Just to be clear, a good chunk of the story isn't mine. It came from the mind of Doodle/Chickenstab and their team. Hell Park is a comic-blog-thing on Tumblr that as of yet isn't finished. So I took the dialogue and made it into a story with an ending. Yes I finished it. I will post up a chapter every week on Monday. I did make many changes, enough changes to hopefully lead you to the comic as well.

The comic deserves love and attention. I would share the link but it won't let me post it here.

Check out Clyde's Ballapalooza Extravaganza.

Chickenstab and their team deserve all the love. I hope you enjoy the comic/blogs as much as I have.

Sorry for any errors spelling wise, I did this by myself. I mean my mom and boyfriend read it and gave me pointers but they didn't edit shit ^-^'

Disclaimer: Hell Park belongs to Chickenstab and their team, both of us don't own South Park though.

About to get our asses haunted.

I should be a professional photographer.

I'm too high right now.

After a few clicks, Craig Tucker captions his posts ready for uploading.

"Dude, why are you swinging your phone around so much?" Token asks as he sets up the board onto the tiny table.

"I'm documenting." Craig replies in his normal monotone voice.

"Documenting… Us playing a game..?"

"But of course. We need our last moments posted for the world to see and ridicule our stupidity of summoning spirits or some shit. Maybe get a film." Craig snaps a pic of Kenny toying with the plachette.

"With these photos, we could get famous and all that. I can be the guy behind the camera, you can be the guy who's never scared of anything. Maybe Stan will be the guy who dies under mysterious circumstances. Which… could be pretty awesome."

"Hey." Stan boredly retorts.

"And Jimmy can be the funny guy."

Jimmy perks up a bit. "I'd be d-d-d-down for that."

"And Kenny will be…" Craig pauses and stares at the parkaed lad, "I dunno. The guy that blocks the door when something is chasing us or all that jazz." His high gaze lands to Clyde, "Clyde can be the one who cries no matter what's happening." And his eyes land on the last man. "Kyle will just be there, I guess."


"That would be like… Super awesome."

Token gives his blue hatted friend an eyeroll. "You're high."

"We're all high," Craig retorts.

"Yeah but you especially."

"... Yeah."

Craig's six friends (minus Cartman) have agreed, more likely they agreed and Craig didn't have a choice, to go to Craig's house, smoke some weed and play with a ouija board game that Token had found.

Craig just wanted to get high off his ass, but now that he is high off his ass this ouija game didn't seem all that bad. Didn't even seem too worried if the house got haunted.

If that ever happens.

"Are we gonna do this or continue chit-chatting." Kyle crosses his arms, Stan slumping a bit with a more and more dazed look.

"Yeah yeah." Token sits down in the ring of boys, "What should we ask first?"

Craig joins by sitting next to Kyle. "I only got basic questions in mind."

"How boring," said Kyle.

"Who do you think I am?"

"... Fair point."

"Whatever, let's just get this going already." Token takes the plachette from Kenny and sets it on the board.

"So how do we do this again…?" Stan asks.

Token picks up the box and reads the back. "I'm sure we all have to touch part of the planchette?"

"Dude speak english," Craig drawls, "what the hell is a planchette."

"It's the only thing on the board, dude."


The seven boys put their fingers on the piece of plastic. "Don't cover the glass piece," Token reads, "we have to be able to see that part."

"Uh why?" Clyde asks with a hint of terror in his voice.

Token looks up from the box with an annoyed look, "Dude do NONE of you know what a ouija board is?"

"No, I do," Craig smirks a tad, "I just like asking questions." His eyes shift to Kenny, "Do you mind not caressing my hand with your fucking thumb, please?"

"Dude there's not much space to hold."

"There's plenty of space to hold."

"Guuuuuys," Clyde whines, "My hands are big and my arms are short, I can't reeeeeeach."

"Oh my god you guys are all so annoying," Stan groans.

"Okay okay," Token tosses the box aside, "We're all holding it?"

"P-p-pretty sure!" Jimmy pips.

"Okay. Craig? What should we ask first."

"Uhhh… If there's a spirit watching, I bet I can kick your ass."

Stan snickers, "Dude you can't fight a demon.

"I can try."

"I don't think threats are gonna w-work here, Cr-c… C-Craig." Jimmy interjects.

"They will if the spirits aren't pussies."

Token hmphs, "Well, nothing's moving yet, so…"

"Okay fine, fine, uhhh… I mean I can't think of anything that isn't cliche."

"Then why did you–" Stan begins but the highest man interrupts him.

"Because it's my room I'm letting you guys haunt, so I get to choose what we ask."

Stan just makes an annoyed ugh.

"How about 'is anyone there'?" Clyde offers, "It's in movies all the time so it's gotta work."

"And movies never lie," Craig says sarcastically.

All the boys go silent, the boys looking at the plastic thing to Clyde.

"It's looking like movies might sometimes lie, Clyde." Token says with an irritated look directly at the little cheap piece of plastic.

"Pssh, yeah ok bud."

"Maybe the spirit is just an asshole," Craig looks to nowhere in particular, "Hey spirit, if you don't talk to us soon you're officially an asshole."

The boys hands start to slide with the planchette.

"He-hey!" Jimmy exclaims, "It's moving!"

Token looks into each boy's face, "Who's doing this? Stan?"



Kenny pleads, "Please don't dude. I'm right next to you."

Jimmy watches the planchette, "Wh-what's it spelling?"

The toy slowly slides to the h… the e… the y…

Token blinks, "... hey?"

Craig looks to the board and back to the nothingness, "... Hey."

Token gives the crip a not impressed look, "Jimmy, come on man. Don't pretend to move the thing, it's not that funny."

"Exc-c-cuse me, Token," Jimmy agasts, "It wasn't me, and q-quite frankly, I'm offended that you think I'd st-st… s-stoop so low for a joke."

"Okay then who else would have done it." Token lazily gives looks to the boys.

"You guys know it's like a mind trick, right?" Stan interjects as he scratches his stubble, "Everybody's probably moving it without thinking about it."

"But I'm, like, super thinking about it though!" Clyde says, shaking, "I know I'm not moving it!"

"Okay well maybe not you, but everybody else." He puts a hand on his chest, "Take it from someone who's actually been possessed, nothing that happens here is real."

Craig eye rolls, "Yeah, sure, edgelord."

"Craig, you of all people should think this is a load of crap."

"Yeah, but making fun of you makes this more fun for me."

Kyle cuts in, "Can we just get on to another question? Holy shit."

"Yeah okay…"

"Hey Mr. Spirit," Kenny says to the air, "Make some things move."

"Dude, your room is so boring and clean, I don't know if there's anything it could move." Token says.

"Okay Token, look," Craig says, "There aren't a lot of questions we can think of while this baked."

Kenny sighs, "This is so much fun, guys–"


The planchette moves to four letters. "... It said sure." Token reads.

"Sure?" The blue hatted boy eye rolls, "You know there's a simple fucking 'yes' right on the corner, right?" He tells the "spirit", "Like, you didn't have to put so much effort into spelling out 'sure.'"

The planchette spells "fuck u."

"Wow, okay. Fuck you too, Clyde."


"Oh yeah, a demon is telling me to go fuck myself."

"Okay, guys," Token pulls at Craig so he doesn't jump at the terrified boy, "Let's say, hypothetically, nobody is moving it and it really is just a spirit. Do you guys see anything moving?"

The seven glance around the room but the only light they have is the candles, which only casts shadows more than actually show things. Unless you like stand right in front of it with the flame.

"It's too dark in here to see shit, dude."

"It has to be dark and lit with candles to play this game."

"Says where?"

"Says me."

"DO YOU GUYS HEAR THAT?" Clyde cries again, "There's like a weird noise coming from somewhere." His voice drops to a whisper."


The boys silently look about in the room, trying to configure all the objects in Craig's room.

Kenny drums his fingers on the table with his other hand. "I think that's just the heater–"


"Dude, chill."

Kyle sighs, "Alright how about we ask for it's name."

Planchette moves onto "no."

"Why the hell not?"

It spells "cuz."

"Wow," Craig boredly gawks, "Awesome explanation."

"So really," Stan says, "Are we just sitting here pretending we're talking to somebody?"

"I gave up trying to accuse people like 10 seconds dude."

Jimmy says, "I'll admit, it's a lot more f-f-fun when you're not a p-p-party p-pppooper."

"Yeah and seeing Clyde wet himself because he thinks it's real is fun in itself, too."

"COME ON, IT'S REAL I CAN FEEL IT, DUDE." Clyde pulls his jacket with one hand to try to shop his shivering and shaking.

"I know, buddy. Actually," he gives an evil smile, "Hey spirit or demon or whatever, if you're really here, do something that'll actually make Clyde pee his pants."

Kenny tilts a brow, "You sure you want that on your carpet, dude?"

"Wouldn't be the first time he's pissed himself in here."

"Haha." Kenny pauses, "wait what–"

A loud creak rings about the room. All the boys quickly snap their heads towards the door. Clyde is now screaming gibberish with his nose running heavily and tears streaming down his face. "D-DO YOU NOT SEE–"

"Oh fuck the door opened." Kenny says.

"Whoa!" The crip exclaims, "Is anybody th-th… th-there?"

"Nobody should be home, right?" Token asks the blue hatted boy.

"Parents out, sister at friends. Lemme just…" Craig pulls out his phone and takes a photo of the door

"Why did you take a picture?" The redhead asks.

"You know how in like, horror movies and stuff, whenever there's a ghost or something around, they take a picture and, like, they can see the ghost or whatever?"

"Not really, no?"

"Okay well watch better movies. I wanna see if that works." Craig pulls up photos and Kenny and Kyle look at the picture.

The door is covered in what looks like cracks and static, some distorted looking colors. Like if you threw a rock at your TV.

"Ew, why'd it get all… weird."

"Is your camera cracked?"

"No idiot, I just took like three other pictures earlier."

"Okay well you taking pictures earlier doesn't change the fact that maybe you cracked your phone after–"

"It's not cracked, dude. Fuck off."

"…Maybe try and take another picture?" Kenny offers

"GUYS I WANNA SEEEEEEE." Clyde out stretches his hand towards Craig and makes a grabby motion.

"No, keep your pee pants away from me dude. I'll take another." Craig points his phone to the door and takes another. The picture shows the glitch has moved away from the door and is a little closer to the group.

"Hey you know what?" Kyle gets to his feet, "You know what I'm deciding right now? I think I've decided that I'm done for now."

"What, too much of a pussy?" Craig taunts.

"Too much of a pussy to get killed by some weird glitch monster, yeah."

Kenny gets up as well. "Yeah your house is fucked now, dude. Good luck being haunted."

One by one all the boys get up and leave.


Kyle: Like HELL I'm going to get haunted!

Stan: If Kyle's leaving, I guess I'll go too.

Kenny: I don't think I should get involved.

Token: I just don't feel like dying today. Sorry man.

Jimmy: It'd be kinda boring with t-t-t-two people so…

Craig is left alone in his room. He turns on the lights and blows out the candles. He grumbles on how everyone is a pussy and leaving him to die. He puts the candles back in their box and picks up the planchette.

Well… he's still high as fuck. Maybe he can see if he can get the spirit to talk more.

He sits back down and puts down the toy. "So do I need the lights off for this?"

It moves to "no."

"Haha I knew it. Token you piece of shit." His eyes land on a video camera. "... Well I'm high enough off my ass to get haunted so why not." He sets up the camera on a tripod and presses record.

He sits back down and puts both his hands on the planchette. "Are you like… here? In this very room?"


"So you like… a spirit or demon or something?"

The toy slides around in a figure eight.

"Am I supposed to know what you're doing here or what. Are you telling me you're eight? There's the number eight right down there, buddy. … Ugh this is so weird."

The lights begin to flicker.

"Ah great. Are you doing that? Don't break my bulb dude, I just replaced that. Real talk, if I weren't high right now this board would already be in a dump. So what do you want."

O… F… F… E… R… I… N… G…

"You want an offering. Bitch what do you even want? You're not even real. I could be so high I'm just trying to freak myself out. Somehow.

"What do you want an old toy? A dead cat? An item of sentimental value like a locket or some shit?


"You're not even making sense. So you're like, a demon or something then? Should it be a blood sacrifice or what."

"Ok what's the deal, I'm not going to give you any dead cats or blood or people obviously but can you be more specific?"

"Gonna stay quiet, huh? Aren't ouija boards supposed to be fun and kinda spooky? At least try a little bit."

Knock knock.

Craig looks up to his window, "... Who the… It's almost midnight, it's pouring rain, and more importantly, I'm on the second floor." He gets up and presses his face to the window, "I swear to Christ is Clyde climbed up here to fuck with me…"

The planchette is picked up by a pale hand. It looks through the glass piece at Craig.

"Ugh must've been some lightning, or some stupid kid throwing rocks. I should head to be-" Craig turns around to find a figure standing before him.

Large, leathery wings tower over him.

"... Uh… Are you… the guy? The spirit demon thing?" His eyes land on the wings, "Those are some pretty large wings, dude."

The creature steps closer to Craig. He can feel a weird warmth to his body that soon feels as if a bucket of ice water was thrown onto him.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" He wraps his arms around himself, "Don't they have that in Hell?"

"╥ ╤ ■ ■ ▄ ╒ ╒ ▄ ╧"

"Oh dope is that French?"

"╚ ■ ╩╔=╥╙ ■ ■ ╘┬ ╬ ╬ ╘"

"You know I can't understand a thing you're saying."

A shadow looms over Craig. He suddenly feels so small.


"Uh… Y… Yeah…?"

The creature holds the planchette up between it's hands.

"What are you doing with the ouija thing?"

"╬╤╣╬╬╧ ╬ ╬ ╬ Y╬ ╬OU ╬ ╬ ╬ HA╬ ╬ ╥╥ ╬ V╬ ╬ ╬ E╬ ╬ ╬ ╬" the creature snaps the planchette in half, small shards of glass and plastic flying everywhere, "NO╬ ╬ ╬ I╬ D╬ E╬A ╬ ╬ WH╬A ╥T ╬ Y╬ OU╬VE ╬ ╥DO╧╝N╜E"

"... What did I do?"

He sees a pair of red, goatlike eyes in the silhouette of this thing. A sharp toothed grin spreads across it's face.

"╬Yo╥u've ╬╬just let me out."