73. Payback

Chapter 1

It was two days before the telephone rang. Garrison answered it from his desk. He listened to the voice on the other end for a minute, with a frown on his face, before calling out for Actor. Terry looked up from cleaning the game table and sent a worried look at the confidence man. He returned her look with a frown.

"Who is it, Lieutenant," he asked from the office doorway.

"Major Richard's. You have a mission."

Actor exchanged looks with Terry. She shook her head, dropped her cleaning rag back in the bucket of water, spun around and grabbed her purse from beside the coat rack, before bolting out the door. Actor shook his head. This was not going to be good. He walked into the office, ignoring Garrison's look of concern. The officer had obviously seen his sister escape.

"Yes, Major Richards," said Actor taking the phone from Garrison.

"I have a mission for you," said Richards.

"Sir, there are only three of us capable of going on a mission right now," said Actor calmly. "What kind of mission is it?"

"Get in, pick up a German officer who wishes to defect, and blow up a bridge on the way out." replied the Commando Major. "There should be four of you if Terry goes with you."

"I will have to see if I can locate Teresa," said Actor, rolling his eyes at Garrison. "She is not here. I do not know where she went."

"Well, I suggest you find her," ordered Richards.

"Perhaps Lt. Johnson and his men could take this mission?" suggested Actor.

"Lt. Johnson's demolitions man is out of commission," said Richards, displeasure in his voice.

Actor sighed. "Yes, Sir. I will try to locate Teresa and get back to you as soon as possible."

"Soon, Actor. Soon." The major hung up.

The con man set the receiver back on the cradle. With Teresa bailing, he did not know if she was willing to go on this mission. It did not seem like it.

"You're in charge, Actor," said Garrison, leaning back in his chair. "I thought you and Terry had ironed things out?"

"Between us, yes," replied the Italian. "I do not have any idea what is going through that woman's head now."

"Good luck finding out."

Actor grimaced. "Thank you for your support, Lieutenant." He turned and headed for the office door. He stepped into the common room. "Chief, did she leave?"

"Sure did," answered the Indian from his window seat. "Like Hitler was after her."

"If Hitler was after her, she would have shot him," muttered the tall man in frustration.

He looked at his watch. Going to the other telephone, he called the Blue Fox. Madge answered and he asked for Kit. A minute later, the Gallagher girl got on the phone.

"Kit, have Teresa call me immediately," said Actor firmly.

"She isn't here," said Kit.

"She will be. She is to call me immediately."

"What are you? Her boss?" demanded the red-head.

"Right now, yes." Actor hung up.

Why did the women around him have to always question his authority? For that matter, why did everyone have to question his authority. Maybe he should go back to the Rock. That thought was immediately squelched.


When thirty minutes had gone by, with no word from Teresa, Actor went into Garrison's office and shut the door. The Lieutenant looked up in amusement. The con man perched a hip on the corner of the desk and turned the phone toward him. He dialed the Fox.

Kit answered this time.

"Put her on the phone," ordered Actor.

"She said to tell you she's in France."

"The MG does not float, and she can't get there in thirty minutes."

A second later, Terry's voice came through. "Do you need me as a con woman or as a warm body?"

Actor might have answered that a tad differently if he had not been with the woman's brother. "Not as a con woman I'm afraid, but I do need you. Three of us cannot do this alone. There are two parts to it."

"Actor, it's not going to work. I am fine with you, but you know what's going to happen. And I can't guarantee I wouldn't throw him off a bridge.," said Terry wearily.

"Just be sure you allow him to blow it up first," grumbled Actor.

"Demolition?" asked the girl.

"Yes. Among other things," admitted the con man.

"Weeelll, why don't you swap him out for Jacobs from Lt. Johnson's group?"

"Because Jacobs is 'out of commission,' I was told." Garrison watched Actor's mouth slowly curve up in a Cheshire cat grin. "Teresa, I think I love you. You have given me a marvelous idea. Thank you, cara. Stay on this side of the Channel, please. I don't think it will be necessary for you to take such drastic measures. And if I can pull this off, it may take care of the problem. At least for the moment."

Terry's voice was wary. "Okay, caro. You know the phone numbers to here and my flat. Just don't do anything that will get you removed from the group. I would have to hunt you down."

"I will try not to," said Actor. "But it's an interesting thought."


"Good bye. I have to make another call."

The Italian hung up before she could say anything more. Now was the next hurdle . . . Lt. Garrison. The two exchanged looks.

Craig knew that look on his second's face when he was working on a con.


"For the moment, Teresa will work with us as a confidence woman only. I know you do not like to split up the group. However, I think I have a better solution to this mission, perhaps this once."

"What are you going to do?" asked Craig suspiciously.

Actor held his hand out with spread fingers, indicating the Lieutenant Garrison should wait. He looked down, lifted the receiver again and began dialing. Craig sat back in his chair to watch and ease the strain off his hip.

"Yes," said Actor after a moment. "This is Mr. Borghese. I am returning a call to Major Richards." When the major came on, he made a face of concern, fully in character, even if he was unseen. "Major, I am sorry. I am told Teresa is in France."

"Where in France? And who is she with?" demanded the Commando angrily.

"I do not appear to be on a need to know basis," said Actor contritely. He knew Richards was not aware he was Terry's second as well as Garrison's. "Three of us cannot pull this off with any kind of safety for ourselves or the man we are retrieving. However," he interrupted the tirade about to begin. "I have a solution. Albeit a temporary one."

"What kind of solution?" asked Richards warily.

"If Lt. Johnson had a full team, that would be two more people than we would. Our demolitions man has worked well with Lt. Johnson's confidence man, Carter. Casino would not be totally with an unknown team. And perhaps, when he returns from this mission and Teresa returns from her mission, we will have at least a four-man team for further missions. Do you think that is a feasible solution, Sir?"

Garrison had straightened sharply, but was unable to decide if he was against this or just impressed watching a master confidence man at work.

There was silence on the phone as Major Richards digested and analyzed the suggestion. "I was under the impression Lt. Garrison did not want the team split up?" he asked carefully, wanting to see the response.

"Yes, I know," said Actor with a worried voice. "This is an unusual circumstance for us. However, I am sure the decision is yours."

Richards paused again. "I agree it is safer with a full team on a two-fold mission such as this. And, as you said, Casino has worked with Carter before and worked well. However, I must make this clear, this is only for this mission."

"Oh, that is perfectly understood, Major," said Actor with a smile. He glanced at the young officer glaring at him. "And I am sure you would be able to persuade Lt. Garrison of the need for this one-time breech of his protocol."

Richards sighed. "Let me talk to Garrison."

"Of course," said Actor. "A moment, please."

The Italian put his hand over the speaker on the receiver and held it out to the Lieutenant. Garrison slowly reached out . . . and snatched the phone from Actor.

"Major Richards, Lt. Garrison," he said. Craig listened to the long explanation from the major, all the time looking daggers at his second-in-command. Finally, he said, "Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir. It would be safer to have a full team on this mission and Casino has worked with Carter before." He listened. "A four o'clock pick-up would be fine, Sir. Yes, thank you, Sir."

Craig hung up, crossed his arms on his chest, and looked narrowly at a perfectly unconcerned confidence man. "And just what was that? Terry's here. She isn't in France. And I do not like splitting the team."

Actor smiled and clasped his hands, resting them on his uppermost gray flannel-clad thigh. "I believe it is called payback, Warden. And maybe Casino will return more appreciative, shall we say, to work with our team after working with Lt. Johnson's inferior group. Five is safer than three."

"Is Terry coming back?"

"It did not sound like it," replied Actor. "I suppose if she is around and we need a confidence woman, she will come back. We can leave word at the Fox. She checks in with that Gallagher woman." The con man looked Garrison in the eyes. "It would be better if Casino received his orders from you."

"Chicken, Actor?" asked Craig.

"I find prudent to be a better word," clarified the confidence man, trying unsuccessfully this time to look innocent. The crooked grin kept coming through.

Garrison shook his head. "Get Casino and Chief in here."

Actor opened the office door and asked Chief to get Casino, who was in the upstairs common room. Chief eyed the con man with suspicion.

"We goin' on a mission? Just the three of us?" asked the younger man, "Don't look like Terry'll be comin' back." He slipped slowly off the window seat to his feet.

"No, it doesn't look like Teresa is coming back. I will let the Warden explain things," said Actor.

He turned and went back in the office to take a seat at the briefing table. A couple minutes later, Chief and Casino entered. Garrison told them to take a seat at the table. Casino glanced at Actor, who seemed unconcerned.

"There is a mission," said Garrison from his desk chair. "It is two-fold. Get a defecting German out and destroy a bridge on the way back."

"What? Just the four of us?" objected Casino.

"Actually, there are only three of us," said Actor.

Casino looked around. "Where's Sister?"

"She decided to sit this one out, elsewhere," said Craig.

Casino shook his head. "Oh no, Warden, I ain't doing it. Not with just three of us."

"The three of you are not going," continued Garrison. "Lt. Johnson is taking the mission. However, his demolitions man is down. Casino, you are going in his place. There will be five of you."

The cracksman's eyes narrowed. "Just me. Warden, what happened to we don't split the group up?"

"It is Major Richards' call. And it is just this one time."

"Uhn uh, Warden. I ain't doing it. Why just me. Why aren't Beautiful and Chief going?" Casino was smelling something that wasn't right.

"Because there are five men, with you. Carter is there so there is no need for another confidence man. And they have a wheelman. The only thing they are missing is a demolitions man and you take pleasure in blowing up bridges."

Casino shook his head. "Not doin' it."

Garrison face took on the stern, bulldog look they were all familiar with. "A car is picking you up in forty-five minutes, and you are going. Now get your things together."

The safecracker pushed himself to his feet and glared at Actor. "You did this, didn't you?" he accused the con man.

"It came from Major Richards," repeated Garrison with a steely voice. "Now get your things together. You don't have a say in the matter."

Casino sneered at the Lieutenant. "Yeah, well maybe I'll stay with Johnson's group and you crumbs can have Jacobs."

"I doubt Major Richards will agree to that. It's one mission only. Now move it!" ordered Garrison.

Casino glared at the seated officer. Craig returned his look steadily. Finally, the safecracker backed down. "Yeah, well, maybe it'll be good to get away from you guys." He turned and stomped out of the office and up the stairs.

"It'll be quiet anyway," said Chief, sticking a matchstick between his lips. He strolled back out to the window.

Actor followed him out but went to the telephone by the stairs instead. Pulling his little black book from an inside jacket pocket, he thumbed through the pages, studied a number, picked up the receiver and dialed the number. He waited patiently and smiled when the other end was picked up.

"Ah, just the person I wished to speak to," Actor said quietly. "Would you perhaps like to pay a visit to your sister and get out of London for a bit?"

"Why?" asked Christine, with distrust.

"Oh, I thought a bit of fraternization might be welcome."

"What?" asked the girl in confusion. "With Terry?"

"Well, that wasn't quite who I had in mind."

"What are you trying to pull now, Actor?" asked the girl with a touch of humor.

"My, aren't you suspicious," Actor clicked his tongue.

"Of you, yes."

"It is nothing you will not enjoy," assured the confidence man.

"Am I going to get in trouble over this?"

"Only if you want to," smiled Actor.

"Okay, how soon?"

"As soon as you can. We'll meet you at the Fox later this evening."

"We, huh," said Chris, catching on.

"Christine, your sister is young enough as it is. You are way too young for me." He smiled. "Later."


Actor hung up the phone just in time as Goniff came slowly down the stairs. The blond man had his arm tucked against his ribs in support and the other hand skimmed down the bannister. He looked down at Actor.

"Do you need assistance, Goniff?" asked the con man solicitously.

"No, I'm doin' okay, Mate," replied the pickpocket with a tight voice that belied the words.

Actor did not offer assistance again but did take his time moving away from the telephone and walked beside Goniff as he made his way to the chair closest to the window. The Italian watched Goniff try to ease down into the large cushioned seat. He would not be getting back up without help. Actor sat down in what was his chair, and lit a cigarette.

"So, wot bug has Casino got up 'is arse now?" asked the blonde. "'E went stormin' to his room cussing his 'ead off."

Actor exchanged an amused grin with Chief. The Indian went back to watching out the window for the pick-up vehicle. Actor lit a cigarette before answering.

"It seems there is a mission," explained the confidence man. "It would have required at least four of us. Teresa decided she did not wish to participate in this one and left. The Army gave the mission to Lt. Johnson, but it requires use of explosives and his demolitions man is down."

Goniff tried to figure this one out. "Wot? The three of you going with Lt. Johnson?" he asked.

"No," replied Actor non-chalantly. "Just Casino."

"They're splittin' up the team?" asked Goniff in surprise.

"It would appear so," was the Italian's unconcerned response.

He glanced toward the younger man at the window and saw what could have been the reflection of grin in one of the diamond panes.

"No wonder 'e's mad." Goniff shook his head in disbelief.

A half hour later, Chief called out to Garrison. "Warden, there's a car here."

A few seconds later, the Lieutenant appeared at the open door to his office, leaning against the jamb to cover the fact he walked from his desk to the doorway without his cane.

"Casino, get down here,' Garrison called loudly. "Your ride is here."

Even down there in the common room, they could hear the stomping of heavy feet as the man came down the hall and descended the stairs. Casino paused partway down and gave the Italian a glaring look.

"I get back, I'll get even with you for this. I know you did it," he groused to the con man.

Actor shook his head. "I don't know why you seem to think everything that happens to you is my fault."

"'Cuz it usually is," snarled the safecracker.

"Really Casino," said Actor with a feigned air of being unjustly accused. "I had nothing to do with Lt. Johnson's man, Jacobs, being under the weather."

Casino stormed the rest of the way down the stairs. "I'm gonna get you. One way or another I'm gonna get you, you high and mighty . . ."

He started toward the con man.

"Casino, get going," ordered Garrison. "You're car's waiting."

The safecracker turned to find Garrison's steely-eyed glare aimed at him.

"Now, Casino."

The angry man turned toward the door, flinging the duffle bag in his hand over his shoulder. He stopped once more at the door and gave Actor another hard look.

"I'll be back and I will get your for this," he promised.

"Out!" ordered Garrison firmly.

Casino stormed out the door, yanking it shut with a loud bang.

Actor shook his head. "I'm innocent," he said, not for the first time.

Goniff's blue eyes turned to the con man in amusement. "Bloody 'ell, Mate. You never been innocent a day in yer life now, 'ave you?"

Actor picked up a newspaper from the ottoman and snapped it open to hide the smile on his face.