Chloe awoke to find her bedroom strangely absent of two figures. The crib in front of her and the space behind her was void of its occupants. She sat up and ran a hand through her hair and slowly moved to get out of the large mattress. She slipped her feet into the white slippers waiting for her and walked out of the room. She heard giggles and whispers coming from down the stairs leading her to follow the noise. Chloe rounded the corner and stopped. Lucifer was sitting on the ground with Samael between his legs on his back.

Samael had grown a lot in the last three months. He had finally caught up to the weight he was supposed to be and since he had learned, the smiles had been non-stop. Lucifer made it a challenge to get his son to smile as much as he could, he would often make funny faces or speak in a high-pitched voice, he never failed to elect a smile out of the babe.

Both were shirtless, but Samael had a cap on his head hiding his curly black hair while Lucifer's was perfectly slicked back. They looked absolutely adorable together, Chloe wished she had brought her phone down with her. Lucifer made a face electing a large smile from Samael. His smile was contagious as Lucifer couldn't help but smile right back.

It was a cool night; winter just starting creep into the normally warm falls of LA. Samael had become fussier as the temperatures dropped, he preferred the heat like his father. Chloe was actually shocked that the infant wasn't throwing a fit since he was unclothed and lying in the front of the open patio doors. Usually, anything below 75 degrees had him in an uproar causing his parents to bundle him up to calm down. A breeze hit her and made her shiver trigging her mom-mode. She stepped out from around the corner and walked towards the two boys.

"Detective, look what I've just taught him to do," Lucifer said when he saw her approach. He tapped Samael's stomach lightly and grinned down at his son, Samael's head tilted slightly in curiosity at his father.

"Sammy, stretch." On cue, Samael's white wing's unfolded from his back. Just as Samael had grown, so had his wings. His wings were nowhere as impressive as his father's but they were still beautiful. They were pure white– emitting a magnificent glow that grew larger the longer they were out, and a foot in length.

Chloe's eyes widened, of course, Lucifer would be teaching him to open his wings. It wasn't like Samael wasn't doing that constantly already. Chloe rarely had an outing where Samael's wings didn't suddenly pop out, she was always on the lookout and hurriedly pushing them down the moment they sprung. It was hard to run errands and keep an eye on your Nephilim son at the same time to make sure he didn't expose celestials.

That was Chloe's biggest feat. That someday someone would see his wings and divinity would be realized among humans. That some government agency or whack-job scientist would take Samael, study him, or perform experiments. Of course, for that scenario, Lucifer would have to be dead, something entirely possible if he was around her.

"Lucifer!" She shook her head. "Why are you teaching him that? That's the last thing we need."

He looked at her with a smile, "I thought that if he learned to only take his wings out on command he might stop doing it all the time. Besides, he needs to get used to them. Good job, Sammy!" Lucifer placed a kiss on the infant's forehead.

He received a smile and a coo in response.

"And what are you doing sitting him in front of the door? It's winter, Lucifer, he could catch a cold. He's only three months!" She shot him a glare before she scooped up Sammy and held him in her arms. "You need to be more careful."

Lucifer was on his feet quickly, "If I even thought for a moment that he was in any kind of danger he wouldn't be in the situation."

"Not that's not what I-"

"He's my son too. I would never harm him or let anything hurt him. What do I have to do to prove that to you?"

She sighed, "Nothing, I know you would never let anything t happened to him. I'm just nervous. I go back to work in two weeks and we haven't found a babysitter– that might not even be a good idea since he can't control his wings. Maze can't watch him all the time and we can't bring him to crime scenes. We need to figure something out." Lucifer nodded in agreement. Who knew that finding someone you trusted to take care of your child and knew about celestials would be hard.

"Can't you talk to Amenadiel?" Chloe asked.

The brothers hadn't spoken in two months. Amenadiel had been furious when he saw Samael's wings for the first time.

"Of course the offspring of the favorite child would have wings," Amenadiel said looking at the small pair of wings on Samael's back.

"They're beautiful." Linda leaned down to touch them gently causing them to retract quickly.

"He doesn't like it if you touch them," Chloe explained rocking the baby and stroking his back. "I think it hurts or something."

"It doesn't hurt, it's just foreign," Lucifer said. "Brother?" he looked at Amenadiel.

"Why him? Why Samael and not Charlie? Is it simply because of his namesake?" Amenadiel shouted.

"I'm completely fine with this, with Charlie not having wings" Linda held up her hands. "I'd rather you guys deal with it than us."

"It's not fair, Linda." Amenadiel turned to his partner. "Charlie is just as much of a celestial as Samael, and yet he wasn't blessed."

"Blessed? I'd rather he didn't have them!" Lucifer yelled at his brother.

"Of course you'd say that! Your father's favorite!"

"Me? We established that I wasn't when he gave you the piece for the flaming sword. I'm far from his favorite."

"Then why give it to only one of his grandchildren? It's favoritism."

"I don't want him to have the bloody things!"

"Then get rid of them!"

Lucifer took a step back, "Are you suggesting that I mutilate my newborn son?"

"I'm saying if you don't want him to have them then it's only fair. You got rid of your own, didn't you?"

"And that pissed you off! You said I was a fool for cutting off my wings. I can't believe you would suggest that." Lucifer took a deep breath. "Chloe, we're leaving." He put a hand on Chloe's back to turn her around. "I came to you because I needed help, brother, but you've made me regret that decision. I don't want you anywhere near my child. Linda," he looked at the doctor. "You and Charlie are more than welcome as always." Lucifer shot a final glare at his brother before they left.

"No." Lucifer shook his head. "He needs to apologize before I even consider talking to him."

Linda was the only one who had come to visit them since that night; Amenadiel refused to let her take Charlie with her. Chloe and Linda had been working with them slowly to reconnect with each other, if not for the adult's sake then for the children. Charlie and Samael were cousins, their mothers wanted them to spend time together, but their fathers were making that impossible. Amenadiel was Charlie's full-time caretaker so Linda couldn't even sneak him away, they hadn't seen baby Charlie since the fight. Chloe had enjoyed the handful of visits with Charlie and Linda. The two boys would nap together while the adults talked about all the challenges of raising a celestial son.

"What time does the urchin arrive?" Lucifer asked as he shut the patio doors.

"Should be around nine." Chloe adjusted her hold on Samael. Lucifer nodded and walked back over to the duo.

"Let's get some sleep, shall we?" He gave both Chloe and Samael a kiss.

Chloe flipped the pancake and glanced at the window; it was almost nine. Trixie would be home any minute, it was a miracle in itself that they had convinced her to go with Dan to his parent's house. Chloe thought the timing was perfect, it gave her and Lucifer some time alone with Samael to settle into a grove. She was making Trixie's favorite breakfast of eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and waffles. Chloe wanted it to be a proper homecoming, so she cooked while Lucifer and Samael slept.

Samael had slept all night which surprised Chloe, he usually woke her up every few hours for a feeding or changing; almost as if he knew how important today was, he made every attempt to let her sleep. That hadn't stopped her from getting up and checking on him though. Every three hours she was checking on him, making sure he was breathing and that his wings hadn't come out.

Lost in thought Chloe didn't hear the sound of a car pulling in front of the house, or Trixie opening the door. It was the slam shut that pulled her out just in time to see Dan's Ford mustang drive away.

"Hi, mom." Trixie dropped her bags in the living room and walked over.

"Hi, Monkey! I missed you!" Chloe put the spatula down and went to hug her daughter.

"Mom, we talked about this," Trixie said not returning the hug. "I'm twelve now, you can't call me 'monkey' anymore, that's a baby's name and I'm not your baby anymore."

"What are you talking about? You'll always be my baby." Chloe pulled away.

"No, that's Sammy." Trixie walked around her and sat at the dining table.

"I can have two babies." Chloe walked back into the kitchen with a frown.

"Whatever…" Trixie rolled her eyes. "Where is Sammy? And Lucifer, are they here?" She seemed more excited to see them than her own mother.

"They're sleeping." Chloe got their plates ready. "It's just you and me for a little bit." Chloe grabbed the plates and sat across from her daughter. "How was your trip?"

"It was fun." Trixie nodded biting into a pancake. "Grandma and grandpa got a new trailer so we went camping a lot."

"And how's your dad?" Chloe asked.

"He's… okay." Trixie answered hesitantly.

After Dan had walked in with Samael's wings out and he regained consciousness, they had told him the truth. Lucifer was the devil, Amenadiel was an angel, Pierce as Cain and Charlotte as the Goddess of all creation and Lucifer's mom. Chloe had thought he was going to have a mental breakdown but instead, he sat in complete silence as they talked. Once they were finished, he had gotten up and left. Chloe couldn't get a hold of him at all, he had disappeared for a week. Then he came back with a brand-new car– a 2005 Mustang GT– and had all but ignored Chloe.

They had talked only once after his return, he was furious that Chloe would allow Trixie around Lucifer knowing what he was, what Maze was. They had gotten into a huge argument; Lucifer had been wise and stayed out of it, he had grabbed Trixie and Samael and left the house so they wouldn't hear. Dan had threatened to get a lawyer and get full custody of Trixie but that threat didn't go far. Chloe reminded him that she was more than generous with their court-ordered custody arrangement, she allowed him to have Trixie more than she legally had to, she could stop that at any time. Besides, he couldn't prove to any court that Lucifer was an actual threat to their daughter, he had almost died trying to protect her, so he had no actual ammo to get full custody.

He had stormed out of the house and hadn't talked to her since; all communication going through Trixie. Lucifer had tried to appeal to him once he saw how distressed Chloe was, he told Dan that he would never harm Trixie or Chloe in any way, they were completely safe. Dan had responded by punching Lucifer in the face. Lucifer didn't retaliate. He let Dan punch him and instead pointed out how the situation was affecting Trixie. He dodged that punch and left Dan's house. But not before he made a promise that if Dan yelled at Chloe again Lucifer wouldn't just get out of the way the next time. They hadn't had a case together yet since Chloe was still on maternity leave so she would find out how awkward that would be in a few weeks.

"Good, good, I'm glad your dad is good." Chloe nodded. Trixie pursed her lips and they sat in silence to eat their breakfast.

"Lucifer!" Trixie shouted quickly getting up from the table and meeting the devil in a hug.

"Hello, Urchin." He awkwardly embraced the hug. He was much better at returning her affections although they were often hesitant.

"Is Sammy up yet? I want to see him too."

"He's in our bedroom asleep, and I'd like him to stay that way." He told her straightening his suit jacket.

"I'll be really quiet, I promise!" Trixie went around him and climbed up the stairs as Chloe watched.

"Good morning, Detective. Sleep any better?" Lucifer kissed her cheek.

"No," she shook her head. "I kept getting up to check on him. He's too quiet, Lucifer, babies are supposed to cry."

"Do you not remember the wing incident? His vocal cords are just fine." Lucifer poured himself a cup of coffee.

On one unfortunate night, Samael's wings had unfurled and got pinched in the crib, that had been a painful night for all three of them; Chloe tried to comfort Samael as Lucifer did his best to bandage the small wing. Chloe had no idea what it was like, what pain Samael was in, but it didn't stop her from crying at her son's pain contorted face, even Lucifer's eyes had pooled slightly at his son's cries. Keeping the bandages on had been another long battle.

"I know, I know, I just worry. The older and bigger he gets the more problems we seem to have and Trixie doesn't want me calling her monkey anymore. Can you believe that? It was practically yesterday when she adored that name."

Lucifer listened as she talked.

"Now, she's all grown up and soon she won't need me anymore. Soon she'll just be one of those girls at Lux dancing the night away and drinking. Then she'll be getting married…" She stopped at Lucifer's snort. "Something funny?" she turned to him.

"First of all, I wouldn't let her be 'one of those girls' at Lux, I might not even allow her in. Secondly, she just turned twelve, she's nowhere near ready for marriage. You're thinking way too far in the future, Detective, enjoy it now." He placed a cup of coffee in front of her.

She eyed the mug temptingly, "I can't, Lucifer. Anything I drink goes into the breast milk meaning Samael gets a caffeine boost in six hours."

"And what's the harm? You don't have to drink as much as you normally did, just a cup. Give in to your desires. Samael will understand that part, trust me. Besides, there's enough milk in the fridge to start a dairy farm. Ouch!" She hit him on the back of the head. "That hurt!" He whined.

"Oh, boo, the devil got a little smack to the back of the head. Poor baby." She gave him a fake smile and took a sip of the coffee. "God that's good–and not a word, Lucifer."

He narrowed his eyes at her but said nothing.

"Have you talked to him at all? You know…." She pointed a finger towards the ceiling.

"No, I have not and I don't care to," Lucifer said following her finger with his eyes.

He still hadn't told her the whole conversation he'd had with his dad. Chloe tried to get it out of him several times and he would tense up, the conversation usually ended in a fight, something Chloe was trying to avoid these days. So, she dropped the subject. She stopped pushing him, knowing that when he was ready to share she would be there for him with open arms and ears.

"The old man can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned." Lucifer chuckled. That would be an amazing sight. "Although, Dad usually sends one of my siblings down to do his bidding-" He was interrupted by a cry. "Urchin, I thought I told you to leave him sleeping!" Lucifer jogged up the stairs to the nursery.

Chloe shook her head with a smile, seemed like things never changed. She took another sip out of the mug and savored the flavor, closing her eyes as she did. She had missed coffee the most during her pregnancy. Cops being addicted coffee was one of the stereotypes that was true, Chloe didn't know a single person at the station that didn't like coffee–except Lucifer of course. He would drink coffee but he wasn't a fan of it, he preferred liquor to the warm drink but he wasn't exactly a cop.

She heard a woosh sound from behind her. "Lucifer, I thought we talked about you flying the house, it sets a bad example for Sammy."

"I'm not Lucifer." A high-pitched voice came from behind her.

"Lucifer!" Chloe turned quickly in her chair to see a woman standing behind her. The woman had brown hair in a bowl cut and was dressed in a large maroon cloak. "Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, Chloe." The woman tilted her head and took a single step towards Chloe. Chloe jumped up and pressed herself against the table behind her.

"Lucifer!" She shouted again.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Why would I hurt my nephew's mom?"

"Your nephew?" Chloe's eyebrows furrowed.

"Azrael?" Lucifer was suddenly by her side. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, big brother." Azrael waved at him. "Thought I'd stop by for a visit, I haven't met my nephew yet, though word around the Silver City is that he's mighty cute, looks just like you. What kind of aunt would I be if I didn't visit? Also…"

"Azrael!" Lucifer shouted interrupting her. "What do you really want? I know you're not here for a social call." Through Azrael's small speech Lucifer had moved to stand in front of Chloe, protecting her.

Azrael sighed. "You're right big brother, I'm not here for a social call. I'm here because-"


All their heads turned towards the voice. Trixie was standing at the bottom of the stairs with Samael in her arms. Chloe rushed over and stood in front of them as Lucifer had done for her.

"Oh, Dad, he is cute." Azrael smiled trying to peer around Chloe to see the baby. "Looks just like you would have as a baby, I imagine, Luce. Better than Amenadiel's child as well."

"Rae-Rae, please, why are you here?" Lucifer asked attempting to grab his sister's attention.

"Oh, right." She stepped towards Lucifer. "I have a message for you from dad, he said it's important."

"What could possibly be so important that he would send you down to give it to me?" Lucifer scoffed.

"It's about the child, your son." Azrael took a deep breath. "He's going to die."