Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Equestria Girls, or any of its characters. All rights go to Lauren Faust (the creator of this generation's MLP) and Hasbro.
Summary: Set during Rainbow Rocks, Sunset Shimmer notices a girl sitting alone in the cafeteria just before the Dazzlings give the shove to start a Battle of the Bands at Canterlot High. Sunset invites her over to sit with her and her friends. Could this be the best thing to happen to Sunset since she's reformed?
As for the other Sunset Shimmer, I'm going with the popular theory that she lives somewhere else, or she somehow disappeared (not murdered by our Sunset...not even in her evil form, our Sunset wouldn't hurt Spike, so she wouldn't hurt the other Sunset).
Chapter 1
Sunset Shimmer sits down in the cafeteria next to Applejack after showing the new girls – Adagio, Sonata and Aria – around the school.
"So how was the tour?" Applejack asks.
"I don't know. I mean, these girls, they were…There was something off about them."
"Like, off like this? Or off like this? Or…Oh, oh! Like –" Pinkie Pie, while speaking, proceeds to put her hair over her face like a moustache and beard then puts two carrots into her mouth and lettuce for eyebrows.
"Maybe we should just let her tell us." Rainbow Dash, stopping her friend.
"That's just it. I can't put my finger on it. They just acted sort of…strange around me. Maybe someone already talked to them. Told them about what I did...So much for making a good first impression." Sunset says.
"Uh-huh…Oh, that's probably not it." Fluttershy says after the others look at her.
"Hey, Sunset. Who's that girl alone at the table behind us?" Rainbow Dash asks. Sunset looks behind her and sees a girl with brown hair, glasses, hazel eyes, fair skin and is eating her spaghetti.
"I don't know. I haven't really noticed her here before. I'm gonna go over and see if she wants to sit with us." Sunset says, getting up and going over to the girl's table.
"Uh, hi." Sunset says, sitting down in the seat across from the girl.
"Hey." The girl says.
"My friends and I saw you sitting over here alone and I was wondering if maybe you'd want to join us. Are you new here?"
"Yep. I transferred from a private school a few states away a few weeks ago. I didn't have any friends there either, so I'm used to sitting alone."
"I'm Sunset Shimmer. You seem a bit quiet and shy. Like my friend Fluttershy over there. But there's nothing wrong with that. Do you wanna tell me your name?"
"It's Becky. Becky Rollins."
"Becky Rollins. Pretty name."
"Thanks. Do you need to go back to your friends?"
"Not anytime soon, unless you wanna sit with us. Do you wanna sit with us? I'd hate for you to be sitting alone."
Becky shrugs her shoulders.
"What have I got to lose?"
"That's the spirit. Come on." Becky gets up and smiles at Sunset.
"You've got such a beautiful smile, Becky. I'll introduce you to my friends." Becky grabs her lunch and her stuff and follows Sunset to her table, sitting down next to her.
"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie says.
"I'm Becky…Becky Rollins."
"You're new to Canterlot High, aren'tcha?" Pinkie Pie says.
"Uh, yeah. I transferred a few weeks ago." Becky says.
"Darling, that top of yours is gorgeous. Wherever did you get it?" Rarity asks.
"Carousel Boutique. I'd love to meet the designer someday." Becky says.
"Well, look no further, Becky! Rarity here is one of the best designers in the city." Applejack says.
"Thank you, Rarity, for designing this top."
"You're quite welcome."
"So, Becky. What do you like to do?" Sunset asks.
"I like to cook. And bake. I make really good mini apple pies and chocolate chip cookies. Well, according to my family, at least."
"I've been told I make really good strawberry milk whoopie pies."
"Cool. We should swap recipes sometime."
"Sounds good."
The other girls start talking about other things, and Sunset turns to Becky.
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Sunset asks.
"You really get down to the deep questions, don't you, Sunset?"
"It's my style."
"Well, to answer your question, no. I don't have a boyfriend. Haven't had one since my sophomore years a year ago."
"So you're a junior like the rest of us?"
"Yep. Anyway, I'm actually an asexual lesbian, but I'm more into girls." Becky says.
"I'm an asexual biromantic myself. But, like you, I'm also more into girls."
"Wow. Small world. My mother is extremely homophobic and neither of my parents knows."
"It really is a small world. I was in the same situation. I actually live on my own. I...it's a long story. I won't bore you with the details."
"Fine by me. I live with my parents, and I'd personally want to be in a stable relationship before coming out."
"If you and I work out, I'd be okay with that."
"You and I?"
"Right...sorry...if you and I would want to be together that is. So...are you single?" Sunset asks, blushing a bit.
"I am. Are you?"
"I am. Do you wanna maybe get to know each other and see where it goes from there?" Sunset asks.
"I'd like that, Sunset. Thank you." Becky says.
"You're welcome, Becky." The two girls rejoin their friends and sit in silence as Adagio, Sonata and Aria come into the cafeteria, starting to sing about how the students should have a battle of the bands instead of a musical showcase.