A/N: Hey guys, this is my first try at an angst fic - I hope you like it! Constructive reviews are always appreciated! Also in some part inspired from shiiki's DoW series, which is an amazing insight into Annabeth's mind.

Annabeth felt guilty. The look on Silena's face when she had realized that Beckendorf hadn't made it had almost broken her, but one guilty part of her conscience felt relieved and ecstatic that Percy had come back, and the thought was enough to make her feel absolutely horrible. The thought of not seeing Percy ever again was one she couldn't bear, and it was a painful reminder of that time when he was gone for almost 2 weeks, and just as she had all but lost hope, he'd come back, even if he'd casually strolled into his own funeral like the idiot he was.

She hadn't seen Percy since the meeting at the rec room, where he'd recalled the events that took place aboard the Princess Andromeda. He wouldn't meet anyone's eyes, and hung his head dejectedly, the top of his messy hair visible to everyone. She knew that he'd blame himself, just as he always did. Chiron had stopped her for a talk before she could follow Percy, but she didn't get a chance to see him again. It was as if he'd disappeared. She checked his cabin, but there was no sign of him there. She half-hoped she'd find him at the sword fighting arena, hacking away at dummies angrily. When she couldn't find him at the beach either, she started to get a little nervous. Surely he hadn't sneaked out to do something stupid? Her cabinmates kept saying that he needed time to think and he'd be back, but it wasn't nearly enough to dispel her concerns. The conch horn shook her out of her reverie.

She reluctantly trotted to the dining pavilion, her stomach feeling like lead. Surely he had to be at dinner? She kept debating and reasoning with herself that she had no reason to panic, that Percy was more than capable enough to take care of himself, but she couldn't quite get rid of the doubt that stuck out like a thorn in the back of her mind. Annabeth realized, slightly irritated with herself, that it would only go away once she saw him herself.

She didn't even realize when she'd made it to the dining pavilion. Her eyes immediately darted to the Poseidon table, and her stomach dropped even further. Now she was getting really anxious. It wasn't like Percy to miss dinner.

"I saw him at the beach."

With a jolt, Annabeth spun around to see Malcolm and a couple of her other half-siblings. "Huh?"

"Percy. He's sitting at the beach. I thought I should let you know."

Annabeth let out a small sigh of relief. In hindsight, her fear was obviously irrational, having no semblance of logic. The large weight in her stomach suddenly transformed into a flock of butterflies. "Thanks," she told Malcolm, who was smirking at her. "Shut up," she said irritably, though she couldn't help but smile as well.

Her feet led her directly to the beach overlooking the Long Island sound, which was now glittering in the moonlight. Percy sat at the shoreline, the waves gently lapping his toes. He sat completely still, gazing out at the ocean, mirroring its tranquility, even though she knew he was probably contemplating, going over the day's events, his thoughts in stark contrast to his exterior.

She walked over and plopped down on the sand next to him. She hugged her knees tightly to her stomach, and wrapped her arms around them.

"Coming for dinner?" she asked softly.

Percy just shook his head. "I'm not hungry," he sighed.

Annabeth knew exactly what was bothering him, without him having to tell her about it. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, ignoring the tingling sensation it sent up her fingers. "It's not your fault, Percy. I know it."

Percy turned his head towards her, his eyes full of remorse and guilt. "You weren't there, Annabeth. I-"

"Percy, please. As horrible as it sounds, Beckendorf is-" She cringed at her use of present tense. "-wasn't a kid. He knew what he was doing. There was no other option."

"It's not fair, Annabeth. We both were in the middle of it - the only reason I survived and he didn't is because my dad's Poseidon."

"I know," she exhaled. "But I'm glad you're alive, Seaweed Brain."

Percy tried for a thankful smile but his effort was more like a grimace. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before he spoke up suddenly. "It just isn't fair," he murmured, and for a moment, Annabeth was eerily reminded of the way Luke used to be after Thalia's death. He had the same brooding look, and the same frustration in his voice whenever he talked about it.

"He was there too, you know. Luke." Annabeth tried to not get worked up over the way he spoke Luke's name, like it was the worst insult he could think of. "He would've killed me if Beckendorf didn't-" He trailed off, unable to say more.

"It wasn't your fault, Percy. You don't need to beat yourself up over it," She said, nervously poking a hole in the sand.

"I know. It was Luke's," He spoke bitterly. Annabeth tensed. She tried to keep calm, to be there for Percy when he needed her, but he wasn't exactly making it easy for her.

"It was Kronos' fault," she corrected, unable to keep the edge out of her voice.

"Beckendorf didn't deserve to die," He countered, his voice taking on a steely edge. "Nor did Bianca. Or Zoe. Or Castor. Or Lee." He glared at her, as if daring her to oppose him. She didn't, because she didn't know what she could say.

"If anyone deserves to die," Percy sounded like he was fighting to stay calm. "It's Luke," he finished bitterly.

That did it. Annabeth couldn't believe him. Did he not understand? Did he not get the fact that he was the only family she'd ever had? That he was the one who practically raised her - taking care of her and protecting her after Thalia died?

"Percy," she began, gritting her teeth, fighting the urge to shout at or punch him, before she looked up and glanced at him. Annabeth had never imagined that Percy might ever look like this. His eyes, which were usually a soft green colour, sparkling with humour, were now a calm dark green, filled with absolute hate. Hate for Kronos. Hate for Luke. The look on his face was downright murderous - and she realized, with a jolt, that there was absolutely no doubt that he wanted Luke dead. The anger radiating off him was almost tangible, and she watched out of the corner of her eye the sea beginning to respond to Percy's mood. He looked exactly like Luke had when they'd run into him in the labyrinth, and it broke her heart to see him like this - so full of anger, hate, and bitterness. It just wasn't like Percy, who had the biggest heart of them all. It didn't suit him. She almost forgot what she was about to say.

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Percy," she started again, "Luke is not the enemy. Kronos is."

"In case you haven't noticed, Luke is Kronos!" Percy spat.

"Shut up," Annabeth growled. "Just shut up. You don't know anything about Luke."

Percy stood up, and glared down at her. "Why do you keep defending him?" Annabeth followed his example, and got right in his face. "Why do you hate him so much?"

"Oh, I don't know," Percy began sarcastically, "maybe it's because he's trying to kill us all!" he yelled at her.

"Luke would never do that! He's under Kronos' spell!" Annabeth resisted the urge to tear her hair out in frustration, or punch him in the face to get him to stop talking.

"Give up, Annabeth. Luke doesn't care about you." Percy's tone turned bitter and cold again. Annabeth's eyes stung. Percy would never understand - he was blinded by his hatred. Luke was her family, and he would never hurt her. He was bitter towards the gods, and Kronos used that bitterness for his own benefit. Luke was simply a misguided pawn.

"You don't talk about Luke," she snarled,a dangerous edge to her voice. Percy's expression turned from one of anger to hurt, but he immediately held up his guard again. He turned away from her, facing the ocean.

"He's going to get what he deserves. I'll see to it, even if it's the last thing I do before I die," he said under his breath, still not looking at her, and walked off towards the tide. Annabeth couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks. This was not her Percy - he couldn't even see that he was hurting her, his rage blinding him.

"Percy!" She called after him, her throat burning. He didn't stop. She jogged after him, stopping a foot behind him. "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?" He snapped, turning to look at her face. This time he didn't look angry, or hateful - his features were shaped into a look of anguish and hurt, and there was a slight tremble in his voice.

Annabeth looked taken aback. "What? Of course I care!"

Percy laughed bitterly, and turned away from her again. "Not as much as you do for your precious Luke." There it was again, the way he said Luke's name. It infuriated her to no end. But before she could say anything, Percy was already submerged halfway, and she watched, her eyes smarting, as his head disappeared below the water.

She hated it. She hated it all. She knew at that moment that Percy hated Luke as much as Luke despised him, if not more, and they were bound to meet one way or the other. She couldn't say how she knew this, but she was sure that they wouldn't stop unless the other was dead. She gazed at the spot where he'd disappeared below the surface, ignoring the small guilty part of her conscience again, which reiterated that no matter what happens, she just wanted Percy to be alive.

A/N: How was it? Please review! Also, sorry for the shameless advertising, but if you like it, please check out my new story, Tomb of Lies, which is my first try at writing an actual PJO story with a full plot :D