You want to know who won the second battle of Hoover Dam? Well, There was this one courier who was caught in the middle with no way out, He either sided with these factions known as NCR, Caesar's Legion or House. These three factions are going to use Vegas for their own purposes, House wants to restore Vegas to its full glory, Caesar wants Vegas for his own personal kingdom, and NCR wants Vegas under their control and taxes the people who aren't citizens of the NCR.
The Brotherhood, Followers, Great Khans or Boomers has little interest in Vegas itself, The Boomers does not trust outsiders but will allow few of them into Nellis, Great Khans left the Mojave when the battle came, Papa Khan and them head out East to conquered and fight more worthy opponents and build their own tradition. The Followers just wants to be left alone and help the sickly, wounded, children with medicine, The Brotherhood of Steel just wants technologies, power plants and resources for their people in the Lost Hills
There was this one faction that was destroyed by both NCR and Brotherhood, The Enclaves. The Enclave has done... many bad things in the waste, Not saving people from local raiders or super mutants, isolated remnants of pre-war american citizens, and collecting test subjects for experiments. The Enclave are just like the Brotherhood but will advance technologies at their side, Black suited power armor, laser rifles, plasmas, tesla and mass of trained soldiers that could have been the "True" defenders of the Wasteland.
Instead they are the enemies that terrorized them, Their oil rig was destroyed by the Chosen One and his companions, Soon after the remaining of their forces of the Enclave took their families to a safe place to avoid this mess. Some of the remnants chose to stay within the ranks of Enclave and head out east, Others just wanted to put their lives as soldiers to rest, they did lots of bad things and wanted to leave those behind.
The Enclave dreams of restoring the one nation that many savages in the waste has forgotten... America. Fight for freedom, and take down evildoers that sort of thing. They should know by now that restoring a dead old world nation is going to take time, patience and numbers to rebuild that dream. The Enclave are just like the Brotherhood in so many different ways, Isolation, refused to accept outsiders, still living in the pre-war era and slowly crumbling to its feet.
At the end of the second battle of Hoover Dam, NCR took the victory... no surprises right there. They quickly established the Strip and secured half of the Mojave since then, The people in North, West and Eastside living near the Strip were enraged and tried to defend their homeland. But was quickly shot down by NCR troopers.
While the Courier himself is wandering around this new world he created, The NCR finally won the war it seems, but this is just the beginning for them. While this is his time to leave. The Mojave, Vegas, or anything else in this wasteland has nothing to offer him anymore. NCR took the win and glory, while he sat on the sidelines and earned a Golden Branch for his services within the army.
Maybe he'll travel east into Caesar's land or something, Ulysses was a tribe member known as the Twisted Hair, Even after seeing his tribe being assimilated by Caesar's Legion he remained loyal until he found the one nation that he still wears proudly to this day... America.
Flag-Bearers, couriers, messengers, it makes no difference to the Courier, He didn't survive the Divide, Zion, Big MT, California or Nevada because of luck... He survives because he's a survivor, tough to kill and a courier. He imagines that he'll die out here in the wastes, let the enemies of the Mojave or anywhere else do the killings for him.
America is just an old world memory, That deserves to be put to rest... or maybe not. Maybe it deserves a second chance of life, To begin again. The Courier shook his head and pulled out his Transportalponder and visited the eggheads in Big MT for something. When he pulled the trigger of the device, it started to make this weird noise like clicking or something. He hits the device to make it work, until blue lights of the device begin to glow brighter and blue flashes of light crash upon him and he disappears.
Six look around his surroundings, This doesn't look like Big MT at all since there aren't any highly advanced technology buildings around here. It looks like he's in some desert of some kind, He checks his Pip-Boy and sees where he's in. There's many things in his Pip-Boy that didn't make sense to him, According to the Pip-Boy he's in a place called Remnant.
All the maps in his Pip-Boy that he doesn't know show these names, Four locations which are marked but hadn't been explored yet, Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas. Those were the names from his map marker, This is all strange and he looked at the device he was still holding, He checked inside the weapon if something is wrong... it turns out that the portal gun was fried during the miscalculations from the satellite dish in space. He's going to repair the device on his own apparently, but it's going to take time.
He should at least explore this new place he's in, Maybe this place has some sorts of history that explains this place. He begins to walk the dirt path in front of him and wanders this weird desert place, He gets used to around the deserts back in the Mojave, but this place also has jungles, deserts, water and more deserts here. The only closest he could describe this place is Zion itself, Zion has much to offer about the local wildlife.
Here is just different, He doesn't know what he'll find in this new place he found himself in, But for now he'll take things slow. Maybe become a courier in this world or become a mercenary or bounty hunter. It doesn't matter to him though, He's the jack of all trades and could handle all three of those jobs blindfolded, He checks his Pip-Boy and sees where he's at now.
"Okay, I'm in Vacuo right now, So should at least head to a nearby settlement for work" Six mutters before marking the nearby settlement near him, He had feeling that this world doesn't accept caps as payment, So he needs to at least know the correct currency in this world or before he embarrass himself
He walked around some more and found a settlement, His Pip-Boy now has the location of this place name, this town is called Coquina and it's a peaceful quiet town. He noise his way into the town and saw many people staring at him, Which makes sense to him because back in the Mojave, People tend to stare at the heavily armed wastelander before going to their business.
"Welcome to Coquina, Stranger, Mend your business and we'll get along just fine" Guard said to him, He has this weird animal features or something, perhaps he's cosplaying or something
"Can I ask you something" Six ask the guard, "If it's nothing important, that shoot go for it" Guard eyeing the stranger, "What's the history of this place" Six start small first before answering bigger ones
"Coquina? It's been around for a long time, This here is the closest settlement that is near Vacuo City over there" He points the direction to the main city, "Vacuo City is nice and all, but way overcrowded with big shots like rich folks" Guard said
"What's the landmarks about this place?" Six ask him, "There's not much around here to do, But noticeable many travelers such as yourself, tend to visit our local Inn. The Silver Mere, It was named after or co-founder Joseph Larker. We also have the market districts, you can buy food, armor, dust. you name it" Guard said
"What is Dust?" Six was now curious about this "Dust" he was talking about, "Have you hit your head or something? Dust is the source of energy that flows through Remnant, To know what Dust looks like is basically different colors like rainbows but small shapes like a crystal" Guard said
Interesting... So this Dust is this world's main power source, "Does it do anything else, for that matter?" He asks the guard, "Sure do, Dust can also power almost anything it touches, It powers up vehicles, Bullheads, Bus, etc... It can also be used as weapons as well. There was this one time that my friend Dustin, Tries to use electricity dust for his experiments, But he ended up being shocked by the Dust and he since then abandoned his experiments on that Dust" Guard goes on and on about how his friend does this and that
"Do you have work around here?" He asked the guard again, "I'm not sure, You could ask around... wait a minute yes, I think Chief Lydia is looking to hire a bounty hunter to assassinate our dangerous targets. These targets is clearly leagues ahead of our training, so the Chief has no choice but to accept any help or hire bounty hunters for this job" Guard said
"Where can I find your Chief?" Six clearly needs the currency to this world, So he'll accept any jobs this town has to offer, "Follow that direction to the right, turn left, then turn right and you'll see it. It's the building that has our security symbols on it" He pointed at his symbol on his badge, Six thanked for his help before heading into the town itself
He wanders around town for a bit. Many locals are speaking to one another, traders selling their products to customers, children playing around the streets. It's quite a peaceful settlement and he wouldn't mind settling down here when he finally retires his courier services.
"Hey mister, Can I ask you something?" He looked down and saw one of the kids playing with her friends came up to him, "Sure sweetie, what do you need" He calmly said to the girl
"Are you a Huntsman? You have those cool gear which looks scary, But awesome at the same time" This girl's eyes was flashing at him, He was immune to this affect but indulge her a bit
"No, I'm not a Huntsman. Just a Courier, nothing else" He responded, "A courier? What's a courier and what do they do?" She put her finger on her lips, She was now wondering if Courier were better than Huntsmen
"They deliver packages like mails for example. While it may seem boring to deliver packages to strangers, You get to see the world as well. Traveling alone or with companions is like experiencing something new. You were born from a village and have no idea what the outside world will be like, When you come to the perfect age it's time to leave your village behind and venture what this world has to offer. You can be how you want to be, You aren't tied down by your peers anymore, Once you leave it'll be hard to come back into the fold. Freedom is what makes life interesting... never forget that kid" He patted her head before leaving, "Bye mister!" She said bye to him, he waved her off while not looking at her. He got to find this chief for work.
"What are you... a mercenary, bounty hunter or citizen?" Chief Lydia eyeing the stranger in her office, Chief Lydia has long purple hair, blue eyes, curves, and has F-cup breasts. She was sizing him up and he looks ex-military, She's betting that this isn't her typically hired worker that wants liens, He almost looks like a trained assassin as well.
"Courier" Six unamused answers to this chief, This reminds him of his talk with Major Knight at the Mojave Outposts, "A courier? You don't look like a typically mailman to me" Chief Lydia crosses her arms while looking at the mailman
"I'm just special, that's all" He answered again, Lydia sigh before pulling out her bounty lists that she wants alive or dead, "I have three targets that I need you to either bring back alive or dead, One is Thomas Rad, Two is Ube Melo and Three is Percy Scar" She hands him the bounty posters so he knows what they look like, Six look at the note and hums to himself. Alive or Dead huh?
"What happens if I kill these three?" He ask the chief, "If they refused to surrender to you, We're going to need proof that you kill them, If they have anything in their personal possession that we recognized bring them back as proof" She answered, Six look back at the bounty poster and will at least "Try" to bring one of them back alive.
"What's the story with this Rad character?" He asked her, "Thomas Rad was a former member of our security team, he broke one of our rules when he killed an innocent woman for money. It turns out he's part of some bandit group that we never heard about. These Bandits are called The Wildlings, they aren't anything special just common bandits that robs civilians in plain sight. I'll mark their hideout on that weird wrist scroll of yours" She gestures for him to come closer so she could mark the hideout into his Pip-Boy, He comes closer and she taps the first mark of the hideout.
"Your scroll looks kinda outdated, But it still proves useful at least." She never seen a scroll like that before, Must have been a prototype or something, But why does this courier have that...
"So what did this Ube Melo, cause you guys problems" He ask her, More information is always a good sign to him
"She's a former White Fang member that went into hiding, Before she was off the grid she came to Coquina as a traveling merchant. But later she was holding a hostage at gunpoint, Saying that the Fangs will have their revenge or something, She killed the hostage before leaping to the forests and disappearing. We recently just found out that her hideout is just north to the city" She points to hideout of Ube Melo to Six's Pip-Boy
"and Percy Scar, What's his story?" Six said Lydia was quiet for a moment before responding, "I've known Scar for as long as I could remember, We were best friends since we were kids, He was always hyperactive, full of energy and bright sun kept appearing behind him. But... one day, He killed my parents, He kept saying that he loved me and wants to be with me forever. I screamed and left my house that night. The next morning I came to this very station and heard that Percy Scar left after he killed my parents. He was never seen again... until a couple years past and one of closest co-workers came to me. That a man matched with Scar's description grown up, and is in Vacuo to kill anyone that gets in his way." The Chief silently said while looking down, Okay, Six was getting uncomfortable hearing all of this, Here he is show up to the office and ten seconds later, this woman is laying out her sad backstory to a stranger.
"If you manage to kill Scar... Bring back his weapon as proof, He has this short black tanto that he made when we were little, I can imagine that he still holds to that weapon to this day." She look at the courier with determination, She doesn't know he's made off and can't judge how he'll handle things... but somewhere in her heart told her to just trust her guts on this one
"You don't have to say anymore, Chief... I bring back his weapon if he refuses to surrender" Six said before wiping out the tears in her eyes, Lydia blushed before getting her composer together... she can't believe she let out her private backstory to a complete stranger
"I trust that you'll handle these three? If I don't hear or see you back alive in this town, that means your perhaps dead or off the radar" Lydia ask him, "I'll get it done" that's all he said before leaving the chief alone to herself
*Courier Six*
Taking down the other two was quite the challenge. Luckily he has lots of bullets to take down Thomas Rad and Ube Melo. He's on his way to find Percy Scar. The rumors from Vacuo mentions that a crazy man is living somewhere in the deserts, How that's his playground and will murder anyone that crosses that road. It's somewhere southeast from here and he got the feeling that he's getting close
It was nighttime and that sort of became his trump-card. In the night he was the stalker and would either hide into the shadows to avoid being caught, or kill his non-targets to avoid being seen. He quickly put on his stealth-suit mark II on mute, He found the non-talkative button inside the suit, and his Riot helmet which displays red night visions in the night.
He heard chuckling coming somewhere in the desert, He crouched down and it creates a stealth field that turns him into a near-perfect camouflage, In short invisible.
"Oh my darling~ How many years has it been? I hope you aren't still mad that I killed your parents, at least I've kept your siblings alive... although I wish I could kill them too" Scar chuckles a bit. He created a small shrine dedicated to his beloved girlfriend. The time will come when he and her reunite at last!
"Once the grand plan that my mistress Salem is finished, I'll take you away from that town, far away from any kingdoms... just you and me alone together~" He walks away from the shrine and into his personal hideout, Six can hear screaming coming down from the basement.
He could go down there and kill Scar right now, But that'll give away his position easily, on the other-hand he doesn't know how many victims he captures in that basement. He wants to go down there, But it's not worth it... just yet. He needs to make a choice, Either wait here until he comes back, or go down there and safe whatever it is in the basement
He chose the latter and decided to head into the basement, But before he could move however, He saw a book at the weird shrine of Lydia. It was about the entire scheme of plans that Scar mentioned earlier, He doesn't have time to read it so he'll put it in his inventory for now. He hates being a hero sometimes, risking his life for the sake of others...
"HELP?!" A victim's cry for help went unanswered, She was naked and had skinny bones, she was barely fed and was about to die of hunger and lack of hydration, "Quiet! Do you want him to hear you?" A man shush her, He was naked as well like his cellmate skinny boned
"How could I be quiet! We were kidnapped along the road from Vacuo City to Coquina, And this madman is about to kill us?!" She shouted at her cellmate before pounding the cell doors, "Yelling isn't going to solve anything, If you keep this up he'll come down here and chop your tongue off?!" He scream back to her, He has enough of hearing her screaming and banging all the time
"What an interesting idea, I have been looking forward to remove that annoying mouth of yours" Scar steps into the lone light in the basement, other victims stared at him and begged him to end their suffering already
"N-no please wait?! I-i'm sorry that I've been screaming!" The woman was dragged out of her cell, before Scar pulled her onto a table and grabbed his victims tongue. She was begging for him to stop but he didn't listen. He reached forward to his trusty tanto that he made with Lydia, and was about to remove that annoying mouth of this woman. But... he stops and looks around.
"I know you're in here, There's no use hiding from me" Scar felt a presence in the same room as him, He was right on that part. A heavily armed man with his face covered walks into the light, He looks to be prepared for anything...
"I must say you look quite dangerous, That menacing appearance that gets normal folks goosebumps, So what are you? Mercenary, bounty hunter or just another victim" Scar remove his hand away from his victims' tongue, He has bigger concerns now
"Courier, I was hired by someone you know dearly" Six answered this madman's question, Scar perked his eyes up and can't believed his love one send him a mailman to his doorsteps
"A courier you say? Well, I like for your services to deliver my note to this "Employers" of yours" Scar comes up to the armed man and hands him a note written in blood, "If that's all, than ta ta" He turns around and finish that annoying pests with bad manners, Before he felt a cold metal blade at his throat and slice it open... blood begins to drip from his throat
"Your "Darling" sends her regards" Six said before pushing Scar away from him, Scar was coughing up blood and tried to stop the bleeding, Six used this time and picked his way to open up cell doors to the victims. They were too weak but had enough strength to leave the basement, the women on the table thanked him for his help before leaving.
"I would have expect that someone like you have experience in this sorts of thing, Never turn your back on a dangerous enemy, That was a foolish mistake that you'll bring in hell" Six pulls out a lighter and matches, He look at the madman on the ground with his menacing stare, Scar was terrified and afraid... the only one that even afraid him the most is his goddess Salem.
"Y-you won't stop my goddess, Salem... She'll rule over this world and everyone in this world will either bow down to her, Or reduce to dust?!" Scar last words before finally dying, Six lite one of the matches and drops them onto Scar's dead body, This guy was too crazy to live.
Still... he mentions this "Salem" and how she'll rule over this world. He's getting the feeling that not even the combined might of each kingdom can defeat her. He still doesn't understand this world one bit, But he's gonna have to form his own secret army as well. It's going to take time, But he's going to rebuild a dead faction from his world to this one... The Enclave.
*Somewhere in Vacuo*
"Keep your guard up ladies and gentlemen, This isn't your typically training, If you want to serve your kingdoms and keep the peace against Grimm or other threats. Keep improving and punch those dummies like you mean it!" Six was now wearing a standard black tank top, black and grey striped pants and black combat boots. These recruits he found were the same victims he saved from Percy Scar, They no money, purposes and lack guidance. They clearly spend too much time in that rotten basement and lose themselves, He's going to rebuild that lost spirit within themselves and give them a new one.
"Yes, President!" They shouted while continuing their training, They were given new purpose by their leader and will make him proud, Fight for freedom and against evildoers. Fight for America.
One of them asks what does america means, Their President says, "America is a pre-war nation that united states from all over Remnant, this was way before the battle of the Great War begins. America sleeps in the Divide - giants, beneath the earth. America is greater than the other Kingdoms alike, Vale, Mistral, Atlas and Vacuo are nothing but part of America. Atlas Military pretends to be the superior faction that has advanced technologies, But America has so much to offer than Ironwood's toy soldiers. They rely on robots to fight in lesser battles, while true american citizens don't rely on robots on every battle. We fight under the name Enclave because we are the true citizens of America, We'll fight and bring peace and order to this world, We'll remove Grimm or any threats we've come across eliminated on sight. Because we... are the true protectors of Remnant, and it needs America and the American Dream" Six answers, He got the intelligence, confidence and leadership to bullshit his troops. This got many of his fellow troops attention and fought for america!
Six knows everything about this world now, Dust, Faunus, Academies, Atlas Military and of course... Salem. He doesn't know much about Salem or what her plans are, But he'll stop her plans and bring law and order to this world, He notices that many police or councils aren't doing their jobs right. He'll make them take their jobs seriously when they see the Enclave 2.0 in action
"I'll leave all of you to your Warrant Officers, Officer Bonny and Officer Brann. Continue your duties to these recruits" He salutes to his workers, "Yes, Sir!" They saluted before turning back to their recruits and tells them go faster or they'll reduce their pay
Six grab his tattered sleeveless duster on the rack, It bears the symbol of America behind him. The Flag-Bearer of America. He walks the hallway and looking for the research and technology room, He'll handle out the resources while his scientists research their latest weapons.
"E-excuse me sir, C-can I talk to you for a moment?" A young recruit at the age of seventeen said to him, She has animal features with a tail... she's a white tiger faunus
"Go ahead, Private, What do you need" He cross his arms while looking at the freshly private, She looks away from his glare... before finally look up at him, "When are we going to fight against our enemies, Grimm are abominations that deserves to be erase from history, Bandits needs to be exterminate and small time criminals needs to be lock up. When are we going to stop hiding down here, and go out there and defend Remnant" Private gain some confidence ask him, Six hums a bit and can tell that some of his troops want to fight against their enemies.
"Soon Private, It's only a matter of time before the people of Remnant are going to take notice of our secret army, The Enclave has a history of not making themselves known to outsiders. If they find our hidden base for a second, they'll wipe us out in a single strike, I'm not going to take the risk and leave my troops to die" He patted her head before making his way to the research laboratory, His group isn't going to become the next Remnants of the Enclave, They are the true defenders and will use any mean necessary to ensure victory for man and faunus kind
*Research & Laboratory Station*
"How are the latest projects with laser and plasma?" Six asked one of the top researchers, The room was a huge open-wide area of experiments, The scientists he recruited are the best of the best. Some of them are mad scientists while some were former scientists that worked for Atlas, But were fired for working on illegal experiments for the army and the Kingdom itself. They were soon hired by the newly secret army, and were allowed to work on dangerous experiments with fellow colleagues.
The scientists are wearing some sort of radiation suit, but the texture is white with an orange-tinted plexiglass helmet. These are the Enclave researchers that researched weapons, science, illegal experiments and master fixers
"It's fascinating... When I was working for Atlas, We've never thought of using radiation as the alternative power source" Researcher said while looking at the newly built weapons for the Enclave, "Does it function?" Six knew how to build these two weapons in the Mojave, It just takes time and learning to find the schematics for these two
Instead of answering his question, The research scientists fire the laser rifle at the training dummies, The weapon has superior speed of its projectiles, but lacks lots of firepower. The laser rifle has no iron sights but compensates with excellent zoom. It can be upgraded with a scope, making it less effective in close quarters, but thanks to its good accuracy, it can be used as a medium to long-range weapon.
"It works just fine, I don't suppose you wouldn't mind telling me how did you manage to get the schematics for this?" Researcher suspiciously ask his President, These weapons were just fascinating to him and his fellow colleagues
"Stole it from some old army base, It has loads of pre-war schematics that haven't been used, So I figured it wouldn't hurt to have my trusty researchers to remake this" Six shrugged his arms, Many people in his world have this sometimes... even Fiends gotten their hands on energy weapons
"Hmm, interesting. Anyway I already tried out the Plasma version and it's slower than a mule, but with a kick to match. I dare say that these two experiments were a huge success on your part" Researcher responded and was glad that his President is more smarter and trustworthy than Ironwood
"How about you guys, How is your experiments?" He turns his head to another researcher, one of them has a woman-shaped body wearing the same suit as the first researcher wears. While the other doesn't have the helmet is a male Rat Faunus with glasses.
"Like how Dr. Rufus says, This is really fascinating research and more advanced than Atlas, This could really help our soldiers fighting for their goals" Dr. Koa said, "Indeed, We also did the secondary research you requested President" Dr. Raj look at her clipboard and motions her leader to follow her
Six follows Dr. Raj while she explains the other stuff, "We've been experimenting with the unique robots you requested, Eyebots, Sentrybots and Androids." She pointed the directions to these bots, One is a fully functional Eye-Bot that is equipped with medical, engineering and combat ready. Another is a big oversized robot that has miniguns as hands, missiles launchers behind it, and shoots death-rays from its eyes. Last but not least, Is a female android that has human skin, she looks human enough and acts normal. But she's actually an android that is designed to fight for the Enclave.
"Bring me the Android'' He ordered, "S-sir, She's not ready to be ou-" Dr. Raj tries to ask her boss to not let the newly built machine out of its cell yet, "Bring. Her. Here." He asks again, He says "Her" because he sees her as a normal human being. Dr. Raj singh before opening the door to the android's room, The Android walks out of her room for the first time and sees two unknown people
Her appearance is a human woman with fair skin, pale platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. She wore most of her hair in a half up-done bun style, with a small, simple bun on the top, and the remainder of her long, straight hair hanging at the bottom. Most of her bangs were tied back, barring several large locks that framed her face to her left.
"Who are you?" The Android ask the two strangers, Ever since she awoke to this new world she found herself in, she was being tested by a large numbers of people called "Doctors" They were friendly enough and ask couple of her questions, But once they leave and say they'll come back soon, they haven't come check on her yet
"I am Ulysses, and You're my daughter" Six or Ulysses, Felt so cliche about using that overused line to this girl, The woman's eyes begin to sparkle and begin to come running to her father's waists.
"Father!" She put her face in his chest, She finally met her father! Ulysses didn't know how to handle this, He never wanted to be a father but it seems he just did. He patted her head gently and the android squirms by his touch
"President, I must ask what you should name her? We've been trying to find a perfect name for this... Girl" Dr. Raj has to avoid saying android to her boss, She doesn't want to anger him anymore than she has too
Ulysses thought long and hard and found a perfect name for this girl...
"Her name is Maria" Ulysses look at the girl with a small smile, Maybe being a fatherhood isn't so bad
*Maintenance Station*
Ulysses and Maria head to the Maintenance Station, The workers build manufactured weapons, armor, ammunition and Dust. They sell their least favorite wares to Vacuo and soon afterwards the other kingdoms, They keep the good stuff for the troops and greater cause while selling standard issue gears in the market for profits. They owned shops called "Gun Runners" Makers of the finest high-grade weapons and ammunition in Remnant, There's a chance that many folks are carrying Gun Runners hardwares in their persons.
"How's the maintenance going, Johnson" Ulysses ask the manager of the Gun Runners, "It's blooming quite well, boss, We shipped most of our top products to Vacuo already, Better hope the mayor there appreciate our hard work" Johnson swipe the sweat from his forehead, before he notice someone else is with the boss, "Who's that girl there, boss? Is she your girlfriend or something" Johnson got that grin on his face and can't wait to tell his friends tha-
"This is my daughter... Say hi to Mr. Johnson, Maria" Ulysses push Maria in front of Johnson, "I-it's nice to meet you, Mr. J-johnson" Maria was still shy meeting new people in this weird base
"D-daughter?! I-I-i mean, Nice to meet you too, Maria... You didn't told me that you were married" He can't believe his boss hide the fact that he's a married man
"I'm not, I just adopted her this morning" Ulysses shrugged his arms. It's not that big of a deal is it?
Johnson was looking at his boss with an intense stare a bit... before turning his direction to Maria, "Watch over the boss for me, Maria, He can be a jokester sometimes" He left while waving goodbye with his wrench
"That guy... I can't understand him" Ulysses clearly doesn't remember hiring Johnson in the first place, But he'll worry about that later. He needs to see the goodies in this factory for his men.
He took Maria to where men and women make and clean the weapons, maintain proper gears before selling them, No one wants to buy weapons that don't work. They tore apart the guns again to recheck if things were in order, before reinstalling to its proper place and sat them aside. The resources require lots of metal parts, comfy leathers and gunpowder. For newly recruits this will take time, but they'll get the hang of it and become pros of fixing gears and sheer businessmen or women.
"Father, Why are these people making those things?" Maria asks her father, She wonders why they keep breaking those metal thingies and putting it back together, "It's called making weapons, Maria, these men and women are getting paid to make and fix their products to sell into the markets." Ulysses answered and was impressed how these people handles the goods
That's not all, He was looking at the machines that are just waiting to be fly again, He got the schematics from the remnants to make his own Vertibird if he could find the right parts for it.
*Enclave HQ*
The base of the Enclave is in the northeast of Vacuo, They prefer to isolate themselves and if any outsiders is near the base, they are asked to leave, or they'll make them leave. Outside of the base are two heavily armed guards with black coated armor, yellow googlies, belt pouches and carries dangerous weapons. They have orders to maintain their post no matter the cause, Guard the HQ sounds boring but every privates got used to it.
The Enclave and the mayor of Vacuo made a deal, Vacuo's police and military armies will be absorbed into the Enclave's ranks. In return, they have better protection from every major settlement and keep their kingdoms safe from Grimm or bandit troubles. The mayor agrees instantly since he saw how powerfully armed these Enclaves are, with their help... Vacuo is under safe protection.
The Enclave's first assignment is to secure the entire kingdom of Vacuo, They set up garrisons and rebuild past settlements that were destroyed by Grimms, Tuff, Gossan and Schist has been revived from the ground ups with fortification walls and better protections. The survivors of former settlements begin to rebuild houses and the history of their village. The Enclave is here to keep things in order, they have their own guard house and towers to keep a lookout for troubles.
The Enclaves aren't soldiers of fortune, or mercenaries for hire, They are defenders and fight for the american dream. To bring peace and order to this world, A noble cause and noble deeds is more worthy than Atlas Military.
Many former Huntsman and Huntress, ex-military, mercenaries, scientists and citizens. Came to Vacuo to join the Enclave, The Enclave welcomed a new batch of recruits and soon was put into a test. Military fitness training or Boot Camp, is to prepare all new recruits for all elements of service; physical, mental and emotional to fight for their kingdoms.
As for the main HQ itself, Everything is high-tech machinery, Blue maps indicating the directions of each layouts, Main Hall, Dining Hall, Research and Laboratory Station, Maintenance Station, Armory, Training Yard, Combat Simulation Training, Flight Simulation Training and of course... the President Office. The interior of the base is kinda squishy if you don't mind steel black walls, overcrowded trained soldiers, lack of air conditioning and trained dogs... this is the place for amusement.
"I'm telling you man, signing with the Enclave is the best decision we've ever made" Private Robbie said to his pal, "I-i don't know Robbie, I'm still sore from the Boot Camp training and the instructors were rude as hell" Private Dickson clutch his right arm, He fell from a rope when he was trying to get atop of the wooden bench, He got yelled at by his superiors.
"Stop acting like a little girl Dickson, This truly is the best decision we made. We've got training, experience and expertise. It's only a matter of time before we get called up to the big leagues" Private Robbie sighs for a bit, "Look, I know you signed up because you want to support your family, How you join the Enclave will get you more experience and send your payment to your loved ones. You need to realize that this isn't a game, This army is truly fighting for the people of Remnant, and when the folks of remnant hear about the Enclave? They'll come for our protection instead of Atlas. I've never like Ironwood anyways" Robbie dislikes Ironwood and his stupid rules, But he did like Specialist Schnee though... he hope he'll reach the Specialist rank in the Enclave.
"I guess you're right, Thanks Robbie, You help me think about all of this" Private Dickson smiles a bit and Robbie put his one arm on Dickson's neck, "That's the spirit! Now let's get something to eat, I'm quite starving right now" Robbie nudge Dickson to the cafeteria and they both laugh to themselves
"So... Jessica, How do you feel when you join the Enclave?" Former Chief of Coquina Lydia has joined the Enclave, She owed Ulysses a lot for taking down Percy Scar... When she hears about the Enclave setting up shop as the private military of Vacuo. She ignored it a first... then hears that her old friend is the current president of this Enclave, She resigned her duties of Coquina and head straight to the main Enclave base and signed up
"It's strange to say the least, The Enclave's life is a bit different than being with Atlas, The Enclave doesn't support that robots or androids can fight in their battles. They rely on planning, strategies and waiting game to ensure victory" Jessica is a former Atlas Military Officer, She didn't like the approval that humans can't fight on the battlefield in Atlas. But the Enclave fully disapproved of the idea and continued to send out soldiers to fight for their kingdom. She left Atlas and joined the Enclave end of the story.
"So you're saying that Atlas and Enclave, are a bit similar to each other?" Lydia ask since she felt that the Enclave are the opposites of Atlas
"I suppose you could say that, In Atlas they rely on machines too much and it's going to be their downfall, The Enclaves however has more manpower, resources and better technologies that not even Atlas can't even compare. The Enclave is preparing for war and its ready to be unleashed, The numbers of the Enclave is growing each day perhaps bigger than Atlas for that matter." Before she left Atlas, There were at least 1000 soldiers within the military, It's a big number but it is not like the Enclave does... The Enclave has 4000 soldiers from each four kingdoms.
The cause of fighting for freedom and allowing Faunus to join their ranks is phenomenal. Half of the White Fang terrorists abandoned their beliefs and goals, and joined the Enclave. They revealed secrets within the Fang and thought their supposed leader Adam Taurus, was truly fighting for their rights. The Faunus who joined the army can't forgive their past mistakes from spilling innocent blood from both humans and faunus, But can make up for it by doing true heroic deeds, a second chance and beginning again.
It was quite noble that the President of the Enclave is a forgiving person, He may look like a tyrant leader to Atlas, But here in Vacuo he's king as his soldiers and citizens like him. He was elected by the Vacuo councils to become the first outsider to become one of the councils of Vacuo, His job is similar to Ironwood as he focuses on the safety and security of Vacuo. Though he doesn't show off whatever the scientists have been working on, Unless he wants it to be known.
The difference between Ironwood and Ulysses is that Ironwood is show and power, wants to keep the people of Atlas safe with machines and hiding behind like a coward. While Ulysses is always in the battlefield and fights alongside his army, He's not the type of leader that sits back and sees his soldiers die in vain... she respects them. Humans or Faunus can never be replaced in the heart of the battlefield, The war between two militarized armies to see which military is the superior. Atlas Military or The Enclave.
"So does that mean that the Enclave has a greater chance of overshadowing Atlas or something?" Lydia raise an eyebrow, "Absolutely, I'm fully behind the Enclave all the way, I'm no longer bound by Atlas and their rules" Jessica said before blowing off some steam
*Vacuo Councils*
"Ladies and Gentlemen, We have some slight problems on our hands" Ulysses said to his fellow council members, He was dressed in black body armor that covers his upper bodies. Black pants with pouches, combat boots and a few handguns and knives for extra safety. Basically, He is coping with Atlas soldier's uniforms for his own but blacker. His boys and girls are in a war with Atlas, so they took the liberty of mocking them by wearing black variants of their armor.
He points the directions to Vacuo and Atlas, "Vacuo manages to pushes back both Atlas and Mistral by allied themselves with Vale, to end the Great War at the costs of destroyed settlements and its people. If I remember my history, is that Atlas otherwise known has Mantle and Mistral attempted to take Vacuo's Dust Mines to cut off both Vale and Vacuo's supply. Since then Atlas reformed themselves and they'll try to attempt to take our supplies of Dust away from us, We can't let them do that." Ulysses stood up and walk around the room, Many eyes stare at him and wonder what next
"So what's the point, Ulysses, Why now of all things that Atlas wants our Dust Mines even after the war is over?" Council 1 ask him, Then mutters begins to erupt in the room
"Because someone clearly has a big ego for fame and victory, And to ensure that the people of Remnant can depend on them solely. James Ironwood and Atlas has just declared war with Vacuo for a second time" Ulysses shows them the reports from his inside scouts, Getting into Atlas was easy and James's toy soldiers were a joke.
"Should we call for Vale's assistance" Council 2 said, Vale and Vacuo could match up against Atlas once again
"No, because if we do that then Atlas will call upon Mistral for help. We don't need to involve the other two kingdoms in this mess and start the second Great War, Vacuo and Atlas are on their own apparently. Which is good for most parts" Ulysses grab a remove and click the buttons to show his plan to defeat Atlas
"If Atlas decides to come attack us here in Vacuo, We have the homefield advantage and use the deserts as camouflage and eliminate them. Gossan, Schist, Tuff and Coquina will become the major lines against Atlas, We have the superior technologies, weapons and tactics to handle them" Ulysses said to his fellow Council members
"What about when we hit Atlas first?" Council 3 said, The plans looks risky but if it will end the battle of Vacuo and Atlas than so be it
"If we hit Atlas first they have the home advantage, We're used to the deserts and Atlas use to the snow, So Snow will perhaps be their trump card. The Enclave may have superior training and experience, but lacks tactics in snowy winter. James Ironwood will use everything in his arsenal of robots and soldiers to dominate our numbers... we can't have that" Ulysses curse himself a bit, Half of his men doesn't have experience of the snowy air flowing through Atlas
"So we're just going to do nothing then" Council 4 said, Lots of mutters were beginning to grow louder
"Not exactly, I'm doubling my soldiers shift of protecting the roads, settlements and the city. We can't be too careful about this peaceful life, Sooner or later... Atlas is coming for round 2, and we'll be ready for them" Ulysses finishes his sentence, before walking out the door. His two soldiers soon follow him afterwards.
"Look it's the Enclaves, Papa!" A young girl pointed the directions of the black armored soldiers, These soldiers wear body armor that covers their upper bodies. It is a Black and Yellow color, with Yellow highlights along the helmet and arms depending on the individual. Their helmets cover their faces entirely. Their pants are black, with some yellow areas on them, and they have a belt with a few pouches, a handgun strapped to their hips and a sword in collapsed mode strapped to their lower are also seen with rifles strapped across their backs.
"I see them sweetie, They are truly protectors of remnant" A man said while waving at the nearby soldiers, he waved right back and glad to see the Enclave are fighting for freedom. Strict law and order is what kept the people in Vacuo in line, Break them and you'll be sent to jail. Resist them... You'll be broken in half. It's the new law in Vacuo and it will be for a long time
"I want to become like them someday!" The girl said and wants to become an Enclave member, One of the Enclave's heard the girl and came up to her and raised her up.
"You want to become an Enclave, sweetie?" Female Enclave said to the girl, She nodded her head and pointed at the american flag at the council hall, "We the People!" She put her right hand to her chest, near her heart and says the famous phrase of america
"I'm sure that one day, you'll become an Enclave, sweetie. Just follow the freedom of america, and the american dream" She puts her down next to her father, She return to her unit and they were chucking at her
"Playing with the kids again, Lydia?" Private Jessica ask her teammate, Their unit has four members. Herself, Lydia, Dickson and Robbie.
"Just give that kid's spirits up, Besides, The mass begins to notice the Enclave and taking us seriously" Lydia waved her hand at Jessica, Dickson and Robbie just look at the girls and shrugged their shoulders
"Why the hell are we paired up with these girls, It makes me want to know what the Warrant Officers are doing with their jobs" Robbie mutters to Dickson, "They aren't bad Robbie, Just being weird that's all" Dickson mutters back to him
The Enclave troops were sent to Vacuo City to reinforce the area, Atlas could attack at any given moment and they needed to be ready, While sending two or three divisions of Enclave troops was complete overkill. But they never doubt their President's orders, They have a job to do and it's their duty to protect and serve.
I'll end it here guys... wow this is quite long, I didn't know why I kept going and going this far, But I guess I have a pretty big imagination or something.
Anyway the Enclave is here in Remnant, They are the newly militarized army created by Courier Six or Ulysses. America is an old world nation from our alternate current world, The Enclaves is here to fight for freedom and the people of Remnant from Grimm, bandits or anything else.
Private 1st Class
Corporal -
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant 1st Class
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Junior Captain
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Six is both President and General of the Enclave, I just like using President better.
Atlas and Vacuo are in a war with each other, Which militarized army will come out on top. Will it be Atlas Military and their superior robots, or The Enclave with superior resources of Dust, weapons, armor, ammunition and numbers in their ranks?
Find out next time folks.
"The Enclave did a lot of bad things, but there were good people at Navarro. Good people with a lot of experience. Not many of them are alive anymore, but I think they could make a difference in the fight against Caesar." - Arcade Gannon