The first time he ever saw, and heard her name.

It was because she all over the news.

He had been visiting the Mayor to debrief her on his latest job when someone came barreling into her office- one of her aids?- and told her to turn on the TV and watch. Something about a group of Beastmen attacking some human kids was on the news.

He'd paused speaking out of curiosity as the aid wheezed out his words. Barbara was on her feet in an instant, her expression worried as she grabbed the TV remote and used it to turn on the news as he moved a little bit closer to the woman to see what was going on.

Sure enough, the report of the attack was on several local channels. Each one talked a little bit about it- and warned the audience that what they were about to see was graphic and horrifying beyond reason- before then playing the video footage that they had of the attack.

The first thing that they noticed was that the footage was shot from the yard of a school. Whoever had caught the attack on film must have been a student. Because one moment he/she was recording a friend and laughing and minding their own business. And then a heartbeat later said friend was grabbed from behind by a large paw-like pair of hands and promptly torn in half.

Barbara covered her mouth in horror as he paled. Disbelief written all over his human face as they both watched.

Blood and organs rained down on the person recording the event. Their horrified screaming drowned out anything being said anywhere around them as the Beastman responsible for killing their friend began to reach for him/her.

The person recording, turned and started to run. Not once dropping their phone as they did so.

Sometime during their run they must have noticed the screaming and crying of others around them and paused to look around. Things became a little bit shaky for a moment and then steadied again as the person caught another group of students being attacked.

By this point, Shirou could see at least five kids lying dead on the ground in various states of...disembowelment? A quick sweep of the school yard showed several more Beastmen attacking some more kids. Hitting them with large fists, stomping on them and crushing them to death beneath their feet.

There were two tiger Beastmen present who used their claws and fangs to maim and kill their victims.

And then just as several Beastmen made a beeline for a frozen, auburn haired girl- that's when she appeared.

He wasn't exactly sure why the human girl appeared the way that she had. To him it had looked as if she had simply dropped down from the sky. Although he supposed that she could have simply heard the commotion and jumped from one of the higher classroom windows or something.

Still...there was something about her that sent a shiver down his spine.

She was a pretty little thing, for a human at least. Young- between the age of fourteen and sixteen- with long blue black hair, wide neon blue eyes that looked as if they were glowing unnaturally. She wasn't dressed in a school uniform like every other kid present.

Instead she was wearing white cotton T-shirt, and some jeans, and combat boots. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a braid and she had an dark look on her pretty face that wouldn't have boded well for anyone under normal circumstances.

He and Barbara watched as the girl grabbed the auburn haired girl and quickly shoved her behind her. Placing herself firmly between the Beastmen and their chosen prey.

"I'm only going to say this once," She shouted, getting the attention of several of the other Beastmen attacking some of the other kids. "So the lot of you should pay close attention- leave now! Walk out of here on your own, or you'll be carried out in bags!"

They saw the girl behind her clutch her shoulder in fear as several of the Beastmen laughed. Obviously not seeing the human girl as much of a threat considering the damage that they had done to so many others already.

Shirou grit his teeth and watched, obviously thinking that the girl was going to die, when all of a sudden there was a slight shift in her demeanor and in the blink of an eye she had torn the Beastman in front of her to pieces.

It happened so quickly that it was literally a blur of movement even to his sharp eyes. Beside him he heard Barbara let out a weird little sound but the girl on the TV had his rapt attention as she went about fighting, and beating the holy hell out of the other Beastmen.

Only resorting to killing them when she didn't seem to have a choice otherwise.

"You should know better than to mess with a guardian's charges." The girl said as the video ended with one final shot of her.

She was injured and bloody, due to being clawed and bitten a couple of times- being helped from the school yard by the auburn haired female that she had protected before. The two were surrounded by several other survivors of the attack.

Each one of the kids looking pale, shocked and badly rattled by their near death experience as they helped the auburn haired girl help her friend.

Switching back to the news anchor, the woman wiped the tears from her face and took a moment to steel herself before saying, "The footage just seen was of the Beastmen attack on Karakura High school. The survivors of the incident are all currently being treated at Mercy Hospital. While authorities are working to retrieve some of the pieces of the murdered student's bodies."

"In some related news, some of the victims have been identified as-" There was a list of names that appeared on the screen next to photo's of the kids. The injured, the dead, and the survivors that witnessed the tragedy unfold outside of the school.

But there was only one name and face that interested Shirou.
