Cringy fic. Idk how i come up with thsese things, please take the internet service away from me.

Leader from famous virtual band awakens one day. He feels refreshed after a good night sleep. He goes to THE Bath in order to wash his face. "Hey handsome". He says when looking at his reflection on the mirror. He washes well his eyes so he can be well-awake, then makes his way to the kitchen where his friends are waiting for him and having breakfast. "Morning you…uh…good morning… guys". He says after a while.

"Good morning". They respond. The man takes milk and the cereal box and starts eating next to the Asian woman sat to his right side. The moment is quiet and nobody talks, they only chew their food. The American man starts. "So…how did you sleep, fellas?"

"Pretty good". They say. "Thanks for asking".

"Yeah. It was a nice night, don't you think, buddy?" Says the girl to the other man across the table.

"It was indeed, my dear friend. I think I never slept that well in my life".

"Yeah I think the same, dude". Then silence again.

The moment is turning awkward, so the man that arrived last slaps his fists against the table and speaks leaving his chair behind. "Ok, enough! I'm not going to pretend everything is fine in here, cuz clearly it's not! Something's not right. I'm gonna say it, I just hope you people don't look bad at me or something, remember I'm 54 years old, alright? Maybe my memory is failing but I don't care". He takes a deep breath. "I don't remember your names". The others stare at him in commotion. "I'm serious like, who the hell are ya?"

"I... I... I'm... I...actually feel the same way". Says the blue haired man. "I thought I was the only one and I felt…scared. I didn't want to speak nor tell anyone cuz I thought you'd laugh at me".

"Yeah". Says the woman. "That's strange, the same is happening to me".

"How weird". Says the bigger man. "I just woke up this morning and you two were already here and I was like I don't know who you people are but you seem really nice".


"Ok, there's obviously an issue in here. This is not normal, ok? You're telling me we don't know each other? There's like a missing piece, or a piece that just doesn't fit in this equation". Says the 54 years old man.

"I believe it's not that we don't know each other". Says the young woman. "I know your age even before you said it, if it wasn't the case I would have say you're even older than that".

"Oh, cmon!" He replies, looking offended.

"I know we are in a band and we play instruments. I'm the front man".



"Bass. Ok we get that. So how the hell happened we are band mates and we don't know each other's names? Like, it happened in one night or what?"

"It seems so. Like a strange...force, something made us forget". Says the woman.

"Oh, I got it! Let's look for the name of our band on Google. All the info must be there. Wikipedia has our names on it". Says the big man.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Nobody moves a finger. "Guys, who's doing it?"

"Sooo…the thing is, I don't know what our band's name is".

"Ah, shit, seriously?!"

"Hold your horses, mate. Let's go to the studio. I've got the feeling if everyone plays the instrument we belong to, we'll start to remember". They listened to the girl. Everyone took their instrument but soon they realized they didn't remembered their own songs either so they couldn't play anything familiar.

"Holy shit this is serious, niggas".

"Just play any note! You, sing whatever. Let's try it". They were not in tune, no song or idea came into their minds and they sounded like a complete disaster. "Don't we have any notes or writings to follow the melody?"

"Forget that. This is a bad joke. During the night zombies came and slurped our memories out that's what happened". Says the younger fellow.

"That's more like an aliens thing to do". Says the bigger man.

"Ok maybe they were aliens, maybe a strange align of the universe made us all of this. Really? That's our answer?" Asks the woman, not convinced at all.

"It satisfies me" The younger man replies.

"Ok wankers listen up, here's the plan. We start a new band. From scratch, we create new songs, and we change our names to start a new life and try new luck in another country".

"That's not going to work. We're famous enough to do that".

"Then what's your suggestion, genius?"

"Well I only agree in changing our names. We can try that. It's just that I remember your name…" Then point at the Asian girl. "Has to do with…, you are a food!"

"A food?"

"Yeah your name has to do with food, like…" He thinks for a moment. "[Alfredo]!"


"Yeah, that's your new name now".

"But that's a boy's name. And what does it have to do with food?"

"Oh sorry I almost forgot your last name. [Pasta]".

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Ok! If that's the solution what's my name then?"



"Ok so this is going to take forever". The older man speaks. "But we have all day. I know you are related with...with a number and a letter, or was it a letter and a number?"

"Ok so we've got clues! That's great, we are not that lost". Says the new named [Rustle], releasing a sigh. "We've got a general idea at least".

"Your name starts with R". Says [Alfredo Pasta].

"And yours starts with an M, and it's a cool one for sure". [Rustle] says to the green man. So the four started to use every kind of names they could, but they tried to do it as natural as possible.

"Hurry up [Russia]! It's my turn to take a bath".

"Oh sorry [Modok], it's all yours now. And after you it's the turn of [U.F.O.] remember that.

"Got it". Said [Maud].

"[F5] what are you doing now?"

"Hello [Instant Lunch]. I'm feeding Henry III". He was giving Henry who was in a jar, a lot of dead flies.

"You like spiders. How cute, [101-A]".

"Thanks [Spaghetti]".

"[Y9], If only Henry could speak, he could tell us what we want to know".

"Don't worry, [Roomie] is figuring that out as well".

"And what is [Maurice] doing?" [5G] just shrugged his arms.

"Do you have a four, [XL]?"

"Nop, go fish, [Bolognese]".

"[Rumble], do you have a seven?"

"I'm sorry [Nissin], no".

"[Alt64], your turn".

"Ok pickle".

"Wait wait wait we said only names with M for me".

"That's what I said. [Pickle Man]. I'm not right, [Rumba]?"

"You're not even trying anymore". Says in disappointment.

"Sure I am! Tell them, [Maruchan]"

"Well, no. None of us actually".

"Oh for fuck's sake! I'm tired of you calling me names like [1234abcd]. That's not me, that's all!"

"Well, get used to it. We do it for a bigger benefit, fucker".

"Repeat that, [Marcelo]!"

"Fucker!" They both started fighting, ruining the go fish game in the process.

"Guys stop! [Marcus]! [H1N1]!" The cat hissed and jumped into the arms of his owner for protection. "Katsu you'll be OK!" She then repairs on his collar. He has a plaque, the plaque has an address, a phone number, and a legend. If lost, call to Noodle. "Noodle?! That's it! I'm Noodle!" She remembers everything, the names of her friends, she is the guitarist of Gorillaz. How wonderful! She recovered her memories back! "Katsu, you saved me!" She hugs her cat. "I know now! You're Russel!"

And Russel's memories are also back into his mind. "You're right baby girl! Murdoc, 2D! We did it! We broke the curse".

Just hearing their names made them stop their fighting. "Oh, what happened to us?"

"I don't know but I don't want it to happen again". Murdoc says.

"So was it an alien who did this to us?"

"Maybe we'll never know for sure".

"Ah, I'm so happy we recovered our identities". Noodle says.

"Yeah, what a story for our fans".

"Hey let's tell them what happened. They're going to laugh a lot. And maybe we can prevent them as well from the aliens attack".

"Yeah, sounds good to me". They go to the shared laptop in order to write on a blog their crazy adventure. Maybe even sell the news to some magazine.

"Ok, tell me the access password, face ache".

"Uh what are you talking about? You know the password".

"Of course I don't, that's why I'm asking".



"Noodle, love? Russel...Oh no, don't tell me that…"

"We got our names back, but we forgot the password of the laptop". Russel says with a face of disbelief.

"Oh nononono no the password. The password. The password. The PASSWORD?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

They all went crazy. The end.

The reason they all forgot their names was thanks to an [enemy stand]. When you recover important memories again, you forgot other things in exchange the same as important as the firsts ones lolololz.