A/N: Here's another stingyu one-shot. Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

"Ah, thank goodness I'm safe at last." Yukino sighed in relief, closing and locking the door behind her for good measure. The blue-nette leaned on the doorknob as she attempted to steady her breathing.

"Safe from what?" A masculine voice asked. Her stabilizing heartbeat spiked once more. Yukino raised her head to see her master just casually sitting in a chair, looking at her. "Hey Yukino, are you alright?" Sting's brows furrowed in concern. Yukino looked hurried, her eyes jumped from him, to the door and the window and back again. She really worried him.

You've gotten pale all of a sudden. You're not sick, are you?" Sting ventured. He can't think of a reason why she's acting this way. When he stood and tried to touch her, she freaked.

Yukino finally jolted from her shock, and she got the good sense to brandish Libra in front of her. "S-Stay away from me Sting-sama! I'm not afraid to crush you!" she positioned the key near her mouth.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down! No crushing necessary here. I'm backing away now, see?" Sting said while he hastily put distance between them. His hands were in the air as he talked to her. "Whatever it is, we can talk about it." he tried to placate the girl.

Yukino's face colored the brightest shade of pink when she asked him, "W-What do you feel about me Sting-sama?"

The back of Sting's foot hit the wall, he was as far as he could get, given their location. Her question caused him to ran his fingers through his messy hair. Both of their faces were tomato red. "What! Why a-are you asking me that? We're talking about you here, not me!" he snapped. He's not ready for this. Scratch that, he doesn't think he'll be ready for this. Ever!

"So, you don't feel different. Like, at all?" Yukino clarified when she noticed the confusion on his face. "Your heart is not skipping a beat? Or something like that." A hopeful tone is audible in her voice.

"Not more than usual, no." Sting replied and he tilted his head apparently in more confusion than before.

Yukino's shoulder relaxed, she pocketed her celestial key and promptly sat on the floor. She was exhausted. "I'm so glad!"

"Yeah? Good for you. But are you gonna explain this or what? Cause I got to tell you, this has got to be in my top ten weirdest conversations ever. And that's saying something." Sting demanded, walking towards his desk and picking up the chair that he overturned a moment ago.

"Oh... I'm so sorry about that." Yukino started, "You see Sting-sama, I'm kind of in a bind right now."

Sting raised an unamused eyebrow. "You don't say." he gave the celestial mage a pointed look and that got her talking.

"I just came from a mission. And there's this nice old lady selling perfumes near the Trane station. She put them in such cute bottles, I couldn't help but look." she said, waving her hands to demonstrate. "They smelled great too."

"Uh-huh." Sting grunted as he stippled his fingers and placed them under his chin. His blue eyes were fix on the key user before him.

"Yup. And, she convinced me to try a few of her products. I picked the Love Spell, I think." Yukino recounted, a slight furrow in her brows.

After I put some on me, guys suddenly wanted to talk to me for some reason! A group of them surrounded me and they ask me a lot of questions at the same time, from all sides. I noticed that we were creating a commotion, I got overwhelmed by this so I ran away as fast I could. They wouldn't take no for an answer anyway. While I was running, I heard the old lady shouted that the effects of the magic perfume will wear off eventually."

Sting's eye twitched at this information. "Uh-huh... And when exactly, is eventually?" he asked with a scowl.

"I don't know!" Yukino almost wailed in despair. "I thought I'll be safe once I get in the guild but I was wrong. The men here were affected as well! They chased me around, shouting stuff I know they wouldn't say in their normal state, it's creepy. I got lucky when I finally gave them a slip, I saw your office and I decided to hide hear for the time being." she finished, big brown eyes were luminous under the afternoon sun reflected on the window.

"Well, that makes sense, I guess." The young master aloud. "I'll be paranoid too in your condition."

"Yes!" Yukino cried. She got up and leaned over the table to plead, "So, since you're somehow not affected, will you let me stay here Sting-sama? Please please please!" Yukino clasped their hands together and gave him the largest puppy dog eyes Sting had ever seen including Lectors.

Her nearness made his cheeks heat up so he relented almost instantly. "Alright, alright, you can stay. As if I'll leave you alone with those crazy idiots." Sting muttered the last part under his breath.

"Oh, thank you so much. You're really a life saver Sting-sama!" Yukino said, beaming at him.

"Yeah yeah, no big deal." he grumbled for his images' sake.

Yukino straighten up and decided to help Sting with his paperwork. She spent the whole day cleaning up the office or assisting the blond, she didn't leave his side for a moment. Sting barely reacted but he was inwardly freaking out because it was only him and Yukino in his office.

Nightfall came so Sting gave Yukino a much needed break. She fell asleep in the chair in front of him, her arms served as her pillows. Sting noticed that a lock of her hair was on her face. He was just about to tuck it on her ear when the window opened and Lector flue in.

"Huh, why is Yukino sleeping here? And what are you doing with her hair, eh Sting? You're not..."

"Shhh," the dragon slayer hushed his friend. "Don't be so loud. I just let her stay here because the guys outside were being jerks."

"Yeah, their acting weird alright." Lector agreed, landing on the table. "They're all saying that they're in love with Yukino and stuff. But don't you worry Sting, I set all of them straight!" he declared puffing up his chest proudly.

"Shhh," he glared but quickly asked. "What do you mean by that?"

Sting's eyes widen in realization. He grabbed Lector and shook him roughly by the paws. "Lector, what did you say?"

"Ow, ow, ow. Let go of me!" Lector protested. When he was released, he ruffled his feathers and answered. "I just told them that you were in love with her first."

When Lector saw the color drained from Sting's face, he was confused.

"W-What did you s-say Lector-kun?" A feminine voice squeaked from behind him.

"That Sting is already in love with you Yukino." Lector automatically answered and when he turned, he saw that the celestial mage is wide awake. He did a one-eighty and was greeted with the sight of a madly blushing Sting. "Oops..."

A/N: Read and review guys!