Definition of a fraternity sweetheart: "Sweethearts are women chosen by the brothers, women who have been around (the fraternity), who have hung out a lot... They serve as party guests, public relations advocates, friends to the brothers and various other capacities."


"What." Sakura stated flatly.

Sasuke and Naruto cringed at the tone of her voice, Sasuke haughtily turning away while Naruto laughed sheepishly.

"Uh, so what do you think of being the sweetheart of Alpha Kappa?"

Her green eyes scrutinized harshly and her childhood best friends seemed to wilter even more under her gaze.

"Guys, you know what I think about Greek life…"

"But Sakura! We need you!"

The girl scoffed at the blond's whining. "Idiot, don't you have Konan?"

"Konan decided to spontaneously take a year off to Europe," Sasuke stated, crossing his arms and looking petulant.

"Aren't there, like, tons of girls on campus who'd want this? Also, why are you guys the ones asking? Usually it's Pein and Itachi who'd be extending offers for this position, right?" Sakura asked, taking a sip out of her pink drink on the campus StarBucks.

"Well, yeah, but they decided that since we know you better and we're lowly sophomores they made us do it," Naruto explained, downing his Red Bull.

"Okay, but why me? I hate every single senior in your fraternity and they know it."

"It's because they're masochists—"

"Pein said you boosted morale, dattebayo—"

Sasuke and Naruto responded at the same time and glared at each other.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "That's absolute bullshit— well, maybe not the masochist part because I keep on hitting them and they keep on getting up like bugs— but either way, hell no."

The blond boy pouted. "Sakura, think of the parties! You'll be invited to every single one!"

"Between you guys and Ino, I'm already invited to every major Greek event on campus and I still decline because —no offense— frat guys are douches."

Naruto looked like he was going to argue, but quickly closed his mouth.

"Sakura, please reconsider. It looks good on your resume," Sasuke offered, finally putting his two cents in.

"Sasuke, your entire batshit insane family is in that fraternity. No."

Both Naruto and Sasuke opened their mouths to argue, but Sakura held up a finger.

"My final answer is no. I'd rather poison them than give them baked goods and they're all assholes."

The set in her brow signaled to the duo Sakura meant serious business and if they kept on pushing, would probably end up with a bump on the head.

Well, it's not like they didn't try.


"Are you fucking kidding me, Sakura? Alpha Kappa? Alpha fucking Kappa?" Ino spit out, pulling at her long hair in distress.

Sakura looked at her blond best friend weirdly and continued painting her nails. "Yeah? So?"

Ino looked like she wanted to shake Sakura but refrained and grabbed a stuffed animal instead. "Sakura, the Akatsuki invited you to be their sweetheart!" At this point, Ino started squeezing the poor stuffed animal viciously. "Every single sorority sister on campus would die to be in your position right now!"

Sakura sighed and put down her bottle of nailpolish next to the Biochem textbook she was supposed to study. "I don't get the hype around them, Ino. I've known them since I was like, nine, and they're still little shits."

"Every guy tries to rush for them but they only take a few guys every year. They're a big fucking deal, okay? Alpha Kappa was one of the first frats established in the country and everyone knows if you'll go somewhere in life!"

Sakura pursed her lips. "I mean, look, if it were just Sasuke and Naruto I would've put up with everything and accepted but every single person on their executive board is an asshole, okay?"

Ino crossed her arms, emphasizing her well endowed chest, before narrowing her eyes. "They may be assholes but they're hot. And, like, half of them have connections to royalty."

"Only Sasori does. Nephew of Suna's monarch, sixth in line for the fucking throne. And that bastard flaunts it," Sakura hissed.

"But Sakura, surely they aren't that bad? You hung a lot around Sasuke's ridiculous compound and the Akatsuki always congregated there."

"They did and it's because it's the only secure place in the area to host the nephew of Iwa's Prime Minister, the cousin of our Attorney General, and the orphan son of a dictator."

"See? Well-connected." Ino ribbed her best friend.

The pink-haired girl glumly set her chin on her hands. "They all teased Sasuke but when he started bringing us over they all ended up harassing me."

"So? All teenage boys do that."

"Ino, I couldn't date any boy in high school!" Sakura whined. "Those idiots scared all of them away."

Ino frowned. "Okay, kinda not cool but that's teenage boys being overprotective. It's not like Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't have done the same thing if the Akatsuki hadn't beaten them to the chase."

"Yeah, but they all picked on me! You know those shitty best friend's brother Wattpad fics? It's like the opposite of that. All the way through elementary to high school. They'd pull my hair, steal my food, post embarrassing pictures on Instagram, and a whole bunch of other stuff!"

The blond-haired Fashion Merchandise major had a contemplative look on her face. "Hmm. Interesting."

"What, Ino, what?"

"I think you should seriously consider their invitation. Besides, it's not like you could escape Greek life when all of your best friends are a part of it."

Ino slanted a look towards her. "I mean, think of all the hot sex you could have—"



Duck-face: Sakura where are you

The Idiot™: sakura-chan

The Idiot™: sakura

The Idiot™: sakuraaaa

The Idiot™: sakuraaaaaaaaa

Duck-face: shut the fuck up Idiot

The Idiot™: dont shut up me basterd

Duck-face: i can't believe ur a senator's son and can't even spell 'bastard' correctly

The Idiot™: fuck u

The Idiot™: ur cousin is the attorney-general and u can barely speak to a crowd of ppl

She-Devil: all of u shut up bc both of u are dumb

Sakura, slightly out of breath, walked over to the section of the quad where Sasuke and Naruto were sitting.

"It's been 10 minutes and you can't even stop arguing?" she complained, setting down the three Boba teas for them.

"Sasuke has one of those punchable faces, okay?" Naruto said.

Sakura giggled and stabbed her straw viciously into the plastic cover of the cup. "Remember when I decked Sasuke in the face because I thought he was Itachi? Sasuke kept on getting offers from girls to play nurse!"

"Ha! And he looked stupid with his pretty face bruised for a week!" Naruto snorted, and the pair of them cackled like a pair of hyenas— an unimpressed jungle cat looking on.

"You wanna go? Let's talk about your crush on me in 7th grade," Sasuke shot back, sipping his bitter winter melon bubble tea.

Sakura gaped and then whacked him over the head. "How dare you! We agreed to NEVER mention that! That's forbidden! Banned!"

Naruto held his hands up between his two best friends. "Okay, we didn't come here so Sasuke could end up in the hospital again—"


"— but we got together so we could hang out. Like friends. So no serious injuries, no creative uses of a HydroFlask like last time, and Sakura, stop weaponizing stationary."

Sakura, whose hands were inching towards her pencils, pouted.

"Also, me n' this broody bastard wanted to ask you something," Naruto stated matter-a-factly, looking towards Sasuke for reassurance. The pale, black-haired boy nodded.

"So we—"

"This is not about being sweetheart is it?" Sakura cut in.

Naruto floundered for a second and looked towards Sasuke again, who offered no help and sat studiously on his phone.

"Uh, kinda?"


"Sakura-chan please consider it! Our frat needs you!"

The pink haired girl put her hands on her hips and stared the much taller blond boy down. "You make me get you boba tea and then invite me into the 9th circle of hell?"

"Well, it's not that bad, dattebayo." Naruto scratched his head, chewing on the boba pearls. "Maybe like the second circle because they're all horny as fuck."

Sakura paused in her anger and nodded, impressed. "Huh, I didn't know you knew Dante."

The blond-haired boy, who had just read the SparkNotes on the Inferno for his Lit class, puffed up his chest. "Yeah, I'm just that smart."

Sasuke threw him a look. "Sometimes, I doubt you can even read."


"ANYWAYS, my answer is still no! I love you guys but, Sasuke, your older brother and his friends suck ass and I'm too busy to be involved in Greek life!"

"Sakura, you can still chair your gazillion student organizations and maybe solve cancer on the side while bringing some food to the house once in a while," Sasuke said. He then tilted his head to the side, a stubborn look in his eye. "Please."

Sakura blinked, in shock of hearing Sasuke saying please for the first time in a near decade, while Naruto searched his pockets for a crinkled paper list.

"Aha!" He said victoriously, holding up a piece of paper. "I've even got a list of what you have to do and it isn't even that bad!" The blond boy then unceremoniously shoved the paper in Sakura's face.

Sakura smacked Naruto away and grabbed the paper, running a contemplate eye over it.

Responsibilities for the Alpha Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart

Written by the Executive Board

-bring us food once in a while

-appear at our rushing and promotion events

- (off to the side, erased, but still visible) help us have a good time if you know what i mean (Sakura could recognize Hidan's unfairly pretty handwriting)

-help fundraise

-assist in set up for parties

-(heavily crossed out) MUST play strip poker and truth or dare

Please ignore, that's Deidara being a fucking perv

-just be there for the boys

Sakura could only stare in silence at the note, unable to speak.

"See? It's not that bad, right?"

Sakura's eyes narrowed and she suddenly tore up the list, crushing the scraps of paper underneath her sneakers. "Who the FUCK do those douchebages think they are? And they want ME to do that! I think the fuck not!"

Sakura motioned to stomp away, taro bubble tea in hand, but Naruto caught her arm desperately.

"Naruto, let me go!"

"Sakura-chan, please!" The blond sobbed dramatically, "We need you!"

"No you don't!" Sakura yelled, trying to yank her arm away from Naruto's grasp.

Out of options, Naruto dropped to his knees while dramatically pleading with Sakura and Sasuke looked away, pretending he didn't know them.

"Naruto!" he hissed at the side of his mouth, looking at the curious students who paused at the weird sight Sakura and Naruto made. "You're drawing attention! Quit it!"

"Shut the fuck up Sasuke I'm doing this for us so help me God—"

"Naruto, I'm going to kick you in the balls if you don't let me go—"

Sasuke got up, grabbed a good chunk of Naruto's blond hair, and yanked him backwards, causing Naruto to stumble backwards into Sasuke and they both toppled over like a sad Jenga tower.

The pink-haired girl righted the sleeves of her hoodie and turned her burning gaze to the two of them. "Why are you guys so desperate? You weren't like this last time."

Sasuke scoffed while dusting his jeans off. "Well, if it weren't for this fucking idiot we wouldn't have gotten drunk—"

"You shut up! Your Satan-reincarnate brother who pushed us—"

"GUYS! Shut up and speak one at a time!" Sakura shouted.

The two of them paused and sat back down on the bench. Naruto went first, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay, so, uh, me n' this bastard went to a party two weeks ago and—"

"We're being blackmailed."

Sasuke is a dramatic little shit, isn't he? Anyways, this is a MultiSaku fic taking place in a college setting. I'm not in Greek life but I've always been fascinated by it, so please tell me if I'm getting anything wrong!

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