What if Jahad never loved Arlene?

Jue Viole Graces long black hair was swaying in a long ponytail, he held his hair just like his father. His dark gray robes were decorated with the one red and black eye that was the mark of the Grace family. His left ear was decorated with tree red earnings he had gotten from his mother. His honey golden eyes swayed over the land, he couldn't believe it, he was finally climbing the tower. He had wished for this for a long time. Ever since he had left the 43 floor as a kid, to go to the outer tower.

Suddenly the big lighthouse started talking, «one two one two mike test», the lighthouse said. Viole excitedly looked up at the lighthouse, the first test was about to begin. «The first test is easy, there are 400 regular in this area, narrow them down to 200», the lighthouse declared. A killing match huh, Viole thought to himself.He did not want to kill people so he decided to sit back and let the others do the killing. He had put the black march in his inventory already before the test started and he didn't need it now either. On his pocket he saw the number of people quickly falling. Suddenly Viole saw a shadow looming over him. He looked up and almost got blended by the pure white person above him looking down on him there he sat in the high grass. Her piercingly white eyes stared down at him with a hunger for fighting and killing. She wore a short bright white dress which ended at her knees her dress was decorated by blood splatters of the other regulars she had killed. Her shoulder long white hair almost glimmered silver. Her skin was unnaturally white, too white for her not to be from the Arie family Viole thought.

The Arie stretched out her hand and a sword materialized out of thin air. «Lets fight», she said menacingly. «Arms inventory visible mode», he commanded and the arms inventory became visible. He had only the black march in his inventory but this one needle was enough for him.

[the black march is part of the thirteen month series weapons that are in possession of the thirteen great family leaders]. The Arie charged at Viole, swinging her sword. «Ignition!» Viole commanded igniting the black march. A beam of white light shined around his needle and shoot in multiple directions. White lightning lighted up around Viole as he charged at the Arie who was quick to block. The Arie picked up some speed before she jumped over Viole in the blink of an eye. He did not even notice her before she was right behind him. She slashed at him with her sword. Viole tried to dodge but got hit by the Aries sword that now had left a deep wound in his right arm. The Arie charged again swinging her sword at him. Suddenly it seemed like there were tree swords coming at him at once. Viole blocked two and dodged the other. Now quickly before the Arie got the chance to charge again he attacked her with the black march. Because he was only able to use one arm and because of the imense pain and blood loss he was not able to land a clean hit so Viole decided to run, he couldn't beat an Arie in close combat. A trail of blood followed him as he sprinted through the high grass. He looked over his shoulder and the Arie was just standing there looking after him. After some time he couldn't see her anymore so he sat down on the ground and started treating his wound with shinsu. It soon after stopped bleeding.

He felt eyes glaring at him and as he turned around he saw a girl about his age siting in the grass glaring daggers. She had long red hair and a dark blue dress decorated with flowers and frills. «What?», Viole asked, worried he might have done something wrong. «What are you sitting in my sun for», the girl asked. Her light brown eyes looked as if they were from the Poe Bidau family but her artier and hair seemed as if she was from the Eurasia family «Sorry», Viole mumbled as he moved away so she no longer was siting in his shadows. As soon as he did that the girl fell back to the ground holding both arms under her head and was fast asleep. Eurasia alright, Viole thought to himself wondering what a great coincidence it was that the first two people he meet were from the thirteen great family's. Viole was outgoing and extroverted from nature, he loved getting new friends so it was a shame that the Arie only had wanted to fight and the Euresia girl was fast asleep.

Suddenly the lighthouse started talking again. «da da da da, dear regulars, the first test is now over and the second test starts now, make a team of tree in five minutes. To be counted as a team, you have to be in physical contact whit each other, you can see the remaining time on your pockets», the lighthouse said. Viole was dumbfounded for a few seconds. «What are you standing there for, hurry and get another teammate for our group», the Eurasia said. Viole looked around. Then he jumped straight upwards so that he could see better. He saw a lonely regular nearby and as he landed he hurried over to where he was. He saw a high muscular young man, maybe a little older that Viole himself. He had light brown hair and gray almost black eyes. In his hand he held a sword. He was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans. Over the t-shirt he was wearing a dark blue almost black west decorated with green. His shoes were stuck in to small shoes that also seemed to be really worn out. Even though he looked muscular his face looked weak as if he hadn't eaten in a long time. «Hi, I am Jue Viole Grace, do you want to join my team?» Viole introduced himself. «My name is Ciel and I would really appreciate if I could join your team but don't we need tree teammates», Ciel said. «Follow me», Viole said as he started running back to where he had left the Eurasia girl, Ciel followed behind him.

The tree of them formed a team and where transported away to the next area. As they were waiting for the next test Viole introduced himself to his third teammate, the Eurasia girl. «Hi Eurasia girl, my name is Viole, whats yours, it gets boring calling you Eurasia girl». «Enne», the Eurasia girl sighed as she went back to sleeping. «Ciel, this is Enne, Enne this is Ciel», he tried introducing them to each other but neither of them cared.

«Hey, Grace whatever your name is, why would you run like a coward?», he sudenly heard a voice say behind him he turned around to see the Arie girl from before. «My name is Jue, but I usualy go by my second last name, Viole which is my fathers name», Viole told her. «I am Hagipherione, but that was not what I asked about», she said. «I wasn't running like a coward but like a person whit his brain intact», Viole answered her question. «What is the difference?» Hagipherione asked.