Maybe They Do Have Emotions.

A new nightguard had been hired. She sat down at her desk and heard the phone call, which terrified her.

" can do can do this..." 3 hours passed and nothing happened. She began to feel safe, until she heard her guts growl and she ran for the bathroom. When she came back out, she was faced to face with Bonnie!

"Aaaaah!" She shielded herself from attack, only to feel….nothing?

She looked up and saw Bonnie just staring at her. He kept blinking at her.

"Um…..are you gonna….do anything?"

He just kept staring at her, then turned and walked back to the stage, then the others notice her.

"I'm just gonna...go back to my office..." She ran back into her office and shut the doors. A few minutes later, she heard a knock at the door, and a scottish pirate accent.

"Lass? Are ye okay?"

She hesitated and tried to sound calm. "Yes! I'm fine! Just leave me alone!"

Foxy wasn't convinced. "Lass, open the door. This ol' fox won't lay a scratch on ye!" He tried to reassure her.

"No! No! I'm fine! Just go away, now!" She was starting to go pale, and Foxy could see her through the window.

"Lass! Are ye alright!? Yer 'bout as pale as a ghost!"

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" She pleaded one more time. Foxy didn't believe her, and she heard footsteps walk away, and then come back, seemingly quadrupled!

This time, a more dignified voice rang from the other side. "Ma'am, are you alright? Foxy told us you looked ill!"

She couldn't take it anymore and wasn't as polite. "Just leave me alone! Mind your own business and stay away!" She was gripping her monitor tightly, which made her knuckles go white.

Freddy was taken aback. Thinking something was wrong, he immediately said something hushed to the others. She heard the footsteps grow silent. She watched them on the monitors, and saw them talking in some sort of huddle, until…the power went out.

"Uh oh….oh dang it where's my flashlight?" - Thud! - "Ow! Why did they have limited power, here!?"

Bonnie walked down the hall and peeked inside. "Take my hand, miss."

Her eyes went wide. "Uh...nope! I'm just gonna stay here!"

Bonnie noticed a bruise on her arm. "You're hurt! Come with me!"

"No! No! Just stay away!"

Bonnie grabbed her hand, trying to pull her out of the office. "Calm down! Just trust me!"

"No! No!" While trying to grab something, her hand accidentally hit the phone, replaying the message. Freddy, Foxy, and Chica walked up to see what the commotion was about. All 4 animatronics heard the call, then faced the night guard. Freddy busted out into robotic laughter.

"Well, no wonder you look so pale! That call must have scared you to death! I can't believe what coworkers do to new colleagues nowadays!"

Chica finally spoke up. "You don't have to fear us!"

Freddy took the nightguard's hand in a gentlemanly manner. "I am Freddy Fazbear, and this is Chica the Chicken, Bonnie the Bunny, and Foxy the Pirate Fox."

The nightguard was still nervous, but not as much. "I'm Jessica, Jessica Dubois."

Freddy chuckled. "A lovely name, now, let's fix up that bruise."

Jessica laughed. "No need. I've been bruised so many times in my life, I'm not really gonna care."

Freddy shook his head. "No, let me tend to it, it'll get sore."

Not being able to put up much of a fight, she gave in. Meanwhile you could hear loud noises coming from the kitchen.

"Chica is a good cook, but the noise she makes is rather loud." Freddy said to no one in particular.

Not too long after, Jessica was lured into the kitchen by the smell of good food.

"I don' know what that smells like, but it must smell real good to bring ye in like that." Foxy commented at how fast Jessica ran into the kitchen. She proceeded to eat to eat the entire pizza, then started to get sleepy.

"Here…." Bonnie gave her a blanket, then played a slow song on his guitar. Jessica fell asleep.

"Shouldn't we wake her?" Chica asked.

"No, it's Friday,well, Saturday, let the lass sleep."

"I can't believe her first night is on a Friday. Oh well, at least we can let her sleep."

Freddy smiled and went back up on the stage, as did the others, except for Foxy who went into Pirate Cove. Jessica slept until the 6am bell rang, and then she went home. During the drive, she pondered how human the animatronics had been acting. She giggled at the thought of them having genuine emotions, then thought, what if it was possible? Well, she'll know Monday night.