I don't own the 'Sonic the Hedgehog' series. I only own my OCs and parts of the plot in this story.

3 years.

3 long years on FanFiction.

I did a lot of writing I have to say.

I have the best experience in the world.

I started with Forces United - Dark Wolf Begins. It was my first ever fanfic story and it reached over 12 followers, 25 reviews and 4,834 views, becoming successful.

I returned with Inkredible - A Fresh Start that reached 9 followers, 27 reviews and 4,041 and I was so happy with this.

My downfall began starting with Forces United 2 - Resist The Dark as it only got 5 followers, 3 reviews and 821 views.

I tried again with a darker plot. I made Bendy - The Ink Catastrophe, but it only have 6 followers, 7 reviews and 825 views.

However, I never gave up.

I continued on, making extended plots, deep themes and creative story lines to power up.

This year, I came back strong with Trolls World Tour - Real Harmony Takes Lots of Voices which now has 29 followers, 130 reviews and 14,126 views, making it the first time my story reached more than 10,000 views.

The reason why I stick around on this website since 2017 is because of you. I have been making stories for 3 years and have the ability of creating stories for everyone to enjoy and love. You have all supported me and always there for me. Words can't describe how grateful I am.

Right now, I'm back with a brand new face. Entering a new era of story writing. With new stories to share and with a new creative style. 2020 is the year of my new change.

It's time to take things to the next level.

My name is TurquoiseTriangle...

...but it's now styled as TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3.

AN: 잘 지내, my rock 'n' rollers? This is Cheah here!

And F.Y.I, the symbols there means 'What's up' or 'How are you' in Korean.

In case you're wondering what's with the username change, this year, I'm having a new change of pace on FanFiction. For 2020, I'm going to make better and expanded stories, so I've decided to change the new look of myself on this website for the next level.

Do you like my new profile picture anyone?

So here we are! The rewrite of Forces United - Dark Wolf Begins! My first story was well-received and many people really like it. However, growing up, I find that it isn't really that good. Dark Wolf Begins is a little too short, doesn't make sense at some parts and it's too quick to assume what might happen in real life as well. It was a lot of crap and I felt that it isn't good enough. There is a huge giant-arse room for improvement.

This new rewrite A Test You Must Partake is an expanded story that is more similar to Sonic Forces and has a more fleshed-out description of the characters and the story, reflecting on things that can actually happen in war. This will count as the VERY first story in my 'Forces United' series, replacing Dark Wolf Begins, but I will pick up almost all the elements from the old story.

When reading this story, just pretend that this is the first time reading the first story of Forces United. I don't want people putting down spoilers from Dark Wolf Begins in the reviews. This is going to be a whole new story.

Originally, I was planning to release this story in 2021, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 'Black Lives Matter' protest, I felt like releasing this story for those in the crisis.

Let's start with the first chapter and today - July 1st 2020 - marks my birthday again! It's my birthday and what's better else to do than to upload the first chapter of Forces United - A Test You Must Partake. This is where we start the prologue; it might be not that much, but it's to start things off.

Special shout-out to Infinite's Ruby, The SensationalSpiderdom321 and TheGameNguyener! Their stories inspired me to write this story, so check out theirs; The Illusionary Resistance, The Atom Bomb and Revengeful Resistance.

Just to note that the whole story contains a LOT of upsetting things. I don't know about you, but this story will have moments of depression, crying, nightmares, rants and 'the reason you suck' speeches. If you don't like these things, then this story isn't for you. Just be sure to have a tissue box next to you in case.

Enough talk. Sit back on your seat and enjoy the show.

This has been a bloody ride for me and I nearly felt like I don't belong anywhere. It is still not too late to finally speak up as there will always be a light in the dark. – Clay Colourz

Making the world a better place is one of my achievements and that is one I'm still doing. Whatever mistakes you had done, try to learn from them and don't berate yourself. You will still succeed. – Beth 'Bubblegum' Lehem

I often say that I don't need help but that doesn't mean I don't need it. Don't be afraid to hold out onto the helping hand that is reaching out for you. Accept love and compassion. – Mecha Nism

Dedicated to Ultimate Anarchy - Thank you for making 'Memories of Infinite's Past' and for displaying a very huge theme about survival, identity and justice.

Chapter 1 – Before All of This

Third Person's POV, 11 years ago, Australia

The midnight-blue sky covered over the horizon with many white bright stars shining. The large trees of the forest swayed to the side, slowly showing their freshly leaves and the shine of the moon captured the velvet texture of their stumps.

Wondering through the forest was a small 6 years old male wolf with red-orange fur and gold eyes. He was wearing a white shirt, ice blue gloves, black shorts and white shoes.

Normally, it wouldn't be a good idea for this boy to go alone. He was only 6 years old that time.

However, despite how dark it was, this wolf have night vision.

He decided to take a stroll, feeling curious about the woods. Despite his parents telling him not to go on his own, he was still eager to. Maybe it was because he felt adventurous.

Founding something behind some bushes, the young wolf pushed them aside to find a large rocky cave.

"What's that?" he thought, staring at it.


The young wolf's ears perked up, hearing someone whispering in his ears.

"Who's that?" he said, looking around.


Belt looked at the cave. The voices were coming from there.

Without hesitating, he went into the cave.

It was dark, but he could see in the dark. Despite that, creepy noises were coming from nowhere; they kept whispering Belt's name. He started to feel scared.

He was walking through a long hallway for a while – even had to climb down from high ledges – until he hit a dead end.

However, in front of that dead end were two stone pillars.

Each one of them had a set of rings on top.

One pair was mint green with dark green swirls.

One pair was yellow with dark yellow swirls.

They both have an aura that was related to their color.

"What are those?" asked Belt to himself.

The green rings started to whisper his name.



Belt stared at them. He was not sure if they were safe, but…he felt like…he was connected to it…it was calling out for him. He needed to touch them.

Coming up slowly, he walked towards the green rings. He reached his hand to grab them until…


They flew into the air above Belt. This startled the young wolf and he fell down. One of the flying rings flew onto Belt's left wrist.


The other one flew to his right wrist.


As soon as that happened, the rings were stuck to his gloves. They fit PERFECTLY. Belt tried to take them off but couldn't. Then, some mint green magic came out of his right hand. He felt…powerful.

"Whoa…" Belt said as he watched the magic disappeared from his palm. "This is interesting."

Realizing how long he was away for, he decided to go home and come clean to his parents. But he decided to take the other pair of rings; the yellow one. He crept towards them and was about to grab them. He expected them to become attached to his hands, but surprisingly, they didn't.

Smiling, he took the yellow rings and went off, with the green rings still stuck on his wrists.

In a medium-sized clearing, there lied a large house. Inside was a couple of wolves; Dory was a female light purple wolf and Booth was a male blue wolf.

They both worked as lumberjacks as it was their job to give Forest Tournament Town wood supply. They could have lived at the town, but they preferred to be in the woods, so that they would be next to the trees without having to walk through the long streets to get them.

At this moment, they were stressed out. Since they were busy, they lost track of Belt. They always reminded him to not walk off, but he was still too young to understand.

"We will," said Dory, taking a phone call. "Thank you."

She turned off her phone and faced her husband.

"Mr Lehem said he didn't see him at the town," said Dory.

Booth growled. "This is just great. Where can our son be?"

At this, their door opened. It was Belt.

"Hey, Mum! Hey Dad!" he said.

Booth and Dory turned around to see their son.

"Belt!" said Booth.

"Where were you?" said Dory firmly.

"I was outside," answered Belt honestly. He knew that it was bad telling lies.

"We've told you many times not to go out by yourself!" said Booth strictly.


"And, what…are…those?"

Booth was pointing to the rings Belt was holding. Both Booth and Dory were looking at the rings he was wearing.

"Um…I found them in a cave," said Belt.

"What kind of rings are those?" said Dory.

"They look interesting," said Booth. "Do you know what they do?"

Belt shook his head. "I just found them."

"…maybe we should ask Mayor Wills about this," said Dory. "He and his government team may know what to do."


"…what was that?" said Booth.

The three wolves looked behind.

Coming from the back door, a robot smashed through. It had a round grey body with two red eyes, a dark grey visor, black arms and black legs, and the hands were blasters. None of the wolves knew where the robot came from.

"Belt! Get behind me!"

Belt went behind his parents, fearing the robot in front of them. It started to move forward.

"What are we going to do?" whimpered Belt.

"Clay is still in his room," said Booth. "We need to get him!"

"I'll distract the robot," said Dory. "You'll get Clay."

Dory looked at the little wolf. "Belt, hide behind the sofa!"

Belt did what his mother told him. As Belt quickly hid, Dory went on the left. She called the robot and caught its attention, arming herself with an ax.

"Eyes on me here!" she said.

Booth sneaked on the right and headed upstairs. But the robot acted quickly.

It shot a beam of a laser in front of the blue wolf, causing him to fall down the stairs. Dory threw her ax, but the robot just shot it, breaking it into pieces.

The robot pointed its hands at the parents. Left was Dory and right was Booth. It was about to shoot before Belt quickly revealed his hiding place.

"STOP!" he cried.

But then, Belt accidentally made a mint-green ball of energy and it zoomed towards the robot. But it missed and instead hit the oven.


?, 6 years ago

It would have been a memory that I would have forgotten over time, but this is such a small memory that meant nothing. It was just a day that was the same as all the others. Before everything, before the war, before everyone's dead.

I was chasing Addison across the room, laughing as we were bouncing off walls. The two of us called a sleepover with each other and we were having fun together. I used a boost of speed and tackled Addison playfully onto the couch.

"Oh Beth!" she giggled.

I laughed. "You're it!"

I heard footsteps. Looking up, I saw my father coming into the room. The tall lavender male cat came in as his long front hair bounced around, nearly covering his eyes. He ruffled his black police vest with the golden badge shining by the light.

"Hi there, girls!" he said with that sweet voice I always know.

"Daddy!" I squealed, jumping off and hugged my Father lovingly. He laughed and ruffled my head between my ears.

"Hi there, Mr Lehem!" said Addison. "How was work today?"

"It was alright," said Father. "Have to arrest a few men from usual addictions, but it was fine."

I watched the pink fox crawled towards him. "Did you choose to be a police cop because you want to be one?"

Father nodded. "Well…yeah. When I was your age, I was pretty inspired to be a police cop. That is why I decided to chase my childhood dream after my little daughter came into my life."

He pulled me and Addison together. "What do you two want to be when you two grow up?"

Addison's face beamed up. "I want to be a princess one day!"

Father laughed at this. "Young child…ALL girls are princesses! You don't need to try to be like one. You know what they say; treat women like queens. You just don't know that yet."

Addison nodded. "Well, now I'm starting to think so."

My smile started to fade. Addison REALLY love to imagine what she wanted to be in the future. She was always persistent in chasing her dreams while I on the other hand…

"And what do you want to be, Beth?" asked Father to me. "You haven't told me yet."

I shrugged. "I don't know…a police cop?"

Addison looked at me, her tail wagging. "Like your dad?"

"Like me?" said Father.

I looked down, shrugging. "I don't know. I don't think it's a good idea to be a cop and the kids at school make fun of me for that."

Addison didn't smile at that. My father's smile dropped, his eyes slightly widening.

"Beth," he said in a calm tone. "Is this about what is happening at school recently?"

I closed my eyes and my head started to shake. "Z-Zach told me that I am nothing but a 'useless girl'…but that makes sense since there aren't many policewomen out there in the world."

Father looked concerned. "What's wrong with the lack of policewomen in the world?"

I looked away, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

Addison looked troubled, unable to speak.

However, Father had his ways.

"Beth," he said. "Look at me."

I forced myself to look at him. He placed his hands around my shoulders.

"I know that you don't get along with most of the kids here," he said. "But the world needs people like you. Listen; I'm out there keeping everyone safe and I'm one of the most trusted police cops in Australia. But one day, you…I mean…EVERYTHING about you will keep the world a better place. There aren't a lot of policewomen out there…but being a good-hearted cop is the most important thing. I will be smiling…if you support those who are vulnerable. I'll let you think about if you want to be a police cop like me, but I'm sure that the people you save will want to be like you."

Hearing this, I felt a little better. I know that a lot of kids always tell me that I was a failure, but my father was one of the people I always love and cherish.

Hearing that people would want to be like me one day made me feel better.

"You think?" I asked.

Father smirked. "Not I think. I KNOW."

Addison hugged me from behind. "You are still special! You know that."

I smiled. "Yeah."

With that, Father hugged the two of us in a loving bear hug.

I chuckled happily.

"That's my little girl," my Father said.

?, 12 years ago

"HEY! What are you doing there?"

"Uh no…she found out!"




"A medal?"

"A what?"

"A…a…a medal!"

"…why would someone as worthless as you have a medal?"

"I-I did good today at school, Mama! I helped out cleaning the entire class by myself and the teacher thanked me! I really like her. She is nice."

"…pfft. This medal looks REALLY outclassed. It barely has any shine and it lacks cleanliness. This is really worthless."

"But, Mama…everything I got is worthless you said. That's why I hid this medal from you. It's the first thing I got as a prize"



"OW! No…no…my medal!"

"Throw those pieces away and get out of my sight!"


Present Day, Eggman Empire Fortress

The bubbling noises filled the room from the thousand tubes; all filled with water. They were used to make the finest and the most dangerous weapons on Earth. The notorious Dr Eggman entered the laboratory and walked through the test tubes.

"Sonic…how I hate him," he grumbled before stopping by at one of the tubes. "And all of the loathing has been focused into this invincible instrument of destruction."

The tube Eggman was looking at revealed to contain some strange creature inside; it was wearing a mask and a glowing ruby on its chest.

"Every defeat. Every humiliation at the hedgehog's hands will be returned a thousandfold by my unstoppable creation. This is my dream come true. With this invention, I can expand the Eggman Empire across the globe and conquer…THE WORLD."

The doctor started to laugh maniacally, totally satisfied by his evil plans.

Meanwhile, the creature in the tube watched…ready to cause destruction.

He would prove that he wasn't weak.

A few days later, Park Avenue, America

The day had come.

The town was under attacked.

Fire flew from the burning buildings.

Battleships appeared in the skies.

Endless armies of robots marched through the streets.

Many people were running for their lives.


Screams could be heard. Many people were running away. On one side of the city were a group of civilians cornered by menacing robots.

"Stay back!" yelled a young yellow male fox with two tails, protecting the group from being hurt.

However, the robots still came towards them. Just when it seemed to be the end, a blue blur flew by and smashed through the robots with ease. It landed on its feet to reveal a blue male hedgehog with emerald eyes, white gloves and white and red shoes.

"Is everyone OK?" said Sonic.

"We are," said Tails smiling. "Thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close though, pal."

The group cheered for Sonic – the worldwide hero had saved them from peril. However, the moment was cut off when a sinister laughter could be heard.

"Oh no," said Tails, realizing who that was. He then turned to the crowd. "You guys get out of here, now."

The people started to quickly make their way out by going through an alley. One of them – a 19 years old male cat with brown orange fur, dark brown eyes and wore a tan cap, a small green scarf, a brown collared shirt, brown gloves and brown shoes – decided to watch the scene from the alley.

Coming to the area was Dr Eggman in his Egg Mobile, with his usual madman face on.

"OK," said Sonic, getting into attack position. "Let's finish this, Eggman!"

"It will be YOUR finish, Sonic," said Eggman. "Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!"

Sonic just rolled his eyes. Whatever this 'ultimate masterpiece' was, it would be just some toy the blue hedgehog could destroy easily. He jumped towards the mad doctor, but…


He was knocked to the side and banged hardly onto the ground. Tails gasped as he hid behind some debris and so did the young cat.

Sonic looked up to see what hit him.

"Shadow?" said Sonic. "It's you?"

The black and red hedgehog just stared at Sonic without saying anything. Another figure appeared; a large muscular red Zeti.

"Zavok?" said Sonic.

This was followed by a blue robot in the shape of Sonic.


Finally, a humanoid body made from water.


Sonic looked at the line-up of the villains he faced before. What was going on and how did Eggman managed to get them? Didn't they have bad relationships with him before? And why is Shadow on their side?

"Something doesn't look right," thought Sonic. "Other than Metal Sonic, I don't understand why they side with Eggman. And Shadow…I don't know if that's him or if he is hypnotized. How do I stop them?"

And then, in came the final person. It was an anthropomorphic black male animal with white long dreadlocks, a white collar, white stripes on the back and a large long bushy tail with a white tip. He wore black sharp gloves with silver streaks on the back, pointed metal black hi-tops with red soles. The most extraordinary thing about him was that on his chest was a glowing red tetrahedron-shaped ruby with black ripple patterns. His body was surrounded by a red aura.

Sonic sighed. Whoever the heck that person was, he better stop him. The blue hedgehog charged at the new opponent with a boost in the speed of light, but…

…the masked creature quickly moved out of the way.

"Huh?" said Sonic confused.

"Whoa!" said Tails. "This guy is faster than Sonic!"

"What?" said the cat.

The masked creature then fired a laser at Sonic, but the latter quickly dodged. Sonic attempted to use his Homing Attack , only to be kicked in the air by the creature and then roundhouse kicked into a building.


This caused part of the building he hit crumbled down. Sonic fell onto the floor painfully, dark bruises appearing on his chest.

"Wait! It's something else," said Tails. "Gotta scan him and figure this out."

"Ya think?" said the cat as Tails whipped out his tablet.

The young fox started to scan the masked figure's body. However…it was all jumbled out. There were a lot of words and glitches on the screen. Meanwhile, Sonic was fending for himself. He was trying to attack the mysterious figure, but was cut off by him and the other villains. Dr Eggman watched in a sense of evil satisfaction.

At one point, Chaos was about to punch Sonic only for him to block.

"What are you?" he said. "How are you doing t-?"

Out of the blue, the masked figure kicked Sonic again.

"Nice!" said Eggman.

"Tails!" said Sonic as he tried to get up. "I need to know what's going on with this guy!"

"I'm trying," said Tails as his tablet glitched more. "But these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!"

The masked creature attempted another attack only for Sonic to quickly somersault out of the way. However, the figure teleported in front of the hedgehog making another attack. Sonic was being socked and launched into the air while also being pummeled by the other villains.

"Running out of time here, Tails!" Sonic said.

That was when the masked figure raised his fist up and knocked Sonic on the head, causing him to slam on the ground in front of Tails and the cat. They both watched in concern.

"Sonic!" said Tails.

"No!" said the cat.

Sonic tried to lift himself up, but no success. His body was in pain. His head felt dizzy and bruised. He didn't have any more strength to get up.

The blue hedgehog collapsed onto the ground in defeat.

"SONIC!" cried Tails.

And that was the last thing Sonic heard before he was out like a light.

"Sonic?" said Tails, staring at the blue hedgehog. He didn't seemed to be…moving…or…breathing. "Sonic! You have to get up! Please!"

"You're already too late," said the masked monster. Its voice was gritty, demonic and glitchy.

Both Tails and the young cat looked up at the mysterious figure. Then back at Sonic. Tails kept looking around rapidly, tears in his eyes.

"Kid?" said the cat. "C'mon. It's…it's not safe here…"

Shaking his head, Tails closed his teary eyes and ran past the young cat.

"TAILS!" called the cat.

But Tails made no response. He just ran away and deeper into the alley. The cat looked back at Sonic in disbelief.





"He's dead?" said the cat in disbelief.

Eggman chuckled sinisterly. "Finish the job, Infinite."

The masked monster nodded and turned its gaze to the shocked cat. He blasted a laser at him only for the latter to quickly duck.


The laser hit one of the buildings, causing one of the walls to fall off. The cat yelped and looked back at the evil group, coming towards him menacingly. He then looked back at the motionless body of Sonic.

"I'm…I'm so sorry," the cat could only say.

He then quickly ran off into the alley with the masked monster pursuing him.

Sonic is GONE.

?, An Unknown Studio

(The point of view is a camera which is turned on, showing a director looking at it.)

TurquoiseTriangle: Is this thing on? (Smiles in relief) Good. That's good.

(The person sets the camera upwards to show a mid-shot white background. It also shows three people sitting in black seats; Clay Colourz, Beth 'Bubblegum' Lehem and Mecha Nism.)

Clay: (Reading a book called 'To Kill A Mockingbird' with a bored expression.)

Bubblegum: (Refusing to have makeup from a member of the makeup crew.)

Mecha: (Speaking in Spanish with one of the sound director.)

TurquoiseTriangle: (offscreen) Eh…in places, everyone! (At this, nearly everyone is alarmed except for Clay. The sound director and the makeup member run off.) Please don't keep me hanging.

Bubblegum: (Annoyed) Jeez. Calm down a little. Yes, you told us to come over to your dimension do this, but we got time.

TurquoiseTriangle: Sorry. I just want to film this already and get over with it before night time…and hopefully I won't get fired.

(Bubblegum rolls her eyes while Mecha gives the director an annoyed look.)

TurquoiseTriangle: Wait, I shouldn't say that.

Mecha: Are you sure that you won't send this back in our world?

TurquoiseTriangle: Don't worry. I'll make sure to keep this secret and don't let your planet know about this. To make you not uncomfortable for sharing your secrets.

Mecha: (grins in relief)

TurquoiseTriangle: Uh…anyway, we will be live in 5 seconds.

Bubblegum: (Looks over at Clay.) Clay! (Nudges Clay in the ribs.)

Clay: (Let out a short scream, dropping his book.) What?!

Bubblegum: We're about to start.

Clay: (Fidgets his hands nervously before setting his book on the floor neatly) Oh…uh…sorry.

TurquoiseTriangle: OK then. For today's show, we have Clay Colourz, Beth Lehem and Mecha Nism from the Resistance.

Clay: (Waves shyly)

Bubblegum: Hi.

Mecha: (Winks) What's up, everyone?

TurquoiseTriangle: Thank you for being here tonight, guys. Uh…it's been a few months since the war was over in your world and the audience would like to hear the whole story from your perspective.

Mecha: (Nudges Bubblegum softly.) You two do the story first.

Bubblegum: Are you sure about it? We agreed that we take turns-

Mecha: I thought about it and I'd changed my mind. You deserve most of the credits. I…I don't feel comfortable about telling the first few parts of the story.

Bubblegum: (Rubs the back of her head timidly,) Well…you got a point…so Clay, I think you should tell most of the story.

Clay: (Confused) Huh? Wait…what? (Sees Bubblegum's meaningful look.) Oh…um…hey! Didn't expect that I get to be narrating this story…well…um…uh…h-hi everyone?

(Bubblegum shakes her head in disappointment. Mecha laid back on his seat.)

TurquoiseTriangle: Before you tell us the story, can you give me a laconic summary of what happened with the war?

Clay: (Ruefully) You know what happened. Since that day…with Sonic defeated, Eggman's army quickly took over. They started to invade and conquer many countries. America, Africa, Russia…I mean EVERYONE…EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Bubblegum: (Equally depressed) Including where we lived.

Mecha: (Concerned) Many lives were lost. The death toll was rising around the world as more attacks occurred. Whoever tried to fight back would perish.

Clay: Eggman had won with that mysterious figure; being allowed to murder many innocent people, destroyed many homes and invoked fear into everyone.

Bubblegum: (Smiles slightly.) Despite the overwhelming odds, a rag-tag army formed banded together to continue the fight as other armies had fallen. Even though they were nearly small in size, they were able to save a lot of people. (Frowns) However, they weren't able to find a solution to stop Eggman.

(Both Bubblegum and Mecha stare at Clay. Clay gets a late reaction of their expressions)

Clay: Oh…uh…um…(sighs)…I never knew that I would become a solider and honestly…I don't even WANT to be one. I never asked to be a hero. I did asked for one occasion…for myself. I wanted to find my brother.

Mecha: Let's start from the beginning.

AN: Alright. We got some interesting flashbacks and the beginning cut-scenes of Sonic Forces. The scene where Sonic is defeated is similar to how it is displayed in the game, but I at least put in what happened to Tails there.

The interview just at the end of this chapter is something I thrown in. We get to see Clay, Bubblegum and Mecha as they are going to explain the story from their perspectives (Mecha will start a little later though).

Thanks for reading the first chapter! If you enjoy this story, be sure to follow or favorite this story, so you can get updates about this story. Make sure to review this chapter on what you think about this chapter. I'm OK of hearing improvements from you (please no flames).

Chapter 2 is coming soon, so keep your eyes out for it next week!

Until next time, keep on rocking!