A/N: Okay, I really thought I'd never write another Arrow fic again, I watched a few episodes of Blind Love (Netfflix) and this story just came to me. I've already finished this story, it's an Olicity (promise!), it's just three chaps long and it's fluffy. I hope you enjoy it and review.
Setting: Everything pre-series happened just like in the show. Oliver became the Arrow and with Diggle's help went after the people on the list but though he threw arrows through some people he never killed anyone as the vigilante. Once he prevented the undertaking he abandoned the vigilant life and chose to help people through charity. Since he was able to prevent the undertaking Tommy didn't die. Felicity and Oliver never met.
Chapter 01
Felicity opens the door to the women's loft and not for the first time in her life feels completely out of place. There are a lot of beautiful women in the small room and though she knows she isn't the ugly duckling she once was, all her insecurities are still there.
She looks around and asks herself for the thousandth time what the hell she is doing. But in all truthiness she knows exactly what she is doing. She is looking for someone who can see past all her social awkwardness, and not judge her just because she is blond and likes pink lipstick and panda flats. She wants to meet someone who simply fits with her. And even though she thinks she is being unbelievable naive and by the end of this experiment won't find anyone who fits the description she still can't help herself but at least try.
After she introduces herself to the women in the room she feels slightly better. They are all in the same situation and surprisingly nice. For the first time since she got the e-mail telling her she was selected to the show she feels it won't be all that bad.
So when the host finally tells them they can go to the cabins to meet their first date she takes a deep breath, tells herself it can't be as horrible as she imagines and walks the path to meet her first blind date.
Oliver still can't believe he let himself be talked into the show by Thea. She had quite unkindly pointed out he always fell into old habits and ended up trying to build something with women he had known from the beginning it would never work out with. Namely Laurel. And Isabel, Sarah, Mckenna and so on.
When he reminded her he had not only been cast away for five years but was also considered a rich playboy - even though he had done nothing to deserve the title since he came back - which made it hard to meet someone new without preconceptions, she came up with the idea that he applied for the show.
At the beginning he laughed at the idea but it was hard to say 'no' to Thea when she put her mind into something.
And the fact that he missed having someone who mattered in his life and actually felt something for him and not the image the press insisted to impose on him or the rich celebrity some women considered him to be was the deciding factor. Not that he would ever tell Thea that.
As soon as he enters the men's pad he feels a dozen eyes fall on him and puts on his mask, pretending it is all just fun for him, like a game.
A few minutes into conversation with the other guys he hears one of them saying they are glad the show consists of blind dates, otherwise most of them wouldn't stand a chance against Oliver Queen.
Oliver just rolls his eyes but doesn't comment. It can very well be true but it is exactly for that reason he wants to be in the show. After everything he has been through in the island it is difficult to connect with people. Specially since he doesn't want a relationship with the same floozy models and partygoers he used to date when he was younger. He wants to meet someone who cares about him and will stand by his side no matter what. And though it sounds ridiculous even to him, he really hopes he will find that special someone in the show.
The moment Felicity walks into the room she can't help but gasp. It is luxurious to say the least and she starts walking around tying to let everything sink in. She finally looks at the blue screen that separates her from the guy on the other side of the wall and asks in a shaken voice, "Is anyone there?"
"Hi! Yes. I'm here," Oliver says awkwardly to the woman he can't see. He rubs his face at how weird he sounds, like he is unsure or nervous; both of which he actually is. Still, he had hoped to sound at least a little cool on the first date.
"I'm Felicity. Who are you?" the woman asks him, and he feels relief that she doesn't seem to notice his uncertainty.
"I'm Oliver. Nice to meet you, Felicity."
"You too. So, blind date huh?"
He chuckles, "Yeah, blind date. Why did you decide to apply to the show?" he suddenly finds himself curious about why other people would want to participate in such an experiment.
He can hear her sigh, "I guess I want to meet someone who likes me the way I really am and don't judge me for what I look like," she pauses but then suddenly continues, "Not that I'm pretty. I mean, it's not like I'm ugly. At least I don't think so. It's more that I'm socially awkward sometimes. Like right now."
He chuckles again, "You're funny."
It takes her a moment before she answers, "I'm glad you see it that way. A lot of people don't. So, why are you here?"
"My sister. She insisted that I applied. Said that I keep trying to rekindle old relationships that I know won't work. And that I should meet someone who would see the real me and not the way everyone sees me."
"She sounds smart. Her reasoning for you to be here is soooo much better than mine."
He smiles, "I think everyone deserves a chance to be seen for who they are and it seems we're both trying to have that."
"I guess. So, Oliver, what do you do?"
He had known that question would come sooner or later so he was prepared and answers calmly, "I work on my family's business."
"Huh. And do you like it?"
"Most people don't ask me that," he confids. "I don't enjoy it all that much but to be honest I haven't been doing it for long. I'm not sure what else I'd be doing with my life and there are a lot of people helping me so I can't really complain."
She shrugs even though he can't see it. "I guess I can see your point but people really should do what makes them happy."
"So what do you do that makes you so happy?" he asks and there is only curiosity and interest in his voice.
"I work with IT. It's been my passion all my life, since I was a kid," she pauses. "It's not very easy to work in man's man's world but it's worth it. Sometimes it's really annoying when someone underestimates me just because I'm a woman working with technology or because I'm blond." She pauses and gasps suddenly, "Could I say I was a blond or was it against the rules? I die my hair, so I wasn't really telling you my appearance. Though I think now I did. But it was something minor, it shouldn't really make any difference, right?"
He shakes his head amused, "I don't think it's against the rules. Like you said it was something minor that won't really matter. Though I think it would be better to try not to talk about our appearances from now on. And I'm glad you're doing what you love in spite of having to deal with what some idiots think about it."
"Okay. So, we're good," she lets a relieved breath out.
"Yeah, we're good," Oliver tells her noticing for the first time he has been smiling the whole time. "So, besides working in IT what else do you enjoy doing?"
"Netflix, wine, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, Amazon Prime, night out with friends," she lists quickly. "You?"
He is surprised by her direct answer and scratches the back of his head not sure how he can answer the question. "Uhm… Mostly I work out and work at the company to keep my mind busy. I like to spend time with my sister, too."
"So you're hot?" she asks instinctively and rushes to add, "Not that it matters! It's just that you said you work out a lot so I guessed you were hot because of that but maybe you're not. God knows I've seen a lot of unfit guys on the gym every time I try to go back to working out. I always give up after a couple of weeks by the way."
He laughs louder this time. "I'm fit, if it was a question." He sighs before continuing, "I was away for a while and it was a hard time in my life. And now that I'm back home it feels weird, like I'm not sure I belong home anymore. So working out makes it peaceful and quiet to me. It's a moment when I don't have to struggle with everything that is going on. I'm not sure if it makes sense."
"It does. I think that's how I feel when I'm pulling a computer apart or putting it together as the case may be. I'm just so focused on it that it feels like I'm in my own bubble."
"Exactly," he pauses and changes the subject. "So now that I know why you're here the real question is what you're looking for in a guy."
"If I tell you I'm not sure, will you believe me?"
"No," he answers quickly.
She rolls her eyes, "Okay, so maybe I have a slight idea. I want someone I can trust; who respects and cherishes me. I want someone who supports me and who is on my side always, even when it doesn't make much sense." They both remain silent until she clears her throat and throws the question back to him, "What about you?"
"I guess all that." He can hear her scoff and decides to elaborate, "I guess I want all the things you said but I'm not sure I could find the words to describe it just like you did."
"Well, I'm sure you're a big boy. Use your own words, don't steal mine."
He laughs again and tries to do as she asks. "I want someone who won't judge me based on my past. Someone who cares for the real me and not the person everyone apparently believes I am. I want to find someone who wants to share their life with me. And I mean it. Not in the romantic "share your life with someone" way; I want to really be able to trust someone to open up and talk about all the things I feel I can't tell anyone."
After she is sure he has finished she whistles, "Wow! That was deep! I was not expecting that!"
"Running for the hills yet?"
She gives a look to the blue screen that keeps them apart, "Not a chance. I'm harder to push away than that. And I guess I want all those things too, so I wouldn't want to run away anyway."
"After all these deep stuff would you think I'm shallow if I start to ask you things like how old you are?"
She chuckles and he thinks it is a beautiful sound, "No. And I'm 24. What about you?"
"28. I'm from Staling City, you?"
"I'm from Las Vegas but I've been living in Starling for the last few years, since I've graduated."
"That's great that we live in the same city. Where did you go to school?"
"MIT," she says and closes one eye, nervously watching the blue screen with the other one, knowing from experience that a lot of guys find it intimidating that she is actually smart. In the past many guys had been mean to her because she has studied in a prestigious school that made them feel dumber than her and she really hopes Oliver won't feel that way.
"Would it be a deal breaker if I told you I haven't graduated?" He coughs before continuing, "When I was younger I was an idiot; no point on sugar coating it. And then I was away for a few years and then… to be honest I don't want to go back to school. I feel it wouldn't add up to what I'm doing right now."
"You don't have to justify yourself. Whatever you choose to do with you life, well, it's your life. Besides, school is not for everyone. I was really happy to go to MIT and to graduate cum laude and learn all that stuff. But it doesn't mean it's the right thing for everyone."
"You graduated cum laude from MIT? Now I feel intimidated."
She makes a pained face, "I let that slip, huh?"
"You sure did."
"Can we pretend I didn't say that."
"Nope. It's impressive as hell and you should be proud of it instead of hiding it."
Tears sting in her eyes before she is able to say, "Okay, now I definitely want to have a second date with you."
He laughs, "Good, 'cuz I feel the same way."
"Hi. It's good to hear voice."
"Yours too. I'm happy you're the last woman I'll talk to today. It's a great way to end the day."
"Damn! You're really good at getting women, aren't you?"
He makes a face though she can't see it, "I used to be; not sure I am anymore."
"Ah, so it's another thing of the past."
"Yes. Another thing in the past."
"So, can you talk about your past? I mean, it seemed to be important to you. At least that's what it sounded like from our talk yesterday."
Oliver remains silent for a long time and she can sense the subject is a lot touchier for him than she had first anticipated, so she adds, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." A moment later she slaps her forehead, "I didn't mean it like that. You know what I mean."
He chuckles and asks, "Can you promise not to judge me based on my past."
She laughs, "No!" The silence stretches again, so she continues, "Look, everyone has a past and it's part of us, for better or for worse. I can't promise your past won't matter at all to me but I think we have to be honest with each other here. I mean, the show is about finding out if the person on the other side of the wall can fall in love with you for who you truly are. So it doesn't make sense to keep trying to show just our best side so we propose to the other and just after we meet face to face we start to learn who the other really is like."
"You've got a point," he sighs. "Okay, let's do this." He takes a moment before starting, "I used to be a playboy who was always drunk, partying and whoring around."
Felicity's eyebrows raise thinking, 'Well, that's honest!', but she's able to hold back from saying it aloud.
Oliver continues, "I had this girlfriend, we had been together for a long time and were pretty serious but I was a jerk and I used to cheat on her. And then when I felt thing were getting too serious I cheated on her with her sister."
"Wow," Felicity can't help exclaiming, "You were a lot worse than just a jerk!"
"Uhm… yeah, I really was," he agrees shamefully. He takes a deep breath and goes on, "So, that's when I went away. I grew up a lot then, I had to. When I came back I was not the same person but people just couldn't see that; they kept treating me like I was the old Oliver. My ex-girlfriend hated me, my family wanted me to take over the family business, my friends expected me to go back to partying, drinking and whoring. The thing is I was a completely different person and I wanted to do my own thing; so that's what I did. And when I was done with that I started working on my family's business; it felt like the right thing to do at that point. Anyways, my friends and family finally accepted the new me and my ex-girlfriend and I started dating again."
"Well, can't say I saw that one coming. I sure as hell would never have accepted your sorry ass back after what you did," she tells him honestly.
"It obviously didn't work out. I realized I had always been in love with the idea of her, and not with her. And she wanted someone familiar to be with, but she was still in love with her then ex-boyfriend who just happens to be my best friend. Not to mention all the history we had; we didn't stand a snowball chance in hell."
"I guessed that much from the moment you cheated on her with her sister."
Oliver scratches the back of his head again. Obviously Felicity isn't impressed at all with his past but at the same time he doesn't regret telling her. As she pointed out, they need to really get to know each other to figure out how they feel, and hiding the past would make them waste their time and maybe lead them to choose the wrong person.
"So, we broke up again. I dated a few other women since I came back to Starling but as my dear sister pointed out, I always date the wrong women. As I told you yesterday she insisted I applied to the show to try to find someone who wants me for me, and here I am."
After a couple of minutes of silence Oliver finally asks, "So, what's you opinion of me now?"
Felicity bites her thumbnail and glances at the blue screen from her spot on the couch, "Well, I think you were despicable, to be honest. But… you grew up and changed. I didn't know you back then; you didn't hurt me, we have no baggage. So, all that matters to me is who you are right now. And so far I like who you are."
A grin spreads on his face as he feels he is back in the game. Her comments during his storytelling had led him to believe that this would be their last blind date together. But apparently she is willing to judge him for who he is now and that's exactly what he had been looking for: someone who doesn't hold his past against him.
"I'm so relieved you feel that way," is all he says but she can feel he really means it. After a moment he continues, "What about you? You said you also had something in your past…"
Felicity clears her throat, "Uhm… okay. So I mentioned that I'm blond and a little awkward… in a bubbly kind of way… but I was not always like this. Back in college I was… darker."
"Darker?" Oliver repeats, "Darker like…"
"I had black hair with purple streaks, my wardrobe had basically only back in it and I enjoyed getting into systems that I wasn't exactly allowed to just because I could and I wanted to."
"So… you were a hacker?" Oliver confirms.
"Hacker is such an ugly word," she berates him just to add quietly a moment later, "But, yeah. Hacktivist, actually."
He chuckles, "Felicity, the law breaker!"
"I never did anything to hurt anyone or that could be considered a crime," she defends. "But I was really good at what I did and there is this rush to always beat yourself, and everyone else too, of course. I just always wanted to do something more awesome." She sighs, "Back then I had this boyfriend, he was also a hacktivist. We were always together; we used to spend all of our free time making out and hacking."
"Making out and hacking separately or at the same time."
"Both. Though making out is hotter when you're hacking at the same time."
He raises his eyebrows torn between amusement and unsureness, "You should know that I'm very bad with technology. Very, very, very bad. Is that a problem for you? Cause I'm completely sure I'll never do what you and your ex did."
"Cooper never worked out; you do. I'm sure making out with you would be pretty hot even if you couldn't manage even sending a text message at the same time."
He chuckles and she joins him, "You know I'm joking right? Well, not about Cooper not working out but the rest…"
He cuts her off, "Yeah, I got that."
"Okay, so long story short, my brilliant ex-boyfriend decided to steal a super virus I had created and used it to hack the Department of Education and clear all students loans from every student in the country."
"What?! You created a virus that could do that?!"
She blushes with pride, though she isn't sure he means it as a complimented, and shrugs, "I've told you I'm awesome." She can hear him chuckle again and continues, "Anyway, when I found out I pulled the plug but he had already started. Of course the FBI found us. But thankfully he took all the blame and admitted he had stollen the virus and told them I had no knowledge of what he had planned to do; which is true. His roommate confirmed he saw Cooped stealing the virus while I was on the shower; so I wasn't implicated and he was arrested. But still, my boyfriend stole my biggest creation, which was supposed to be used to do good, and tried to attack the Department of Education with it. I'm not sure it's as big as cheating with your ex's sister but I felt really really betrayed."
"I broke my ex's heart but she got over it and moved on; fell in love someone else and we even tried getting back together. Your ex stole from you and if everything hadn't been cleared up you could be in a federal jail right now. I think your ex betrayed you worse than I did my ex."
Felicity rolls her eyes but considers his words, "You may be right. But there is no chance in hell I'd ever date him again. Ever."