
A young ravenette looked through all her accessories, looking for the pretty pink ribbon she had gotten as a gift from her tou-san last time he visited her. She wanted to look extra pretty today, after all the five-year-old rarely saw her tou-san. Kaa-san told her that tou-san still loved her though, and with all the cool gifts he had gotten her, young Akira had no doubt that her kaa-san was absolutely right. As she found the pink bow, a loud crash rung through the house, followed by a scream. Akira quickly spun around; the pink ribbon forgotten as it fell on the floor.
"You can't do that! She's my daughter!" her kaa-san screamed loudly, and Akira froze in the staircase.
"She's my daughter as well. An Uchiha should live in the Uchiha district." That voice was definitely her tou-san's voice, Akira realized. She had never heard him sound so angry before.
"Oh please, when I told you I was expecting, you explicitly told me to get rid off her!" Akira didn't really understand what her parents were arguing about, but she hated it nonetheless.
"Because she was a mistake! My wife and son couldn't know about her, or the fact that I slept with a worthless little whore such as yourself!" Now her tou-san was shouting as well. Akira took the last few steps down the staircase and stopped right outside of the kitchen door.
"Then why do you want to steal her from me now?" her kaa-san cried out. "If your reputation and position is so important for you, then what do you want with her? A bastard child?"
"I don't have to explain myself to you!" Akira slowly started leaning forward so she could look in the kitchen door.
"Is this another side effect from your war injuries? Did you lose your mind as well as your leg?" her kaa-san was clearly crying now. Akira hated it when her kaa-san cried. Kaa-san was always so happy. Akira managed to look at the scene her parents were causing. Her tou-san had his back turned to her, but her kaa-san saw her straight away. Still, kaa-san kept her attention on her tou-san. "No, don't answer that. You can't have her. She's my little girl, so you can just go back to your correct family!"
"Not without Akira! I won't put up with this behaviour anymore." Tou-san hissed at kaa-san and Akira flinched at the pure hatred in his voice. "You will pack her belongings and let me take her, or Kami help me I will take her by force."
"Then you'll have to do it by force! I won't stand for this. Nor will the Hokage when I tell him!" Kaa-san shot back harshly. Tou-san growled in anger, Akira gasped as his hand connected with her kaa-san's stomach. Akira stared at the pool gathering by her kaa-san's feet. Akira recognized the colour, it was blood. But never before had Akira seen so much of it. Her eyes burned and she felt tears sliding down her cheek.
"Run!" kaa-san mouthed as she sank down to the cold kitchen floor. It was enough to snap Akira out of her trance and she spun around and ran.
"AKIRA!" the voice of her tou-san. No, the voice of that man echoed through the house as she ran.

Akira ran as fast as her short legs could carry her, tears flowed freely down her cheeks. The tears blinding her vision. In her haste, she neglected to watch where she was running and tripped. She flew forward through the air and stretched out her hands to save her face from impact. Her hands hit the ground first and she cried out in pain of the impact, the fear of that man motivating her to get up quickly. She ignored the burning pain in her wrists and kept on running. She hardly noticed that she was running through the marked full of people, and by some miracle, she managed to avoid running into anyone. Suddenly the young girl stopped. She had run through the marked and was standing on a bridge close to the Hokage tower when she realized that she had nowhere to go. She was alone. Not just on the bridge, but in the world. Her kaa-san and tou, no she couldn't call that man so nicely. Her kaa-san was her world. The memory of her kaa-san on the floor in a pool of her own blood flashed through her mind. She clutched her chest. It hurt way worse than that time she scratched her knee. She had never felt pain like this before. Was it possible to bleed from the heart? She wondered and crouched down and cried.

"Are you lost?" a voice called from behind her making the young ravenette jump in shock. She spun around and was met by a boy wearing a mask and a pair of red eyes staring at her. The same red eyes that man had when he got mad. Her breath quickened and she took a shaky step back. The male seemed to notice her fright as his eyes quickly turned black. "Hey, it's okay! I'm not going to hurt you. See this super cool mask? That means I'm an ANBU! Do you know what ANBU is?"
"No, and besides the mask isn't cool at all." Akira shot back momentarily forgetting why she had run to the bridge in the first place.
"Of course it's cool! It's a hawk!" the male argued back. Now she was certain that the male couldn't possibly be dangerous, though once the feeling of fear for that male disappeared all her other feelings magnified and before she knew it tears were rolling down her cheeks again. "Hey, why are you crying again? The mask isn't that cool, okay? You were right!"
That only made her cry harder. Her kaa-san was gone and she had talked to a stranger about a mask! She was a terrible daughter and her kaa-san would be so angry with her. The boy took off his mask, muttering something about stupid rules.
"Hey kid, you recognize me, right? We're from the same clan." He told her and crouched down so that their heads were on the same level. "I'm Shisui, what's your name?"
"Akira." She sniffled, still crying. "I don't know what a clan is."
The realization that she had no idea what a clan was supposed to be, made her sob even louder.
"Oh, that totally okay! Can you tell me why you're crying here alone, Akira?" the boy now identified as Shisui asked her kindly. "Did you fight with your parents? They must be worried about you."
She looked up at him, tears still running down her face. "Kaa-san said run." She somehow managed to stutter out. That caught his attention.
"Run? Who are you running from?" he asked her softly.
"The bad man." Akira told him and clutched onto his arm. For some reason he seemed safe. Like how her kaa-san felt. "With the red eyes. Like those you had before they got all dark!"
"Then you've done really well, haven't you?" he remarked and helped her up. "How about you get on Shisui-nii-san's back? And then we can go and talk to Hokage-sama?"
Akira didn't fully understand why, but she allowed Shisui, no Shisui-nii-san to give her a piggyback ride.


Hey whoever feels like reading! This is my first ever fanfiction so I am rather excited! This is a Kakashi x oc story, and therefore my oc character is older than Naruto's gen. Akira is the same age as Itachi, so it's still 9 years between her and Kakashi but there won't be any romance until she turns 16 at least. Because she is older than Naruto's gen, she might come off as powerful compared to them, but I assure you that she'll have her problems to work through as well.

Hope you enjoyed the prologue, I'll probably be back with the first chapter soon!