Hi everyone and welcome to my first multi chapter fic and something different from my one shot last year

This story will primarily focus on my OC and his journey throughout Sinnoh and Unova, loosely following the D+P anime through Sinnoh.

Some Notes before we start:

Pokémon can learn a maximum of 8 moves at once - only fully evolved Pokémon and certain others (i.e. Ash's Pikachu) will know 8 moves,

Most people are aware of mega evolution but very few people actually have mega stones

Gym leaders can scale their teams to a challengers experience and the number of gym badges collected as trainers can challenge the gyms in any order.

I'm not the most disciplined of writers so I can't promise a regular posting schedule, and with me following the anime to an extent it might take a while between chapters. At the time of posting Chapter 1, I'm currently about a quarter of the way through chapter 3, so hopefully I'll keep on top of things

But with all that said, I hope this turns out ok and not like a steaming pile of shi...take mushrooms ;)

Also if you have any suggestions for side characters and/or Pokémon for the main characters (Matt my OC, Ash, Dawn, maybe Brock) to capture, leave a review or send a message, just give me a reason to go with it. I already have some ideas but I'm open to more.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Pokémon franchise (even though I wish I did), all I own are my OCs

/raids/espeon-raid-guide/ (The website where I got the image for the story)



"Pokémon Moves" (let me know if you want me to keep it like this for future battles or not)

"Pokespeech/telepathic communication"


Chapter 1: Highs and Lows

Snowpoint Gym, Snowpoint City, Sinnoh

Matt Fuuro let out a small shiver, which was partially because of the adrenaline and partly because of the blast of icy air that hit him as he opened the doors to the gym, drawing the attention of the two occupants inside. As he approached them he took in his surroundings, especially the battle field, which was a thick layer of ice with a small number of icy rocks jutting out across the field. He was thankful he had spent time with his Pokémon making sure they were not going to be impeded in their movement because of the field. Regaining focus, he quickly turned his attention back towards the two people standing in the centre of the field, the woman on the left he quickly identified as Candice, the gym leader of the Snowpoint gym who was wearing a white shirt and brown skirt, with her hair tied up in her signature look and the man on the right was an older gentleman, but was dressed in the official outfit of a Pokémon referee.

He eventually came to a stop, a few metres away from the two and gave a small bow to them both.

"Good afternoon, my name is Matt Fuuro and I am here for a gym battle," he explained.

"I guessed," Candice replied a moment later, a small smirk on her face before it turned into a thoughtful frown, "Fuuro," she mused, "I recognise that name from somewhere."

"Probably from my older sister Skyla, the Mistralton gym leader from back in Unova," Matt replied easily.

Candice clicked her fingers in recognition, "Aha, now I remember, she mentioned a brother that was helping out at her gym at the last leader conference. I'm surprised you're not taking on the Unova gyms first." she commented.

"I wanted to gain some experience first, so I travelled around Unova for a few months before heading here since the Vertress conference was only a week away by the time I finished."

"Makes sense I guess, now how many gym badges do you have?" Candice asked.

"Seven, so only one more to go," he responded.

"Seven already, goodness you work quick," she exclaimed in mild shock.

Matt scratched his arm sheepishly, "Yeah, at least I have plenty of time to travel and train before the Lily of the Valley Conference, rather than scramble with just a few weeks of proper training beforehand." he explained.

"Alrighty then so that means I can go all out," Candice said with a wide grin on her face, "does a 4v4 battle sound good to you?"

"Perfect," Matt replied, a wry grin also appearing on his face.

"Excellent," she exclaimed, before turning to the referee, "Is everything set up to go Graham?"

"All set Candice," the now identified Graham replied, "if the both of you would like to take your positions, we'll start right away."

"Alrighty, best of luck to you Matt," Candice said as she turned and walked to her side of the field.

"You too," Matt responded with a grin, as he did the same, fingering the small pokeball necklace around his neck as he walked.

When they were both in position, Graham stepped forward from his position at the raised platform at the side of the field.

"May I have your attention," he shouted, "this is an official Snowpoint gym battle between the challenger Matt from Mistralton City and the gym leader Candice from Snowpoint City. Four Pokémon can be used for each side. The challenge will be completed when all four of one sides Pokémon are unable to battle. Furthermore, only the challenger may exchange Pokémon during the battle.

"Let's do this!" Candice exclaimed, clearly psyched up, "Froslass!" as she threw her pokeball into the air, releasing Froslass, an Ice/Ghost dual type that looked humanoid in appearance but floated above the ground.

Matt let out a deep breath, a calm yet quietly confident grin on his face.

"Alright then, let's go Milotic," he exclaimed, throwing his own ball into the air, the Tender Pokémon coming forth with a beautiful cry.

Matt and Candice stared each other down for a moment as they both prepared for a tough battle.

"Milotic vs Froslass, let the challenge begin," Graham shouted.

"Milotic, Water Pulse," Matt ordered quickly, Milotic reacting to his shout immediately, letting the burst of water loose with a cry.

"Counter with Shadow Ball Froslass," Candice responded.

"Fros" Froslass acknowledged and quickly charged up the ghostly energy before firing it directly at the oncoming water, meeting it in the middle in a beautiful explosion.

"Use Thunderbolt Froslass," Candice commanded as soon as the attacks made contact with each other, making Matt's eyes widen in alarm as the Snow Land Pokémon raised it arms up and with a cry of "Laass" released the powerful electric attack into the air, arcing down directly towards Milotic.

"Crap, Milotic Protect," Matt ordered hastily, knowing that a thunderbolt like that would hurt immensely.

"Mii" Milotic cried out as her eyes glowed, the green barrier appearing around her just in time as the Thunderbolt impacted it just seconds later, the barrier just doing enough to stop it.

"Don't let up Froslass, Shadow Ball again," Candice shouted, seeing Milotic breathing heavily as the Protect faded. Froslass gave a cry of agreement, charging up another ball of ghostly energy and releasing it straight towards Milotic.

Matt's eyes lit up as he saw a chance for one of his strategies to pay off as Froslass had, unaware to all, moved slightly closer to Milotic as the battle progressed.

"Milotic slide forward and duck under it," he ordered gleefully, causing Candice's eyes to narrow in suspicion.

Milotic did as instructed, using the icy ground to slide herself forward and then as the shadow ball was directly in front of her, she flattened herself against the surface, letting the attack sail over her harmlessly all the while continuing her momentum towards Froslass.

"Now spin and use Iron Tail," he shouted triumphantly, making Candice's eyes shoot open in alarm.

"Froslass dodge," she yelled urgently, but to no avail, as Milotic's momentum was too much as she quickly drew back her tail as she was still sliding, it glowing bright silver, and brought it down on Froslass before she had the chance to move an inch.

"Frooosss," Froslass yelled in pain as the super effective attack hit home, sending her crashing down into the ground.

"Don't let up Milotic, use Scald," Matt ordered.

"Miii" Milotic cried as she charged up the attack, Froslass still struggling to regain its bearings from the Iron Tail, "Looo!" as the stream of hot water was sent down towards Froslass who couldn't do anything but let it hit, creating a cloud of steam as the water melted parts of the ice.

"Froslass!" Candice cried, her voice full of concern as the steam started to clear, revealing Milotic standing tall above Froslass, who was clearly unconscious with swirls in her eyes.

"Froslass is unable to battle, Milotic is the winner," Graham declared, "leader Candice, please send out your next Pokemon."

"That was a very good strategy Matt," Candice commented as she recalled Froslass,

"Thanks, it's something I've been working on with Milotic for the last few days in preparation," Matt replied, happy that the training had paid off.

"I hope you have some more of those up your sleeve as it's time to ramp it up," Candice exclaimed, "Glaceon let's go!"

The ice type eeveelution emerged gracefully from his pokeball, staring down Milotic as he landed.


"Hmm," Matt mused, "Milotic return," he said, returning his water type to her ball, "good job, I'll be counting on you again if it comes to it."

"All right Aipom, let's do this," he shouted, throwing his second ball into the air, releasing the monkey Pokémon, chittering excitedly.

"Aipom vs Glaceon, begin!" Graham shouted.

"Aipom, Swift," Matt commanded quickly.

"Ai pom pom" Aipom chattered, swinging in tail in an arc, releasing the glowing stars that went soaring towards Glaceon at breakneck speeds.

Candice just smirked, something that unnerved Matt slightly, "Glaceon, use Mirror Coat then follow it up with Ice Shard," she shouted.

"Glacee!" Glaceon exclaimed, glowing brightly as the stars from Aipom's swift collided, bouncing them back even faster than before. But to make matters worse, As soon as he dropped the coat, he opened his mouth and released a torrent of spiky shards of ice, which closely followed the reflected swift.

"Aipom dodge quickly," Matt yelled, knowing that the combination of attacks could put Aipom almost out of commission. Unfortunately for Aipom, the attacks were coming too fast to properly dodge, and she caught the full brunt of the ice shards, sending her flying into the side of the arena with a heavy SLAM.

"Aipa!" Aipom cried out in pain, falling heavily to the ground.

"Finish it with Iron Tail Glaceon," Candice shouted.

Glaceon was already running forward as Candice was still issuing her command, her glowing bright silver, all the while Aipom was still struggling to regain her footing.

"Aipom, block it with Fury Swipes," Matt ordered, praying that she could get back up in time.

"Aipa!" Aipom screeched, her paws glowing white, as she regained her footing just as Glaceon jumped and was bringing his tail down. Aipom managed to catch the tail in between her paws, but was struggling to hold it off.

"Send it flying with Focus Punch!" Matt shouted, knowing Aipom couldn't hold it for much longer.

"Icy Wind," Candice responded.

Aipom tried to bring her tail around to swat away Glaceon, but the Fresh Snow Pokemon countered with a blast of icy air that slowed Aipoms tail to a near halt.

"Come on Aipom power through, I know you can do it," Matt cried.

"AIPOOMMMM!" Aipom screeched, and despite the ice that had started to encase her tail, she powered through, but not with Focus Punch.

Aipoms Tail crashed into Glaceons side twice in quick succession, sending Glaceon flying back several feet, and when he came to a stop, Aipom started glowing brightly as her form began to grow, making Matt grin in excitement and Candice frown in slight annoyance.

"Ambi Ambi," the newly evolved Ambipom chittered excitedly, but Matt could see that she was at her limit, but so was Glaceon.

"Alright Ambipom, let's finish this with Focus Punch," Matt ordered.

"Counter with Iron Tail again Glaceon," Candice commanded.

Ambipom and Glaceon charged forward, both their tails glowing brightly, and as they collided, a large shock wave erupted from where they made contact, sending a plume of smoke billowing into the air, blinding both Matt and Candice.

When the smoke cleared both Ambipom and Glaceon were still standing on wobbly legs, but then, after a couple of seconds, they gave each other a nod of respect, before they both fell to the floor with swirls in their eyes.

"Both Ambipom and Glaceon are unable to battle, both trainers please send out your next Pokémon," Graham shouted.

Matt let out a content sigh as he recalled Ambipom, "I'm proud of you Ambipom, now you get some good rest," the ball shaking slightly as Ambipom heard her trainers' thanks.

"Well this is turning out to be a good battle Matt, but it's time to shake it up a bit," Candice called out, causing Matt to cock his head slightly.

"Let's roll Medicham," she shouted, as she threw her third poke all up, revealing the dual fighting/psychic type.

"Interesting," Matt muttered to himself, "Galvantula let's do this," he said, releasing his third Pokémon and first capture from Unova.

"Ahh an Unovan native," Candice said, "a bug and electric type if I'm not mistaken?" she asked, getting a nod in return from Matt.

"Well in that case, Medicham, start this off with Fire Punch," she ordered.

Medicham's arm became encased in a fiery glow as it shot off towards the EleSpider Pokémon in a flash, but Matt wasn't concerned, he had a feeling Medicham would know this for bug types that it may encounter.

"Wait for it to come closer Galvantula," Matt instructed calmly, making Candice's eyes narrow slightly.

"Now slide left and use Sticky Web," he commanded when Medicham was only a few feet away.

"Gal," Galvantula said, sliding effortlessly across the ice, easily dodging the charging Medicham, and as he passed, he released the web, wrapping the Meditate Pokémon tightly in a cocoon of webbing.

"Medi cham cham!" Medicham cried out, struggling to escape from it's prison with little success.

"Medicham, try to break out with Fire Punch," Candice cried out.

"Don't give it the chance, use Bug Buzz," Matt commanded.

Medicham's arm once again caught fire as it tried even harder to escape, but before it had the chance to properly try, Galvantula launched the powerful bug type attack, which Medicham was powerless to block, sending it flying across the arena, which did major damage, but had the side effect of removing the remainder of the Sticky Web.

"Don't let up, Bug Bite," Matt ordered, pressing his advantage.

"Stop it with Confusion Medicham," Candice cried desperately.

Galvantula set off at remarkable speeds for being on ice, but unfortunately Medicham had heard the order in the nick of time, as it's eyes started glowing and Galvantula was brought to a screeching halt, before being lifted several feet into the air.

"It's struggling Galvantula, finish it off with Discharge," Matt said, seeing the strain that Medicham was under to keep Galvantula in place.

"Gaaalll," Galvantula said, as its body started sparking as it charged up the powerful electric attack, "Vantulaaaa!" it roared as it released it, giving Medicham no time to dodge as it was sent flying into the wall with a loud THUD.

"Medicham is unable to battle," Graham shouted, seeing Medicham embedded in the side of the arena, clearly unconscious, "gym leader Candice, please send out your last Pokémon."

"Wait," Matt called out, "I'm forfeiting Galvantula," he said, seeing that his EleSpider was panting heavily, the Confusion attack, the power of the Discharge and the fall when he was released from the psychic hold clearly taking a lot out of him.

"Gal Gal," Galvantula protested weakly, turning to face his trainer.

"It's alright Galvantula, you don't have to pretend for my sake," Matt replied with a small smile on his face, "you were brilliant but I don't want you to hurt yourself unnecessarily," he explained, which caused Galvantula to relent.

"Very well," Graham said as Matt recalled Galvantula, "Matt has forfeited his Galvantula, please send out your next Pokémon."

"It's been a while since he got a proper challenge," Candice called out, "Abomasnow let's go," she yelled, releasing the behemoth of a Pokémon, who let out a fearsome roar as he took to the field.

"In that case I better give him a good challenge," Matt said with a smirk, "It's your turn girl," he exclaimed, throwing out his final pokeball.


The light died down revealing Matt's Espeon standing in front of him, staring down Candice's Abomasnow.

"That's an impressive looking Espeon Matt," Candice commented.

"Thanks, I rescued her as an Eevee nearly seven years ago and she's stuck by me ever since," Matt replied with a smile towards his starter, "she normally travels next to me, but wanted a break from the cold," he explained with a shrug.

"In that case, let's bring the temperature down," Candice said with a confident smirk, "Abomasnow, use Blizzard," she shouted.

"SNOWWWWWWW!" Abomasnow roared, releasing the snowstorm directly towards Espeon.

"Protect," Matt ordered immediately.

"Espee!" Espeon cried as the gem on her head glowed, the protective barrier forming around her, as the powerful Blizzard crashed into it a few seconds later, but Espeon didn't flinch, the protect doing it's job perfectly.

Candice's eyes widened slightly, 'I've never seen a Protect hold up that well from one of Abomasnow's Blizzards,' she thought to herself, before a wide grin broke out on her face, "Abomasnow, Razor Leaf," she ordered.

With another loud roar, Abomasnow, sent the barrage of sharp leaves hurtling towards the Sun Pokemon, but Matt wasn't worried.

"Send 'em back with Psychic," he calmly stated.

The leaves that were approaching Espeon stopped in their tracks as her eyes glowed pink, the leaves being encompassed in that same pink energy, before shooting back towards Abomasnow who could do nothing but let them hit, which he wasn't happy about judging from his latest roar, which was even louder than those previous.

"Lets change this up, use Hail," Candice shouted, feeding of Abomasnows anger slightly.

Abomasnow planted his front legs into the ground and let out another loud roar, and the calmness of their surroundings changed in an instant, when a large hailstorm came down upon the battlefield, nearly obscuring Matt's view of the battle.

'Clever strategy' Matt thought, as he observed the change in scenery. Most trainers would be panicking now with the noise being made by the hailstorm, but he and Espeon had been together for so long that they had developed a bond between them that could allow them to communicate telepathically with each other.

"Abomasnow use Wood Hammer, now they can't see!" Candice exclaimed gleefully, clearly thinking they had the upper hand.

Matt let out a smirk at this, "Espeon, wait till the last second then use Protect again, then as soon as Abomasnow makes contact, send it flying with Psybeam," he said through their link.

"Gotcha boss," Espeon chirped back, causing Matt to roll his eyes at her cheek.

Candice, who could see clearly through the hailstorm due to countless years of practice was shocked to see the glowing protective barrier surround Espeon as Abomasnow brought his glowing green fist down in anger, and her shock was doubled when Abomasnow was sent crashing into one of the Icy rocks that littered the field a second after it made contact with the barrier.

'He didn't even say anything' she thought to herself.

"Abomasnow are you alright?" she called out to her strongest Pokémon, getting an affirmative grunt in reply from the Frost Tree Pokémon, "use Ice Shard then," she instructed.

"Rapid fire Shadow Ball, try to dodge any attacks that it sends," Matt said to Espeon.

Espeon collected the large ball of ghostly energy, before releasing it in batches, sending smaller, but still powerful, Shadow Balls towards Abomasnow, one after the other, before dodging the wave of icicles that were heading her way with great poise and flair, wincing slightly as a few still managed to hit her.

Abomasnow was less fortunate, a couple of shadow balls had been intercepted by the wave of ice shards as they passed each other, but the majority still found their mark, making him bellow in pain again.

Candice scrunched her eyes in worry, "Come on Abomasnow, I believe in you," she cried out, " Ice Punch followed by Blizzard," she yelled.

Matt let out a wry grin, seeing his opportunity to finish the battle, "catch him with Psychic, then slam him down, if he's still standing finish it with Signal Beam."

"You got it," Espeon replied with a grin of her own, seeing the approaching Abomasnow, his hand encased in ice, and once again her eyes glowed pink as Abomasnow was stopped in his tracks, letting out a cry of confusion as he was lifted high in the air, just as the hailstorm stopped, revealing his predicament for all to see, Matt's grin growing in size as Candice let out a desperate cry.

"Espeon, what goes up, must come down," Matt yelled in triumph as with a cry of joy, Espeon slammed the Frost Tree Pokémon into the icy surface, creating an enormous crater, where it lay unconscious in the bottom.

"Abomasnow is unable to battle, the winner is the challenger Matt," Graham declared.

Matt let out a deep breath he didn't realise he was holding as he walked out into the centre of the field, reaching down to scratch Espeon behind the ears, making her let out a content purr.

"Good job girl, you did well, you want a rest?" he asked, getting a vigorous shake in denial, causing him to let out a chuckle as he stood back up to see both Candice and Graham approaching him.

"That was a hell of a battle Matt," Candice said, extending her hand to shake, which Matt did graciously, "I've never seen Abomasnow lose a battle like that before, how did you do it?" she questioned.

"Like I said earlier, I rescued Espeon seven years ago when I was ten just outside the Mistralton, so I didn't get a normal starter. When she evolved, I realised that because of our bond and that she was a psychic type, we had a telepathic connection, so it meant today I could use that when the hailstorm was in play, if it was any other of my Pokémon, or anyone else for that matter, they'd be in deep shit," he explained, getting a laugh out of both Candice and Graham.

"In that case, I have no problem with presenting you with the Icicle badge," Candice said, holding out the badge for Matt to take, "you are now eligible for the Lily of the Valley conference, congratulations," she finished.

"Thank you, if I'm ever back in the area and you want another battle like that, let me know," Matt said with a grin.

"Damn straight I will," Candice replied, causing all of them to let out another laugh, before Matt stopped suddenly as his Xtranseiver started ringing, becoming concerned when he saw it was Skyla and it was urgent.

"Excuse me for a second," he said to Candice and Graham as he answered the call, "Hey sis what's up?" he asked, not saying anything else as she wouldn't have marked the call as urgent unless it was serious.

"It's Grandpa, he's in critical care, you need to come back now," Skyla explained, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, causing Matt to lose all emotion in his face.

"I'm in Snowpoint City right now, I'll be back in two days," he said, "keep me posted," getting a nod in reply, before the call ended.

Matt took a couple of deep breaths to compose himself, before turning back to face Candice and Graham, "I'm sorry, but there's a family emergency, I need to get back to Mistralton immediately," he explained.

"It's fine, I hope your grandfather recovers," Candice replied.

Matt nodded his head jerkily, "Thank you and thanks again for the battle," he said, giving another small bow to both of them, before turning and sprinting out of the gym, praying he would be able to get back to Mistralton City before it was too late.

And scene

I hope this chapter was alright, this is my first time writing a Pokemon battle scene so hopefully I didn't screw it up too much, I hope over the course of the story they'll be better.

Any reviews and constructive criticism is welcome, along with what I said at the beginning about potential captures (not just for Matt) and random trainers.

Peace out