Daichi X Suga

First Time

"S-Suga-mphm,", he tried, but lips muffled his own. His brows furrowed with the continuous supple touch he didn't want to break.

He knew he had to though, he had to get it off of his chest. He tried to come up for air again, but it ended up like the last attempt, "S-suga-", he stuttered shakily, tripping over someone else's tongue.

Sugawara barely pulled away enough to still feel the other boy's lips on his own as they breathed in the same air. He licked his lips eagerly, barely brushing his tongue accidentally against Daichi's with a dry throat he coated with a swallow, "Mhm?", He reluctantly responded, dazed as his eyes were focused on the dark silhouette of the other boy's mouth.

Daichi kept his eyes nervously closed as he held the boy by the shoulders, "I have never done this before...", he confessed in an almost stern, but intimidated whisper.

Suga finally came to. Realizing their situation, and that he too has never done this before.

Suga cleared his throat and brought a hand to hold the other male's cheek as he kissed his temple, "I uh... I haven't either."

Daichi let out a low nervous chuckle. Even though they were home alone, the complete darkness surrounding them in Suga's room made them feel the need to keep the atmosphere quiet, "We uh... we'll figure it out as we go then?"

Suga smirked with a giddiness within him at the idea his boyfriend wasn't backing down and returned to their previous actions of lip locking, "I like that idea.", he said huskily and Daichi groaned into his mouth at the new vigor his lover was presenting.

Daichi ran his hand through Suga's hair and tugged lightly, bitting his bottom lip at the same time and making him let out a breathy groan of pleasure with his head tilting back . Daichi took the chance to run his hand up Suga's neck to help angle his jaw upwards, allowing him more access to his neck. His tongue slowly drew seductively from the bottom of his neck to his jaw bone before giving an opened mouth kiss to the section.

Suga hummed in a tranced delight and Daichi picked the boy up onto his lap so he was straddling him. He ran his hands up Suga's shirt, causing the reaction of a relaxing exhale to sound at the large hands practically covering his entire torso, "Mmm you're so warm.", he melted and Diachi laughed lowly, "Maybe because you're doing a good job at heating me up."

Suga smirked down at him, placing a kiss on his lips before Daichi pulled his shirt off. Daichi could feel himself getting hard at the slight idea of Suga being half naked over him. Running his hands down the boys neck and shoulders to trace the outline of his body, resting his hands on the boys hips he held tightly as they kissed again.

Suga scooted forward slightly to deepen the kiss, accidentally grinding against Daichi's lap while they were both still in their very thin gym shorts from practice, which at least made it very clear to both of them that they were on the same page with their feelings.

With their tongues intertwining, Daichi's hand slid to rub Suga's inner thigh, making the boy his in anticipation before Daichi finally brought his hand to caress the bulge between his legs.

"Fuck.", the boy sighed at the first feeling of someone else's hands on him.

Daichi returns to the boys neck, finding his way up to lowly call into Suga's ear, "Does that feel good, Koshi?"

Suga gulped at hearing his name and nodded slowly with his brain unable to think of any other response.

Daichi careful flipped the boy to lay onto the bed as he hovered over him from the side, taking off his own shirt before continuing to kiss his boyfriend and bring his hand back to pleasure him.

Suga smirked into the kiss, "You're so hot.", he confessed, rubbing his hands down the man's broad shoulders and muscly chest.

Daichi let out a hefty laugh, shaking his head in disbelief at the boy who wasn't usually this straightforward, "I wish you'd be this open more often."

Suga hummed contently at the delicate kisses he was receiving, "If we have more nights like these, maybe I will."

Daichi had the widest grin as he slid his hands down the boy's sides again to feel his skin and memorize every curve of him before sliding off both his shorts and boxers, "I-is this okay?", He asked before the two pieces of clothing were tugged off to expose just after his hips.

Suga nodded self-consciously and Daichi continued his task of pulling the fabric off and tossing it onto the ground. Suga reached over and playfully tugged at the waistline of Daichi's shorts, "You too.", he whispered, still trying to keep the intimate atmosphere.

Daichi blushed in the darkness, but did as his boyfriend asked.

Suga sat up on his forearms and stared at his best friend astonished.

Daichi froze under his gaze, "W-what."

Suga blushed and pushed the boy by his shoulders backwards onto the bed, crashing his lips eagerly into his before flattening the boy out and spreading his legs. Daichi gasped at the new energy from Suga and groaned loudly when his lean fingers wrapped around his member and softly rugged upwards, rubbing his fingers around his tip to feel his wetness then pushing back down, "Suga! Your hands feels so good.", he rushed out, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

Suga smirked pleased with a hum.

Daichi moaned loudly in pleasure as Suga began to pump him strategically, continuing actions that caused the best of Daichi's moaning.

Daichi brought his hand up to Suga's cheek and rested his thumb on the boy's light pink lips, slightly pulling it downwards, "Suga... I wanna do stuff to you too.", he tried to concentrate.

Suga kissed his finger and shook his head, "We always have a next time. I don't wanna stop Daichi. I like touching you."

Daichi groaned irritatedly before grabbing Suga by the ass, pulling him closer without breaking his current task. He put his two fingers to Suga's mouth, requesting for access, "Can you wet this for me?", he asked pleadingly and Suga easily obliged, wrapping his tongue seductively around Daichi's two fingers, covering them in saliva. As Daichi pulled his fingers away, strands of spit connected from his fingers to his lips and he cut it off with a wet kiss, "thank you."

Suga felt as the back of Daichi's hand grazed against his inner thigh as he started to caress his balls with his dry fingers. Suga arched with the touch and took in a shaky inhale before his eyes shot wide at Daichi's riskiness as he rubbed wet circles at his entrance, "D-Daichi!"

He looked at his with a burning gaze, "I can stop if you want."

Suga shook his head frantically with a deep blush, "N-no. Please keep going.", he tried to call out, but he was losing all brain function.

Daichi let out a small chuckle at the distracted boy and slowly pressed one wet finger into him, making him halt his actions to focus on the new feeling.

"Ahhhhh D-daichi!", He moaned loudly, and Diachi groaned hearing is name be screamed.

The fire within him sparked and he sat up quickly, laying the other boy on his back on the bed like they began and kissed him passionately as he slowly pulled his one finger in and out of him.

Suga brought his hands up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, and Daichi was sucked into the feeling of the boy moaning like crazy, "If you keep moaning like that, you're going to make me cum.", He warned feverishly, now taking to the boy's neck, shoulder, and chest with open mouthed kisses and bites, hoping to leave marks and making matters worse for Suga.

Suga felt like he was hyperventilating from how good the pleasure he was when Daichi hit every sense in his body and added another finger inside him. Suga dug his nails into Daichi's back, making his head fall back with a growl of pleasure, "Daichi...", Suga breathed, making the boy slow his pace and look up at him questioningly with the shift of tone. He laid a kiss on the boy and slowed his pace, "Yes?"

Suga flustered, calming his heart rate slightly before getting his request out to Daichi who completely stopped his actions stunned, "Y-you want me too... are you sure? This is our first time and everything an-"

"Daichi. Please.", he yearned, cutting him off, "I really need you to fuck me. Now."

Daichi nodded frantically at the urgency in his boyfriend's voice, agreeing that he was okay with it and that he was definitely willing to fulfill that request. Suga pointed limply to his bed side dresser and Daichi hurried to pull out a thing of lube that Suga generously added to his member.

Daichi placed both bands nervously at the sides of Suga's head and looked down at him worried, "You let me know if you wanna stop or change your mind okay?"

Suga bit his own lip and nodded as Daichi held himself at this entrance. Slowly, he looked down and added his tip inside of Suga who grabbed frantically at the sheets of his bed with an arched back, "uhhhhh!", he moaned and Diachi's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt Suga slip right over him from arching. He dropped his head to his boyfriend's shoulder and panted heavily, pulling out very slowly and back in very slowly, taking in every feeling and sound he could get of Suga.

Daichi lifted his head to his suddenly quiet boyfriend, seeing Suga gasping there inaudibly with his mouth frozen open and head tilted back. Daichi thrusted once more, adding furrowed brows to the expression before he temptingly slipped his fingers into the boy's wet mouth, making Suga bring his hooded look to Daichi as he played along, sucking on the new addition to his mouth. Daichi stared at the boy mesmerized as he pretended he was sucking him off with his fingers, making him fuck harder.

He finally tore his fingers free and held onto his hips as his thrusting became more evident. Sigh grabbed for the pillows behind him and shoved one over his face as he screamed into it from the pleasure of Daichi finally going hard on him. He dropped the pillow breathlessly and looked at his boyfriend lustfully, pulling him down by his neck for a kiss, "Diachi, I want you to cum inside me.", he ushered.

Daichi clenched his jaw, adding more and more to his pace as he dropped his head back to his shoulder to rest it and focus on his current feeling, "If you say stuff like that I'm going to cum.", he growled heavily and Suga leaned closer to his ear with his heavy breathing, "I want you to cum inside of me, Daichi."

"FUCK!", Daichi yelled out as he dug his head further into his shoulder and fucked harder until his body couldn't hold off any longer, neither of theirs could he found out, as Daichi hit a savory spot in Suga, making them both cum at the same time. Daichi shook as they both rode out their orgasms. Finally pulling his now numb member out of Suga, he held himself over his boyfriend, staring at him amazed by what they just did, both panting in unison and terribly over heated.

"You said it was your first time.", Suga repeated.

Daichi tried to rid of his dry mouth as he gulped with a tired exhale, "Y-yeah. First time.", he painted heavily.

Daichi could see as Suga's chest rapidly filled with air and exhaled almost instantly, "That was pretty experienced for your first time.", they both let out an amused chuckled and Daichi plopped on his back next to him on the bed with arms and legs spread out.

Daichi blushed, overthinking Suga's words and looked over to him, "Was it honestly okay?"

Suga nodded exhausted, "It was definitely more than okay, Daichi. I'm honestly surprised that you say it was your first time after that."

"What can I say, I'm naturally talented.", he joked, but Suga instantly changed the mood, catching him off guard, "I can see that. I can't wait to see what else you're naturally good at.", he challenged.

"S-suga! You're friskier than I imagined.", Daichi flustered.

This is my first ever full smut fic so let me know how i did and if you have any critiques !

Next ship will most likely be BokutoXAkaashi or KuroXKenma. Those are my most focused ones atm, but if you have any request of which pair you'd like to see in this fic thread feel free to let me know!