Disclaimer: I own Nothing. Also, Squigly and her family are all alive and Squigly is 18 as to not make her future relationship with Izuku pedophilia or necrophilia. And finally, Squigly's father Roberto has Leviathan, and if Leviathan was given to Squigly Roberto would have a terrible injury as Leviathan is linked through his arm.

Chapter 12: Meeting the Contiellos.

Izuku was talking with Parasoul as he was spending the day with her, Eri, and Umbrella in the Palace, also he was being brought to a celebration of a noble woman's birthday as a plus one. He was glad to hear that while the medici's were invited originally their invites were revoked as the Contiello's the family hosting the celebration found out about their crimes.

The Contiello family was honorable and refused to deal with the Medici anymore, and helped with the arrest of most of the Medici Mafia members. "Oh, I just remembered... I told the Contiello's about you, and their daughter was interested in meeting you. They didn't Believe me about you having a child when you weren't married until I told them that Eri was adopted." Parasoul said.

"Understandable, me and Eri don't really look a like anyways so people either think I was babysitting or know I adopted her." Izuku chuckled as he picked up his cute adopted daughter who giggled. "Did you show them the printed picture of Me and Eri you keep in your wallet as well?" Izuku asked jokingly, but Parasoul nodded.

"They nearly had heart attacks from the wholesomeness." Umbrella said bluntly. "Though Mr. Contiello said that he still thought that his daughter was the cutest." She added as she reached up to Eri so she could dote on the adorable munchkin she hoped would become her niece. The green haired male gave Eri to Umbrella and the two hugged causing the him and the older princess to laugh slightly.

"So how long til we go to the party?" Izuku asked. "Well they wanted to meet you a couple hours earlier and the party starts at 6 pm. It is currently midday so I'd say we should head over at 1." Parasoul replied. The green haired young man nodded and he smiled softly. "Am I able to wear something more casual? Or would they prefer me to wear a suit?" He asked.

"A suit would be best, but it could just be the pants the shirt and the vest." The princess answered as he linked her arm with his. Izuku blushed at this but he accepted it, knowing full well he can't say no to her or the other girls he had feelings for. Truth be told they ended up forming a polyamory, or a harem at best and came up with a plan on how not to overwhelm Izuku though.

The plan was simply put that Nadia and Minette would share him on Mondays, Carol and Filia on Tuesdays, Eliza and Parasoul on Thursdays, Double and Valentine on Fridays, Cerebella was given Wednesday to herself and him, but they all know Izuku would end up getting more girls into his harem even if they didn't want that to happen.

It was currently Thursday but Eliza was busy with running Bastet's den, also it was a punishment for her to stay away as she essentially violated Izuku in his sleep. Parasoul smiled as she and Izuku watched Eri and Umbrella having fun together, finding the two to be cute friends. Izuku smiled as well, it was relaxing and he felt content, a lovely woman by his side, watching two children playing.

He felt like he was older, having a family of his own, it truly was a peaceful life when it came down to it. He turned to Parasoul and gave her a kiss on the cheek, causing the princess to blush. Umbrella noticed this and smiled softly, Eri did as well. "Izuku.." Parasoul whispered as she was flustered.

"If you're going to do that kiss me properly." She whispered as she pulled him into a kiss, Umbrella turning her head as to not watch the display, even if it was a simple kiss. After the kiss Izuku chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around her. The couple stayed watching Umbrella and Eri play, enjoying their time together as they had seemed like a true family.

Soon enough they would have to get ready for the party. Izuku put on the red suit he received from the last party but he kept the suit coat off and he combed back his hair as best as he could. Eri wore a white child's dress, Umbrella wearing a pink one. Parasoul wore a strapless red silk dress, and matching red sleeve gloves, making her look like Jessica Rabbit from the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Izuku had fixed up Eri's hair into a bun and he made Parasoul's hair into a ponytail with braids leading to it on either side of her head. Needless to say this group had quite the attractive look, a beautiful Princess, a Handsome Prince-like young man, and two adorable girls. Izuku had one of the butlers take a picture on his phone of them, the butler smiling at the picture being taken.

Soon afterwards they all left for the Contiello's party, arriving 2 hours before the party would start as they wished to be not too early but have enough time to chat. They were led into the living room where Izuku, Parasoul, Umbrella, and Eri would meet the Contiellos. A middle aged well dressed man with slicked back black hair with grey streaks, a mustache, and a serpentine parasite in his arm.

A lovely middle aged woman with her hair in a bun and a plain purple dress, then the young woman of a daughter who had brown hair put into pigtails. She had beautiful sapphire blue eyes and fair unblemished skin, and she wore a yellow dress. "Princess Parasoul, how are you? And this must be Mister Midoriya, and his young daughter. It is nice to meet you young man." Mr. Contiello said as he shook Izuku's hand.

"It is nice to meet you as well Mr. Contiello, but do feel free to call me Izuku." Izuku said calmly as he shook the Contiello's hand. "Not to sound rude or offended, I am simply interested, but the serpentine dragon in your arm is a parasite correct?" He asked. "Why yes, My name is Leviathan. I am assuming you have met a parasite before." The parasite said.

"Indeed I have, one named Samson, his host is a girl around my age named Filia, he is rather protective of her despite how he regularly acts." Izuku said. "Samson? Caring about his host? Well I guess even he can change." Leviathan said as he huffed. "I am assuming you don't have the best history with him. But he is manageable If you know how to get on his good side." Izuku added with a chuckle.

Leviathan only nodded before he allowed his master to continue introductions. "Sorry to interrupt the little chat, not to sound upset myself but let us please introduce ourselves more." Mr. Contiello said. "Please continue, my apologies for asking about Leviathan, parasites are interesting to me if I am honest." The green haired young man said with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head.

Mr. Contiello only chuckled and then he continued. "This lovely woman is the love of my life, my wife, Selene. And this young beauty is my adorable daughter Sienna, or Squigly as we call her." He finished the introductions. "Nice to meet all of you." Izuku said and Eri followed after.

"I believe it is our turn to introduce ourselves. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this cute little snowflake is my adopted daughter Eri Midoriya." The green haired hero said, smiling as he picked up Eri. "Hello!" Eri said happily with an adorable smile. The bright sight was almost too pure for the family, it was truly adorable.

"Are you two always so adorable?" Asked Selene, wanting to dote on both of the cinnamon rolls. "We don't really try to be adorable. Eri is naturally lovable." Izuku said proudly. "Papa is the best! Ever!" Eri cheered and stayed hugging Izuku as he held her, her sweet smile causing everyone to look away.

"Too bright." Roberto said as he felt his heart ache. "How did you meet this young lass?" Leviathan asked. "That is a sensitive subject. Let's just say she came from a terrible place. I'd prefer not to talk about it." Izuku admitted, patting his daughter's head. "Understandable." Leviathan said, bowing his head.

The two groups continued chatting until they were led to the party area, Izuku noticing the karaoke set up. "So you've noticed the karaoke machine. Have you sang before?" Asked Selene. "Occasionally, I do sing Eri to sleep sometimes. Truth be told Singing helped me cheer up when I was younger." He admitted.

"You should sing a song then!" Umbrella said. "We already know you can dance, but how about you show us your singing capabilities." Parasoul added. "Maybe later on, I'd prefer to wait for a larger crowd then." Izuku replied. "Can you sing the song you usually do at bed time?" Eri asked her father.

"Of course my little snowflake, and why don't you join me?" Izuku said, Eri smiling and nodding as she hugged her father happily. The party went by quick enough, tons of people sang, and now it was finally Izuku and Eri's turn. The two walked up and instead of choosing a song, Izuku picked up a ukulele and fixed the mic stand so both him and Eri can sing into it.

"Hello everyone, my name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is my daughter Eri, we will be singing a little duet of a song I usually use to sing her to sleep. I hope you enjoy." He said with a soft smile before he started playing.

Izuku began singing softly, everyone listened to the tune and found it to be soothing. And as Izuku sang more they became more calm, his voice was soothing and cheerful even if it was very soft.

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high

And the dreams that you dream of Once in a lullaby

Eri joined in, her voice was adorable and it matched Izuku's well as they both sang, the father daughter duo sounded great together.

Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly

And the dreams that you dream of Dreams really do come true

Someday, I wish upon a star

Wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where trouble melts like lemon drops High above the chimney top

That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly

And the dreams that you dare to Oh why, oh why can't I?

Well, I see trees of green and red roses too I'll watch them bloom for me and you And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

Well, I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white And the brightness of day

I like the dark

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky And also on the faces of people passing by

I see friends shaking hands saying

How do you do?

They're really saying I, I love you

I hear babies cry and I watch them grow They'll learn much more then we'll know And I think to myself what a wonderful world World

Someday I wish upon a star

Wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where trouble melts like lemon drops High above the chimney top

That's where you'll find me

Oh, somewhere over the rainbow Way up high

And the dreams that you dare to Why oh, why can't I?

Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh

The song ended and everyone cheered, some of them teared up at the sound of the adorable duo. Eri yawned as her papa fixed the mic stand, picking up his now sleepy daughter. The cute snowflake clinging to her father as she fell asleep in his arms. No one dared to go up and sing again as they knew the sound would disturb the cute girl.

Soothing music however did play, allowing the little snowflake to sleep in her father's arms for the rest of the party. "That was beautiful." Roberto said as he wiped a tear off his face, he looked over to the cinnamon roll duo. They were the perfect father daughter duo, it was insane for him to deny that now.

The man also noticed his own daughter swooning over the adorableness, the Contiello smiled at this. He had found the perfect man to court his daughter, a man to call his son-in-law. The rest of the party went on quickly, everyone leaving one after another. Roberto pulled Izuku aside, being careful not to disturb Eri.

"Young man. You are a person I truly respect. For you to have such an adorable bond with your daughter. I know fully well you'd treat any woman just as well. It may be a spur of the moment, but if my daughter falls for you. I give you full permission to date her and eventually marry her." Roberto said with a smile.

"Thank you sir, you're daughter is lovely, and quite fun to be around. I will put her feelings into consideration if she does fall in love with me, I will not force her into anything she is uncomfortable with as well." Izuku said before receiving a pat on the back before he was allowed to leave.

Chapter end.

Edit: because someone asked. The song is Over the rainbow, I forgot the name of the one who sang this version of the song but just search it up. (Also, I literally stated above that I own nothing).