"Alright guys, I've got sprinkler, coloured zinc, slip 'n' slide, backyard cricket… I want to make this as stereotypically Australian bbq as possible for Edward."

"I'm not wearing budgie smugglers, Alice!" Emmett and Rose laughed but I started imagining Edward wearing a pair. Sigh.

"Maybe we should make that a rule, budgie smugglers or uninvited." Alice high-fived me but the boys started talking about having their own party without us, so we relented. "I suppose boardies are fine too." I grumbled.

"Lamb on the barbie." Emmett suggested.

"Oh, good one! Added."

"Lots and lots of sunscreen. Oh! And aeroguard."

"Great Northern."

"VB." This was met with boos and jeers.

"I'll get some though, it fits the theme."

"Tim Tams!"

"That's not bbq food, Bella." I shrugged, Tim Tams were everything food, in my opinion.

"Zooper Doopers!"

"A seafood platter. All these google images have seafood." I giggled. Trust Jasper to use the internet.

"Goon of fortune!" We all cheered at Emmett's suggestion.

"Ok, that's a good start. This is going to be so great!"

A few of us were in Jasper's kitchen, planning our end of year Christmas/summer barbecue. Edward, a US exchange student here since August, was about to experience his first central west NSW summer. We would usually have the party at the riverbank but due to the drought and the low river volume, the party would be held in Alice's family backyard. Her family were really into saving water, they showered into a bucket and used that water to keep the lawn watered and looking nice. Mum wanted to have the party at our house, but our yard is filled with bindies. In addition to that, mum has a bigger crush on Edward than I do, and she would definitely do something embarrassing if we hosted the party. Having it at Alice's place was the safest bet.

"Will your parents let us use the sprinkler, Alli?" I asked.

"We're allowed to use it for this party, but we can't have it on all day obviously. We'll set up a kids play pool under the tree for us to keep cool in."

"Nice. Where is Edward, anyway?" Alice looked at me knowingly.

"I'm here." He strolled through the kitchen door, draped his arm over my shoulders and placed a smacking kiss to my cheek. "Did you miss me?"

"Nope. I was just wondering how much more blissful quiet I could enjoy before you came back and spoiled it." I joked.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." Edward shook his head in mock sadness. "We both know you love me. We're wasting precious time here; I have to go home in 6 months!" I squeezed his waist slightly and smiled up at him. That was a sad truth and I wasn't sure which scenario I would regret more. Loving him while he was here or missing out on him altogether. Truth be told, I could see myself loving Edward forever and I had no idea what to do about that.