I was told never to go into the woods at night especially on a full moon no less, people had told tales of a werewolf with fur blacker than night itself, it had claws that could rip anyone or anything to shreds and it had an appetite for blood and raw meat. Our forest had beautiful wolves in it but there were also cute woodland animals like bunnies, chipmunks, hedgehogs, squirrels and even some deer. There were lizards and snakes every once in a while but it was usually in the warmer months. There were also foxes, raccoons and a few birds as well but mainly a little owl or an occasional morning dove but nothing too exciting. I LOVED animals and I liked to draw pictures of them in my notebook. I wanted to be a zoologist when I got older, maybe even bond with these creatures but then again it didn't seem right.

Then a haunting yet beautiful sound pierced the night, it was a wolf howl I loved that sound ever since I was a little kid. Most kids would pull the covers over their heads but not me I would lay there in one of my many pink frilly nightgowns, cozy under my fluffy pink comforter, with my head on my unicorn pillow. I would listen but some nights I would go to bed rather disappointed.

I wish I was cozy in my bed, because it is super cold out here! I thought bitterly. I would be under a fuzzy dark purple blanket wearing an worn out ACDC shirt as I had several in black but still it was comfy, along with a pair of thin blood red plaid cotton pajama pants. But no I ran off wearing a black sweater, thin black leggings and pair of red sneakers while my mom yelled "you're grounded from your phone!"

"jokes on you." I yelled back waving my arm in the air with my cellphone in my hand.

then suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt a nose sniffing my ear the same way my dogs did to me at home.

We had a lot of pets two parrots, three dogd, two cats, a snake, at least fifteen goldfish, two guinea pigs and a hermit crab rightfully named "Mr. pinch" because the day we got him my brother started teasing him and the thing pinched his nose and other time he managed to escape his tank we couldn't find him for two days. Mr. pinch had gotten onto my mom's bed and he pinched her leg as she layed down to sleep.

I some how managed to fall into a fitful sleep.


I woke up not to see a werewolf but a boy with pale silky skin, spiky black hair, ripped black jeans, a ripped purple turtle neck and a slightly tattered black trench coat.

"oh ra not again." he muttered as he stirred.

"what is it?" I asked him.

"Every full moon I turn into this weird wolf guy."

"that sucks."

"I know."

"what's your name?" I asked

"It's Chazz." he said while his spiky raven hair fluttered in the breeze.

"I'm Karley." I said flashing him a soft smile.

We talked for a bit but then parted ways

"hey Chazz?"


"do you think we will ever see each other again?"

He shrugged "pfft, maybe."

I then darted home only to have my mom hug me tight.

"Oh honey I was so worried And you don't get any reception out in the forest either."

"I'm sorry for running away mom-" she cut me off

"I'm just happy you're ok."

From then on whenever I heard a howl I would smile then howl back because that wolf code for "I love you." we had been doing that for a few years now and I lifted the curse by giving a true love's kiss now here I am standing at the altar staring into the gorgeous eyes of my future husband and my surprisingly kind brother-in-law Jagger who had good manners and wanted nothing but the best for us. He was a romantic after all.

Was it wrong to marry a wolf? Yeah on so many different levels!

Was it wrong to marry the man of your dreams? NOPE!

I felt tears of happiness roll down my cheeks.

but before we finally left I had Jagger softly and sincerely say to me "thank you for saving my brother.'