(Alright, before anyone gets excited [despite the start of an interesting Pokémon x Naruto story being exciting] you should all know that this was merely a test. While yes this is the start of a new story, it is also a test to see how well this could be written if I did it on my phone. That is correct. I wrote all this on my phone using Google Docs. Know why didn't I do this for Elemental Uzumaki? Simply because I already was halfway through that chapter when my laptop indefinitely crashed on me and won't start up anymore. That kills the mood to write for something when you were already halfway done with it.
However, I may write short updates using my phone and Google Docs to keep the flow for my stories somewhat going. I hope you enjoy this prologue to this new story and please have patients as I look into finding a new laptop. I also recently graduated from college, yay me, so that also has been making me just relax more often than work on stuff.
A Split Journey
This was it. The final clash. The deciding attack to end it all. These two have been fighting for what felt like hours. Giving it everything they had in order to stop the other from completing their mission. One was supposed to bring the other back to their village, the other was leaving in order to gain more power.
Naruto Uzumaki. The container of the Kyuubi no Youko.
Sasuke Uchiha. Last of the Uchiha clan besides his brother.
Both were staring each other down from across the waterfall that belonged to the valley of the end. A name that was given to it after the final battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. It was as if fate brought these two here to do battle just like the ones before them.
Naruto was covered in the first-tail cloak of the Kyuubi's chakra, while Sasuke was in the second stage of his curse seal given to him by Orochimaru. They each knew this would be their last attack. Having used most of the energy and chakra throughout their fight. Both were near their last legs. Holding his right hand out, Naruto summoned a Rasengan with the Kyuubi's chakra giving it a vermillion color to it as well as keeping it stable. Sasuke held out his left hand with the Chidori coming to life before it turned black due to the corrupted chakra that the cursed seal gave him.
The air was filled with energy. The tension was high. As if an unspoken signal was made, both genin jumped at each other. Flying through the air before they met in the middle with their attacks!
Their attacks met in mid-air. There was a shockwave of power. The intensity of their attacks caused a shell of energy, made with the chaotic natures of the chakra sources they drew from, to wrap around them as they continued to clash against one another. Both of them giving their all to push the other back. Both of them knew this fight meant more to both of them than just the reasons they were brought here.
More than a silly promise made to a girl who would never love Naruto the same he had her.
More than a means for Sasuke to escape and gain the power to fight the brother that took everything from him in one night.
This fight was beyond what others would, nigh, could understand. Naruto and Sasuke were more than just simple teammates. They were best friends. Brothers at arms. Despite their differences, they always had each other's back no matter the outcome. But it was more than that as well.
They were rivals. And this fight would be the one they used to settle everything once and for all. Because at last,
'I will beat you! /I will beat you!'
One of them would come out on top.
A pulse went through the world. The shell of energy that surrounded the two was sparking with white lightning. They were not privy to such a thing and only focused on pushing more power into their attacks. Staring each other in the eyes as they continued to fight for dominance against one another. Eventually, all this power becomes too much. The reality was warping outside of the fight and was causing the world to shake. It was unfathomably to believe these two young boys held all this power within them.
Reality did not accept the chaos that was happening before it. A loud shockwave happened once again causing the wind to pick up and a storm to appear above them. Kakashi had appeared with his dog summon Pakkun and was witnessing the pulsating orb of power within the middle of the area. Soon the shell began to spark increasingly more before collapsing onto itself. Just as it looked to become the size of a medium-sized ball, it exploded. White noise exploded everywhere with Kakashi having to take Pakkun in his arms and hold onto a tree. The force of the explosion was pushing them back and causing the whole world to shake. The echoing screams of his students could be heard before they were silenced once the energy blinked out of existence.
Stunned from what he saw, Kakashi made his way to the top of one of the statues, surprisingly still standing, after all, that happened, and searched around for anyone of his wayward students.
"Pakkun! Can you find them?" calling to his companion, Kakashi watched the ninken summon sniffing around before shaking his head with what would be considered a frown for a dog.
"I can't pinpoint them. It's strange. Their scent is all over this place but it is strong up there in the center of the sky where we saw that giant orb of chakra I assume." Kakashi looked worried at that before lifting his headband up to reveal his Sharingan eye. Both his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.
There in the middle of the sky, floating above them was a scar. It was all he could describe it as. Where the two genins had clashed was a scar of chakra that sparked randomly at times. It was surprising to see such dense chakra in one area and yet it wasn't visible for them to see unless he used his Sharingan. Those of the Hyuga clan would be able to tell that it was there even if they didn't use their dojutsu. His Sharingan was also picking something else up from the scar but he wasn't sure what it could be. It was like chakra but different. He didn't know how he was going to explain everything that happened recently, just hoped that Tsunade would believe him. They would need to get a team out here to study this and figure out what happened to both of his students.
"Come on Pakkun. We need to report back to Lady Tsunade. Hopefully, Jiraiya is in the village. We can use all the help we can get about this." Turning around Kakashi jumped off of the statue of the Shodaime Hokage and began making his way back to Konoha but not without taking one more look at the chakra scar with his Sharingan. Making sure it was saved to his memory before speeding off to the village.
"What do you mean they're missing Kakashi?" An irritated looking Tsunade asked while her eyes were narrowed dangerously at the Jounin. The man looked nervous, as he should be, and needed to choose his words carefully if he didn't want a one-way trip into the hospital. Express Delivery via Tsunade's Fist.
"It's as I said Hokage-Sama." He said with utmost seriousness that surprised her. "They disappeared. When I arrived, it was in the middle of their clash. I wasn't able to see because there was a shell of chakra covering them both. After a while, there was an explosion of some kind that felt like it shook the world. Then they were gone." He sighed while running a hand through his gravity-defying hair. He knew this was hard to believe. He barely believed it himself. But there was no disputing what he saw there and even what his Sharingan saw.
"I know how this sounds, but you have to believe me. If it is needed I am willing to have Inoichi mind-walk through my head to show you everything I saw. All I know is that whatever happened at that valley, it was beyond anyone's control. But I have a feeling both of them are still alive. If we ask Jiraiya to check the summoning scroll and Naruto's name hasn't faded then there's a chance we could find them."
Tsunade stared at the Jounin. Eyes going through different emotions before she conceited and pressed a button on her desk. She called for Shizune to have both Inoichi and Jiraiya come into her office.
And to make sure Jiraiya didn't delay for anything unless he wanted her to gather everything single copy of Icha Icha he's written, and then burn them all in the middle of the village.
(Area: Unknown Void)
All one could see was darkness. Within this darkness were two bodies floating around. One was Sasuke and the other was Naruto. They were back to normal as that last attack took everything else they had in them. Both of their bodies were injured by the explosion. External and internal bleeding was basically the lowest threatening thing on the list for them. Then they both felt it. A pulse of… something went through their bodies. It caused a whole new kind of pain. Soon the void was blasted with colors that hurt their eyes. Their bodies were blasted away. No longer floating aimlessly and now soaring through the void. As much as they tried to hold on, the pain was too much.
This void was destroying their bodies and at the same time repairing them. They could both feel their chakra being drained and right as death was knocking on their door, an abundance of both chakra and another kind of energy surged through their bodies. It was if the void was destroying them cell by cell, just to rebuild them at the last second so they wouldn't die. It wasn't just them though.
Kyuubi was feeling everything that his container was feeling. He at first thought he would be safe inside the seal and tried to use his chakra so his container wouldn't die, costing his own life as well if it happened. It was a mistake on his end. The moment his chakra began pouring back out of the seal to try and help Naruto, the energies of the void found their way inside and began doing the same thing to him. Something like this was unheard of to the chakra beast. Never has he felt such pain and power coursing through his entire being. He almost fell unconscious a couple of times but the pain was just too much for him to not stay awake and experience it all. His body was changing and he knew it but he did not know what it would. It was familiar and yet different. The seal even went through a change as well from the power that was pulsing through them. But with all that was happening he couldn't focus on it to see what was being changed.
Naruto was feeling the same thing. His body felt like it was becoming stronger than he has ever felt it be. Lingering ill effects passed away but the battle scars remained. He wouldn't see it but his hair was changing as well. It pulsed with crimson flames before from the roots to halfway his hair became a bloody red color, as if it was flowing like a living flame. His eyes shifted between an ocean blue to a fierce shining gold that took over his entire eye. The pupil went from being round into a slit-like a fox before shifting again and became a pointed star that resembled the sun. His nails grew in length like they normally would whenever he used Kyuubi's chakra but they were sharper and seemed to take on a steel complexion. As if they were made of the very same material. His whiskers on his face became more defined and bolder.
Sasuke was going through his own changes. The curse mark on his neck glowed before dissolving from his body, removing Ochimaru's influence from the boy forever. His hair grew longer and went down to his shoulders while flowing around him. It also gained a dark purple highlight at the edges, making his hair look like the night sky. When another wave of power blasted them again his eyes widened from the pain they were racked with. Sasuke was unable to know that his eyes turned into the Sharingan before they began spinning and morphing into something new. The black covered the outer edges of his iris before turning into an atom pinwheel before shifting and being replaced by a glowing light blue/purple color that took over his entire eye. The pupil shifted into two crescent moons attached to the main pupil, almost like wings.
Soon the changes subsided. Both of the boys' eyes turned back to normal and Naruto's new steel claws turned back into regular nails. But both of their new hairstyles stayed as they were. Eventually, the pain came to a stop with their injuries being healed once their bodies were done changing. There was no semblance of time within the void. Unknown to either of how long they were stuck within there. Soon their bodies came to stop and the myriad of colors calmed down to an all-white tone. Both Naruto and Sasuke were unconscious from their ordeal and as such could not hear the new voice that made its presence known to them.
"How peculiar. You are all unknowns. What has brought you here to this place in between dimensions?" The voice received no answer from the ones present. As expected since they appeared to have gone through a tough ordeal before and after they appeared here. "You have energy, not of my world and yet it is similar to ours. But I also sense Aura within you both. A large amount of it, especially from the one inside you." Despite there being nobody or form to show who was speaking, it seemed to know it was talking about Naruto. There was a loud humming sound that came from the voice before both boys were covered in an orb of white light.
"I have a feeling you both are destined for something great. My children are in danger of rising threats. Let's see if you both have what it takes to help fix this world." And with a bright flash of light, both boys have transported away from the void into a new world they would be unfamiliar with.
(Hokage's Office)
Currently standing in front of Tsunade were the remaining genin teams with their sensei. Word was going around in calling them the Konoha 12. Well, it would be twelve if it wasn't for the problem they were facing at the moment. Tsunade knew this was going to be hard to get through. Especially after the ones who returned were just healed of their more serious injuries a few days ago. At last, it was best to get this over with and tell each of them the situation at hand. Eventually, it was going to get out that both boys had disappeared, might as well get the facts straight right now so there would be no misunderstanding later.
"I'm glad that you all have shown up. I have important news that I need to tell you all." Each person in the room looked mildly surprised about this. Sakura was the most curious since she hadn't heard about Naruto or Sasuke returning with the rest of the squad. She saw that Kakashi was off to the side leaning against a wall with his head held down. He didn't even have his book in his hand that usually had on him. That made her worry since whatever this was must be really important that concerned the well-being of her two teammates.
"As of this moment. Both genin, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha are pronounced to be MIA, possibly KIA." There was a collective gasp as shock settled in with the group in front of her. She could already see the disbelief in her words in a couple of them. Sighing, she steeled her resolve and continued. "Kakashi and a couple of others skilled in tracking have visited the area in the last two days. There is no sign of either of them. We are to believe they were 'teleported' away or something during their fight. The last place any sign of them being was where they both fought. We still don't know everything yet, but keep your hopes up. Jiraiya is working on something with the help of Kakashi and a few Hyuuga members." she said with her tone being somber at the end. They could tell this was hard for her to say, despite how she tried to hide it. Before anything else could be said, Hinata ran out of the office, tears falling from her eyes. Kurenai bowed to Tsunade and then gave chase to her student. Sakura had fallen to her knees, losing the strength to stand after hearing that both of her teammates were missing now. Her eyes stared at the ground with tears starting to fall. Ino had come to her side to comfort her while everyone else was stuck in disbelief that they lost two people due to unknown circumstances.
Tsunade dismissed everyone, with each person exiting her office. Once they were all out Tsunade slumped into her chair while pulling out a bottle of sake. Forgoing the need of a saucer she just drank straight from the bottle before letting a few tears loose herself.
'Please be alright Naruto. You were supposed to break the curse from the necklace. And now you're missing. I pray to Kami that you are safe.'
(Location: Unknown Forest - Kanto Region)
Delia Ketchum was taking a stroll through the forest that surrounded pallet town. It had been at least three to five weeks since her son Ash had left on his journey. She believed in him, despite how ill knowledge he was about Pokémon, and knew he would go far. Though that never stopped her worries as any mother would have for their only son. Knowing he had made a friend though on his journey and was traveling with them put her at ease a little bit.
Things have been really quiet at her home, which brought up a lot of memories of when Ash was home, and it was driving her a bit stir crazy. Usually, she would head towards Oak's Ranch and help him with taking care of the Pokémon there. It was fun work and helped keep her distracted when she felt too lonely at home with no one else there. Though today the Professor decided to let her have the day off. It was fine since she did have a couple of errands to run earlier. Now, she was simply taking a walk as a way to relax. Watching the different Pokémon of the forest running around with one another was nice. Hearing the pidgey chirping, the rattatas scurrying by, the few caterpie crawling from different tree limbs. It was pure peace.
Which was sadly interrupted by a pulse of power. All the Pokémon froze before running off in a direction. Delia was confused before she heard a weird suction sound. Looking around the area she didn't know what it was before her eyes saw shining light. And it wasn't the sun shining either since it was supposed to be late in the afternoon going into the evening.
Turning her eyes upward she let out a small gasp as there seemed to be a weird hole in the sky with light shining out of it. The light got brighter, making her shield her eyes before it dimmed enough for her to see a sphere made of light come out of the hole. It flew around the top of the trees before landing near a large clearing. Being ever the curious one she ran in the direction the sphere left before seeing it hover in place in the middle of the area. Then with naught a blink of the eye, the light faded away and a teenage boy dropped from the sphere unconscious. Gasping lightly, she ran towards him to see if he was alright.
He seemed to be at least sixteen to seventeen years old in age. Possibly standing around 168 cm in height. His hair was strange, reaching down to his shoulders it was black from the top and as it came down it turned to a dark purple color. It seemed to resemble the night sky in some ways. The clothing the boy wore was tattered and ripped with the only thing she could recognize was the red fan symbol on the back of his navy-blue shirt. Crouching low she turned him over to see his face and noticed the different scuff markings. Now that she looked at him more, he seemed to have been in a fight of some kind. While there were no injuries she could see on his person, it didn't mean there were any internal wounds to worry about.
Placing her fingers on his neck she waited for a second before feeling the faint pulse that was there. Sighing in relief, Delia picked the boy up with a grunt of exertion. She did her best to carry him out of the forest and head back into town. 'The professor should be able to help. Best to call a doctor to come down here as well.'
(Location: Unknown Forest/Town - Johto Region)
Professor Elm was performing some late-night Pokémon research. As per the norm he was stuck up in his lab while studying some of the Pokémon he had at his lab. He was having a few of them perform different moves and see how some of their special abilities affected how they worked against each other or for themselves. While he was writing notes down there was a strong light that started shining through his windows. Everyone inside the lab turned to look out the windows to see what was happening. Being the ever-curious one, the professor grabbed some of his clipboards and a pair of binoculars before running outside. A totodile and cyndaquil stared at the professor before running after him to see what that light was as well.
As the trio made it outside they could see a sphere of light flying across the sky into the surrounding trees that were all around New Bark Town. Being awed by such a phenomenon the professor made haste to follow the sphere with two Pokémon hot on his heels with him. They were running through the street and passing by the few people that were still out at such an hour. Soon they broke through into the forest and saw the sphere dive within the tree line. The trio eventually came to a stop, with the professor panting some with how much he pushed himself to keep up with the thing, near a small clearing. There they watched the sphere glow brightly before dimming out. Then a teenage boy, no older than sixteen or seventeen, fell onto the grassy floor. Blinking in surprise at it not being a Pokémon, but a human boy, the professor slowly made his way to him. His orange jumpsuit was tattered everywhere with the only real thing being held together was the red swirl on the back.
His hair was odd, especially for this world where people could have a variety of hair colors. It was a spiky mess that came down to the nape of his neck with two bangs framing his face. It was a mix of red and sun-kissed blonde, seeming to represent fire almost or the sky during sunrise. From what he could see of his face he had three whisker marks on his cheek and he would like to guess it was the same for the other.
Scratching his head, a little while looking at the two Pokémon that accompany him, he wondered what exactly he was meant to do in this situation?
"Is everything alright over here?" A feminine voice called out. Turning around Professor Elm saw that it was the local Officer Jenny who came along with two of her officers. Jenny didn't appear surprised to see that he was here already. Most likely having seen him chasing the light in the sky and giving chase herself.
"Yes, everything seems to be fine. Except for this boy here. He appears to be alive but unconscious." Professor Elm said while watching the totodile poke at the kid's face lightly. The cyndaquil tilted her head while walking up to him as well. "Alright you two, I need you two to come back with me to the lab. It's been a long night and with Officer Jenny here she can take over." Both Pokémon nodded their head before watching as Jenny ordered her officers to pick the boy up. They would need to take him to the hospital and check him out. He didn't look to be injured in any way despite the scuff marks here and there along with the tattered clothing. They would just have to wait for him to awaken before they questioned him to see what happened for him to be like this.
Soon everyone returned back to New Bark Town and went back to their own places for the night. Unknown of the big changes coming their way and to the entire Pokémon world.
(Finished! I hope you enjoyed reading this starting chapter. And again, this was a test to see how well I could write something on my phone using Google Docs until I could get a new laptop. This story has been on my mind for a while since I started reading another Pokémon fics with Naruto. Let's move onto some notes about this chapter and what this whole story will entail for you guys:
Naruto and Sasuke have gone through significant change within that void between dimensions. If you are curious about their eyes then just know yes, it has to do with the two legendaries from Alola. What it is will be a very close secret that you will wait to see.
Both Naruto and Sasuke were filled up with Aura as well as their own chakra. The curse mark on Sasuke was destroyed and the chakra still inside of it became his own. Both will have the potential to become like aura guardians and being capable of using Pokémon moves. Since I know someone is going to bring it up, no, Sasuke does not have his mangekyou Sharingan. Yes, his Sharingan changed and evolved into it, it was quickly replaced by the new eyes that both got. Meaning that he just has his normal Sharingan, doesn't mean he couldn't unlock the mangekyou's abilities but won't be anytime soon.
Kyuubi/Kurama has changed a lot! He has gain aura inside of his body as well and even gone through his own physical changes! What they are? Just wait to find out but I'm sure the lot of you will guess it correctly.
The scar back at the Valley of the End. What does it represent? The clash between Naruto and Sasuke. What does it mean? It means they are both not completely lost to those that are looking for them. What does that mean? In the future, the Pokémon world is gonna be flipped all kinds of the way around.
You may question why they aged but it is very simple. They were within the void for an unknown amount of time. This affects both worlds. Being a few years since they disappeared from the Elemental Nations to the current year that Ash and other trainers begin their Pokémon Journey.
FYI I am changing up the Pokémon world some to be a bit more challenging and realistic. So, no 10 to 12-year-olds driving off with brand new cars and no lazy ass gym leaders. I do have some ideas that I got from reading someone else's story but I am going to ask them permission to use some of what they did before I incorporate them into my own.
Don't ask about pairings. I will hold onto who gets with who until I feel like you guys are ready for it.
Last but not least, Pokémon Teams! So here is how it is going to go:
Sasuke: Starter: Charmander (because, you know, FIRE), Shiny Cubone (Alolan Version), Spearow.
Naruto: Starter: Totodile (while I love Cyndaquil, an energetic Totodile will fit with Naruto), Shiny Eevee (secret evolution), Mareep.
Is this the order in which they will get these Pokémon? No. The Cubone and the Mareep would come later on. As for the other Pokémon they will catch, I am not sure what I want on their team but when I found out they will be a surprise.
And that should be everything. I want you all to know that I will not be updating this story once I am capable of writing often. This is just a starter/holding place chapter for this story. I will be working on Elemental Uzumaki, A Brotherhood Rises (totally forgot about this for a while but I know what I'm doing for it), and A Saiyan's Return. When I am not focusing on these, Mask Breaking Away will be updated sparsely. Hope you enjoy this and thank you for your patients. Have a great one and I will see you all later. Be safe out there!
Jangoman, signing out!)