This is one of my favorite pairings. If you have a good story of this please send me the link. :) reviews or private messages idc.

I am currently writing this story in a walmart, and listening to Dear Evan Hanson. And mean girls. Don't judge lol.

I don't own anything.

3rd person...

Negative again. Jason and Percy has been trying for a kid for months, and yet it was always negative. Percy was on the edge of his breaking point.

Percy threw the used pregancy test in the trash bin, turned off the light, and walked out of the bathroom that he shared with his boyfriend Jason.

He walked out of the bedroom, (the bathroom connects to their bedroom.) and into the kitchen, Jason was in the kitchen already, cooking breakfast, for the two of them.

Percy put on a fake smile, and stepped over to where his boyfriend was standing. He grabbed some utensils and placed them on the dining table.

Jason turned at the sound of the floorboard creaking from under Percy's foot, he smiled when he saw his boyfriend setting up the table. He turned the last pancake which happened to be the color blue, stacked it with the rest of them, and walked over to Percy. He planted a sweet kiss on his cheek before sitting down across from his loved one.

Percy and Jason really had gotten to know each other at a college party 2 years ago when they were 18. 4 years had gone by and they were still as strong as they were that fateful night. They had talked about getting married before, but it wasn't a very serious talk.

Percy wanted a baby more than anything in the world. Jason wanted to give Percy what ever he wished for, so they began trying. Jason could see that Percy's emotions were going downhill, Jason knew his breaking point was going to be soon, he was going to have to prepare for it.

"Im going to come home later tonight, around 10pm." Jason said trying to break the silence. Percy nodded his instead of talking, because he had a mouthful of blue pancakes.

Jason worked for a company that sold sports equipment, he was comanager. Since he knew the person who owned the company, they were practically rich, Percy liked smaller homes, he rather save up for things, instead of spending every dollar they got. Percy did want to move into a new home when they started a family.

Jason wouldn't let Percy work since they had more than enough to make ends meet. Percy usally spent his days doing random stuff around the house, or around New York City.

"Okay, be careful driving." Jason shoved the last of the pankcakes in his mouth, grabbed the stack of papers that were on the counter, gave a quick kiss on Percy's mouth, and ran out the door murmuring that he was going to be late. Percy sighed and picked up the dirty dishes and walked to the sink to clean them.

After drying the dishes and putting them away, he grabbed his skateboard and set outside. He turned his phone off of silent just in case Jason needed him. He rode over to the skatepark to spend his day. There were kids ages 12 to 25 all at the skating.

~~~ line break ~~~

Percy looked at his phone and saw it was almost 10 at night! He didn't realize that the sun had set! Percy looked around him and saw he was almost the only person at the skatepark, besides some crackheads. He grabbed his skateboard and gave a good kick and tried to get home before Jason did. He didn't want him to worry about him.

He feel over some sidewalk cracks, so his knees were a bit bloody, when he got to their driveway he already saw Jason and his car already parked, the light was already in the kitchen.

When Jason had walked into the aparment, it was deathly silent, Percy would have greeted him when Jason first walked through the door. Jason called his name serveral times but no answer came. Percy knew Jason was coming home late where was he? Jason sat on the couch waiting for his beloved boyfriend to come home.

When Jason heard the screen door open he shot up off the couch, when he walked into the hallway, Percy was locking the door behind him. Percy jumped a few feet in the air when he saw Jason in front of him. Jason noted that Percy had his skateboard, so he must have been skateboarding. Jason had gone skateboarding with Percy a few times before, Percy always forgot about his surroundings when he skateboarded, he always had a smile plastered ln his face when he skateboarded.

Jason started scanning his body for any marks that showed he was hurt. He zeroed in on his bloody knees. He grabbed Percy's hand and dragged him into the bathroom and started searching around for the rubbing alcohol. He grabbed some cotton balls with the alcohol.

"Put the toliet lid down and sit on it." Jason demanded. Percy did what he said, not wanting to test Jason. He winced everytime Jason would press on the wound. "Are you okay?" Jason asked when the wound stopped bleeding.

"Yeah, I just fell." Jason made a movement asking if Percy wanted to go to bed. Percy gave a smile and followed Jason to their shared bedroom.

He put his dirty clothes in the hamper that was located at the side of the room. He put a plain black shirt, and grey sweatpants on. He climbed into the cold bed after Jason. He put his head on the blonde's chest, listening to the rise and fall of his chest. Jason put his hands in his lovers black locks.

"What's wrong? You haven't talked very much, usually I can't get you to stop talking." Jason gave a small laugh at the end, Percy just shook his head, not wanting to break down. "You have to talk about it eventually."

"What if I can't?" Percy asked. Jason gave himself a confused look, going through all their last conversation to see if this had something to do with them.

"Can't what?" Percy just shoved his face farther into his boyfriend's chest in response.

"Have a child. I mean we've been trying for months, I'm stopping you from you having a happy family. Having a family is also one of your dreams and I'm preventing that, I dont know. Is it my body? Is it my fault?" Percy said, his voice muffled by his boyfrind's chest. Percy's ADHD was getting the better of him at the end of that sentence.

"Baby, there's nothing wrong with you, we're just hitting a bump in the road. We'll get over this, plus there are different roads we can take, like adoption." Jason said in a soft voice. "And my dream is to be with you, and being happy." Percy couldn't help but smile at the last sentence.

Percy looked up to meet Jason's loving eyes. "You mean it?" He now had a loving smile rising on his face.

"Yes, I love you, Percy."

"I love you, too." Percy moved his position so his whole body was laying on top of Jason's body.

"Goodnight." Jason whispered. Percy didn't answer, because he had already fallen asleep in his boyfriend's presence. The blonde smiled at his lover, and leaned his head down to fall alseep as well.

~~~ line break ~~~

Jason pinned Percy's hands over his head, and moved in between the boy's legs.

"Noo." Percy moaned, trying to free his hands from Jason's hold. Jason's only reply was to lock their lips together in a long needy kiss. He started grinding quickly against Percy, smirking against Percy's lips, at the moans he was getting out of the boy. Jason moved his free hand, and started unbutting Percy's jeans.

Before he could fuck Percy until he was blue, they heard someone scream out in disgust. Jason was the first of the two to look up, and go tell the intruder to 'Fuck off.' but instead he was met with his older sister, Thalia, looking at him and Percy in disgust. Not in a homophobic way, just in a intruding sex way. Just picture you walking into your little brother's bedroom and seeing him about to fuck his love one into the mattress, that's how Thalia felt in that very moment.

Jason dropped his lovers hands, they both looked like deers in head lights.

"We need to have a little talk." With that she just walked out of the room. They didn't have any clothes off of their bodies, so they nothing to put on. They didn't have anything to do, that would help stall time. Jason gave a quick kiss on Percy's soft lips, intertwined their hands and walked out of the door with a very embarrassed Percy, trailing behind him.

Thalia was in the living room, looking at the framed pictures of Jason and Percy, that was on their mantle. Right when she heard the shuffling footsteps. "Sit down." She motioned to the couch, she decided to sit across of them. They didn't have a chair, so she sat on the floor with her legs crossed.

Thalia was a very intimidating person, she had a better workout routine than most boys on a college football team. The only person that didn't seem to be terrifed of her was, Jason.

Jason put his boyfriend's head in his lap, showing that he didn't care what his older sibling thought of their relationship. They just sat in silence for a few minutes. What are were they supposed to say? "Sorry that I was about to fuck my boyfriend into the bed, could you show yourself the door?" Jason could say that if he didn't feel any embarrassment.

Thalia was eventually the first one to talk. "I'm going to have to bleach my eyes." Percy could feel the blush rising in his cheeks.

"One this is Percy and I's house, what we do it is our bussiness and only our bussiness. Two what were you even doing here?" Jason pulled Percy closer to his chest, trying to prove his point. "You were going to raid our cabinets, weren't you?" Thalia now had a light blush on her face.


"That's where all my food has been going!" Percy said in shocked tone, he had been blaming Jason for weeks, and Jason had been telling him he already ate it, when he knew he hadn't.

"It's not my fault y'all have good food!" Thalia responded.

"Well me and Percy have a date, so please show yourself the door and don't steal any food on the way out."

Thalia was grumpling something about her grilfriend not buying junk food and only greens. Jason gave Percy a bright smiled and pulled him off of his lap.

"Hey! I was comfortable! You cant go around pushing people off of you like that!" Percy complained, he had just gotten comforable, and Jason pushed him off.

Jason pulled him up, and gave him as kiss. "We have date to go to." He grabbed his car keys that were hung up on the wall by the door. He pulled on a sweat shirt from his bedroom, because they were going to the fair and it was supposed to be a lot of bugs out and he didnt want twenty different mosquito bites. He pulled another sweatshirt from his bottom dresser for Percy to wear. He really just wanted to show Percy off, and show that Percy was his and only his.

He left the bedroom and threw the sweatshirt in the direction of Percy. "Lets go, baby." Percy grabbed his hand and they left the silent house hand in hand.

WOOOOOOOAHHHH I GOT DONE, im down to make this a story and not a one-shot. If I get enough reviwes we'll have a story, if not it'll be a one-shot I don't care. If i make this a story i'll try to make more talkative.


review if you want a story, and not a one-shot. If a story i can write about their date at the fair!