The Force And Titans: A Star Wars/Godzilla crossover ( I do not own the rights to both Star Wars and Godzilla, those rights belong to Disney and toho respectively)

Chapter 1

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away

A Galaxy divided by war

The CIS leader Count Dooku launches the Outer Rim Siege Lead by the deadly cyborg General Grievous against Republic forces. General's Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywaker along with Ahsoka Tano have been dispatched to the Tyrell system to aid pro Republic forces Against Admiral Trench and Poggle the lesser, who's forces have out numbered the Republic forces 4 to 1. But none will realize the consequences they will unleash to the Galaxy when a ancient threat awakens.

On Coruscant, the home to the Galactic Republic for over twenty five thousand years, stands the Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in his private office who at first glance is nothing more then a gentle soul who wishes to bring a end to the Separatists and end the Clone Wars that has destroyed billions of lives, countless worlds destroyed, the Galactic economy crashing down, and the Jedi losing the people. But underneath the man lies the purest form of the Dark side of the force, Darth Sidious. He has been working on the goal of destroying the Jedi and bringing the rise of the Sith to the galaxy since the rise of Darth bane, the creator of The Rule of Two for a thousand years. Only two sith will be together. A master, and a apprentice. One to hold the power and knowledge, and the other to crave knowledge and power. When the apprentice learns everything they can from the master, they kill the master and take on an apprentice of their own. For a thousand years the sith have been preparing to strike, and so far the plan has been going off without any problems save for the incident with ARC-5555 (also known as Fives) and CT-5385 (Tup) nearly discovered the plan with the clone inhibitor chips: when activated would target any Jedi or force sensitive being to be considered a traitor or threat to the Republic under Clone protocol Order 66, which would lead to use lethal force to the Jedi and altering the clones memories which view them as using the clones as a tool and being disregarded afterwards.

"Soon the Galaxy will be mine, the Jedi crushed, and a new apprentice, one far younger and more powerful but for now I must let the wheels of democracy turn a while longer." said the Chancellor. "Yet I sense a powerful being out in the galaxy somewhere, someone or something that can rival the Mortis Gods, perhaps this being can be a great tool for me to use" he continued on wondering what he was sensing. "I must contact my apprentice Dooku and set up events to discover this great one" as Palpatine continued on he pressed several buttons that disabled the security feed for a few minutes so he can contact his apprentice without prying eyes seeing him. He puts on his hooded cape on and sends a Separatist frequency to Dooku on his home on Serenno.

On his home planet of Serenno, a large separatist fleet guards the separatists Head of states home world (one Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, four Providence-class dreadnought, eight Lucrehulk-class battleships, twenty four Recusant-class Commerse Guild destroyers, ten DH-Omni support Vessels and over fifty Munificent class Star frigates) The count of Serenno enjoys the nice afternoon day on his personal fortress. Since leaving the Jedi order all those years ago, he became of of the most power Sith Lords in the galaxy, second only to his master who recruited him after the fall of Darth maul. He had become disillusioned by the Jedi becoming increasingly involved in the politics of the republic and how other Jedi had fallen to the dark side, even the republic had become nothing more then a shell of its former self all those years ago when the corporations started to allow seats in the Galactic senate despite not representing a system. That's what started the Naboo crisis nearly thirteen years ago and also the return of the Sith to the Jedi's eyes. When his old apprentice, Qui-gon jinn, fell to Darth maul, it was the final straw that broke the Jedi and became one of the Lost twenty that left the Jedi order. He pondered if he didn't left the order and remained a Jedi he would've helped his old master Yoda in helping with the internal affairs with the Jedi order. But it was brief and received news from his Super tactical droid Deker

"My lord, there's a incoming transmission coming from Coruscant, it's for you only" said the droid in a deep metallic voice. "Everyone out, I must take this call alone, only my Magna guards and Grevious may stay" said Dooku as several of his guest began to exit his personal office along with the droid escorts. He began to put his own hooded cape on and pressed a button that accepted the transmission as he went down on one knee and a hologram of his master appeared in his table. "Lord Tyranus" he said. "What is thy bidding my master?" Said Dooku. "I have felt a great disturbance in the force, this power I sense may rival our own and many others across the galaxy, but we can use this powerful being to our advantage if we play our cards correctly" said Sidious as his apprentice felt a tiny bit of fear within him. "How could anything be more powerful then either of us or the Jedi " Dooku thought to himself as he prepared for what he was about to say. "Do we have any clues of what this thing is hiding? Surely the Jedi would've found it by now" said the Count. "With the war raging across the galaxy my apprentice the Jedi have become too focus on the war and spread themselves thin, not focusing on other areas across the galaxy, though I won't be surprised if they find out soon" said Sidious as he played both sides of the war not known to his apprentice. "Get in contact with admiral trench and poggle the lesser, they will be useful for our benefit to find the source of the disturbance" he said surprising the count a bit, he knew that admiral trench suffered a defeat on the planet Ringo Vinda but still a great military commander, but poggle the lesser had recently escaped republic custody from lieutenant Orson Krennic from a project yet also a important member of the Separatist Council. He headed to the his massive droid factory on the planet Tyrell to begin production on new droids on the secret attack on the republic shipyard on Kuat and Anaxes. "It will be done my master, one question though does this disturbance has a name?" Dooku said as. "This disturbance is only known by both ancient Sith and Jedi language as The devil with three heads".

That's the end for chapter one of this story. I want to use the first few chapters to set up the story for the characters and the events that will lead up to the epic battle. Also the monsters that will be in this story will be using the monstervers design as they look realistic yet powerful. If you haven't already notice I put Ahsoka in the story, in canon she left the Jedi order but for the sake of this story let's just say she accepted the councils apologies and rejoins the order and became a knight, I'll add a scene where she will be knighted in the story in the future. This is chaoskeeten and have a great day