Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter universe. That's JK!

This is my first fanfic, so I'm really nervous about it and excited! Let me know what you think!

Ron/Dumbledore bashing ahead.

M rated for Violence and SMUT in later chapters.

A lot of love to my Beta FairestOfThemAll93

This is an update because I saw that I made a lot of mistakes! Sorry for that, like I said, this is my first fanfic!

Harry hated the summer. It just meant he needed to stay at Privet Drive again. Away from his friends again. Apart from magic, still - doing chores the whole summer was not the worst part. It was the mental and sometimes physical abuse. "FREAK, why can't you do anything right. Why don't you go away?" Dudley sneered, his aunt Petunia chuckled from the other side on the table. "Well, Duddykins," Harry already started having enough of this day, and it was only 9 in the morning. "Why won't I just go away as you so kindly put it." He heard his Uncle Vernon scoff as if he wanted to say something. "I just love it here so dearly; I just couldn't stay away from all the love you give me," Harry said, with just a little sarcasm. Just a little too much.

"Well, freak, you know we only let you stay here from the deepest kindest part of our hearts," Vernon said, not even looking up from his paper. "As if." Harry hissed under his breath. "What was that?" Petunia nearly screeched. "Nothing auntie." He said quickly, his stomach started to grumble, and he looked longingly to the enormous breakfast Vernon and Dudley had on their plates. He only had one burned toast on his. Petunia saw his eyes wander and grabbed his plate and threw it on the floor. "If you are going to be difficult today, you don't need to eat. Go outside and start with this list of chores. When you are finished, you can continue here with the dishes and get a head start on lunch. And no - you aren't part of that either. We have a guest." She said with a smile on her face. Harry started to inhale profoundly through his nose and out through his mouth. Just five weeks to go, just five weeks to go, just five more miserable weeks with hunger and taunts. Harry repeated in his head like a mantra.

"Who is coming over, mum?" Dudley asked with his mouth full of bacon and eggs; Harry nearly gagged when he saw it. Dudley was worse than Ron how Ron wasn't as fat as Dudley amazed Harry sometimes. He ate just as much and is just as disgusting at doing so. A pang of pain also ringed in Harry. He hadn't had heard anything from his best friend.

Could he still call him his best friend if every time he wasn't near it seems as if they didn't know each other? And after what he did? Harry couldn't forget. He didn't respond to the letters Harry sent with fear of his own life and Hedwig's.

Ron also was always grumbling about Hermione and was just god awful to her this year. When she was petrified in the Hospital Wing, he only went once to visit, and then he tried to look under her skirt. Harry almost punched him in the face, but Madam Pomfrey just walked in right then and couldn't. Harry reminded Ron to leave and not bother to come back to the wing when she was there. "You're mental Harry, she isn't going to know - you know." He said indignantly. Harry was too flabbergasted to react. What the freaking hell?! You should not be doing this PERIOD. But they sort of made up when they went in the chamber to save Ginny. Harry only to be almost killed in progress. He really couldn't catch a break.

"Are you listening boy?!" Vernon yelled. Harry looked up, apparently just staring into space. As if they didn't already think that he was a freak. "Sorry uncle what was it?" Harry said sweetly, realizing he just missed everything they had been saying. Vernons eyes grew to slits. "Petunia was saying that Marge is coming. You remember her, don't you? Or is all this rubbish you call education meddling with your brain?" He sneered. Harry again found himself breathing deeply in and out. "Why?" he said - just barely holding on. Remembering all the physical abuse that was on its way with 'aunt' Marge...

"She doesn't need a reason boy. She is my sister and is staying here for a visit. And if you are going to try ANYTHING REMOTELY WEIRD THA-" Harry just looked at Uncle Vernon and narrowed his eyes. "WHAT WOULD I DO THAT IS REMOTELY WEIRD? FIGHT BACK WHEN ONE OF HER DOGS IS TRYING TO PULL ME APART? SAY SOMETHING WHEN SHE HUMILIATES ME? OR INSULTS MY PARENTS?" Harry bellowed; he had enough. He just wanted to run away and never come back. He started for the door because he knew there was going to be retribution, but it was too late. Vernon was fuming and turning red from his neck to the top of his head. When Harry reached for the door to pull it open, he slammed it shut again. He looked at Harry, and Harry knew he was going to be bruised up tonight.

Harry was still fuming and just needed his wand. He couldn't care less. Everything could go to hell. He looked past Vernon and saw Dudley smirking, and Petunia looked a little green, he must be imagining it. Vernon pulled his hand back, and Harry saw the fist coming for his face, and then it all went black.