Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not!

A twist in the graveyard scene during the Third Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Chapter 5: The cavalry finally arrives.

03/08/20 Beta by alix33. Thank you.

I don't own the Harry Potter verse. Just playing.

Summary: All the cunningly devised plans of Dumbledore and Voldemort come to naught when they meet Harry Potter in the graveyard during the Third Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. When Voldemort is a little too heavy handed when he touches Harry's scar and unleashes the Power the Dark Lord knows not. The Love of Lily Potter. And that changes everything. HHr NLLL RWLB Characters deaths.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Meanwhile, ages ago, Madam Bones' loyal team of her best Aurors, Hit Wizards and Witches, and Obliviators, with Croaker's crack team of Unspeakables, Portkeyed into a deserted field just outside the small Muggle village of Little Hangleton. Croaker quickly tracked the source of the magical disturbance to the ancient graveyard, but it was surrounded by a number of very nasty dark wards that would take time to breach. Whoever had erected these nasty wards, wanted to ensure their privacy. Two things worried Croaker; one, the magical signature on the wards was that of Voldemort who is supposed to be dead, and two, the wards were in Parseltongue.

A long time later, the Unspeakables had finally breached the last nasty dark ward and it fell with a crack.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Harry and Hermione heard a crack as the surrounding ward failed, and saw the Aurors from the DMLE with a team of Unspeakables enter the ancient graveyard.

"Ministry Aurors! Wands down!"

"It is about time you got here, Amelia!"


"Yes, Aunty." Said a beaming Susan Bones, she had copied Luna, and had wrapped the ghost of her mother, Kathleen, around herself like a big warm snuggly cuddly blanket.

"Susan? Kathleen?" A surprised Amelia asked. "What in Merlin's name is going on here?"

They all grinned as they pointed to Harry Potter. While Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Well of course, Mr Potter, I presume." Amelia smirked while the others chuckled. "I have heard so many stories about you, but aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts?"

"We were, but somebody interfered with the Tri-Wizard Tournament Trophy, and we were brought here." Harry replied as Cedric stood next to him.

"Oh? One moment please." Madam Bones chuckled as she turned to her Aurors. "Secure the site and report back." And she turned to Croaker as he addressed his Unspeakables. "Check for the dark magic used here, starting with this cauldron."

"And that ash you are standing in." Harry pointed to as Madam Bones and Croaker looked down at the gray dust on their shoes. "That is all that remains of Voldemort's brand new body."

"Him again?" Madam Bones shook her head. "Why can't he stay dead?"

"You could ask the headmaster." Harry offered.

"Don't worry, I will!" Madam Bones said as she turned to Harry. "So, how did you two end up here?"

Harry hesitated so Cedric spoke. "Harry and I worked together to defeat the last obstacle in the maze for the third task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It was a huge gigantic Acromantula. Then we decided to share the win for Hogwarts. We both touched the Tri-Wizard Tournament Trophy and it Portkeyed us to here."

"Did you know that the Trophy was a Portkey?"

"No, the headmaster omitted that detail. We were only told that to win the Third Task we had to touch the Trophy."

Madam Bones smirked as the headmaster always omitted important details. "Okay, so, what happened here?"

Harry hesitated again as he looked at Cedric, so Croaker spoke first. He knew whatever happened here would be unbelievable so he started with his list of detected dark magic.

"I am Unspeakable Croaker, Head of the Department of Mysteries. We detected a Killing Curse."

"Oh, that was Peter Pettigrew. Babymort ordered him to kill Cedric." Harry explained as he pointed to Pettigrew's damaged remains.

An Auror checked the body and reported. "Well we have found the rest of Peter Pettigrew. A little beaten up but that is definitely him. The fool must have upset Lily Potter as there are burns around his ankles consistent with her flame whip."

Madam Bones smirked as she noticed the ghosts of James and Lily standing next to Harry and Hermione. Then she pointed out. "But Cedric is still alive?"

"Obviously, he missed, and we got separated in the dark." Cedric smirked.

"Babymort?" Croaker asked.

"Oh, that was the body Voldemort possessed before Pettigrew performed the dark ritual in that cauldron." Harry replied. "He must have possessed a really ugly baby or an old hairless orangutan."

"Oh?" Croaker continued. "Most fear to say one name but you seem to have more names of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"

"Oh? Well we seem to keep running into each other and so far Voldemort has had a different form. When he possessed professor Quirrell, he was Quirrellmort. When he came out of a diary as his younger self, he was Tom-mort and in between that when he existed as a wraith, he was Wraithmort."

Croaker chuckled. "Came out of a diary?"

"Er, yes, it was Tom's diary and had a memory that tried to possess whoever wrote in it. Then it tried to kill a student, steal her life-force and become Tom-mort."

"Oh? What happened to the diary?"

"Er, I destroyed it with a fang from a Basilisk, and professor Dumbledore kept it."

"Of course, Dumbledore." Croaker frown and then continued. "We detected a dark ritual next."

Harry explained. "Yeah, Pettigrew dumped Babymort or an old hairless Orangutan-mort, into the cauldron, added some secret herbs and spices, and Voldemort rose up out the smoking cauldron with a brand new body. He was tall and thin, his head and face were hairless and misshaped with two slits for a nose, and glowing red eyes. He spoke with a cold but cheerful high voice as he summoned his Death Eaters to his rebirthing party."

"Rebirthing party?" Madam Bones asked.

"Yeah, that is what Voldemort called it and I was his guest of honor." Harry chuckled. "Was Tom always such a windbag?"

"Tom?" Madam Bones queried.

"Voldemort's real name in Tom Marvolo Riddle. That is the tombstone of his Muggle father and grandparents." Harry pointed to the Angel of Death behind him. "Tom murdered them."

"Voldemort's father was a Muggle?" Madam Bones asked surprised.

"Yeah, he was a half-blood. Anyways, when his Death Eaters arrived, he cursed those evil minions for their cowardliness for abandoning him. He used the Cruciatus Curse continuously. And the screaming. The screaming was horrendous." Harry paused as he shuddered again from the awful screaming.

"Well, that explains all of the Cruciatus Curses we detected." Croaker confirmed. "Where were you at that moment?"

"Oh, I was being held captive by the stone Angel of Death." Harry replied as he pointed again to the Angel of Death behind them. "Voldemort didn't want me to escape and miss the show."


"Then it was my turn, and Voldemort made a great display of how he could touch my scar. But when he touched it, it burst open and this black mist came out and floated up to enter into his nostrils." Harry said slowly.

As he wanted to avoid to say what really happened next when he touched Voldemort's throat. Who could possibly believe that he had strangled the most feared dark lord with his bare hands, and burnt his body to ash? And if they did, what would they think of him? That path led one way to Azkaban.

Then Harry remembered what a beaming Dumbledore had told him in the hospital wing after the demise of Quirrellmort. 'What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.' But the headmaster had lied, and led him to think that the whole school knew everything he had done. But that was not the case, for other than Ronald's incredible chess match which Ronald, himself, told everyone about in great detail; most of the school didn't care about what happened. A few others knew very little of what really happened in the dungeons, and nothing about professor Quirrellmort's demise. Otherwise they would have shunned him for killing the professor, like they had shunned him because of the heir of Slytherin incident.

Croaker was concerned about the dark mist, and took out his wand as he looked at Harry. "May I?"

Harry nodded and the Unspeakable waved his wand over Harry's scar and reported. "It is completely clean now and has been healed by Phoenix tears, Harry. Dumbledore has a lot to answer for."

"Thank you."

Harry hesitated as they waited for him to continue. He was angry at the headmaster for putting him in this predicament. Insisting he had to compete because his name came out of a stupid Goblet of Fire. Harry's Horcrux free razor sharp mind smirked. He knew what to blame for the dark lord's demise.

"Then it was like the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort sort of burnt to ash." Harry said as convincingly as he could, after all, he was the only who had seen Voldemort being strangled by his bare hands that was still alive. "And all these Death Eaters screamed as they grabbed their left arm as their dark mark was burning, and died very painfully."

"That is was happened to Auror Yaxley. The Death Eater died in the DMLE, and that is what started this investigation." Madam Bones added.

"Oh?" Harry was happy for the confirmation of how the Death Eaters died and then added. "And Nagini's head exploded. Boom!" As he demonstrated how the snake's head exploded with his hands.

"Nagini?" Madam Bones queried.

"Voldemort's familiar." Harry said as he pointed to the huge dead headless snake. Croaker went over to check the snake to confirm his fears that there could be more than one Horcrux.

"Hum." Croaker thought that the Goblet of Fire would be the most convincing cause of Voldemort's demise that everyone could accept. "That makes sense. The Goblet of Fire is a powerful ancient magical artifact with fire magic lost to the past. Voldemort was interfering in its Tri-Wizard Tournament, and it acted to protect Harry and punished the guilty. It would have the power to incinerate Voldemort's new body and remove him from this world. That would have killed all the Death Eaters linked to him through that cursed dark mark."

Harry was relieved. His mother's love and his bare hands were safe, and he wouldn't disappear into the Department of Mysteries to be examined. Or declared dark or dangerous.

"I concur." Madam Bones agreed. "Too many have died in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, both Champions and spectators, which is why it was discontinued. I don't understand why Dumbledore insisted it be resurrected."

"Don't forget the Dragons were his idea too." Harry added. Why not blame it all on the headmaster and the Goblet of Fire.

"Yes, I know." Madam Bones replied. "How he got Fudge to agree to that I will never know. But Lucius Malfoy cheerfully supplied the Dragons, with that nasty Hungarian Horntail as a spare in case one of them escaped."

"Oh?" Harry was not surprised and then added. "Voldemort said that Dumbledore received a prophecy about someone with the power to vanquish the dark lord. That was why he came after my family. Professor McGonagall said I have dumb luck when we faced a troll. That may be a power that defeats the dark lord as Voldemort complained about my grades."

"Well, with James and Lily back that might help your grades improve, Harry." Madam Bones said.

"And I will check the Hall of Prophecies for this prophecy about you, the dark lord and Dumbledore." Croaker said.

"Now, where did all these ghosts come from?" Madam Bones asked.

"Oh, they were trapped in Voldemort's wand. When I picked it up, it split open and they came out." Harry explained as held up Voldemort's wand.

Croaker carefully examined the white yew wand with a phoenix feather core. "That is Voldemort's wand. The evil fool has added the ancient runes to trap souls inside the wand. When Mr Potter became the new master of the wand, it released all the souls trapped inside."

"I concur." Madam Bones replied as she examined the cursed wand. "This must have been a very traumatic experience for you, Mr Potter."

"Yes, it was. But, actually it was just a typical end of the year get-together for Tom and me." Harry agreed as Hermione, James and Lily hugged him.

"And with the Goblet of Fire acting to protect you, we can blame it for all the deaths of his followers. That should stop Fudge from throwing you into Azkaban." Madam Bones explained. "Good to see you again James and Lily."

"Nice to see you too, Amelia." James replied.

"Finding Pettigrew, means that Sirius didn't betray you to Voldemort." Amelia reasoned. "Even though it was Dumbledore who testified that Sirius was your Secret Keeper."

"No, Sirius Black was innocent. He was acting as a decoy to mislead Voldemort." James added. "And, the headmaster knew this from the beginning. It was Dumbledore who performed the Fidelius charm on his old family home in Godric's Hollow, where he was hiding us."

"Oh? How in Merlin's name did he convince you to leave Potter Manor?"

James and Lily looked at each other as they asked themselves the same question.

Amelia marveled at the headmaster's actions past and present. "He has done nothing to help Sirius or Harry."

"No. He hasn't." Lily said wickedly.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Then a message Patronus in the shape of a Jailbird, arrived from the warden of Azkaban for Madam Bones, and announced to everyone.

"Madam Bones, something terrible has happened to all the Death Eaters held at Azkaban. About half an hour ago, for an unknown reason, they all together gave a blood curdling scream that spooked the poor Dementors who guarded them. Sadly, I have to report that all the Death Eaters in Azkaban have died a terrible painful death, including Bellatrix Lestrange. We don't know what has caused this but we can confirm that all the Death Eaters are dead. Be assured that Azkaban is secure and hasn't been breached, and no one has escaped."

"I didn't do that!" Harry replied as everyone looked at him as some cheered at the good news.

Neville came up to him. "Thank you anyway, Harry. My family has been avenged with the death of that wicked witch."

"Er, you're welcome, Neville. Sorry I didn't know what happened to your family."

"It's okay. I am glad you got your parents back. Mine are still alive but they have lost their minds because Lestrange."

"I am sorry; I should have been a better friend."

"Well, actually you were a very good friend for a while and then suddenly you would forget all about me until your next falling out with the redhead."

"Oh?" Harry said as he remembered what Tom had said about the headmaster's corrections.

"But, then again, you were busy dealing with Voldemort each year." Neville chuckled with Harry and Hermione.

"Well, I am finished with Voldemort now, so I will be a better friend from here on."

"That would be great Harry."

While Croaker sent a message Patronus that hopped away in the shape of a toad to his sister, Aggie, Neville's grandmother, to share the good news of the demise of the evil wicked witch.

Minutes later a message Patronus in the shape of an old buzzard flew in and landed on Croaker's shoulder, and announced in Aggie's commanding voice. "That would explain the sudden complete recovery of Frank and Alice. Whatever that wicked witch had done was broken by her death. Also, you wouldn't happen to know where Neville is. Hogwarts seems to have lost him. If you find him, send him home as his parents wish to see their son."

(July 31st. Happy Birthday, Neville and Harry. Enjoy the gift of the return of your parents.)

Luna wrapped the shocked boy in a massive hug as Harry and Hermione congratulated him. While Croaker sent another Patronus to say that Neville was safe with his friends and they would see him soon.

"I have to go, Harry."

"Of course, Neville. Congratulations, and say hello for us."

Neville smiled. "Thank you, I will. I need to return my father's wand to him."

Neville made firm arrangements with Harry and Hermione to catch up over the summer, said his goodbyes and gave his girlfriend, Luna, a nice sweet kiss that promised more. Then he called for his elf, Tigger, and with the mixed feelings of love, excitement and trepidation, he popped away to see his recovered parents.

The Aurors and Unspeakables went about as instructed to investigate and restore the graveyard. While Amelia went to hug the ghost of her brother and his family with Susan, while Croaker hugged the ghost of his brother-in-law and Neville's grandfather, as Fergus the Sorting Hat brought them up to date of what had happened at Hogwarts, with an exciting tale he called, Albus Dumbledore and the Goblet of Fire.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Cedric came over to Harry. "We have been gone a while, Harry. We must get back to Hogwarts."

"You can go, Cedric, your father will be worried about you." Harry replied.

"But we agreed to share the prize and the eternal glory."

Harry shook his head. "No. My family is here, and I don't need the gold and I don't need any more glory. If I go back, Dumbledore will want to know everything and then banish me to Durzkaban alone for the summer, or worse, Fudge might still try to send me to Azkaban for killing all those fine upstanding rich proper Pure-blood Death Eaters. I have finally vanquished the dark lord and he is not coming back. The prophecy is fulfilled and I have finished all my examinations. I am going to spend the summer with Hermione and our families and friends."

"Oh?" Cedric couldn't disagree with that.

"You go back; you are the true Hogwarts' Champion. I never wanted to be a champion. I only wanted to make sure none of the Champions died permanently in this silly Tournament."

"Oh? You're sure Harry?"

Harry looked at his parents and Hermione. "Most definitely."

"Okay then."

Harry continued. "Why don't you, Fleur and Viktor have a fourth task to decide the true Tri-Wizard Tournament Champion? You are all seekers, why not have a three way seekers duel, three seekers, three snitches and three rounds. It would be exciting and you might be able to arrange it before Fleur and Viktor go home. That would involve the other schools and win their support so Dumbledore won't be able to say no, and besides, he will be too busy searching for me to interfere."

"That is a brilliant idea, Harry." Cedric said excitedly as he felt a lot better about returning to Hogwarts alone.

"My broom is still at Hogwarts. You can use it if you like." Harry offered.

"Your Firebolt?" Cedric grinned at the possibilities.

"Yeah, I still want Hogwarts to win."

"You're on!" Cedric smiled as he shared a high 5 with Harry.

Madam Bones came over as she heard about a fourth task. "I think it is about time for you two to return to Hogwarts. I sure the headmaster will be missing you."

"Oh, I am on holidays, Madam Bones. I even have my parents' permission." Harry cheerfully replied. "Cedric is the true Hogwarts' Champion and winner of the Third Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

"Well congratulations, Cedric, and lucky you, Harry." Madam Bones answered. "I think it will take all summer to sort out this mess."


"Oh, don't be sorry Harry. You saved the lives of a lot of good people tonight. I have been trying for years to arrest these scumbags, so thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you, Harry." Madam Bones said as she put out her hand to shake Harry's. "I may need to talk to you over summer."

"Okay, not a problem."

Then she turned to Cedric.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament Trophy is still set as a Portkey that should return you to Hogwarts, Cedric." Madam Bones added with a smile. "Oh, and Cedric, tell Dumbledore and the Minister to remain at Hogwarts. I want to ask them some questions when I get there."

"Certainly Madam Bones." Cedric said with a smile that said someone was in big trouble. "Good luck, Harry, Hermione."

Cedric picked up the Tri-Wizard Tournament Trophy and vanished.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Hermione turned to Harry. "What about Ronald?"

Harry shook his head. "Ronald was already jealous of my fame and gold. He will go insane when he finds out that I have my family back."

"Good point." Hermione agreed. "In the viewing stands Ronald got hungry and bored waiting, so he went to find some more food and abandoned me. The last I saw of him was in Lavender's arms."

"So, Ronald has discovered that Lavender is a girl?"

"Yeah, I just hope he doesn't kiss like he eats." Hermione said with a disgusted face.


"Oh, don't worry. Lavender keeps a beater's bat in her handbag and I saw what she did to a Slytherin who looked at her the wrong way." Hermione replied with a wink.

"Oh? But Ronald has a very hard head."

Then Hermione realised that she needed to help Harry forget about Ronald's atrocious table manners and kissing inability. So she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him senseless.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Luna brought her mother over to introduce her to Harry and Hermione, as did Croaker and introduced Neville's Grandfather, and Susan Bones brought her the ghosts of her parents.

The graveyard was filled with joy as the group of happy reunited families made plans to catch up over the summer. Dobby popped Luna, her mother, and Neville's grandfather to Longbottom Manor to meet up with Neville and his recovered parents. Luna went to Neville's home as her father was still away on his latest trip and she wanted a chance to tidy up before her mother saw the Rookery again. She was thankful that Dobby and Winky offered to help a friend of the Great Harry Potter.

While Hermione wrote a letter to her parents about their new summer plans as Harry wrote a letter with the same information to Padfoot and invited him to come to Potter Manor. They sent both letters off with Hedwig who first flew south to deliver the letter to Hermione's parents.

Then Fawkes flamed Fergus the Sorting Hat, Harry and Hermione, James and Lily to Potter Manor while Dobby popped back to Hogwarts to collect their things after removing all of the headmaster's tracking and monitoring charms.

Dobby even delivered Harry's Firebolt to Cedric, which was fortunate, as Dobby discovered that Harry's dogfather, Padfoot, was about to rip the manipulative old headmaster a new one for losing his godson. Dobby popped the angry grim directly to Potter Manor where an annoyed Hedwig soon found him and delivered his invitation.

Dobby returned to Hogwarts to get Winky's help to find all of Luna's missing possessions and took her things with Neville's things to Longbottom Manor.

While Madam Bones' team of Aurors and the Unspeakables completed the search of the site, repaired all the damage, and removed all the bodies of the Death Eaters. While the Unspeakables took Voldemort's wand, his ashes, the cauldron and the headless snake.

Madam Bones paid particular attention to the discovery of the rest of the body of Peter Pettigrew, and the search of Lucius Malfoy's body had turned up his little black accounting book that recorded all of Voldemort's finances and all the donations Malfoy had made. She had enough on Fudge and even more on Dumbledore as it seems that all those second chances the old fool gave out were not entirely free, and had been paid for with Malfoy's gold. That should ensure Sirius Black will be finally free.

Soon the graveyard was back to what it was before as the darkness of night reclaimed it.

Croaker turned to Madam Bones. "You don't really expect Dumbledore to stay put and wait for you at Hogwarts, do you?"

Madam Bones snorted. "Oh, sweet Merlin, no. The only reason why he is not here already is because he still has to control all of the chaos he caused at Hogwarts."

"Well, may I suggest we go to check out Azkaban first and make him wait a little longer?"

"I concur."

"Well, might I suggest something else?" Croaker asked as Madam Bones nodded. "Well, Unspeakable Spook here, has developed a new Invisibility Cloak and we can test it to see if the old fool can detect it."

"That's a good idea." Madam Bones agreed and then gathered her team to go to Azkaban and sent the rest to the Ministry.

Croaker turned to Spook. "We are going to test your new Invisibility Cloak. You are to remain here under your cloak and wait for the headmaster. Record everything he does and say and then try to follow him."

Spook nodded.

"Good, report back in the morning. Remember that you must not be seen or heard, and for Merlin's sake, don't let the manipulative old fool obliviate you."

"Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

Madam Bones and Croaker cheerfully first went to check out Azkaban with a small team of loyal Aurors and Unspeakables. Their investigation showed that Azkaban hadn't been breached and was still secured. They removed the bodies of the Death Eaters before finally going to Hogwarts.

They were looking forward to being very busy over the summer to sort out the mess and follow where all of Malfoy's gold had come from, and whose pockets it ended up in.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -

Thank you for reading.

- Lily's Love – The Power the Dark Lord knows not! -