"CEDRIC!" He screamed as he watched as the boys body was thrown to the floor in a flash of light and his body then become limp. The confident glee that was once held in his eye was now gone and all that remained was the look of terror that consumed him as his corpse lay dead. Harry's face shocked as he watched the events occur, his eyes quickly returning to the culprit of the event. Peter Pettigrews lips curled into a disgustingly proud smile. The man flicked the bone white wand that lay in hands and instantly Harry was slammed against the stone work of the figure of death. His spectre wrapped against his throat and began to squeeze.

"Y…yo…you" Harry tried to speak searching for air as his throat was slowly being throttled. "Murderer!" The laugh that followed was full of evil and instsntly the rodent of a man had turned to the culdron that lay within the centre of the area and it started. The creature that lay within his arms was the most gastly sight that Harry had ever seen, bone thin and as small as a starving child on the brink of the death. Yet he had seen nothing that had looked less like a child. Its skin a dark raw reddish black. Its arms were thin and feeble and its face…Its face was flat and snake like, Its eyes burned a fierce luminous red. It reaked of pure evil and yet it seemed helpless, its arms wrapped tightly around wormtails neck.

Wormtail with another flick of his wand had ignited a fire below the cauldron. The next second he had thrown the child like creature within the cauldron and into the oitch black liquid that lay within. 'Let it drown…Oh God let it drown' Harry thought as he stared down at the liquid. It had began to bubble. Pettigrew had now directed his wand once again, this time at Harry, the gravestone cracked beneath his feet and a pure white bone raised from within its depths. He then spoke into the night.

"Bone of the father, uknowingly given, you will renew your son!" the bone plunged into the liquid turning it a poisonous-blue. Pettigrew was now whimpering before the potion. He pulled a long silver blade from his robes. His voice breaking into petrified sobs as he began, "Flesh.. of the servant…w…willing…given revive your master." The blade wrapped within his fingers was struck down against his right and it fell into the potion turning it this time to a ghostly purple. His scream pierced the silence of the night. But he continued on with his ritual and stumbled over to Harry in severe pain. He took the knife and began to slice it against his forearm.

"Blood of the enemie, forcibly taken...you will...resurrect your foe!"

Harry's scream almost as painful as Pettigrew's as he clutched to his forehead. Like a fire had erupted within his head he couldn't move as he watched Pettigrew walked to the cauldron and dripped in his blood.

"The Dark Lord Shall rise again!" From within the cauldron a figure shot up and walked through the air and onto the ground. His skin as white as his bones, bald and devilish. his violent red eyes burned through his skull. With slots for nostrils he stood...The dark Lord had risen again.

"My Robes Wormtail," the man commanded , instantly the rodent covered the man in his pitch black robes. His laugh cackled through the black night. "Your arm Wormtail?"

"Oh, thank you master, thank you." The man squirmed as he withdrew his currently handless wrist.

"The other arm, you idiot!" He said slapping the man to the ground. He quickly grabbed the man's left wrist pulled up the sleeve and pushed into. Clouds erupted over the once clear sky and thunder cackled across. Thirteen hooded suddenly appeared within the midsts of the dark and quickly gavered in to a circle and bowed.

"Ah, My friends" Voldemort began, "How long it's been since we were all last together and yet not one of you attempted to find me!" He declared anger ringing through his voice. "Many of you renounced me and many of you demanded you had not been in your right mind. Many however died or were sent to Azkaban for this. Do not worry, they will soon be freed. This is why there are gaps in our circle this night, the Lestranges they shall be greatly rewarded, One who would rather flee than face those he has betrayed. One who I believe has left our ranks forever and One who is currently playing his role perfectly. He is currently within Hogwarts at this very second, he has helped me plan this from the start, he shall be rewarded beyond all others. My how you all disappoint me.Surely as many of you know that I was not killed that night, I have taken further steps than any wizard in history to become immortal. My how lies have fed the events of that night! However this is not the time, for my plan to work this night I will have to send this boy back with the cup. No one will truly no what happened that night and certainly no one shall ever find out. Wormtail bring me the cup, it is over. And do not touch it."He ordered to the man,pointing his long bone white finger into the distance of the graveyard. The man quickly scurried away and returned the cup levitating from his wand. He placed it next to the boys hand and joined the circle once again. "Ah, the boy will be sent back to Hogwarts this night and soon my plan shall fall together, no one will even begin to understand. It's a shame really, he was such a good looking boy." He said gently brushing his face with his hand.

"Don't touch him!" Harry splattered our still within the clutches of the gravestone.

"Harry, I completel forgot you were here. I would introduce you to everyone but I hear you're nearly as famous as me nowadays. The boy who lived everybody!" He chanted to his crowd sarcasm raking through his voice receiving cakckling from the Circle. "How lies have shadowed your tale Harry, would you like me to tell you what really happened that night. You see you had nothing to do with it, you yourself are just a perfectly insignificant Wizard however your mother Lily Potter. She used ancient magic, she refused to let me get to you and when I killed her she gave her life to protect you, I could not...touch you. I'll admit now I was foolish I should have foreseen it coming, this was old magic powerful magic. It doesn't matter now though...I can touch you now!" He cackled as he lept from where he was and glided towards Harry. His finger flexed outwards as he pushed against the lightning scar upon his forehead.

Harry knew he was dead the instant the pain seared into his bones, it wasn't possible now, Cedric would be sent back to Hogwarts and no one would ever find my body.

Screaming out in pain Harry stood shaking as Voldemort walked away from him his cackles of laughter constantly sorrounding the area his deranged laugh filling his ears.

"Ha,ha The boy Who lived, about to die, my how this story will be told in the future, how you begged for your life but I gave you no such mercy. I'm not going to you Harry, no I'm about to do something far worse, I'm about to take your magic until your incapable to not only perform it but to live. You'll be forever in agony but not truly dead, you'll experience the pain I've suffered for the past thirteen years until the end of your days. Goodbye Harry..."

"Keep then back Fudge!" Dumbledore demanded as he looked over the dead corpse of Cedric Diggory, terror filling his eyes. "The boy is dead, please keep them back, he'll have to be moved to the castle, Mcgonnagal! Mcgonnagal!" Dumbledore called behind him. Instantly the tall thin structure of Professor Mcgonnagal appeared by his side. "Find the boy's parents, retrieve Harry , I'm not sure what's happened but I believe he may know something."

"Headmaster...Harry isn't here." The disbelief within his face instantly turned to panic and anger as he stood up and swept towards the castle, 'Where could Harry be he thought, the only possible culprit could be Whoever is impersonating Mood'.. The real Moody would have never left me. I had suspicions but now it's confirmed, The dark Lord must walk again.'


The Malfoy manor, that's where they must be. Crouch thought as he quickly packed his belongings. He knew Dumbledore would be quick to catch on, Crouch had the only opportunity and motive. He may be a deluded old fool but he is not dumb.

"Reducto!" A voice bellowed from beyond the door and instantly it was thrown from off its hinges and ten feet beyond the doorway to the floor. "Expelliarmus!" And instantly his wand was thrown from his hand and towards the floor. Dumbledore's surprising strength threw him into a chair and was instantly stuck to it. "Severus!" He called out to the doorway. The slimy figure of his former Comrad slithered through the door and quickly retrieved the Polyjuice flask from his pocket. Flicking the cap upon and sniffing the contents the Potions Master quickly confirmed the truth. He was not the real Alastor Moody and the Dark Lord had indeed returned.


Harry awoke in the Graveyard as the sun crept of the blackened horizon. The world seemed no different yet completely changed, a cold swept over the land and a misty fog hovered above the ground. He slowly began to push himself to his knees, even this easy act of physical effort was draining, his arms burned like hell and weighed like iron, he eventually mustered the power to push himself to his feet. Feeling his feet shakin beneath him and about to collapse he threw his arms onto the nearest gravestone. The place was deserted and not a creature stirred, to the north fell an old Manor House purched upon a hill. It wasn't strep or rocky or icy looking but it was clear the power that rested within it and the superiority it distinguished as it looked over it all easily.

Slowly managing very few steps at a time he stumbled towards the house. He had no intention of entering the house but he wished for an advantage point and this was the clear choice. After some time finally he reached atop the final step and looked down across the land.

The sun had now fully overtaken the horizon and brought light to the sorrounding area. Quickly Harry brought out his wand in order to cast a locating charm and find a way out of this god forsaken maze. The hill provided little more advantage as he watched over the hundreds of gravestones. Within the distance a road lay streaming down towards a gate.

He muttered the charm but nothing happened, nothing to indicate where he was, no coordinates, not even whether he was facing North or West. Nothing hinted to if he was on the planet. 'Anti locating wards' his mind quickly brought the conclusion and steadily headed towards the high steel gates. The night before events were all coming into focus to Harry now. The maze, Viktor, the cup and then...the ritual. He'd been given no time to fight, couldn't even draw his wand, he doubted it would of helped. He had watched for a second, just a second but that was all it took and then he had collapsed. 'Wait, No! No,no,no!' "No!" He screamed out. He quickly pointed his wand at the nearest gravestone. "Reducto!" Nothing came out, no spark, no surge of magic and no effect to the gravestone at all. "FUCK!NOOOOO!" He quickly collapsed once more it quickly over coming him and smashed his head on the gravestone on the way down. Slowly blood began to slide down Harry's face and quickly the world began to blur, his head light and mind dizzy, slowly he was beginning to slide from consciousness.


Dumbledore slowly stood in front of the school to perform a Funeral. It was the first time in his entire career as Headmaster that he'd had to watch one of his students buried but to have two at the same time, was heart wrenching.

It had been two weeks since the events of the third task and nothing even hinted to the events that had occurred except for Crouch. It was clear Voldemort had returned but nothing about Harry. The man was crazy and every single thing he says pointed to the fact that Harry was dead. Yet nothing had happened since, Voldemort had made no appearances and made no announcements for wether he was alive or dead. It was soul shaking. He was the last hope the world had against the monster and now nothing was stopping him. He could hold the school for a year at most but it would change. The only way he was gonna stop him was with the help of the European Royalty. He would have to prevent the taking of Europe.

"Welcome all, we are here today to celebrate the lives of Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory. These two boys shared many of the same qualities, though they were in separate houses they were one in their beliefs, they were loyal, brave, honourable and courouages young men. They appreciated their friends and family more than anything in the world. I know that every person in this hall was shocked and disgusted to see them die. And because of this I believe you have a right to know why. Lord Voldemort killed them, both. I know many would discourage me from telling you but I know you all not only would want to know this but need to know this! The world is about to change and every single one of you will be forced into a different lifestyle. These two men are key examples of this, they fought against evil, no matter how strong, weak, powerful, wealthy or smart you are that will not care to them. The only possible way we will get through this time will be to be united, this is what I know Mr Potter and Mr Diggory would have wanted and despite any short comings they had they would wish for you all to stay united together and to be strong. We mud be victorious against this evil, two men were lost to this but they did not die in vein, they have brought us the truth and we must honour their memory by fighting. I must encourage every single person within this hall wether you are a man women or child, a student, teacher or government official we must fight, we must train, we must be united within this evil! We must succeed! AND TO THIS I ASK EVERY PERSON HERE TO RISE FOR A MINUTE TO NOT ONLY MOURNE BUT TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CHOICE, BECAUSE THE WAT STARTS NOW AND I NEED YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!" The hall burst into applause and everyone rose for the moments silence.


Sirius stood at the back of the hall shocked at Dumbledore's speech, the man's passion and force was enough to get anyone to fight, it was frightening. Hell it had him applauding, thousands of people had turned up to see the Funeral. Many had just come for respect to Harry and Dumbledore. There were few who had truly known Harry and even fewer knew what had truly happened. Harry was dead, the Dark Lord had killed him we'll evidently. According to Crouch he was stuck in a graveyard designed to kill and then consume them. 'They couldn't reach him even if he was alive, which was useful. According to Crouch he had such little magic that he couldn't escape even if he didn't die from magical deficit. Which was fantastic because the only people that could reach him were the death eaters. The graveyard was put under the fidelius charm by Voldemort himself. This meant the only way we were reaching Harry is if one of Voldemort's followers had betrayed him in the past two weeks, which they didn't so he's dead meaning Voldemort is gonna die and it's gonna be me.'


"Lucius!" Voldemort called to the man across the room. The man quickly turned to face his master. The man had partially made up for his past actions. The man had dice his demise been slowly becoming one of the in not the most powerful man in Britain. He had intel everywhere and anywhere he didn't have it he had people who could get it at his order. It was very useful, Potters funereal had been that day and not a whisper had resulted in where his body lay or who had done it. Until Dumbledore, he had captured Crouch and forced the truth from him. He had according to Fudge been given the Dementors Kiss. It didn't matter now though, he was a loyal follower but he's replaceable.

"Yes, My Lord?" He asked towards his master bowing.

"What is the latest news upon Fudges actions?" He asked an evil glint in his eye, he had no idea what Fudge was currently thinking, the man was invested with power and that meant one of two things, he'd do anything for more and to keep it. This meant that the man could either settle as point man for his takeover or he can die.

"I'm not sure on his current situation, he's given in to the fact that you're back but I'm not sure wether he will support or oppose this, the man shows no true power. He will be easily disposed of. He could however lead to a quicker and far easier takeover of First Hogwarts and then England. I know you share a special relationship with the school but it will be our hardest challenge. There is no denying that Dumbledore is a massive threat to us. With Fudge however we can use the people, if the governor's force him out the castle will ablidge and he will be forced out. Worst comes to worse then we use all our force on him and attempt to kill him and at least force him into the clutches of Europe. About this as well we should gain alliances with the other countries, you are..." he paused for a moment his words catching in his throat and his face turning guilty. "...not...the uh, not the most popular person abroad, this is why I advice you to grow relationships with Europe, especially the big four , France, Germany Spain and Italy. They all well...hate you and without their support you've got no hope if Dumbledore flees, it will also help to put them within a false sense of security, so when the time is right, we can pounce. This is what I advice to you My Lord."

"I very much agree Lucius, I have been thinking this all myself and I will begin to build steppingstones with my neighbouring countries. As for the school, we shall see how this all plays out, I believe Dumbledore will be forced to leave anyway without his secret weapon by his side. The days of Harry Potter charming the nation are over, Harry Potter is dead!" He cackled into the fire it following his movements. His grin evil and simply terrifying as he turned to his subident advisor. Things were soon to change and there wasn't a dam thing to stand in his way not even Albus Dumbledore.


"Alastor, Sirius, Welcome first of all, I know that I've been very closed off recently and I'm about to tell you something which I know will make you shimmer to the bone." Both men quickly silenced as they saw the severity in the old man's crystal blue eyes. "I'm getting too old, I'm not the young fighter I once was, if I was then I would fight this battle myself but I know I cannot. I've grown too old to go to battle, I will not be truly focused or truly faithful ever again I fear. Harry is dead, our only hope is dead, yet I do not know why we cannot cheat fate, Voldemort has done it and so have I. This is why I am naming you two the leaders of the Order. Before I pass this on I would like you to recruit as many of Harry's friends as you can, I believe it to be essential that they attempt to use his name to gain control and the confidence of the country without this I fear it will be a far to easy victory for Voldemort."

The two men looked towards the Headmaster in disbelief, neither had expected the man to give up, he had given the reigns of the order and the fate of the country and its people's lives to them. They looked at each other shocked.

"S...si...sir... you do realise that...by doing this he will kill you. I don't have a doubt in my mind, he'll have no reason to keep you alive, you'll have no power over us or the order. He'll murder you or force you out. How can you do this?" Sirius asked concern running through his eyes.

"Sirius, I've excepted my fate, he'll murder me and I'm sure of it, in fact I'm going to orchestrate it, now I must tell you something I've never told another soul, something about Harry and something about Severus and why you must trust him..."


Hope you enjoyed!!!