Heyo. So before we start, I just want to say thanks for the support on this story! Hope you guys enjoy.

Three Months Before the Exam


Adam grit his teeth, rage seething from his body.

He hated this. He hated leaving the White Fang, abandoning his cause. His entire life spent building up its name and ensuring that it would strike fear into the hearts of humans while filling hope in the faunus. Adam Taurus had bled for it, and now?

Here he was, chasing after a woman who had left him and throwing away all he had worked so hard to earn. Adam cursed himself, his mind berating him for how foolish and cowardly he was acting right now.

So what if Blake had left? If she had let her doubts eat away at her convictions, then she deserved to die. She left the Fang, and all it stood for.

But a small, more venomous voice bit back. She left you.

Adam clenched his fists, wishing he could simply unsheathe Wilt from her scabbard and go after every single filthy human in sight. But he couldn't. Not after what had happened months ago.

Those dreams... they seemed too real, felt too real. Adam had seen people he had never met, events that had never happened. But as his right hand lightly traced his chest, he could vividly recall his own blade piercing his heart. Driven there by the girl he had once loved, and a golden spitfire of a woman that hated him.

It had been weeks now since he had left the Fang, unable to escape the visions that haunted him. Death, murder, destruction - they were nothing new to Adam, but dreaming of his own death at the hands of Blake shook him to his core. Along with his new... abilities.

Adam considered himself skilled. He was better than most his age, and he was willing to gamble that he could take on more than his fair share of fully trained huntsmen and huntresses. His skills were leagues beyond many in the Fang, and even Sienna, a battle-hardened woman herself who was many years her senior had confessed that she had her doubts about actually beating him in a fair fight. Adam knew, without a shadow of a doubt that he was powerful.

But to see how his opponents would move? To see, in detail, how they would attack? Hell, to even be able to feel their blades and bullets as it pierced his body, even before they had made their moves?

No. It was impossible.

As Adam looked at the window in his train compartment, he could only see his own reflection - a confused, angry man. What was happening to him?

Adam had heard of Semblances evolving. He was no expert in aura or their abilities, but he knew at least that much. But his semblance was to absorb energy and use it against his enemies. It even allowed him to bypass aura and deal direct damage.

But to have premonitions into the near future? Either there was something more to his semblance than he realized, or he had gained a new power.

"Is that even possible?" Adam irritably mused.

"Is what possible, sir?" A kind voice said, pulling him out of his reveries.

Adam was startled, but managed to bite back his anger. He hated being snuck up on. He despised surprises.


Ah, right. The train attendant. Adam gave the person his full attention.

Oh. The human attendant.

Well, this could work in his favor at least. Most humans, at least those outside Atlas, were blissfully unaware of who Adam Taurus was. To them, he was just another mask - another monster.

They don't realize who the real beasts are in this equation.

Adam coldly waved the girl off. With a small nod, she left him alone to attend to an elderly couple just a few seats ahead. Adam made sure he wasn't surrounded by huntsmen or faunus that could recognize him.

Here was Adam Taurus, boarding a train headed towards Vale. Ironic, given the fact that he had attacked a similar train just weeks ago, and where he had lost her.

But more frightening was how all the details in that skirmish were present in his vision. Every strike, every injury - hell, even Blake's betrayal had been something he'd seen in his dreams. He simply refused to believe it then.

He had left behind those naive thoughts after.


Adam hated it. He couldn't stand hearing those words. First, they were a nightmare. But when she said those words, the cruel reality of her betrayal wounded him.

"I will find you, Blake. I don't know what these visions are, but I know you. I'll make sure you and that... woman will not end me. You will not be the end of me."

And he knew exactly where she was going. The prestigious Beacon Academy.

Adam was not naive. He was fairly sure that the staff of Beacon could tell who he was, but he had given it his best shot either way and sent his forged application. They couldn't trace his papers to him, and he knew he had the abilities to hide himself from both the Fang and Vale. To his surprise however, he had recieved a reply from the academy, saying that he had been accepted.

At first, he had scoffed. Had they really been so incompetent as to not figure out who he was? Had the quality of Beacon been just an exaggeration? Those doubts were swiftly crushed when he had recieved another letter, one addressed to him personally.A text on his scroll from an unspecified number had told him one, plain thing:

When you come to Beacon, meet with me. I guarantee your safety and anonymity until then.

It wasn't too difficult to figure out.

Professor Ozpin, the enigmatic headmaster of Beacon, wanted an audience with him.

Normally, one wouldn't be so stupid as to take a promise like that to heart. There was no real guarantee on Adam's part - no proof that the authorities wouldn't be alerted to his presence, no legitimate way of knowing that Ozpin would keep his word - but Adam couldn't deny his curiosity, especially when the unknown number had messaged him again.

I can explain to you exactly what it is you are experiencing.

Now that had truly caught his attention. Did Ozpin really know?

But in the end, it didn't matter. Beacon was simply the most convenient way to get close to Blake again, and he had planned other ways should his application not pan out. But here it was, the answer. A way to Blake, and a possible way of figuring out exactly what it was that he had.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Adam seethed. Again? Couldn't he get a single second of peace?

He turned to the voice, ready to coldly tell them off when he found his voice get caught in his throat.

It was a lion faunus. Specifically, he was the old woman's husband just a few seats ahead of him.

The man was elderly, and his faunus features were graying whiskers on his face, though hair was groomed to look similar enough to a lion's mane. And seemingly harmless - his instincts telling him that the man was innocent, further backed up by the fact that his new abilities had yet to be triggered.

Adam shook himself out of his shock quickly and reverted his face back to neutral. "No, but I'm sure your wife wouldn't appreciate you leaving her alone to talk to some stranger."

The man smiled, his features weathered. "Oh, it's no harm. I told her I was just meeting up with someone I recognized. I promise, this will be quick Mr. Taurus."

Adam's eyes narrowed. He was sloppy - he hadn't even noticed a fellow faunus on board. Sienna would have his head if she knew just how lousy he was at the moment.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, sir."

"Please, Mr. Taurus. Let's not pretend I'm some idiot now - I'm old, but the gods still saw fit to let me keep my senses."

Adam stealthily gripped the hilt of his blade, ready to make a move should the older man say anything suspicious.

The old faunus smiled again, "There's no need for that. I've still got a few decades in me, and I'd rather not have it taken so soon by a man I simply wish to talk to."

Adam couldn't detect any lies in his voice, but remained cautious. "Make one wrong move, and I free your head from your shoulders."

"There's the famous rage of the White Fang's beast." The man chuckled, seemingly unperturbed by Adam's threat as he seated himself across. "But it is very curious to see such a lauded member of the Fang riding a train to Vale alone. Your shades and wool hat can hide you from most humans, but any old faunus worth their salt can spot you , young man."

"I'm not in the mood for games, old man." Adam growled. "Out with it."

The man's face immediately turned serious, his lips drawn in a line. "I only have one question: do you intend to bomb or assault this train?"

Ah. Well, Adam couldn't really blame him for that.

"No. Neither the Fang nor I have any ill intentions for this train or its passengers."

The man visibly relaxed, the lines on his face slowly disappearing. "A defector, then."

"I didn't-"

"You didn't need to, Mr. Taurus. I can just tell." The man proceeded to rise from his seat, no longer interested in Adam's reply. He began making his way back to his wife, but not before saying his final piece.

"I can see past thos gaudy shades, son. It seems you're still blind to everything but the future, and it's not doing you any good." He gently placed a few lien on the table, and left. "Get yourself a better pair of shades, or an eye-patch. To think, the oh so lionized commander of the White Fang would have such bad taste in accessories."

Adam eyed the old man, watching him return to his seat and give his wife a gentle peck on her forehead. For the rest of the ride, he ignored Adam. Not a single word was said after, even as the train came to a stop and they all got off board, as if the man had forgotten the former terrorist had even existed.

Adam was at a loss for words - he had no idea what to think. But as the man left, he suddenly felt tired.

What was he even doing, going after Blake and scurrying for answers. For the first time in years, Adam felt genuinely exhausted.


Mercury was exhausted.

Trekking through Anima had been gruelling. After his battle against Marcus, he had simply ran away. He felt no regret as he abandoned his home and his father. Both had been dead to him long ago.

Mercury managed to reach the village he had always ran off to in his youth. Before leaving, he had managed to pocket everything Marcus had had on him. He had plenty of lien, and a few objects lying around that he had managed to save from the fire that would be good enough to sell.

He had managed to track down and pay an underground doctor. Mercury knew his legs were going to fail him soon, so he had them removed and replaced with crude, but sturdy prosthetics. They would do him fine, but he would need even better if he wanted to see his plan through.

His father, before his demise, had ingrained into him the importance of keeping contacts - if you need to know the city, ask the rats - and he knew just enough rats to get him by.

Mercury had never done any assassination jobs, but his father had made sure that he was in touch with the local crime organization in the neighboring villages. While difficult with such small communities, the frontier towns were not free of petty crooks, thieves, and even the occasional big names that hailed from Vale itself. Criminals maintained connections, and Mercury knew what strings to pull. He had done theft, intimidation, smuggling and grimm killing - all things that helped establish a semblance of a foothold into these villages, and now many of them owed him favors. Even at a young age, his father's talent to thrive in the underbelly of society had rubbed off on him.

He had never accepted lien, and instead told them that he'd rather have a favor that he could cash in at a later date. Today was that day.

After calling in the few contacts he had, in a matter of a few days, his legs had arrived, plus a few supplies to help him in his travels.

"I see you got yourself sorted, kid." Doctor Bianca said. Bianca Guaritrice was the local doctor in the village - a tall, statuesque woman with white hair cutted short in her forties, and she was known for never turning anyone away. Be they a sickly child, wounded huntsman, diseased traveler, or beaten crook - there was no one she was willing to ignore.

Which made her a blessing to the village and essential to criminals. She had built herself a reputation, made herself invaluable to the crime groups looking to establish a presence in the frontier, and she put that name to good use. Helping out with food supplies, materials that were needed to build homes, you name it. She was a badass, period.

"Guess you could say that, doc." Mercury checked his supplies, making sure not a single ammo or medicine was out of place. "Thanks for the meds, by the way. Didn't even ask you for 'em."

"Felt generous, what can I say?" Bianca shrugged, leaning on the doorframe to her clinic. She brought out a stick of cigar and lit it, offering another to him. "Care for a smoke?"

"No thanks." Mercury waved it off - Marcus didn't smoke, but some of his old buddies did when he brought them around. He didn't hate the smell of cigars the way he did with alcohol, but he wasn't interested. He rose from his seat, shouldering his pack and stretching his legs. "Well doc, I'm off. Tell the missus I said hi, and that I'll be missing the love we shared." Mercury grinned at the last part. He had only met Abigail Guaritrice once, and the only interaction they had was her forcing him to drink the worst tea he had ever tasted in his short life. The stuff tasted like piss.

"If that was love between the two of you, then I haven't been filthy enough with my woman to get those kinds of reactions out of her." The doctor coolly replied, though she couldn't keep the small smirk off her face. She pushed herself off the wall and positioned herself near him - she was slightly taller than Mercury, having to look down on him as she spoke. "You know kid, you don't have to leave. This town could use someone like you."

"Another dirty lowlife?" Mercury snorted.

"No, you crippled idiot. You're good, I can tell. It's not just anyone that can say that they took down the infamous Marcus Black and live to tell the tale."

Mercury waved the compliment off, not even surprised that she had figured it out. "Look, I don't know what you want from me, but I got nothing left here. Dearest daddy is dead in a ditch, and I'm finished with my contacts. You got paid, and I'm done."

His remark was met with a finely shaped raised eyebrow. "I was talking about you staying on and helping the town out. Not a lot of folks out here that could measure up to you and your bastard of a father in terms of skill, and the people here could use more protection. My wife and I are willing to pay you whatever you want."

Mercury's face softened a bit at the offer, and was mildly surprised by the doctor's words. But he was dead set on what he intended to do.

"Don't get me wrong, doc. You've been a lifesaver. But this place," he gestured to their surroundings, "is too close to him. Too close to home, and I wanna be rid of him as much as possible. So I'm sorry, but I'm out of here."

Bianca, seeing the determination in the young boy's eyes, sighed. "Fine, you stubborn little shit. But at least be smart about how you're leaving. Don't take off today, at least."

"Why not? I got everything ready and all, and Vale is weeks away."

"Exactly. You're tough, but you ain't a huntsman yet. If you want to get to Vale, then leave tomorrow. There's a caravan passing by tomorrow - leave with them instead. I'll put in a word for you, tell 'em you're skilled enough to work as muscle for them on their way to the kingdom. They'll even pay if you want."

Mercury was skeptical. "And just why the hell are you so helpful? Lemme guess," he grinned, "you finally admit that you want me, right?"

Bianca rolled her eyes, smacking him on his head. "No. Did those prosthetics fry your brains or was there never anything between your ears to begin with?" She took a long draw from her cigar and continued. "It's charity. Just take it, alright? Least I can do."

"Lady, I think there's something wrong with that crap you smoke." Mercury sneered, "Not interested in your pity, and I sure as hell don't remember you owing me anything."

Bianca massaged her temple in frustration. This kid, she thought to herself. She walked out, arms in the air in disbelief at the moron. "Fine," she called behind her, "take my advice or leave it. But if you get yourself killed out there, don't blame me. Be at the town's entrance at five sharp if you decide to get your head out of your ass and accept my help, or don't. Whatever floats your boat you little sociopath." She stormed out of her own clinic, slamming the door behind her.

Mercury was left utterly confused.

What the hell was that all about?

That woman was more confusing, Mercury thought to himself. Even more so than his newfound powers.

Speaking of...

Mercury grinned to himself and clenched his eyes shut in concentration. He focused as best as he could, hoping to feel that same painful tug at his gut. Maybe he could mess with her a few more times.

The pain would be so worth it.

The wait was finally worth it.

Salem could feel it in her very soul. Seated in her stone throne, her subordinates all waiting for her word. The magic called out to her, and it was powerful.

"It seems I've been proven wrong."

Watts turned to Salem, confused. "My lady, is something the matter?"

Salem only smiled and rose. "My lieutenants, it seems today is an auspicious day. It looks as if my dear Ozma had hidden something away from me all these years, and yet it has finally revealed itself."

Cinder eyed her wearily, while Tyrian hung on her every word like it was gospel. Knowing him, it probably was.

"A relic. My relic to be precise." She answered.

"Has the relic of destruction revealed itself?" Hazel asked.

"Oh no. Something even better. It was a project Ozma and I shared lifetimes ago: the Relic of Time. And it has finally awakened."

I want to clear things up just a bit more.

Adam Taurus has a more passive variant of Epitath, and he can't crash two points of time together like King Crimson (yet, at least). If you guys have watched Bungou Stray Dogs, then you might be familiar with Sakunosuke Oda and his ability, Flawless. It works very similarly. His dreams of the future are never different - his premonitions are basically replays of Adam's fate in canon. Once it happens, or he manages to change it, he ceases to see it in his dreams.

What Ozpin and Salem felt were their magic activating. It's tied much closer to Ozpin, and so he's more sensitive to it, which allowed him to sense the dormant energies in the ancestors for many years, but the abilities have truly awakened in this generation.

Ren was the first to activate his, during the fall of his village.

Mercury activated his in his battle with Marcus, and left earlier before Cinder could find him, in search of answers.

Adam awakened his before the events of the Atlas raid in his character short, which lead to him uncharacteristically killing those soldiers. He still has his tendencies of psychopathy here, but I always interpreted that moment as the one where he truly took his first steps into madness, and so here he's less of an asshole.

Jaune accidentally activated his during his application for forged documents.

And yes. I guess you can interpret them as male maidens.