So I was watching the Drake & Josh episode "Megan's First Kiss" and I came to thinking. What if Corey returned to get revenge on Drake & Josh. Since that didn't happen, I thought I would make a fanfic of it. So enjoy
Drake and Josh are talking to the audience recapping the events of "Megan's First Kiss"
Drake: Okay. You guys remember Corey right?
Josh: Megan's former boyfriend.
Drake: Who also had another girlfriend named Monica.
Josh: Well we haven't heard from that two double timing cheater in over two months.
Drake: So he probably won't be back anytime soon.
Drake: Megan we're very sorry about the Corey incident.
Josh: Yeah we were just looking out for you.
Megan: It's okay. I wish I would have knew earlier. I should have listened to you guys.
Drake: You don't think he'll come back for revenge. Will he?
Josh: I doubt it.
Megan: Yeah. It's been over two months. I don't think we'll ever see that boob again.
Drake: I hope not.
We now cut to Corey's house
He is seen working out and puffing and glaring at an old picture of Drake and Josh with a red line over it
Corey: I will get my revenge on you Drake & Josh. You'll pay for that you did to me.
Well I never thought that it'd be so simple but
I found a way, I found a way
If you open up your mind
To see what's inside
It's going to take some time to re-align
But if you look inside, I'm sure you'll find
Over your shoulders you know that
I'll always be picking you up when you're down
So just turn around
Ooooh, oooh
Josh: Hey Drake.
Drake: Yeah, Josh.
Josh: I'm going to head out for awhile.
Megan: Don't get lost. Or do.
Josh: Ha-ha! Whatever.
Josh leaves
Drake: Must you always treat us like that?
Megan: Yes. Yes I do.
Josh is out walking not noticing that Corey is hiding in a bush and seeing a trap
Corey: Good there's Josh. Time to put my revenge into action.
Josh walks right in front of the trap and a rope comes down trapping him
Josh: What the rope?!
Corey: We meet again Nichols.
Josh: Corey?
Corey: That's right. Did you miss me? Admit it. You missed me.
Josh: Hardly. You cheated on my sister.
Corey: Well now it's payback time.
Corey sprays knock out on Josh witch of course knocks him down
Back at the house
Drake: Hey Josh has been gone for a long time.
Megan: Maybe he did get lost.
Drake: Not funny.
Megan: He's probably out for a long walk.
Drake's phone rings; it's an unknown number
Drake: Unknown number. Hello?
Corey: Hello Drake!
Drake: Who is this?
Corey: I'll give you a hint. I was Megan's first boyfriend!
Drake: COREY!
Megan is shocked when she heard that name
Corey: Yeah it's me.
Drake: Why are you calling me?
Corey: I called to tell you that I kidnapped your brother for revenge.
Drake: YOU WHAT?
Corey: You heard what I said. If you ever want to see him again, tell Megan to get back together with me.
Drake: Never!
Corey: Then Josh don't come back. Sweat on that you bitch!
Call ends
Megan: What happened?
Drake: Corey kidnapped Josh for revenge.
Megan: He did not.
Drake: I'm serious.
Megan: Even though Josh is a boob, he doesn't deserve to be kidnapped.
Drake: I can't believe I'm saying this but Megan, we got to work together to save Josh. Do you know where he lives?
Megan: No he never took me to his house.
Drake: You guys dated and you never once went to his house?
Megan: Obviously he didn't want me finding out about Monica.
Drake: I found her address.
Megan: SplashFace?
Drake: Yep.
Megan: Well let's go save him.
Drake: I hope he's okay.
Corey has trapped Josh in a soundproof room that looks identical to the one that was shown in the iCarly episode: "iPsycho"
Corey: Hello Josh. How's the room?
Josh: Let me out of here, Corey!
Corey: I'm afraid I can't do that. You're going to pay for what you did.
Josh: That was your own fault. You're the one who cheated on my sister.
Corey: Doesn't matter. I'm keeping you trapped in there for a long time. Have fun.
Corey walks away as Josh is yelling
Josh: I mean it! Let me out of here you son of a bitch!
Corey has closed the door
Josh: Great! I"m all alone.
Back with Drake, and Megan, they have arrived at Monica's house
Megan: You sure this is where Monica lives?
Drake: Yes. It says so on her profile page.
Megan: Well ring the door.
Drake: Okay.
Drake rings the door and Monica walks out
Monica: Drake? Megan? What are you two doing here?
Megan: It's about Corey.
Monica: Why do you want to talk about that two timing double cheater?
Drake: He kidnapped Josh.
Monica: He what?
Megan: It's true. He kidnapped Josh for revenge. We need your help so save him.
Josh: Okay. I think I know where he has Josh.
Drake: Where?
Monica: In his basement.
Megan: Why do kidnappers always trap their prisoners in the basement?
Monica: Wouldn't you do the same?
Megan: Yeah.
Drake: Enough talk. Let's go rescue Josh.
They get in Drake's car and drives off
We now cut back to Corey's basement where Josh is playing with Clackers
Josh: Ugh I'm so bored. Drake where ever you are, I hope you're out looking for me.
Corey walks back down
Josh: How long are you going to trap me down here?!
Corey: As long as I want to!
Josh: When people notice my absence, they're going to start noticing I'm missing.
Corey: I doubt it. It's been way over 5 hours. I bet they haven't noticed your absence. So I don't think anybody will be looking for you.
Drake, Megan, and Monica appear out of nowhere
Drake: Think again, Corey!
Cheer Applause
Corey: Well if it isn't Drake Puker.
Drake: It's Parker.
Megan: You are a horrible person.
Corey: Ah Megan and Monica. Are you two here to ask if you want to get back together with me?
Monica: What? No!
Megan: We came to rescue Josh.
Drake: Now let him go!
Megan: Yeah you boob.
Corey: No! Why don't we fight?
Monica: You want to fight us?
Corey: You heard me. If you guys win, Josh goes free.
Megan: Alright let's fight!
Corey: But if I win, in the room you go!
Josh: Be careful you guys.
Corey: So are you ready to fight?
Megan: Are you ready to bleed to death?
Corey: Oh I don't think I'll be injured. You see, I've been working out everyday for the past 2 months. Working out and getting angrier. And what have you been doing. Oh. Torturing your brothers.
Drake: Dang. That's so true.
Corey: Yeah. Come on. Fight me. Ready! Set! Go!
Corey tries to fight but Megan and Monica pins him down and they start beating him up
Monica: I guess we won.
Drake goes to unlock the door and frees Josh
Drake: Josh, you okay?
Josh: Yeah.
Megan: Have fun in jail you boob.
After the cops arrest Corey and Drake drops off Monica, they are back at their house
Megan: I didn't really think Corey would come back for revenge.
Josh: Me either.
Drake: Well the cops said that he will be locked up for 5 to 10 years.
Megan: Good.
Josh: Thanks for saving me you guys.
Drake: No problem.
Megan: Don't expect it too much.
Josh: Hug me brotha!
Drake and Josh hug as the story ends
Note: This story serves as a sequel to the episode "Megan's First Kiss"
Note #2: This takes place 2 months after the events of "Megan's First Kiss"
Note #3: Corey is shown to gotten angry after what happened after the events of "Megan's First Kiss"