A/N: Hello, all! Without further ado, the first chapter of the latest Seven Deadly Sins story has finally arrived! :) So, before we get started, bconfer368 and I would like to thank Warmachine375 for the inspiration to have Elaine take Ban's role as the Fox Sin of Greed this time. Anyhow, this story is based off from its two previous stories, "The Sin of Love", and "What About Now", each of which have respective authors that should be given credit to. :) I even came up with my own OC known as Zarathos (based off of the name of the demon possessing Johnny Blaze from "Ghost Rider"), who would be voiced by Clifford Chaplin due to his best known works for Cabba from "Dragon Ball Super" and Bakugo from "My Hero Academia". Things should get interesting, huh? Enjoy. :)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Sin of Vengeance

Prologue: Zeldris' Plight

In the continent of Britannia there is a kingdom called Liones, and at the outskirts of Liones Capital City, there was a young knight who was walking through the city when an older knight nearby spotted him.

"Hey! You there, boy. Come here and give me a hand.", he said while walking.

"Yes, sir!", the young knight spoke before catching up

Then, they began walking through the city together.

"So, where are you from boy?", the old knight asked.

"Cains, sir.", the boy responded.

"Cains? I've been serving this kingdom for 40 years now. I've never heard of such a place.", the old knight responded.

"That's not surprising, sir, it's way out in the boonies.", the young knight said in a fluster.

"Now, you mustn't get flustered if you want to become a Holy Knight Apprentice someday.", the old knight advised before the young knight grew a bit surprised and only shook his head in denial.

"I couldn't be a Holy Knight in a million years.", the young knight responded before the old knight scoffed.

"Then this might be a rough job for a young fellow like you.", the old knight scoffed as the two of them walked down an alley and into a square filled with bodies all torn apart, broken, and bloody.

The younger knight started trembling with fear gazing upon dead body after dead body.

"Who are these?", he asked, still shaking.

"Holy Knights. One and all.", the old Knight spoke as he gazed sadly upon all the lives that were lost.

"What happened to them? I don't understand.", the young knight asked.

"What happened? They were all mercilessly butchered, in a blink of an eye at that, by just seven people.", The Old Knight responded in awe and sadness.

Then, it showed a portrait of the supreme deity and the demon king with their own clan members just below them before the symbol of the Holy Knights appeared only for a flame to appear in front of it and then show the seven people in armor.

"This is a tale of ancient times. An era before the human and non-human worlds were forever divided. When the Holy Knights defended the realm wielding their magical powers; they were feared and highly respected. But among them a group emerged that betrayed the kingdom and became mortal enemies to all Holy Knights. They were known throughout the land as "The Seven Deadly Sins."

Meanwhile, in the dark world of Purgatory ruled by the Demon King Kieron stood a boy with spiky black hair and his attire is a body suit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit had an open collar and exposed his chest. He had silver gauntlets and carried his sword with a strap on his hip. His name was Zeldris and he's the youngest prince of the Demon Realm and was known as The Executioner. He stood in his room contemplating what happened 3,000 years ago. Remembering how his father worked with the Supreme Deity, his sworn enemy, to curse his eldest son Meliodas and the Goddess Elizabeth, his son's lover. The knowledge that his son, his heir, his first born, betrayed him to be with a Goddess had driven him to make a decision in rage as he seethed.

"Why, brother? Why a… A GODDESS of all creatures! She does nothing but torture him life after life!", Zeldris thought angrily before then having another thought, one he hadn't thought of before.

"Why do I judge Meliodas? And Zarathos, too. I would have done the same to be with Gelda. I would have done anything to be with my love.", Zeldris thought before groaning.

"I tire of this insanity. This unfairness my brother has to suffer through! But how do I fix it?", Zeldris spoke before he started pacing.

"I can't get rid of both of their curses; even with father's power I am not strong enough.", Zeldris thought before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Maybe I could take off the curse father bestowed upon Elizabeth and Zarathos. Maybe they could figure out a solution… There might be one way, but this could get me killed. Is it really worth it?", Zeldris thought.

He immediately headed for a chamber deep beneath the palace.

He entered a dark and dreary chamber before speaking.

"Let's hope the right person can hear me.", Zeldris thought.

"Supreme Deity Arula! Answer me! I ask for aid in helping one of your subordinates.", Zeldris requested before the Supreme Deity suddenly appeared before him as an illusion.

"Zeldris! What do you want, Demon Prince?", the Supreme Deity asked in slight surprise and distrust before Zeldris bowed his head and sighed.

As he raised it again, she could see the one thing he never showed before: desperation.

"I need your help to break the curse on my brothers and Meliodas' lover.", Zeldris responded before the Supreme Deity grew surprised as she gave a slight gasp.

"You mean my daughter, Elizabeth and her lover, Meliodas? Why? Shouldn't you normally be happy he and Zarathos are suffering?", the Supreme deity puzzled.

"Normally, I would, but you don't have the slightest idea about what Meliodas had gone through! He hadn't grown or even changed since the curse was put on him! Elizabeth kept being reborn over and over again! And... AND MELIODAS HAD TO WATCH HER DIE EVERY TIME SHE REMEMBERS THEIR LIVES TOGETHER OVER AND OVER AGAIN! AND EVERY SINGLE TIME, ZARATHOS GIVES IN TO HIS INNER DEMON AND DESTROYS EVERYTHING!", Zeldris shouted angrily before taking a deep breath and continuing in a softer tone.

"And if I'm not mistaken, I'd say he's had to watch her die over a 100 times now. And the fact that our brother, Zarathos loses control whenever he gets mad isn't helping much either.", Zeldris added calmly.

"Hmm. That's a bit difficult to decide. You've killed innocent people without mercy or hesitation. Then again, my archangels have done the same and so has Meliodas likewise and they still fought together. And on another note, I care a lot about my daughter, Elizabeth. She was always so kind to everyone no matter the race. She's always just wanted the best for people. It's been 3,000 years already... I can't even imagine what she feels every time her memory returns. Realizing she's going to die and is making Meliodas suffer through her death again. Maybe it was a mistake to curse her after all. But before I proceed, tell me. How did you know that I would consider helping you?", the Supreme Deity asked.

"I heard about how your archangels helped Elizabeth cure Derieri and Monspeet when they became Indula. You all believe in fairness, not vengeance. I knew that either you or your archangels would at least consider helping if only to help your daughter. I also knew that you might be able to undo your curse, even if only by a little.", Zeldris responded as he looked pained at the memory.

"Very well. I can't break the curse I've cast, but the least I can do is weaken it. After that, breaking that curse is all up to them.", Arula spoke before Zeldris smirked.

"All right. As long as Meliodas doesn't have to suffer this way anymore. Just let me say one phrase, but make sure you use as much of your magic as possible for that to work.", Zeldris responded before Arula then collected her magic.

"Ready?", Zeldris asked before she nodded and raised her hands in.

"End this curse and restore these lives!", Zeldris and Arula shouted before they both released a powerful orb of magic into the air, which exploded and they could feel the drain that comes when a spell is successful.

The two looked to each other.

"So, how do we know that the curse is weakened?", Zeldris asked.

"That would be up to Meliodas, Zarathos, Elizabeth. Only they would know for sure themselves.", Arula assured.

"I see. As much as it pains me to say this, thank you.", Zeldris responded.

"The feeling is mutual and you are quite welcome.", Arula responded before she disappeared.

Zeldris then sighed in relief.

"Now if only I could see Gelda.", Zeldris thought.

He shook his head.

"Should I have told them that the spell restored my brothers' power? Nah!", Zeldris thought before he walked out of the chamber after restoring its previous protections.

"I still can't believe they could find Goddess amber that could hold most of his power.", Zeldris thought.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth suddenly felt something in her that is weakening as well as awakening.

"That's odd. I feel almost as if I'm starting to remember who I really am.", Elizabeth spoke, mystified before then shrugging it off quickly.

"But I'm sure it's nothing.", Elizabeth dismissed, not wanting to dwell on it any longer.

At the same time elsewhere, Meliodas and Zarathos also felt something weakening in them as the former started to feel stronger.

"Are you okay, Meliodas?", Zarathos asked.

"Yeah, I think so. It's kinda odd, though. I suddenly felt like I got stronger.", Meliodas responded.

"You think that our curses our weakening somehow?", Zarathos asked.

"I'm not really sure. We'll work that out later, though. Can't keep our customers waiting anyway.", Meliodas responded before he then went over to the bar.

"Yeah. Whatever...", Zarathos sighed.

A/N: So, what did you think? Pretty great way to start, right? :) I can't wait until the official chapters get started soon. Until next time.