In her last trip, six months before, an impassioned Son of Aphrodite loudly declared his love for her. It hadn't ended well. Fuming, he turned to his sister Drew Tanaka, to help make her his. So, slowly, a plot of vicious blackmail was created.
Persephone had ignored them, as she did to everyone but her mother and step-father Paul. Drew did not hesitate. With spite born from envy and rejection, rumor after rumor spread among the younger campers. Rumors that motivated the campers to drive her from Camp, and further. No one this cowardly deserved to be associated with Olympus, or the area surrounding it.
As a great mob, they drove her from New York, and San Francisco. Left to fend for herself, until she could no longer. So she ran, and ran, and ran. Until she couldn't, until she was found.
She wasn't found by demigods, or monsters. Instead, Persephone came face to face with the Creator. One who offered new life away from greedy gods and cruel campers. With one last trip to visit her mother, she left.
Persephone was pulled from her thoughts by a hand brushing across her back. Her body slowly relaxed under Chaos' slow minstrations, and she let her head rest on folded arms. Even a century after the incident, her blood boiled and her heart hurt. Her friends had left her to the mobs, no warning, nothing.
"Time to get back to bed, Seraphim," Chaos prodded, "You have a long day tomorrow, I'm afraid."
She groaned at the very thought, "Can't you just pop up and tell the Klaxum to grakk off?" she pleaded, that planet was packed with snobby, stubborn snoots that barely respected her position in Chaos' Army.
"My vessel cannot step off this planet, you know that," he countered. "And with Beta and Huntress there they would be wise to heed your power. My emissary is no idle threat."
"Tell that tight-pants wearing perv of a prince who's an idle threat, I'll chop his grubby little fingers off if he tries to cop another feel." she trailed off into a series of unintelligible insults, feeling the eye-roll he gave in response.
She let out an indignant squeal when he easily hoisted her onto his shoulder, and began to carry her out of the kitchen. "LET ME DOWN!" she demanded, slamming her fists into his back, to no avail. He expertly maneuvered through the halls, her fists no more than taps against his invulnerable vessel. As they passed Beta's room, he peeked out with a shameless grin plastered on his face. When he opened his mouth to comment, he was met with a middle finger and a withering glare.
By the time they reached her room, Chaos was sure the entire castle had awoken to her shouts. With an easy hoist, he threw the red-faced girl onto her bed, silencing her swearing with a threatening finger.
She sat there for a moment, body heaving with every breath, as she gave Chaos her hardest glare. He remained unfazed.
"You need to sleep, το κορίτσι μου, I will not allow you to burn out. Don't push yourself so hard." he softly called, before he disappeared from the room. She gave a wordless huff, then sunk into the soft sheets.
The air of Kalaxrum was humid, as always. The gas giant in section 19b had a humid atmosphere, with more liquid in the air than in the sand-like ground. It made Persephone wonder how the prince wore those stupid skin tight pants so often, when one of her companions was already complaining within minutes on the planet.
"If you do not cease your bewailing, I will send my hounds to chase you across Varia!" Huntress hissed, fists clenched on the hunting knives on her thighs, breaking her current path in favor of an intimidating step towards Beta. In response, he took a few hopping steps around Seraphim, placing her between the two.
"Well, it's too hot here, get Sera or Chaos to fix it!" He whined back, continuing his orbit around their general.
"Both of you, stop! I will put both of you on paperwork if you keep this up! This is a serious negotiation, there is no time for goofing off." She kept her voice low and steady as the prince and his posse drew closer, maintaining a steady pace as the duo took their places on either side of her.
The Prince, Exria, sat on a garish throne being carried by several slaves. Surrounded by several guards, dressed in skin tight material that barely passed as spandex with a vibrant gold crown perched atop his head.
The flirty wink he sent her made her twitch, and she practically heard Huntress' hand tighten around her bow, which had slipped into her hand at some point. The trio stopped, and waited for the Prince's approach.
"We meet again, dearest Seraphim, and your beauty is as radiant as ever." Exria stood from his throne effortlessly, converging with his guards and proceeding until he stood only ten paces from them.
"We are not here for small talk, Prince, let us proceed directly and finish quickly." Seraphim responded quickly, almost sharply.
"My Dear, if you were with me, you would finish quickly." He propositioned, fluttering his eyelashes at her. Huntress practically growled at him, and 'Sera' noticed Beta's hand clenched around his sword.
"What do you want in exchange for an accord?" she ignored his remark, but narrowed her eyes at him.
"You. I'll sign anything as long as you become mine." he cockily responded, eyes roaming around her… bust.
"No." the duo at her sides responded instantly, bodies tensing. He simply gave both a disdainful side-eye, before meeting her unamused gaze.
"Serious offers only, Prince. What. Do. You. Want." her hand drifted to the blade on her waist.
"My offer is serious, Lovely. You would do well to take me seriously, You don't want me as an enemy." Persephone tensed, thoughts dragged into a sea of tumultuous memories of an old home.
A large screen pulled her from the memories, blessedly, and she mentally thanked the Creator himself as he appeared on screen. His eyes widened slightly when he followed her train of thought, and he gave a quick nod.
"Greetings, Exria, Prince of Kalaxrum, I am afraid I must cut this meeting short. My General has pressing matters to attend to." He called. The Prince tensed upon sight, but quickly narrowed his eyes.
"Lord Chaos, we were rather busy, and I'm tired of being kept waiting," he challenged, " Though if you can speed this along, I will take Seraphim as my wife by Ganful." Chaos only stared in silence, as the boy squirmed under his powerful gaze.
"I do not have time for spoiled princes, and my General is worth far more to me than the dustball your Father rules." His stare shifted into a glare, and a portal opened behind the trio.
Beta quickly grabbed Huntress, and practically carried her through the portal, followed by Persephone, leaving Exria and his servants in stunned silence.
The room was quiet when Persephone walked in, Zoe and Luke had already arrived, and even they seemed nervous. Her eyes drifted around the room, examining all the grim faces around the table. It was a bleak day when even the several demigods at the table sat in silence. Slowly, she met Chaos' gaze.
"What's happening? Why are you all so quiet?" the room collectively tensed, and everyone's gaze turned to the Creator.
"I'm sorry, Persephone. A planet is under attack, we must go to defend them. The planet Gaea, is being attacked by the Pit himself." his sympathetic gaze didn't waver, even as her incredulous stare changed to rage. As stormclouds enclosed the Grand Keep, the non-demigods gave him fearful glances, both Luke and Zoe rushed to her side. With a sigh, Chaos snapped his fingers, and her world went dark.