AN- I wrote this years ago on a different website and I'm reposting/ re-editing it for Fanfiction. This takes place after The last Olympian. So far none of the Heroes of Olympus have happened (because I wrote this long before those books existed). In my perfect little fanfic world, Percy and Annabeth are in Paul's class for their junior year. I own nothing. I might turn this into a series, I don't know yet.

Paul Blofis smiled as the bell rang and new students filed in. It had been a long day and he knew the students were as eager for the day to be over as he was, at least this was the last class. He caught the eye of Percy and Annabeth and then smiled. He was relieved his 'string-pulling' allowed them to have his class together. "I'm Mr. Blofis...not Mr. Blowfish" he grinned at Percy who tried to hide his smirk. "Though it's a common mistake. Or just plain Mr. B, if you'd rather." That was what he'd prefer, but he knew how opinionated teenagers were. "Now, I know you're all sick of this but since it is the first day after summer vacation... We're going to go around the room and talk about one thing we did this summer." He shrugged as the class collectively groaned "Hey, we can write essays instead..." he smiled when the class quieted down.

Percy turned to Annabeth "Remind me again, Wise girl..." He whispered under his breath as she shushed him.

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain... I'm trying to focus..."

"On what?" Percy laughed "First day..."

Annabeth smirked, as she surveyed their classmates "Does anyone look scared to you?"

"First day, they're all scared" Percy laughed and whispered back, trying to see what she was doodling.

"No. Not 'oh my gods, I hope I don't trip in the lunchroom' scared... 'I just saw a monster' scared..." She whispered. With how busy Camp had been, she expected there would be some new faces in school.

Paul looked towards the blonde girl and dark-haired boy. He'd been watching them for a few minutes and figured it was something to do with camp. "Problem?" He asked. He thought he'd said it quietly enough, but he realized a little too late that he just turned the classes' attention on to them. Both teens shook their heads. Paul smiled "Good... As I was saying... Go around the room and say one thing you did this summer. Since we left off with Mike... We'll start with Sarah." He gestured to a girl wearing a pink dress and a matching headband.

"I went to Mount St. Helens" she said proudly.

"Did it earn her a kiss?" Percy whispered to Annabeth and she lightly shushed him with a shove to the ribs.

Paul nodded and smiled. "Interesting. Hopefully you learned a lot... Annabeth, what about you? How was your summer?"

The blonde smiled and grinned. She glanced towards Percy and said "My summer was pretty... Normal..." She shrugged, ignoring the panicked look in Paul's eyes. "Oh, that's right. I got a job working at the Empire State Building" she smiled. "A junior architect..." Not that she could tell the mortals what her job actually entailed.

"Boring!" A loud boy said from the front of the classroom. His buddies all laughed. Annabeth's grey eyes looked stormy as she studied the boy. "Why would you ever want to do that?"

Paul spoke up, not sure if that boy just doomed himself to a knife attack "I think it's a good experience. Especially at the Empire State Building... Annabeth could learn a lot. I'm sure lots of you guys have jobs. Maybe get some work experience, huh? Percy, what about you?"

"Huh?... Sorry... What was the question?" He asked. He'd been thinking about some of the new cabins at camp.

"How was your summer?" His stepfather asked and Percy grinned devilishly. "Anything exciting?" Paul gave a Percy a look that clearly said 'tone it waaaaay down'

"All in all, ... It was..." He shrugged. He couldn't very well tell mortals what happened, could he? He grinned "I turned sixteen" he said, and Annabeth snorted.

"Big deal!" "Did you get a car?" Came questions and comments from the class.

Percy grinned "No car... Yet... But I did get a girlfriend. And she is by far my best birthday present" he grinned and Annabeth blushed. As expected, the class added their opinions to that.

"All right, all right... Settle down... We've got a little bit of time left today so I want you to start making some notes about what you will be reading this year..." Paul said.

"Hey, Jackson! You got a pen?" Steven asked from behind Percy. "I left mine in Anglin's Math..."

Percy nodded and absentmindedly reached into his pocket. Annabeth watched the interaction and coughed, loudly, to get his attention. It was not just any pen. "Wait! No!" Percy yelled "Not that one!" He said realizing if his mortal classmate uncapped Riptide he could get in serious trouble with his parents... Or worse... he'd get detention.

"What's the commotion in the back?" Paul asked, inwardly sighing when he realized Annabeth and Percy were at the center of it.

"Nothing!" Percy said quickly "My pen's... Out of ink? Yeah! My pen's out of ink!" He was proud of himself for coming up with an excuse. He glanced towards Annabeth who wasn't smiling. He stuck out his tongue in response.

He didn't even know if Riptide could even be an actual pen, but he figured today would not be the day to find out.

Paul gave the three a look and sighed "Hopefully tomorrow you'll have a better writing utensil?" The boy nodded and Paul smiled. He made a mental note to ask about it later. He was still trying to adjust to this new world.

"What about you, Mr. B?" Kieran asked, "What'd you do this summer?"

The teacher glanced towards the back of the room and Percy watched, highly amused. Paul smiled "I-I got married..." He said with a smile and Percy grinned. Half the class made kissy noises and joked about their teacher's home life while the other half laughed. "All I'm going to say is she is a great woman and I'm very happy. Well, looks like the bell will ring any minute..." Paul said as the school day ended. "Tomorrow please read up to Chapter 3!" He said as nearly everyone packed their things to go.

Percy smirked at Annabeth's gentle teasing as they hung out in the classroom. Paul finished with straightening up the board for tomorrow. Once all the other students left, he turned to them "You've got that, 'I am guilty' look..."

"Were you really going to give him Riptide? Maybe you really do have kelp for brains" she laughed.

Paul glanced at Percy as the boy sighed dramatically "I almost gave that kid a sword... But would that have done anything? He's probably mortal?"

"Probably..." Annabeth shrugged "It'd probably destroy the desk..."

"How?! He's mortal!" Percy asked, shaking his head.

Paul looked at them "Your mom said you had a sword... You actually do?"

Percy grinned and spun Riptide (the pen) on his fingers. "Sure do... This baby has killed many monsters." He laughed. "You wanna see?"

Paul shook his head "Well... No weapons in the classroom. Keep it a pen, okay?"

"Hey! Annabeth has a knife!" Percy defended as his girlfriend groaned. "and you can actually see it!"

"That's different! My knife is only a knife!" Annabeth protested. She wasn't ready to explain to Paul the role her knife had played this summer.

Paul nodded though he really didn't get it. He laughed "So how'd I do?" He figured they'd both had plenty of first days at many different schools.

Annabeth gave him a thumbs up and Percy smirked "Not bad... But all the teachers do ice breakers..." He sighed "Next time... Do something more entertaining?"

"What? Like a dance?" Annabeth snorted as Percy laughed

Paul chuckled "And do you want to walk home?"

Annabeth laughed "He does! I don't!" Paul grinned as Percy frowned.

"Hey wait!" He said, stuffing his things in his backpack in order to not get left behind as Paul and Annabeth left the classroom.

"Now when you said normal?" Paul asked Annabeth who laughed "What exactly..."

"Wait!" Percy said, running to catch up to them. "I really don't want to walk!"