Okay, here's chapter 3! Oh, wait, I forgot a couple things...

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or its characters.

Monkie: Ehh..heh, lotsa stuff is wrong with me. But thanks for waiting oh so patiently and here is chappie three!

Kate: well, here it is!

Dreamer: you'll hafta find out about that!

KrysSaiyan: heh, srri bout the chapter lengths but yea..oh well.

Note: Um, this is actually really short but I just wanted to get it out anyway.

NOW on to chapter three!

Chapter 3


Vegeta growled low in his throat. When would his father's pestering stop?! His constant badgering was grinding on his nerves. He could at least have the decency to bug him about mating AFTER training.

Halting his ki blasts, although the prince would have rather preferred to divert the attacks to the king instead, Vegeta turned to face his father with a deeper scowl than usual.

"I have three months, do not bother me." The prince said tonelessly, not waiting for his father to speak his purpose of interrupting.

"I see you know my wishes well. But so far, I haven't seen you make a single attempt to socialize. You must begin bonding, Vegeta! You have to find the right person soon!"

"I think I know that, dear old dad." Vegeta said mockingly. "As you've only pointed it out to me only a couple hundred times. But the more pressure you put on me, the less I will be inclined to follow your wishes."

"And yet, if I do not remind you, you will forget in less than a day what I want from you because I know you do not take this seriously."

Vegeta smirked. "Is that so? Actually, it just so happens I have been associating with someone. You cannot observe me 24/7, therefore you probably haven't seen me with this special somebody. Can you not be satisfied with that for now?" Of course, Goku was definitely NOT potential mate for the prince, and Vegeta had only met him for one day, but the king didn't have to know that. Anything to get him off Vegeta's back. Although, Vegeta wondered in the back of his mind exactly why it was Goku who he thought of to use as an excuse. After all, there were plenty of sparring partners he could have mentioned.


"No one of your concern, because he is barely enough for my tolerance."

The king smirked, obviously misinterpreting Vegeta's simple description. "Very well, then. Carry on."

Without further ado, the king swept his cloak in such an exaggerated manner that made Vegeta want to rip the royal cloth into pieces. Fueled by his anger that his father would think *Goku* could possibly be anything more than a fellow Saiyan.

Opening his mouth to maybe shoot a comeback to his father, Vegeta suddenly stopped as he heard something.

'Come back.'

Whirling around, Vegeta scanned the area for anyone hiding. But no one was there.


"What the hell?" Vegeta shouted angrily. It was odd. . .now that he thought about it, the words weren't really. . .sound. They were more like thoughts. Thoughts invading his mind, or something. Sure as hell, Vegeta definitely knew they weren't produced by his own mind. But the only telepathic communications he knew of was between close family members and. . .mates.

"Am I going insane?" Vegeta muttered to himself. Since when did he have a mental communicating capability? Certainly not with his father. But it was strange. . .these, invading thoughts, or whatever they were, didn't really make him angry. Or weirded out. They were almost comforting. . .it felt right to have those voices in his head. Immediately, an image of Goku flashed through his mind.

"What the hell?" Vegeta repeated, but in a whisper this time. 'Why would I think of *that* imbecile?'

Inwardly shrugging, Vegeta decided to humor himself. Hey, if you were going crazy, you might as well go along with it.

"I will." He said aloud, feeling slightly foolish.


Goku blew out a sigh, feeling gloomy. He didn't know why, but today just didn't seem like his day. Sure, it was sunny and all, but. . .

'I should be happy. I should be joyful. I mean, I caught a kupste today!' It was true. He had finally found some meat in the forest. More and more animals were leaving his area, leaving less meat for him to hunt. Goku couldn't remember the last time he at fresh meat.

Carrying the deer-like creature (A/N: Even though this takes place on Vegeta-sei, I'm using earth comparisons so you can get a more detailed visual of the Vegeta-sei animals I made up) on his broad shoulders, Goku tried to avert his gloom by distracting himself with pointless thoughts.

'Kupstes are stupid. . .I could get a lot of them if there were more. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Those clouds look like people kissing. Trunks! Eh?' Goku stopped for a moment in self-confusion. Why would he think of that stranger from today while thinking of people kissing? Weird. . .

'I will.'

Goku yelped, nearly dropping his kill as the words seemed to ring in his head. Slightly frightened, Goku looked around instinctively, even though he knew he would find no one. But what was that?

Reaching the entrance to his home, his old rickety crumbling home, Goku concluded it must be his exhaustion from training that he was hearing voices in his head. Funny, though. . .he wasn't feeling the least bit fatigued. . .

Shrugging, Goku proceeded to prepare his meal.