A.N. Sorry this took so long but I was researching so I could write this chapter. Mistakes are my own. Including if this number for Harry's bucket list has already been used. I did read through The List, but I may have missed a couple of Harry's check points. Enjoy!

Added something to that list

Draco joined the Gryffindor table, that had long ago been cleared of dinner. Harry was St Mungo's for his first Dialysis session, Draco would have joined him. Harry though was concerned about his probation and Draco disappearing from school wouldn't look good if people starting talking about how often it occurred. Draco could care less, but he cared about Harry and what he needed most and Draco being in Azkaban was not it.

Draco took a seat next to Pansy and opposite Blaise and Theo. Even though the Gryffindor's allowed them to sit at their table so they could research. A divide was still placed firmly between the Slytherins at the table and everyone else.

"Thought you'd be with Harry." Pansy said.

"I just dropped him off to McGonagall's office, Weasley's mother is with now him." Draco responded, "I'm going to meet him there again as planned before curfew."

"Making sure you're boyfriend is still in one piece." Blaise teased.

Before Draco could even correct Blaise. Granger spoke. "Of course Harry's going to be in one piece."

"No one asked you Granger. And it's not because we think Weasley's mother would harm him." Theo said. "Potter is just fragile, no matter who he is left with."

Granger huffed, but thankfully enough, was smart enough to not say anything.

"We've been meaning to say actually." Weasley on the other hand, needed to learn when to pick his battles. " Harry looks tired all the time and we think Harry should sleep in his bed."

"Harry does sleep in his bed." Draco replied.

"In the Gryffindor dorms." Hermione responded.

"If I recall correctly you kicked him out of the Gryffindor dorms. But do ask him Granger." Draco said. "If he says yes, I'll let you have him back as long as you can all assure me that you won't be fucking arseholes again and put Harry's safety first."

"He blocked us out!" Granger responded. "How were we supposed to know-"

"But I did." Draco interrupted, "I noticed, you want Potter back, then here's a list for you, if you can mange it all I might consider letting him go back to your common room for a while, but understand never permanently. You listening? You do not cast magic at Harry or let any stray spells near him. Under no circumstance do you let him cast magic either. He will land up in the hospital wing or at worst die. You do not let him get cold or let anyone who is ill near Harry, Potions are the only thing that works without them almost killing him. You need to make sure he eats and plenty of green vegetables, force him if you have to. Also let him sleep if he falls asleep, because Weasley is right about Harry needing his rest. Cast a notice me not if your in class, if you have to, just let him sleep when he sleeps. And last but not least, you need to make sure he is happy and content, lingering hopeless thoughts that he is allowed to dwell on does not bode well for anyone if you want to keep him alive."

"Basically don't let anything happen to Harry." Granger said

"You've got it." Draco said firmly. "I for one do not need you idiots screwing up my hard work."

"I don't know what Harry sees in you." Granger said.

"We're on the same page Granger, because I don't know how he was ever friends with you."

Mrs Weasley, was not Harry's first choice for company to his first ever dialysis session. But as he had been informed it shouldn't be so invasive as the treatment he received on a Tuesday, he figured he could at least give Draco a break. His hand responded automatically to that, grasping at the ring on the chain around his neck. Which gave him another thought. It was going to be a long evening. Harry pulled out the pack of cards from his pocket and opened it.

"Oh want to play a game?"

"Not exactly Mrs Weasley." Harry responded. "I had another idea in mind. Can I have the tray?" Once given the flat surface, Harry attempted the get the cards to stand together. "How's Mr Weasley?"

"Fine, he's working late." Mrs Weasley said, "I'd like to speak with you about Mr Malfoy."

The cards Harry had managed to get to stand fell over, as he knocked them as soon as the name was mentioned.

"I only worry that - you've not thought this through. Why you - you could have chosen to get back with Ginny."

Harry screwed up his face, he should have known that this was coming. It's not like he actually broke up with Ginny per say, he just chose to distance himself from everyone, from life. Well until Draco.

"If we had wanted to get back to together," Harry found himself saying, "then we would have. I would have made more of an effort, rather then fading away into the background. Ginny should have noticed -"

Everyone should have noticed, even if he didn't want to admit or say anything.

"I get that her and Ron were grieving, that you all were. It's why I didn't want to tell you. But if we were meant to be together, then we would be. But were not."

"There's no resolving it?"

Mrs Weasley's voice sounded so hopeful. And at one point Harry could picture himself being an official part of the Weasley family. Harry shook his head.

"I got left out and pushed aside from the moment we got back to Hogwarts. The fighting - people were hexing for no reason at all. Then because I stood up for the Slytherins. I got kicked out of Gryffindor Tower." Mrs Weasley gasped. Harry guessed Ron had not told her that. "It's OK. The Slytherin's took me in and well I've been there ever since. They're alright, once you get to know them. They look out for me and between you and me. Draco's over protective."

Mrs Weasley frowned, then a look Harry had seen on her face many times appeared. One she used when she spoke about the Dursleys. "It's your choice Harry."

It was more accepting then he ever thought he was was going to get. Draco was not his father, Harry concluded that. Just everyone he cared for would judge Draco because of his father or the error of their sixth year. And Harry went back to stacking his cards up.

"Is Kingsley still coming on Sunday?"

"Yes he said he would, why?"

Harry looked up at Mrs Weasley's friendly face. "No reason. Just wondered. Being Minster and all. I thought he might get too busy."

"You're more important right now." Mrs Weasley said. "He wants to speak you about your exams anyway. As you're so intent on taking them."

That Harry was, but he was also intent on a few other things. Completing his list it was why the deck of cards were in his hands to begin with. Harry may have added something else to that list. Without Draco knowing about it. And the only reason. Harry hadn't told him. Harry wasn't even sure where to start the added item to begin with. Until then he could compete something else.


"That's it for tonight. Let's get you back to Hogwarts." Healer Kelly said. "Take it easy though. Healer Yates said you were bound to feel a little weak."

Healer Yates was not kidding. Harry felt like he was struggling to just stand upon his own feet. Knocking over his competed stack of cards. He felt bone tired. With Healer Kelly's help he made it to the office.

"See you next week." Harry yawned at Mrs Weasley.

"Get some rest." Mrs Weasley said swiftly kissing his cheek.

Healer Kelly lit the fire and helped Harry towards it firing it up so it could through. He was not surprised that he can tumbling out of the Floo, nor was he surprised by a person catching and steading him on his feet. Harry caught the scent of vanilla. Draco, of course it was Draco.

"Come let's get you to bed."

That was the second best idea that had been thought of all day.

27. Build a house of cards.