(Meanwhile at the kitchen where New Brian is eating a sandwich where Stewie comes with annoyed look at him)
Stewie: Hey, New Brian, bad news, you gotta leave.
New Brian: Huh? What are you talking about? This is my home.
Stewie: Nobody likes you here, man.
New Brian: Well, I disagree. I think everybody likes me.
Stewie: No, we don't. We don't like your cooking, your stupid karoke nights, and we especially don't like the way you hump that chair in the den.
New Brian (sighs sadly and feeling heartbroken) : I guess you're right about it and I just don't like being abounded ever since I was a puppy
Stewie : (feels surprisingly) : What do you mean
New Brian : Well Even that day and my real name is Luke (Then Flashback where New Brian as a puppy playing with his previous owner together) I was cheerful pup and we play together since he's adopted me
(It's shows that some good together of New Brian and his previous owner.) Until that day (It's shows the landlord comes and told New Brain's owner that there's a new rule that dogs are not allowed in the apartment) Until that day, The landlord told him that dogs are not allowed in the apartment and I was heartbroken
(Then Puppy New Brian shows up as his owner sadly told him he's keep him anymore that made Puppy Brian burst into tears and his owner sent him back to the pound and told him a sadly goodbye as he's leaves as New Brian watches him leave with tears in his eyes until the flashback Stewie was feeling bad about him)
Stewie : Oh my that's terrible
New Brian (sighs) : I spend my puppyhood into that terrible pound and I'm not going back!
Stewie (comforting him) : There,there it's alright!
New Brian : Thanks for your sympathy Stewie. My owner's name is Albert Mcdason
Stewie : Hey I know him, He's lives other side of spooner street. I'll take you there
New Brian (wags his tail and smiles) : Really? That's means I can take see him again
(Then they're heard knocking on the door as Stewie walks up and it's was Brian Griffin as He's feels surprise)
Stewie : Brian?! What are you doing here?
Brian Griffin : Hey I was walking down until that guy told me about New Brian and He's wants him back that he can be together again
Stewie : Really that's was awesome and We gotta take him to Albert!
(Then Meanwhile at Albert's House where Brian,Stewie and New Brian shows up as He's press the doorbell until Albert opens the door and feeling surprise that he's saw New Brian)
Albert Mcdason : Luke my boy? Is it really you (smiles at him)
New Brian : It's really me Albert (wags his tail as they're hug each other) I thought you never see me again! I miss you Albert! (cries tears of joy) I love you!
Albert Mcdason: I love you Luke too and look at you! you're all grown up my boy! (sees Brian and Stewie with a proud smile) Thank you boys.
(As Stewie and Brian smiles as Brian walks to New Brian)
Brian Griffin (to New Brian) : Friends?
New Brian (to Brian) : Friends
(As They're shake each other hands and become good friends as Stewie shakes New Brian's hand with a smile)
Stewie : You can come visit us every time you like
New Brian : You bet Stewie! You bet!
(As Stewie and Brian griffin walk away to home and both waving at New Brian and Albert as they waving back at them)
The End