Chapter 1

AN: So, it's been a while since I've written a suits story. Since the last time I wrote a suits story I actually started Law School myself and will be finishing in December if everything goes to plan. So, I guess it's kind of fitting to be starting a new suits story in my last semester break. Hope you like.

I'm still getting the hang of writing this story how I wrote the original, so for the first few chapters you might see more scenes that are very, very similar to cannon. This should only last until I get back into the flow of this universe, as I have figured out a lot of future changes, both out of necessity or personal opinion.

After dinner with Jessica the night before Mike Pearson-Ross, and Harvey Specter, returned to Harvey's condo where they spend the night together. Having gotten up early as they know they have a fight coming, Harvey and Mike are getting out of the shower that they took together.

"So, where do you have to head off to?" Harvey asks, kissing Mike's neck, as he and Mike walk out of the shower.

"I told mom that I would meet her for breakfast, Katrina too, and I know you plan to take Donna shopping," Mike explains, knowing that Jessica wants to have breakfast with both of them to make sure that things are completely right between them all.

"After the last couple of weeks, she needs it," Harvey admits.

"Yeah, she does," Mike admits, pain in his voice.

"Was Katrina with her last night?" Harvey asks curious, as that's what he assumes.

"Yeah, she was," Mike confirms.

"Good," Harvey says, sounding relieved, and the two of them kiss once more.

About an hour after he and Harvey got out of the shower at Harvey's condo Mike, who road his bike, is arriving at a restaurant where he isn't at all surprised to see his mother and Katrina sitting together, drinking coffee, and talking; and he is glad to see that things between them seem good.

"You're late," Katrina informs Mike as he sits down.

"By like two minutes," Mike respond, rolling his eyes, as he greats his mother with a kiss to her cheek. "How's Donna?" Mike asks curious, looking at Katrina because he knows they stayed together the night before.

"Still freaked, she thought she thought she could trust Stephen, but she's Donna. She'll be okay," Katrina explains, believing that.

"That's good," Mike admits. "How are you?" Mike asks his mother concerned. "We just got over several battles, and we got at least one more to go," Mike says, looking at Jessica concerned.

"Yeah, we do," Jessica confirms. "But we'll get through it," Jessica admits. "I'm really glad you decided to come back," Jessica tells her son, meaning that completely as she really thought that Mike would never come back to the firm.

"I am too," Mike admits.

"Same," Katrina confirms.

"And I am also glad that the three of us can get back to how things should be," Jessica admits.

"Same," Mike, and Katrina both say, the three of them exchange smiles, and proceed to have a very enjoyable breakfast and the best part is that things are back to how they should be between them.

While Mike, Katrina and Jessica are having breakfast together Harvey has headed to Donna's apartment to take her shopping to try and help her.

"You look happier than you did last night," Harvey says to Donna as she walks out of her apartment.

"I am," Donna admits, being pretty sure that Katrina is a large reason for that.

"What are you doing here?" Donna asks surprised.

"I was thinking I'd give you a ride," Harvey explains.

"You made sure I had a ride with Katrina last night," Donna reminds Harvey, saying what she knows occurred even though Katrina didn't explicitly say so.

"Yeah, but this time I thought I'd join you," Harvey explains.

"Harvey, we put in fifteen-hour day twelve feet from each other. You really want to go to work together?" Donna asks curious.

"Who said anything about work? We have breakfast at Nougatine and an excursion to Hermes that may or may not involve a new handbag," Harvey explains, smirking slightly.

"You've been needing a new handbag," Donna says, also smirking.

"You can never have too many handbags," Harvey says as he opens the door to the car.

"Harvey, why are you doing this?" Donna asks curious.

"Donna, we've all been through a lot. We deserve a little celebration," Harvey explains, knowing between Mike, and everything else that has happened lately, they all have stuff to celebrate.

"Well, in that case, you had it pretty rough. We're gonna need to get you more than one handbag," Donna explains, as she walks towards the car.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Harvey says, closing the door before walking over to the other side of the car.

A while after she had breakfast with her son, and the woman who is almost like a daughter to her, Jessica is sitting in her office.

"Jessica," A voice says, and Jessica looks up to see Louis.

"Louis, what can I do for you?" Jessica asks curious.

"Actually, I'm not here about me, I'm here about you," Louis explains.

"How so?" Jessica asks curious.

"Um, I want to handle the dissolution," Louis explains.

"So this is about you," Jessica realises.

"No, Jessica," Louis says. "I got Ave out when you wanted her out. I proved that I will do whatever it takes, and what's more, I know Darby's assets, and I will get you everything that you had coming," Louis explains.

"I can get everything I have coming," Jessica explains.

"Maybe, but after what Stephen Huntley and Edward Darby did, you want to exact a pound of flesh. You want to kill them both," Louis explains.

"What's your point?" Jessica asks curious, there being an annoyed edge to her voice.

"My point is, that you go into that room angry, you're gonna have blinders on, and they're going to lead you any way they want you to go," Louis explains. "I get in that room, I'm cool as a cucumber, and I will lead whatever way you want to go," Louis reveals, and as he does Harvey walks into the room.

"We just got Edward Darby's proposed formula for splitting our assets," Harvey says, as he hands the documents over to Jessica.

"Son of a bitch," Jessica says angrily, once she reads it.

"I know! He thinks he can dictate terms after what he's done? We need to crush him," Harvey says angrily.

"See? Blinders," Louis explains.

"What?" Harvey asks confused.

"Louis was just suggesting that he run the negotiations," Jessica explains.

"Louis also suggested the firm adopt a badger as a mascot," Harvey says sarcastically.

"The badger is a noble and fearsome creature, but that's not the point, I can beat them," Louis explains.

"And the Washington generals think they can beat the Globetrotters, but they're not even in the same league," Harvey explains.

"My father played for the Washington Generals," Louis explains.


"So, what are you saying. I'm not even in your league?" Louis asks, annoyed.

"I'm saying you and I don't even play the same sport," Harvey explains.

"Harvey, enough," Jessica says, sounding annoyed. "And Louis has a point," Jessica explains.

"You seriously want to consider this?" Harvey asks shocked. "This is a joke!" Harvey exclaims.

"Louis, will you give us a moment? Please?" Jessica requests, her voice calm.

"I am not a joke!" Louis exclaims, before leaving.

"You can't do that anymore," Jessica explains.

"You mean make fun of Louis?" Harvey asks. "It's one of life's great pleasures," Harvey admits.

"When the two of you were colleagues, that's fair game, but you're a name partner now, and you have to show him some respect," Jessica explains, wanting Harvey to understand that.

"I a showing him respect. I'm being dismissive to his face," Harvey explains.

"Harvey, remember Kopelman?" Jessica asks curious.

"Combovers like that are hard to forget," Harvey comments.

"When I first started here, he and I would fight like cats and dogs every day, toe-to-toe, then one day he went to far. He crossed a line and I'd had enough, and I went in, and I ripped him up," Jessica explains. "You know what I did the day after Daniel and I took over the firm?" Jessica asks, and Harvey looks interested. "I went to Kopelman, and I told him how much I valued him," Jessica explains.

"Kopelman never voted against you the whole time I knew him," Harvey realises.

"Exactly," Jessica confirms. "And by the way, Louis is right," Jessica explains.

"Jessica, it's one thing for me to show Louis respect, but you want to put me on the slides for him?" Harvey asks shocked and angry.

"I'm gonna put him in at quarterback, then snap the ball to you," Jessica says, before explaining her full plan.

After explaining her plan to Harvey Jessica has left her office as there is one more move she has to make before she can consider letting Louis do the negotiation.

"Katrina, I need to talk to you," Jessica says to Katrina as she walks into her office, having closed the door behind her.

"What do you need?" Katrina asks, assuming something must have happened since breakfast, and she is prepared to do whatever Jessica needs.

"Louis is going to handle the disillusion negotiations," Jessica explains. "But I need you to be in the room with him," Jessica explains.

"You want me to keep him under control," Katrina realises, as it would make sense.

"You're the only one I trust who can," Jessica explains.

"Of course, you know I'll do whatever you need," Katrina assures Jessica, her loyalty to Jessica being one of the reasons why Jessica offered her a job without hesitation.

"I'm going to tell Louis, but you need to understand that we need both of you to hold of locking the current client allocation until Harvey and Mike change the attorney of record on clients big enough to skew things in our favour," Jessica explains, letting Katrina in on the plan as she completely trusts her.

"You got it," Katrina respond, and the two of them exchange understanding looks.

Not long after she talked to Katrina Jessica is in her office when Louis walks in.

"You wanted to see me?" Louis asks.

"Yes, and it's important," Jessica explains.

"What can I do for you? Adjust the font on the new business cards? Order some pens?" Louis asks, clearly annoyed.

"I don't know. If we don't have any pens, what would you sign the order with?" Jessica asks, sounding amused.

"What do you want, Jessica?" Louis asks, sounding frustrated.

"I was just making a little joke," Jessica explains.

"Oh, I thought I was the only joke around here," Louis comments.

"Louis, you are no joke, and you're right," Jessica admits. "You have been on the sidelines far too long. I want you to handle the negotiations," Jessica explains.

"You won't be sorry," Louis says with a grin. "You want a pound of flesh, I'm gonna bring you the whole carcass," Louis explains.

"I believe you would, but I'm going to ask you to do something else," Jessica explains.

"Anything you need," Louis responds.

"I need you to be fair," Jessica explains.

"Fair?" Louis asks shocked.

"Yes, fair," Jessica confirms.

"That's one way to go," Louis says shocked.

"It's the way to go, because I need them to believe that we're moving on, when, in fact, we're going after their clients," Jessica explains.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You and Harvey are letting me in on one of your missions?" Louis asks shocked. "This is Litt-tastic," Louis says shocked.

"Louis, calm down," Jessica says.

"Calm down? No! this is just like the great escape. You're recruiting me to go behind enemy lines. I'm Steve McQueen," Louis says, sounding amazed.

"You know the Great Escape?" Jessica asks surprised.

"Are you kidding? Charles Bronson grew up in my grandmothers shtel," Louis explains.

"Then you know Steve McQueen was the cooler kid," Jessica says. "Louis, I need you to be the cooler kid," Jessica explains.

"Yeah, I am cool," Louis says, sounding proud of himself "So you're authorizing me to sign you on your behalf?" Louis asks curious.

"Yes, but Katrina is going to be with you and under no circumstances are you to lock in the existing client allocations," Jessica explains, her voice completely serious.

"Please, I'd die before I let that happen," Louis comments.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Jessica says, counting on Katrina to keep Louis rained in, as while it is a difficult job she knows that Katrina is completely up to it.

A little while later Katrina and Louis are walking towards the conference room together, discussing the plan.

"Louis I know you're a gladiator, but Jessica needs us to be negotiators," Katrina reminds Louis, wanting to make sure he understands what is going on. "We've got to make sure we don't lock in the client allocations until Harvey and Mike lands Samsung," Katrina explains as she has been in communication with Mike and so she knows who Harvey and Mike are going after.

"I know, which is exactly you need to make sure my inner gladiator doesn't get past my outer negotiator," Louis explains. "Jessica is counting on us," Louis explains.

"Yes, she is," Katrina confirms, as they walk into the conference room and the second they do Katrina realises that her job just got a hell of a lot more difficult.

"Nesbit," Louis says shocked.

"Litt," Louis says.

"I see you're wearing your checked suit with your crimson power tie," Louis comments.

"You see correctly," Nigel confirms.

"Looks like you came to play hardball," Louis comments, and Katrina is quiet as she plans to be quiet until she needs to step in, which she assumes will be very soon.

"I didn't come to play anything. I came to win," Nigel explains.

"Well, I'm not here to win. I'm here to make sure hammer out a fair agreement," Louis says, fighting to calm down.

"And to help you achieve that, I see you've brought Tinker Bell," Nigel says to Katrina.

"You were so scared of Tinker Bell you assigned her a complicated trial at the last minute so I couldn't represent Louis in your cat trial," Katrina says, an edge to her voice.

"Speaking of my lovely Mikado I have something for you," Nigel explains, throwing a pile onto the table.

"Those are the letters I wrote to Mikado," Louis realises, and as he does Katrina knows that things are going to get a lot worse.

"Unopened," Nigel explains.

"You never read them to her?" Louis asks angrily.

"Not a single word," Nigel explains, with a smirk.

"You son of a bitch! You think you can rattle me? I'm unrattleble," Louis explains, clearly becoming angry.

"Really? This is the portrait that you sent her," Nigel says to Louis as he shows the image.

"Get out!" Louis exclaims, clearly speaking to Katrina.

"I'm not going to do that," Katrina says, looking at Louis, taking a step forward. "And you're not going to not going to rattle the formattable Louis Litt by doing shit like this," Katrina explains, looking at Nigel. "We all know that the reason you didn't read the letters to Mikardo is because he likes Louis's better," Katrina says, trying to defuse the situation, by calming Louis and pissing of Nigel. "So, we could continue this measuring contest, which is honestly a bore, or we can act like the Harvard educated lawyers we are and figure out a disillusion agreement so that the three of us never have to be in a room together again," Katrina explains and as she does she looks between Louis and Nigel, both of whom nod. "Great, let's get to work," Katrina says, as the three of them take seats, and start to work on their agreement.

As the three of them work both Katrina and Louis make sure that they avoid talking about the client allocations as they know Katrina will get a message from Mike when he and Harvey have landed Samsung.

While Katrina is with Louis doing what they can to delay locking in the client list Mike and Harvey are walking up to the Samsung headquarters. As they walk closer to the building Harvey isn't at all surprised to see Scottie.

"I'm assuming you were expecting this," Mike whispers to his boyfriend.

"Yep," Harvey confirms.

"You son of a bitch," Scottie says angrily as Harvey and Mike approach her.

"You knew we'd come after Samsung," Harvey says.

"I knew what suit you'd be wearing, and I knew Mike would be by your side," Scottie says, looking between them, knowing that Harvey and Mike got back together thanks to Darby.

"That one wasn't hard to guess," Mike says.

"I know Tiger Woods wears red on Sundays. It doesn't mean I can beat him," Harvey comments.

"I'm not going to let you poach our clients, Harvey," Scottie informs Harvey.

"Isn't you poaching our clients what lead to this merger in the first place?" Mike asks, knowing the answer.

"That was fair game, this is bad faith," Scottie explains.

"Bad faith? I'm going after Samsung. I'm not murdering anybody and lying about it to my partners," Harvey says.

"Don't you dare put me in with them," Scottie says angrily.

"Aren't you already in with them?" Mike asks, as that's what it seems like to him.

"Mike's right, what the hell are you still doing in bed with these people, Scottie," Harvey asks.

"As you know, I don't always have the best judgement of who I get into bed with, and as for why I'm still in business with them…" Scottie starts to say.

"Let me guess you beat me on the dissolution negotiation, you get your name on the door," Harvey assumes as that is what makes sense.

"Yep, Darby agreed to it the second that you pushed him out," Scottie explains.

"You know he only did that because he knew when word got out that his house was on fire, he had to something," Mike explains.

"Well he did, he put me against the two of you," Scottie explains, still trying to get used to that fact. "And as you just noted, our house in on fire, and I'm gonna fight tooth and nail to put that damn thing out," Scottie explains.

"You can fight tooth and nail all you like, but it's never done a thing for you against me before," Harvey explains.

"That's because I always had something else on my mind, but it's more than clear to me that that's never gonna to happen," Scottie says, looking between Harvey and Mike.

"Say what you want, Scottie, but we're going in there, and you're not gonna stop us," Harvey explains, and once he does both he and Mike sidestep Scottie and head into the building. Together, they manage to convince Samsung to make them their lawyers.

A while after Mike and Harvey managed to land Samsung, and Katrina and Louis finished the disillusion agreement, Donna, Katrina and Mike are in Katrina's office. While Donna is sitting at her desk, Mike is sitting on the cabinet behind her desk and Donna is sitting in a chair Infront of the desk, with her feet on Katrina's desk.

"So we really did it," Mike says, sounding both relieved, and a little surprised.

"We really did, but it wasn't easy," Katrina admits. "Louis almost lost it more than once," Katrina admits.

"But he didn't because you were there, because you kept him under control, because you're awesome," Donna tells her friend.

"Thanks Donna," Katrina says, with a slight smile, as Mike reaches over and squeezes his best friend's shoulder.

While Donna, Katrina, and Mike are in Katrina's office Harvey and Jessica are in her office, both sitting on the couch, having a very similar conversation.

"We actually got what we wanted for once," Jessica says, looking glad.

"Yeah, we did," Harvey says, looking glad. "It was a good idea to put Katrina with Louis, for some reason those two works together, she knows just how to deal with him," Harvey says, feeling surprised by that as he didn't think anyone, other than Donna, could handle Louis.

"Katrina has spent her life dealing with difficult people, she has thick skin, knows know to use emotions, and she knows exactly what to do in situations like the one in that conference room today; it's part of the reason why she makes an incredible lawyer," Jessica explains, and as she does Harvey gives her an interested look. "Long story," Jessica says, as she also knows is that it isn't her story to tell. If Katrina wants Harvey to know about her life then it is up to her to tell him.

"So, Louis didn't shit the bed, we got Samsung, and a disillusion agreement," Harvey says. "Today's a good day, Jessica," Harvey says.

"Really is," Jessica confirms, and the two of them drift into silence.

As something she has been waiting for came through Katrina has left Donna and Mike and is heading to Louis's office.

"Louis," Katrina says, once she gets to his door.

"Katrina, I wanted to say thank you, for keeping me from losing it with Nigel," Louis admits.

"It's okay, Louis," Katrina assures him. "I know neither of us are ones for sentimentality, but I have something for you," Katrina says, showing a 'you've just got Litt Up' mug. "The trademark came through ten minutes ago," Katrina explains, as she puts the mug on the desk.

"I… I don't know what to say," Louis admits, as he reaches over and picks up the cup.

"You don't have to say anything; after today you deserve a celebration," Katrina explains.

"That's the thing Katrina, I think we might be celebrating too early," Louis admits.

"What do you mean?" Katrina asks curious, as she sits down across from Louis.

"Nigel's me, and I can't help thinking that if we had lost one of our biggest clients while I was in a negotiation then I wouldn't give up so easily," Louis admits.

"Louis, what would you do?" Katrina asks, and as she does Louis explains what he would do, and what they should do.

A few hours after they confronted Scottie Mike and Harvey are walking into Harvey's condo. As they walk in they are both surprised, and rather annoyed to find Scottie waiting for them, sitting on one of the chairs.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mike asks shocked. He would ask how she got in, but he knows that there are certain people who know ways to get into Harvey's condo, and it doesn't surprise him that Scottie is one of those people.

"I'm here to finish our conversation from earlier. I can't believe you did that," Scottie says angrily. "What the hell happened to the Harvey Specter who would stop at nothing to win, but who always operated in good faith?"

"I told you, I'm not bound by good faith on this deal after what your boss did," Harvey explains.

"It's not just Edward's firm!" Scottie exclaims.

"What does that have to do with it?" Harvey asks, honestly he would love to get this conversation done so that he can spend time with his boyfriend.

"How can you ask that? You shrunk the whole pie for the sole purpose of getting a bigger piece for yourself, and it screwed me, along with Edward," Scottie explains.

"Can you hurry up and get to what you actually want, Scottie?" Mike asks, trying very, very hard not to be jealous.

"What I want is for you to give us Samsung to us," Scottie explains.

"Not going to happen," Harvey informs her.

"You know when you needed help with Ava Hessington, because Mike was gone, even though you sent me back to London, I helped you, and you said that I matter to you, that I always would. Was that bullshit or not?" Scottie asks, and Mike has to once more fight down feelings of jealousy.

"It wasn't bullshit, and if you're in trouble personally…" Harvey starts to explain.

"I am in trouble personally," Scottie says. "You said it yourself our house is on fire and it's my job to put it out. if you crush me… I'll have nothing," Scottie admits, pain in her voice.

"You know what happens if we go back to Samsung now? We lose them and so do you, because they're never going to go back to you after this," Mike points out. "Edward Darby merged with Mom and then set both our houses on fire so he's not going to fire you because you can't put his fire out," Mike explains. "But if you protect the things that matter to him form the fire he'll never forget that, and he'll make sure you have what matters to you," Mike tells Scottie as while he didn't spend a lot of time with Darby he has come to realises that.

"You really do see things that others don't," Scottie says, as while she has realised that Mike is right, and he has given her an idea, she also knows that she wouldn't have thought of it on her own. "I get it, you two, I get why you work," Scottie admits, as she looks between Mike and Harvey.

"I meant it when I said you'll always mean something to me, and if you really need me you know I'll be there, but I can't do anything about this," Harvey admits.

"Yeah, I guess not," Scottie says, sounding both defeated and angry. "See you, Harvey, Mike," Scottie says, before picking up her bag and heading out of the condo.

"You okay?" Mike asks concerned as he figures that it wasn't easy for Harvey not to help her.

"Yeah, I am," Harvey says, and he turns to his boyfriend.

Once Harvey is facing him Mike leans forward and kisses him.

"I've been wanting to do that all day," Mike admits.

"Me too," Harvey says, as he puts his hands on Mike's waist and pulls him towards him. "How would you feel about skipping dinner?" Harvey asks, after he kisses Mike once more, giving Mike a look.

"I can get on board with that," Mike responds returning the look, and the two of them head to the bedroom, shedding clothes as they go.