A/N: I was watching Flash and GODS, I ship Cisco and Harry so hard! I'm nearing the end of season 2 (at the time this was posted anyway) so I felt like I had to write this even though a friend told me that Harry returns in season 4 (gee, thanks, Tess). Anyway, I know this isn't exactly a popular ship and I'm not expecting many reads, but here it is anyway.

Disclaimer: Hahahahaha, yeah, no. As much as I wish I could own Cisco and Harry, alas, I do not, DC does. Oh Wells (yes, pun intended).

Plan L

Okay, Cisco had never thought in a million years that he'd be where he was now. He seriously hoped Barry or Joe or Iris or Henry or Jesse or Wally (did he seriously just list everyone?) wouldn't walk in on them.

Well, the day had started normally enough. Directing Barry to the next metahuman attack in the morning; trying to figure out ways to stop Zoom, rescue Caitlin, and free the Man in the Iron Mask in the afternoon; tinkering in his workshop at night, when it happened.

It was late; he thought he was the only one left at S.T.A.R. Labs. He was working on the Vibe goggles, adjusting a few things to reach maximum capacity for opening breaches and stuff. Cisco sighed; he'd much rather be at home, re-watching Star Wars for the hundredth time, or possibly daydreaming (or just dream dreaming?) about a certain Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells...

Cisco forced his thoughts off that path. Every time he let his mind wander to Harry, it went a little too far for comfort. Cisco knew he probably didn't have a chance with Harry - after all, Harry did have a daughter, which made it pretty clear that he was straight - but it didn't stop Cisco's feelings. He didn't know how or why; after all, Harry looked exactly like his doppelganger, the man who had phased his hand through Cisco's chest and all but ripped his heart out. But something about Harry just...drew him in. Cisco couldn't explain it, nor did he particularly want to. But the feelings wouldn't go away, either, which was starting to make it hard for Cisco to even be in the same room as the Earth-2 scientist.

"Mind if I join you?"

Harry's voice made Cisco jump. Had he known that Cisco had been thinking about him again...? No, that wasn't possible, Harry wasn't a meta.

"N-no, go ahead," Cisco managed once his brain remembered how to speak.

Harry, who had been leaning against the doorframe, now entered the room and resumed much the position he'd just been in, only this time instead of leaning against the door he was now leaning against Cisco's worktable.

"How long were you standing there?" Cisco asked.

Harry shrugged. "A few minutes."

"Why? Where's Jesse?"

Harry shrugged again. "Out. I think she snuck away with Allen and West to some bar or another. Honestly at this point, even though I'm worried about her, I'm not completely upset. She's proven time and again that she can handle herself. Besides, I know there's no stopping Jesse when she's made up her mind about something."

"Kind of like with Barry," Cisco said. Harry nodded.

"So, what's keeping you here, Ramon?" Harry asked. "You don't normally stay this late, not when Allen and West are out somewhere. I thought you'd be with them, not holed up here working."

Cisco's turn to shrug. "Working on the Vibe goggles," he explained halfheartedly. "To see if I can find out who the Man in the Iron Mask is."

Harry raised an eyebrow, obviously not buying it, but going along with the half-lie anyway.

A slightly awkward silence fell between the two men. Cisco tried to focus on the goggles but found he couldn't. He couldn't concentrate with Harry right there next to him. The stupid butterflies in his stomach would not go away.

God. Cisco really hated emotions sometimes.

A hand on his arm surprised him; Harry wasn't normally one for physical contact. "Something wrong, Ramon?" Harry asked.

Cisco looked up at him again and noticed that he wasn't wearing his glasses. Cisco had never understood that; some days he wore the glasses, some days he didn't. What was the point if you only wore them half the time? But the glasses detracted from the surprising warmth of his blue eyes. Why hadn't Cisco noticed how beautful and distracting Harry's eyes were before...?


Damn. He'd gotten lost in his thoughts again. Cisco was really starting to get tired of that.

"Nothing's wrong," Cisco managed. "Just...easily distracted these days. I'm worried about Caitlin." That wasn't a lie exactly; he was worried about Caitlin, but that wasn't the real reason he was getting distracted.

"We're all worried about Snow," Harry said. "Even me."

Cisco half-smiled, but lost it almost immediately as he was randomly hit with a Vibe.

Cisco blinked and he was Vibing. He saw Zoom - Jay - Hunter - whatever the hell his name was, standing above a crowd of chanting metahumans in the CCPD preccinct. Dimly, he could hear Caitlin, frantically yelling at Zoom to stop this. Zoom appeared not to hear her, nor sense him, as he'd been able to do before.

And suddenly Cisco was yanked back out of the Vibe to find a worried-looking Harry, who quickly schooled his features back into his calm facade. But too late; Cisco had seen the worry. His heart fluttered at the new avenue of possibility. The butterflies in his stomach intensified.

"What is it? What did you Vibe?" Harry asked.

"Z-Zoom," Cisco said shakily. "Standing above his army of chanting metahumans. They're gathering again. Zoom's going to make his final move soon. We have to be ready for him."

Harry nodded. "We can't exactly deal with that tonight, though, as much as it kills me to not be doing anything," he groaned. "We have to wait for Allen to come back so we can figure out how to stop Zoom once and for all."

Silence fell between them again. Cisco tried not to squirm; Harry's hand hadn't left his arm, not that Harry appeared to notice.

It was Harry who finally made the move. Apparently not able to handle the silence anymore, Harry, in one abrupt and fluid movement, stood up, pulling Cisco with him. Cisco stumbled a little; Harry caught him, and the physical contact was too much. If Cisco didn't at least tell him soon, he'd go insane.

"Something wrong, Ramon?" Harry's voice was low in his ear and Cisco tried not to shiver, tried not to blush, tried not to give away how he felt, but it was so damn hard when Harry hadn't let go of him and he was right there and he was so close that Cisco could feel Harry's warm breath on his neck...

No. Yes. I don't know.

Harry pushed him against a wall, again abruptly. Cisco wondered what exactly Harry's play here was. God, no, he'd gotten close again. Cisco was trapped, but while half of him was screaming to run, to get away from the situation so nothing cme spilling out, the other half of him didn't want to move.

They stood that way for a moment, Cisco trapped against the wall by Harry, who was looking at him with an expression Cisco wasn't used to seeing. Was that - was that longing in Harry's eyes? Oh, damn, no, now he was getting lost in Harry's eyes again, trying to keep himself from drowning in his warm blue gaze, feeling as if he were balancing on glass, walking a fine line. One wrong step and he'd fall, the glass would break, there'd be no going back. His head would disappear under the water no matter how hard he tried to keep it above.

"Cisco," Harry breathed, and that was it, just his name, but it was possibly the first time Harry had ever actually called him by his first name, and that was it. The glass broke, he fell off the edge, he allowed himself to drown. Harry was so close, coming closer, he was pretty much completely pressed against Cisco by now, and Cisco didn't want him to pull away. Didn't want him to leave. He wanted to stay like this forever, drowning in his eyes, breathing him in, feeling his warmth pressed so close...

Harry kissed him.

Cisco saw Harry's eyes flutter shut a second before his own did, and then Harry was kissing him, and Cisco was kissing him back, and god, he was a good kisser, and Cisco never wanted it to end. Harry tasted of salt and vanilla, a strange combination, but Cisco didn't care, couldn't care. Not when he succumbed to the butterflies, letting Harry take him over, forgetting everything but the taste of Harry's lips and the warmth of his body pressed against Cisco's. Not when he let Harry take the kiss deep when Harry experimentally flicked his tongue across Cisco's lips, asking permission which Cisco granted almost instantly. Harry's tongue met Cisco's and Cisco moaned softly, giving up after a moment of struggle for dominance. He let Harry explore his mouth, figuring that since Harry had pretty much taken control of the whole thing anyway it didn't really matter. Cisco felt a sharp but welcome pain as Harry bit down on his lip, eliciting another low moan from the meta. Cisco never wanted this to end...

But they did eventually need to breathe, so Harry pulled back, leaving them both breathing hard. Harry didn't move away from Cisco, which the latter was completely fine with; he liked the feeling of the Earth-2 scientist pressing him to the wall.

"Damn you, Cisco," muttered Harry.

"What do you mean?" Cisco breathed.

"Damn you for being so tempting," Harry muttered, not looking at him. "I was trying not to act. But you just..." Harry shook his head.

"For the record, I was trying not to act too," Cisco told him. "But I thought you were straight. I mean, you had Jesse..."

"Ever heard of being bisexual, Ramon?" Harry said.

Cisco was slightly disappointed by the return to using his last name.

"If you're so attracted to me, then why do you keep pushing yourself away? Pushing me away?" Cisco asked. When Harry didn't respond, Cisco pressed on. "We both enjoyed that kiss. Don't let our relationship, whatever it is that there is between us...don't let it end with one kiss. Please, Harry. I...I can't live without you, without this, anymore. Not after that."

Cisco took it as a good sign that Harry hadn't pulled away.

"Harry, please," Cisco pleaded. "I love you."

There, he'd said it. He waited, barely breathing, for Harry to say something, do something. The physical contact and lack of kissing was driving him crazy. He needed Harry to do something, say something, break the silence that followed his words. Or to at least look at him.

Finally, finally, Harry looked back at him, his crystal eyes betraying an internal war. Cisco really wanted Harry to kiss him again, but still he waited, letting Harry decide if he wanted to continue this or not.

"I love you, too, Ramon," Harry whispered finally.

"Stop with the last name," Cisco requested. "Please. Call me by my name, Harry."

Harry studied him a moment, then gave him a small, rare smile. "Cisco," he said.

Cisco smiled. Harry kissed him again, every bit as possessive and demanding and perfect as before. Harry kissed him like he was starving, and Cisco let him, returning the kiss with an equal amount of desperation and passion. This time, Cisco wrapped his arms around Harry, tangling one of his hands in Harry's short hair and wrapping the other one around his back. One of Harry's hands stayed on the wall, supporting some of his weight, while the other navigated its way underneath Cisco's shirt temptingly. Cisco gasped into the kiss.

When they needed to breathe again, Harry pulled away and smiled - a real smile. It transformed his face, and only made Cisco fall in love with him a little more.

Cisco wanted to say something, but Harry slipped his hand out from under Cisco's shirt to lay a finger over his lips. "Don't," he whispered. Cisco nodded. Harry replaced his hand where it had been and kissed him again, a little lighter this time but not lacking in its passion at all.

This time, Harry pulled away because someone coughed from the doorway. Both the meta and scientist looked over to find Jesse standing in the door.

"I knew it!" Jesse exclaimed.

Harry gave her a pointed look. Jesse coughed. "Yeah, okay, I'm going back to the room now. I take it I won't be seeing you tonight, Dad?"

Harry glared at her, then relaxed; Cisco could feel the tension leave his body. "Probably not."

Cisco liked the sound of that. Jesse smirked.

"See you tomorrow, Dad," she said.

"I swear, if you tell Allen or West about this, I will not be happy," Harry growled. Jesse just laughed and departed.

Harry sighed and looked back at Cisco. "She's going to tell them."

"Probably," Cisco shrugged. "I don't really care. Caitlin and Barry knew I'm gay, and Iris is smart; she'll probably have figured it out by now. The only ones it might shock are Joe and Wally, but that's just because I don't know Wally as well yet."

Harry inclined his head. "You finished talking? I'd like to keep kissing you."

Cisco smiled. "Go ahead, I'm not complaining."

Harry did, and this time when he pulled away he murmured, "I suppose we're on plan L now, aren't we?"

Cisco smiled curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Plan L," Harry said. "For love."

Cisco's smile grew. "I guess we are."

Okay so yeah they went a little OOC there I think, but I tried to keep their personalities as close to in the show as I could. I kind of screwed up Cisco I think but...anyway, if whoever reads this could leave a review telling me if you liked it or not, that would be greatly appreciated! XD