked to machines was not really accurate. He could sense a frequency they gave off when people interacted with them, and see images of their time in use. Sometimes he could turn stuff on or off, but not always. What he had seen this time was a woman sitting on top of the machine, leaking her own liquid and from what he could tell, making noise in pleasure. Although he didn't know why, he didn't want to share it with Katsuki nor did he know why he felt embarrassed seeing that. "Izuku! We can't figure out how to build with your quirk. It's getting late so I'm going to go home." Little Bakugo ran off home, leaving Izuku sitting in the sand. He just punched the side of the washing machine, denting it. His eyes lit up as he ran after his friend.

"I did something, I did something! Kacchan, I dented the metal!" He just smirked.

"Of course you did. How else could you be my sidekick if you couldn't even hit that hard!"

From then on, those two never left each other's sides. Except to go home once the day was over. When they were little, it was exploring the area and going to the beach. Then once they got older it was routine. In the morning they would walk to school together and try and figure out hero names, and outfit designs, during school their focus would skyrocket. Izuku always was better in classes that revolved around tech. Hell even in art class he seemed to do better as long as they were working on tablets or editing with the computers. He also seemed to excel in math and physics. Other than that they were always equals. After school, they would get permission to use the weight room and work out for a couple hours, then off to the beach yet again for secret quirk training. Izuku worked on making his visions clearer, and controlling the tech to a degree. Katsuki would work on pure firepower. He would go under the water and try to blow the water out of the way, with his diminished sweat. He would try to move the junk off the beach by blowing it away. Then it was sparring. While Izuku may be stronger than a normal person, he still wasn't a great fighter. Sparring with Katsuki only proved that. The boy was a natural born fighter, off of pure instinct alone he could most likely fight a lower tier villain even without his quirk. So far they were doing pretty good. While the explosive teen was naturally muscular, he would work on stamina most of the time, while the techno teen would do weight training, trying to get his muscle mass up. By the end of their third year of middle school, they were both built like real heroes. Izuku ended up being strong, but very lean. He didn't show any muscle till he took off his shirt. All the while Katsuki, you could tell that he was strong. When walking his shirt might press against his body showing off his six pack. The only thing that could be seen as negative that changed with age was Katsuki's personality. He felt he was better than anyone, even going out of the way to call anyone but Izuku an "Extra." Izuku was instead referred to as a side character. It was his way of showing that he cared.

Once while they were younger another kid was trying to make fun of Izuku and claimed he didn't have a quirk. Eventually everyone had stepped in and started to make fun of him, till Katsuki stepped in. He grabbed the other kid's face and just let his quirk rip against his skin. After that, Izuku became a loner, most scared of what would happen if they accidentally hurt Izuku, and others just thought that he was weird. He always went off on tangents, mumbling the whole time or even talked to technology.

Katsuki on the other hand, was one of the most popular people during lunch. Any other time he was either with Izuku, or would tell them to, "shut it before I make you, I'm busy studying." It was almost like people were attracted to his demeanor. Like he had some sort of hidden charisma. Not that Izuku minded. He didn't want the spotlight as a hero anymore. He wasn't interested in winning every fight and saving everyone with a smile. He knew Katsuki would do that just fine. He realized that he wasn't fit to be a confrontational hero. He would help with recon, intelligence, and defence when needed. He didn't have the massive firepower he needed to fight people and rescue others. He dreamed of having that kind of power, but alas, the world was not fair.

"Come on Izu, I need you on the front lines with me. What's the point of blowing a villain to smithereens if you can't share it with your best friend? Really man, you fight well enough, and it's not like you can avoid fighting villains if you wanna be a hero." The two teens were walking on their way home from school, and Bakugo was trying to con Izuku to jump in head first with him.

"I don't know Kacchan. I mean, do you really think that I can do it?" Izuku looked up at his friend, who put on a huge smile.

"Of fucking course you can. If those extras can make it, why the hell can't…." As Katsuki was talking, a sewer grate they had just walked by exploded open, and a man made of green gunk popped out.

"A medium and small meat puppet! How absolutely lovely!" The grimey voice of the man came out, as it attached itself to the taller of the two teens. Izuku on the other hand was knocked back, by Katsuki . He looked up at his friend, and the slime covering him. It had quickly encompassed his whole body, all because he had to to save Izuku. He felt his blood boiling as he ran back to his friend, and tried to pull him out of the goo. "Knock it off kid, before I kill you too!"

Izuku's mind boggled at hearing the word "too." It meant that Katsuki was going to die. His only friend. While other people would be kind to him, no one had gone out of their way to stay friends with him, or stayed after school everyday to train together, or did quirk training with him. "Let him go. Now." Izuku's skin started to glow blue in an almost circuit-like pattern.

"And what are you going to do about it brat? I'm untouchable! Attack me and you hit your friend!" That sewer rat was right. If he could even hit him, all it would do was hit Katsuki. He had to think. If only he had something he could use to grab onto his friend, and pull him out. Then maybe he would be able help. All he could think about was, 'If only my useless quirk could do something! Anything to help out Kacchan. I can't go to the big battles with him, I can't stick up for myself in school, and now I can't stop him from dying!' A tear of pure anger rolled down Izuku's face.

"Do something damn it! Anything! Come on, I can't be this useless!" The goop giggling at him now. Izuku slammed his head back against the wall behind him, then he felt his Nanites move. Around his hands grew large green and black arms with three fingered gauntlets. He instantly grabbed onto Katsuki like moving with this much mass was second nature. As he pulled his friend away, he tossed him to the ground, and passed out from what seemed exhaustion. As he passed out he could have sworn he heard All Might's voice. When the teen awoke, he saw his best friend shaking hands with All Might, their favorite hero. As he looked over he heard Katsuki say one thing.

"Don't forget. We are going to surpass you, and be even better as the number one and two heroes" At which point Izuku scrambled back up and waved his hands back and forth.

"Wait! Kacchan, Don't make a declaration of war so soon! We aren't even in UA yet. Also it's rude to first meet someone and instantly tell them you are going to do their job better than them!" Bakugo just scoffed.

"Whatever. Let's just go already Izu." All Might gave his signature smile, and looked at the two walking away from him. He also noticed the blonde hand over the notebook he signed.

"I can't wait to see you two as pros. Then I'll take that declaration seriously. Especially from you with the big hands. That quick thinking to get your friend away saved his life."

Katsuki just looked at Izuku, "What does he mean, big hands?" He asked as they walked away.

"Well remember how at first the doctor said I might be able to build things? Well I kinda figured it out. All I remember before passing out was making these huge fists and pulling you out with their bulky fingers. I guess I saved you?" All Bakugo did was smirk. An ecil kind of smirk.

"Guess you can join me in the front lines. Izu, let's kick ass together." Izuku blushed at this, and held his fist for a fist bump.

"Yeah," He said shyly.

The next six months were spent figuring out how to make Izuku's build on command, which Katsuki had efficiently named, "Smash Hands."

"I don't know about that name Kacchan. I mean, it sounds kinda violent."

"Think of it as thanks for saving me, I get to name the build that I am spending months trying to help you figure out. Also it's an homage to All Might. I can't believe you would call him violent!" Katsuki said in a faked shocked tone.

"W-W-W-wait! That's not what I said!" Izuku said his face flushed red and he stammered out his words. All Katsuki could think was, 'Damn, whatever girlfriend he has is gonna tease the shit out of him. Can't wait to give her all the embarrassing details I got on him.' Katsuki snickered to himself before they got back to training.

By the end of the six month period, Izuku could make his Smash Hands at will, without passing out from exhaustion. They were also much bigger than the first time he had made them. It was finally time for the UA entrance exam. This would be the moment that all that time was spent for. This would be a turning point in Izuku's and Katsuki's lives. They looked at each other at the gate, nodded at one another, and walked in.